/*! * bundle created at "Thu Jul 11 2019 15:24:35 GMT+0900 (GMT+09:00)" * version: 3.9.0 */ (function webpackUniversalModuleDefinition(root, factory) { if(typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module === 'object') module.exports = factory(require("underscore"), require("tui-code-snippet"), require("backbone"), require("jquery"), require("tui-date-picker"), require("tui-pagination")); else if(typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) define(["underscore", "tui-code-snippet", "backbone", "jquery", "tui-date-picker", "tui-pagination"], factory); else if(typeof exports === 'object') exports["Grid"] = factory(require("underscore"), require("tui-code-snippet"), require("backbone"), require("jquery"), require("tui-date-picker"), require("tui-pagination")); else root["tui"] = root["tui"] || {}, root["tui"]["Grid"] = factory(root["_"], (root["tui"] && root["tui"]["util"]), root["Backbone"], root["$"], (root["tui"] && root["tui"]["DatePicker"]), (root["tui"] && root["tui"]["Pagination"])); })(this, function(__WEBPACK_EXTERNAL_MODULE_2__, __WEBPACK_EXTERNAL_MODULE_3__, __WEBPACK_EXTERNAL_MODULE_5__, __WEBPACK_EXTERNAL_MODULE_7__, __WEBPACK_EXTERNAL_MODULE_34__, __WEBPACK_EXTERNAL_MODULE_38__) { return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap /******/ // The module cache /******/ var installedModules = {}; /******/ // The require function /******/ function __webpack_require__(moduleId) { /******/ // Check if module is in cache /******/ if(installedModules[moduleId]) /******/ return installedModules[moduleId].exports; /******/ // Create a new module (and put it into the cache) /******/ var module = installedModules[moduleId] = { /******/ exports: {}, /******/ id: moduleId, /******/ loaded: false /******/ }; /******/ // Execute the module function /******/ modules[moduleId].call(module.exports, module, module.exports, __webpack_require__); /******/ // Flag the module as loaded /******/ module.loaded = true; /******/ // Return the exports of the module /******/ return module.exports; /******/ } /******/ // expose the modules object (__webpack_modules__) /******/ __webpack_require__.m = modules; /******/ // expose the module cache /******/ __webpack_require__.c = installedModules; /******/ // __webpack_public_path__ /******/ __webpack_require__.p = ""; /******/ // Load entry module and return exports /******/ return __webpack_require__(0); /******/ }) /************************************************************************/ /******/ ([ /* 0 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /** * @fileoverview The entry file of Grid * @author NHN. FE Development Lab */ 'use strict'; var Grid = __webpack_require__(1); __webpack_require__(83); Grid.setLanguage('en'); module.exports = Grid; /***/ }), /* 1 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /** * @fileoverview The Grid class for the external API. * @author NHN. FE Development Lab */ 'use strict'; var _ = __webpack_require__(2); var snippet = __webpack_require__(3); var View = __webpack_require__(4); var ModelManager = __webpack_require__(6); var ViewFactory = __webpack_require__(33); var DomEventBus = __webpack_require__(58); var DomState = __webpack_require__(59); var PublicEventEmitter = __webpack_require__(60); var PainterManager = __webpack_require__(61); var PainterController = __webpack_require__(72); var NetAddOn = __webpack_require__(73); var ComponentHolder = __webpack_require__(76); var util = __webpack_require__(17); var i18n = __webpack_require__(42); var themeManager = __webpack_require__(77); var themeNameConst = __webpack_require__(10).themeName; var instanceMap = {}; /** * Grid public API * @class Grid * @param {Object} options * @param {Array} [options.data] - Grid data for making rows. * @param {Object} [options.header] - Options object for header. * @param {number} [options.header.height=40] - The height of the header area. * @param {Array} [options.header.complexColumns] - This options creates new parent headers of the multiple columns * which includes the headers of spcified columns, and sets up the hierarchy. * @param {boolean} [options.virtualScrolling=false] - If set to true, use virtual-scrolling so that large * amount of data can be processed performantly. When using this option that sets true, the rowHeight option * must set value. * @param {string|number} [options.rowHeight] - The height of each rows. The default value is 'auto', * the height of each rows expands to dom's height. If set to number, the height is fixed. * @param {number} [options.minRowHeight=40] - The minimum height of each rows. When this value is larger than * the row's height, it set to the row's height. * @param {string|number} [options.bodyHeight] - The height of body area. The default value is 'auto', * the height of body area expands to total height of rows. If set to 'fitToParent', the height of the grid * will expand to fit the height of parent element. If set to number, the height is fixed. * @param {number} [options.minBodyHeight=minRowHeight] - The minimum height of body area. When this value * is larger than the body's height, it set to the body's height. * @param {Object} [options.columnOptions] - Option object for all columns * @param {number} [options.columnOptions.minWidth=50] - Minimum width of each columns * @param {boolean} [options.columnOptions.resizable=true] - If set to true, resize-handles of each columns * will be shown. * @param {number} [options.columnOptions.frozenCount=0] - The number of frozen columns. * The columns indexed from 0 to this value will always be shown on the left side. * {@link Grid#setFrozenColumnCount} can be used for setting this value dynamically. * @param {number} [options.columnOptions.frozenBorderWidth=1] - The value of frozen border width. * When the frozen columns are created by "frozenCount" option, the frozen border width set. * @param {Object} [options.treeColumnOptions] - Option object for the tree column. * @param {string} [options.treeColumnOptions.name] - The name of column that makes tree column. * @param {boolean} [options.treeColumnOptions.useIcon=true] - If set to true, the folder or file icon is created on * the left side of the tree cell data. * @param {boolean} [options.treeColumnOptions.useCascadingCheckbox] - If set to true, a cascading relationship is * created in the checkbox between parent and child rows. * @param {Object} [options.copyOptions] - Option object for clipboard copying * @param {boolean} [options.copyOptions.useFormattedValue] - Whether to use formatted values or original values * as a string to be copied to the clipboard * @param {boolean} [options.useClientSort=true] - If set to true, sorting will be executed by client itself * without server. * @param {string} [options.editingEvent='dblclick'] - If set to 'click', editable cell in the view-mode will be * changed to edit-mode by a single click. * @param {boolean} [options.scrollX=true] - Specifies whether to show horizontal scrollbar. * @param {boolean} [options.scrollY=true] - Specifies whether to show vertical scrollbar. * @param {boolean} [options.showDummyRows=false] - If set to true, empty area will be filled with dummy rows. * @param {?string} [options.keyColumnName=null] - The name of the column to be used to identify each rows. * If not specified, unique value for each rows will be created internally. * @param {boolean} [options.heightResizable=false] - If set to true, a handle for resizing height will be shown. * @param {Object} [options.pagination=null] - Options for tui.Pagination. * If set to null or false, pagination will not be used. * @param {string} [options.selectionUnit='cell'] - The unit of selection on Grid. ('cell', 'row') * @param {Array} [options.rowHeaders] - Options for making the row header. The row header content is number of * each row or input element. The value of each item is enable to set string type. (ex: ['rowNum', 'checkbox']) * @param {string} [options.rowHeaders.type] - The type of the row header. ('rowNum', 'checkbox', 'radio') * @param {string} [options.rowHeaders.title] - The title of the row header on the grid header area. * @param {number} [options.rowHeaders.width] - The width of the row header. * @param {function} [options.rowHeaders.template] - Template function which returns the content(HTML) of * the row header. This function takes a parameter an K-V object as a parameter to match template values. * @param {Array} options.columns - The configuration of the grid columns. * @param {string} options.columns.name - The name of the column. * @param {boolean} [options.columns.ellipsis=false] - If set to true, ellipsis will be used * for overflowing content. * @param {string} [options.columns.align=left] - Horizontal alignment of the column content. * Available values are 'left', 'center', 'right'. * @param {string} [options.columns.valign=middle] - Vertical alignment of the column content. * Available values are 'top', 'middle', 'bottom'. * @param {string} [options.columns.className] - The name of the class to be used for all cells of * the column. * @param {string} [options.columns.title] - The title of the column to be shown on the header. * @param {number} [options.columns.width] - The width of the column. The unit is pixel. If this value * isn't set, the column's width is automatically resized. * @param {number} [options.columns.minWidth=50] - The minimum width of the column. The unit is pixel. * @param {boolean} [options.columns.hidden] - If set to true, the column will not be shown. * @param {boolean} [options.columns.resizable] - If set to false, the width of the column * will not be changed. * @param {Object} [options.columns.validation] - The options to be used for validation. * Validation is executed whenever data is changed or the {@link Grid#validate} is called. * @param {boolean} [options.columns.validation.required=false] - If set to true, the data of the column * will be checked to be not empty. * @param {string} [options.columns.validation.dataType='string'] - Specifies the type of the cell value. * Avilable types are 'string' and 'number'. * @param {string} [options.columns.defaultValue] - The default value to be shown when the column * doesn't have a value. * @param {function} [options.columns.formatter] - The function that formats the value of the cell. * The retrurn value of the function will be shown as the value of the cell. * @param {boolean} [options.columns.useHtmlEntity=true] - If set to true, the value of the cell * will be encoded as HTML entities. * @param {boolean} [options.columns.ignored=false] - If set to true, the value of the column will be * ignored when setting up the list of modified rows. * @param {boolean} [options.columns.sortable=false] - If set to true, sort button will be shown on * the right side of the column header, which executes the sort action when clicked. * @param {string} [options.columns.sortingType='asc'] - If set to desc, will execute descending sort initially * when sort button is clicked. * @param {function} [options.columns.onBeforeChange] - The function that will be * called before changing the value of the cell. If stop() method in event object is called, * the changing will be canceled. * @param {function} [options.columns.onAfterChange] - The function that will be * called after changing the value of the cell. * @param {Object} [options.columns.editOptions] - The object for configuring editing UI. * @param {string} [options.columns.editOptions.type='text'] - The string value that specifies * the type of the editing UI. * Available values are 'text', 'password', 'select', 'radio', 'checkbox'. * @param {boolean} [options.columns.editOptions.useViewMode=true] - If set to true, default mode * of the cell will be the 'view-mode'. The mode will be switched to 'edit-mode' only when user * double click or press 'ENTER' key on the cell. If set to false, the cell will always show the * input elements as a default. * @param {Array} [options.columns.editOptions.listItems] - Specifies the option items for the * 'select', 'radio', 'checkbox' type. The item of the array must contain properties named * 'text' and 'value'. (e.g. [{text: 'option1', value: 1}, {...}]) * @param {function} [options.columns.editOptions.onFocus] - The function that will be * called when a 'focus' event occurred on an input element * @param {function} [options.columns.editOptions.onBlur] - The function that will be * called when a 'blur' event occurred on an input element * @param {function} [options.columns.editOptions.onKeyDown] - The function that will be * called when a 'keydown' event occurred on an input element * @param {(string|function)} [options.columns.editOptions.prefix] - The HTML string to be * shown left to the input element. If it's a function, the return value will be used. * @param {(string|function)} [options.columns.editOptions.postfix] - The HTML string to be * shown right to the input element. If it's a function, the return value will be used. * @param {function} [options.columns.editOptions.converter] - The function whose * return value (HTML) represents the UI of the cell. If the return value is * falsy(null|undefined|false), default UI will be shown. * @param {Object} [options.columns.copyOptions] - Option object for clipboard copying. * This option is column specific, and overrides the global copyOptions. * @param {boolean} [options.columns.copyOptions.useFormattedValue] - Whether to use * formatted values or original values as a string to be copied to the clipboard * @param {boolean} [options.columns.copyOptions.useListItemText] - Whether to use * concatenated text or original values as a string to be copied to the clipboard * @param {function} [options.columns.copyOptions.customValue] - Whether to use * customized value from "customValue" callback or original values as a string to be copied to the clipboard * @param {Array} [options.columns.relations] - Specifies relation between this and other column. * @param {Array} [options.columns.relations.targetNames] - Array of the names of target columns. * @param {function} [options.columns.relations.disabled] - If returns true, target columns * will be disabled. * @param {function} [options.columns.relations.editable] - If returns true, target columns * will be editable. * @param {function} [options.columns.relations.listItems] - The function whose return * value specifies the option list for the 'select', 'radio', 'checkbox' type. * The options list of target columns will be replaced with the return value of this function. * @param {string} [options.columns.whiteSpace='nowrap'] - If set to 'normal', the text line is broken * by fitting to the column's width. If set to 'pre', spaces are preserved and the text is braken by * new line characters. If set to 'pre-wrap', spaces are preserved, the text line is broken by * fitting to the column's width and new line characters. If set to 'pre-line', spaces are merged, * the text line is broken by fitting to the column's width and new line characters. * @param {Object} [options.columns.component] - Option for using tui-component * @param {string} [options.columns.component.name] - The name of the compnent to use * for this column * @param {Object} [options.columns.component.options] - The options object to be used for * creating the component * @param {Object} [options.summary] - The object for configuring summary area. * @param {number} [options.summary.height] - The height of the summary area. * @param {string} [options.summary.position='bottom'] - The position of the summary area. ('bottom', 'top') * @param {(string|Object)} [options.summary.defaultContent] * The configuring of summary cell for every column. * This options can be overriden for each column by columnContent options. * If type is string, the value is used as HTML of summary cell for every columns * without auto-calculation. * @param {boolean} [options.summary.defaultContent.useAutoSummary=true] * If set to true, the summary value of every column is served as a paramater to the template * function whenever data is changed. * @param {function} [options.summary.defaultContent.template] - Template function which returns the * content(HTML) of the column of the summary. This function takes an K-V object as a parameter * which contains a summary values keyed by 'sum', 'avg', 'min', 'max' and 'cnt'. * @param {Object} [options.summary.columnContent] * The configuring of summary cell for each column. * Sub options below are keyed by each column name. * If type of value of this object is string, the value is used as HTML of summary cell for * the column without auto-calculation. * @param {boolean} [options.summary.columnContent.useAutoSummary=true] * If set to true, the summary value of each column is served as a paramater to the template * function whenever data is changed. * @param {function} [options.summary.columnContent.template] - Template function which returns the * content(HTML) of the column of the summary. This function takes an K-V object as a parameter * which contains a summary values keyed by 'sum', 'avg', 'min', 'max' and 'cnt'. * @param {boolean} [options.usageStatistics=true] Send the hostname to google analytics. * If you do not want to send the hostname, this option set to false. */ var Grid = View.extend(/** @lends Grid.prototype */{ initialize: function(options) { options = snippet.extend({ usageStatistics: false }, options); if (options.footer) { util.warning('The "footer" option is deprecated since 2.5.0 and replaced by "summary" option.'); options.summary = options.footer; } this.id = util.getUniqueKey(); this.domState = new DomState(this.$el); this.domEventBus = DomEventBus.create(); this.modelManager = this._createModelManager(options); this.painterManager = this._createPainterManager(); this.componentHolder = this._createComponentHolder(options.pagination); this.viewFactory = this._createViewFactory(options); this.container = this.viewFactory.createContainer(); this.publicEventEmitter = this._createPublicEventEmitter(); this.container.render(); this.refreshLayout(); if (!themeManager.isApplied()) { themeManager.apply(themeNameConst.DEFAULT); } this.addOn = {}; instanceMap[this.id] = this; if (options.data) { this.setData(options.data); } if (options.usageStatistics) { snippet.sendHostname('grid', 'UA-129951906-1'); } }, /** * Creates core model and returns it. * @param {Object} options - Options set by user * @returns {module:model/manager} - New model manager object * @private */ _createModelManager: function(options) { var modelOptions = _.assign({}, options, { gridId: this.id, publicObject: this }); _.omit(modelOptions, 'el'); return new ModelManager(modelOptions, this.domState, this.domEventBus); }, /** * Creates painter manager and returns it * @returns {module:painter/manager} * @private */ _createPainterManager: function() { var controller = new PainterController({ focusModel: this.modelManager.focusModel, dataModel: this.modelManager.dataModel, columnModel: this.modelManager.columnModel, selectionModel: this.modelManager.selectionModel }); return new PainterManager({ gridId: this.id, selectType: this.modelManager.columnModel.get('selectType'), fixedRowHeight: this.modelManager.dimensionModel.get('fixedRowHeight'), domEventBus: this.domEventBus, controller: controller }); }, /** * Creates a view factory. * @param {options} options - options * @returns {module:view/factory} * @private */ _createViewFactory: function(options) { var viewOptions = _.pick(options, [ 'heightResizable', 'summary', 'usageStatistics' ]); var dependencies = { modelManager: this.modelManager, painterManager: this.painterManager, componentHolder: this.componentHolder, domEventBus: this.domEventBus, domState: this.domState }; return new ViewFactory(_.assign(dependencies, viewOptions)); }, /** * Creates a pagination component. * @param {Object} pgOptions - pagination options * @returns {module:component/pagination} * @private */ _createComponentHolder: function(pgOptions) { return new ComponentHolder({ pagination: pgOptions }); }, /** * Creates public event emitter and returns it. * @returns {module:publicEventEmitter} - New public event emitter * @private */ _createPublicEventEmitter: function() { var emitter = new PublicEventEmitter(this); emitter.listenToFocusModel(this.modelManager.focusModel); emitter.listenToDomEventBus(this.domEventBus); emitter.listenToDataModel(this.modelManager.dataModel); emitter.listenToSelectionModel(this.modelManager.selectionModel); return emitter; }, /** * Disables all rows. */ disable: function() { this.modelManager.dataModel.setDisabled(true); }, /** * Enables all rows. */ enable: function() { this.modelManager.dataModel.setDisabled(false); }, /** * Disables the row identified by the rowkey. * @param {number|string} rowKey - The unique key of the target row */ disableRow: function(rowKey) { this.modelManager.dataModel.disableRow(rowKey); }, /** * Enables the row identified by the rowKey. * @param {number|string} rowKey - The unique key of the target row */ enableRow: function(rowKey) { this.modelManager.dataModel.enableRow(rowKey); }, /** * Returns the value of the cell identified by the rowKey and columnName. * @param {number|string} rowKey - The unique key of the target row. * @param {string} columnName - The name of the column * @param {boolean} [isOriginal] - It set to true, the original value will be return. * @returns {number|string} - The value of the cell */ getValue: function(rowKey, columnName, isOriginal) { return this.modelManager.dataModel.getValue(rowKey, columnName, isOriginal); }, /** * Returns a list of all values in the specified column. * @param {string} columnName - The name of the column * @param {boolean} [isJsonString=false] - It set to true, return value will be converted to JSON string. * @returns {(Array|string)} - A List of all values in the specified column. (or JSON string of the list) */ getColumnValues: function(columnName, isJsonString) { return this.modelManager.dataModel.getColumnValues(columnName, isJsonString); }, /** * Returns the object that contains all values in the specified row. * @param {number|string} rowKey - The unique key of the target row * @param {boolean} [isJsonString=false] - If set to true, return value will be converted to JSON string. * @returns {Object|string} - The object that contains all values in the row. (or JSON string of the object) */ getRow: function(rowKey, isJsonString) { return this.modelManager.dataModel.getRowData(rowKey, isJsonString); }, /** * Returns the object that contains all values in the row at specified index. * @param {number} index - The index of the row * @param {boolean} [isJsonString=false] - If set to true, return value will be converted to JSON string. * @returns {Object|string} - The object that contains all values in the row. (or JSON string of the object) */ getRowAt: function(index, isJsonString) { return this.modelManager.dataModel.getRowDataAt(index, isJsonString); }, /** * Returns the total number of the rows. * @returns {number} - The total number of the rows */ getRowCount: function() { return this.modelManager.dataModel.length; }, /** * Returns data of currently focused cell * @returns {number} rowKey - The unique key of the row * @returns {string} columnName - The name of the column * @returns {string} value - The value of the cell */ getFocusedCell: function() { var addr = this.modelManager.focusModel.which(); var value = this.getValue(addr.rowKey, addr.columnName); return { rowKey: addr.rowKey, columnName: addr.columnName, value: value }; }, /** * Returns the jquery object of the cell identified by the rowKey and columnName. * @param {number|string} rowKey - The unique key of the row * @param {string} columnName - The name of the column * @returns {jQuery} - The jquery object of the cell element */ getElement: function(rowKey, columnName) { return this.modelManager.dataModel.getElement(rowKey, columnName); }, /** * Sets the value of the cell identified by the specified rowKey and columnName. * @param {number|string} rowKey - The unique key of the row * @param {string} columnName - The name of the column * @param {number|string} columnValue - The value to be set */ setValue: function(rowKey, columnName, columnValue) { this.modelManager.dataModel.setValue(rowKey, columnName, columnValue); }, /** * Sets the all values in the specified column. * @param {string} columnName - The name of the column * @param {number|string} columnValue - The value to be set * @param {boolean} [isCheckCellState=true] - If set to true, only editable and not disabled cells will be affected. */ setColumnValues: function(columnName, columnValue, isCheckCellState) { this.modelManager.dataModel.setColumnValues(columnName, columnValue, isCheckCellState); }, /** * Replaces all rows with the specified list. This will not change the original data. * @param {Array} data - A list of new rows */ resetData: function(data) { this.modelManager.dataModel.resetData(data); }, /** * Replaces all rows with the specified list. This will change the original data. * @param {Array} data - A list of new rows * @param {function} callback - The function that will be called when done. */ setData: function(data, callback) { this.modelManager.dataModel.setData(data, true, callback); }, /** * Sets the height of body-area. * @param {number} value - The number of pixel */ setBodyHeight: function(value) { this.modelManager.dimensionModel.set({ bodyHeight: value, fixedHeight: value !== 'auto' }); }, /** * Sets focus on the cell identified by the specified rowKey and columnName. * @param {number|string} rowKey - The unique key of the row * @param {string} columnName - The name of the column * @param {boolean} [isScrollable=false] - If set to true, the view will scroll to the cell element. */ focus: function(rowKey, columnName, isScrollable) { this.modelManager.focusModel.focusClipboard(); this.modelManager.focusModel.focus(rowKey, columnName, isScrollable); }, /** * Sets focus on the cell at the specified index of row and column. * @param {number|string} rowIndex - The index of the row * @param {string} columnIndex - The index of the column * @param {boolean} [isScrollable=false] - If set to true, the view will scroll to the cell element. */ focusAt: function(rowIndex, columnIndex, isScrollable) { this.modelManager.focusModel.focusAt(rowIndex, columnIndex, isScrollable); }, /** * Sets focus on the cell at the specified index of row and column and starts to edit. * @param {number|string} rowKey - The unique key of the row * @param {string} columnName - The name of the column * @param {boolean} [isScrollable=false] - If set to true, the view will scroll to the cell element. */ focusIn: function(rowKey, columnName, isScrollable) { this.modelManager.focusModel.focusIn(rowKey, columnName, isScrollable); }, /** * Sets focus on the cell at the specified index of row and column and starts to edit. * @param {number|string} rowIndex - The index of the row * @param {string} columnIndex - The index of the column * @param {boolean} [isScrollable=false] - If set to true, the view will scroll to the cell element. */ focusInAt: function(rowIndex, columnIndex, isScrollable) { this.modelManager.focusModel.focusInAt(rowIndex, columnIndex, isScrollable); }, /** * Makes view ready to get keyboard input. */ activateFocus: function() { this.modelManager.focusModel.focusClipboard(); }, /** * Removes focus from the focused cell. */ blur: function() { this.modelManager.focusModel.blur(); }, /** * Checks all rows. */ checkAll: function() { this.modelManager.dataModel.checkAll(); }, /** * Checks the row identified by the specified rowKey. * @param {number|string} rowKey - The unique key of the row */ check: function(rowKey) { this.modelManager.dataModel.check(rowKey); }, /** * Unchecks all rows. */ uncheckAll: function() { this.modelManager.dataModel.uncheckAll(); }, /** * Unchecks the row identified by the specified rowKey. * @param {number|string} rowKey - The unique key of the row */ uncheck: function(rowKey) { this.modelManager.dataModel.uncheck(rowKey); }, /** * Removes all rows. */ clear: function() { this.modelManager.dataModel.setData([]); }, /** * Removes the row identified by the specified rowKey. * @param {number|string} rowKey - The unique key of the row * @param {boolean|object} [options] - Options. If the type is boolean, this value is equivalent to * options.removeOriginalData. * @param {boolean} [options.removeOriginalData] - If set to true, the original data will be removed. * @param {boolean} [options.keepRowSpanData] - If set to true, the value of the merged cells will not be * removed although the target is first cell of them. */ removeRow: function(rowKey, options) { if (snippet.isBoolean(options) && options) { options = { removeOriginalData: true }; } this.modelManager.dataModel.removeRow(rowKey, options); }, /** * Removes all checked rows. * @param {boolean} showConfirm - If set to true, confirm message will be shown before remove. * @returns {boolean} - True if there's at least one row removed. */ removeCheckedRows: function(showConfirm) { var rowKeys = this.getCheckedRowKeys(); var confirmMessage = i18n.get('net.confirmDelete', { count: rowKeys.length }); if (rowKeys.length > 0 && (!showConfirm || confirm(confirmMessage))) { _.each(rowKeys, function(rowKey) { this.modelManager.dataModel.removeRow(rowKey); }, this); return true; } return false; }, /** * Enables the row identified by the rowKey to be able to check. * @param {number|string} rowKey - The unique key of the row */ enableCheck: function(rowKey) { this.modelManager.dataModel.enableCheck(rowKey); }, /** * Disables the row identified by the spcified rowKey to not be abled to check. * @param {number|string} rowKey - The unique keyof the row. */ disableCheck: function(rowKey) { this.modelManager.dataModel.disableCheck(rowKey); }, /** * Returns a list of the rowKey of checked rows. * @param {boolean} [isJsonString=false] - If set to true, return value will be converted to JSON string. * @returns {Array|string} - A list of the rowKey. (or JSON string of the list) */ getCheckedRowKeys: function(isJsonString) { var checkedRowList = this.modelManager.dataModel.getRows(true); var checkedRowKeyList = _.pluck(checkedRowList, 'rowKey'); return isJsonString ? JSON.stringify(checkedRowKeyList) : checkedRowKeyList; }, /** * Returns a list of the checked rows. * @param {boolean} [useJson=false] - If set to true, return value will be converted to JSON string. * @returns {Array|string} - A list of the checked rows. (or JSON string of the list) */ getCheckedRows: function(useJson) { var checkedRowList = this.modelManager.dataModel.getRows(true); return useJson ? JSON.stringify(checkedRowList) : checkedRowList; }, /** * Returns a list of the column model. * @returns {Array} - A list of the column model. */ getColumns: function() { return this.modelManager.columnModel.get('dataColumns'); }, /** * Returns the object that contains the lists of changed data compared to the original data. * The object has properties 'createdRows', 'updatedRows', 'deletedRows'. * @param {Object} [options] Options * @param {boolean} [options.checkedOnly=false] - If set to true, only checked rows will be considered. * @param {boolean} [options.withRawData=false] - If set to true, the data will contains * the row data for internal use. * @param {boolean} [options.rowKeyOnly=false] - If set to true, only keys of the changed * rows will be returned. * @param {Array} [options.ignoredColumns] - A list of column name to be excluded. * @returns {{createdRows: Array, updatedRows: Array, deletedRows: Array}} - Object that contains the result list. */ getModifiedRows: function(options) { return this.modelManager.dataModel.getModifiedRows(options); }, /** * Inserts the new row with specified data to the end of table. * @param {Object} [row] - The data for the new row * @param {Object} [options] - Options * @param {number} [options.at] - The index at which new row will be inserted * @param {boolean} [options.extendPrevRowSpan] - If set to true and the previous row at target index * has a rowspan data, the new row will extend the existing rowspan data. * @param {boolean} [options.focus] - If set to true, move focus to the new row after appending * @param {(Number|String)} [options.parentRowKey] - Tree row key of the parent which appends given rows * @param {number} [options.offset] - Tree offset from first sibling */ appendRow: function(row, options) { this.modelManager.dataModel.appendRow(row, options); }, /** * Inserts the new row with specified data to the beginning of table. * @param {Object} [row] - The data for the new row * @param {Object} [options] - Options * @param {boolean} [options.focus] - If set to true, move focus to the new row after appending */ prependRow: function(row, options) { this.modelManager.dataModel.prependRow(row, options); }, /** * Returns true if there are at least one row modified. * @returns {boolean} - True if there are at least one row modified. */ isModified: function() { return this.modelManager.dataModel.isModified(); }, /** * Returns the instance of specified AddOn. * @param {string} name - The name of the AddOn * @returns {instance} addOn - The instance of the AddOn */ getAddOn: function(name) { return name ? this.addOn[name] : this.addOn; }, /** * Restores the data to the original data. * (Original data is set by {@link Grid#setData|setData} */ restore: function() { this.modelManager.dataModel.restore(); }, /** * Sets options for header. * @param {Object} options - Options for header * @param {number} [options.height] - The height value * @param {Array} [options.complexColumns] - The complex columns info */ setHeader: function(options) { if (options.height) { this.modelManager.dimensionModel.set('headerHeight', options.height); } if (options.complexColumns) { this.modelManager.columnModel.set({ complexHeaderColumns: options.complexColumns }); } }, /** * Sets the count of frozen columns. * @param {number} count - The count of columns to be frozen */ setFrozenColumnCount: function(count) { this.modelManager.columnModel.set('frozenCount', count); }, /** * Sets the list of column model. * @param {Array} columns - A new list of column model * @example * { * columnName1: 'title1', * columnName2: 'title2', * columnName3: 'title3' * } */ setColumns: function(columns) { this.modelManager.columnModel.set('columns', columns); }, /** * Set columns title * @param {string} columnsMap - columns map to be change */ setColumnTitles: function(columnsMap) { this.modelManager.columnModel.setColumnTitles(columnsMap); }, /** * Creates an specified AddOn and use it on this instance. * @param {string} name - The name of the AddOn to use. * @param {Object} options - The option objects for configuring the AddON. * @returns {Grid} - This instance. */ use: function(name, options) { if (name === 'Net') { options = _.assign({ domEventBus: this.domEventBus, renderModel: this.modelManager.renderModel, dataModel: this.modelManager.dataModel, pagination: this.componentHolder.getInstance('pagination') }, options); this.addOn.Net = new NetAddOn(options); this.publicEventEmitter.listenToNetAddon(this.addOn.Net); } return this; }, /** * Returns a list of all rows. * @returns {Array} - A list of all rows */ getRows: function() { return this.modelManager.dataModel.getRows(); }, /** * Sorts all rows by the specified column. * @param {string} columnName - The name of the column to be used to compare the rows * @param {boolean} [ascending] - Whether the sort order is ascending. * If not specified, use the negative value of the current order. */ sort: function(columnName, ascending) { this.modelManager.dataModel.sortByField(columnName, ascending); }, /** * Unsorts all rows. (Sorts by rowKey). */ unSort: function() { this.sort('rowKey'); }, /** * Gets state of the sorted column in rows * @returns {{columnName: string, ascending: boolean, useClient: boolean}} Sorted column's state */ getSortState: function() { return this.modelManager.dataModel.sortOptions; }, /** * Adds the specified css class to cell element identified by the rowKey and className * @param {number|string} rowKey - The unique key of the row * @param {string} columnName - The name of the column * @param {string} className - The css class name to add */ addCellClassName: function(rowKey, columnName, className) { this.modelManager.dataModel.get(rowKey).addCellClassName(columnName, className); }, /** * Adds the specified css class to all cell elements in the row identified by the rowKey * @param {number|string} rowKey - The unique key of the row * @param {string} className - The css class name to add */ addRowClassName: function(rowKey, className) { this.modelManager.dataModel.get(rowKey).addClassName(className); }, /** * Removes the specified css class from the cell element indentified by the rowKey and columnName. * @param {number|string} rowKey - The unique key of the row * @param {string} columnName - The name of the column * @param {string} className - The css class name to be removed */ removeCellClassName: function(rowKey, columnName, className) { this.modelManager.dataModel.get(rowKey).removeCellClassName(columnName, className); }, /** * Removes the specified css class from all cell elements in the row identified by the rowKey. * @param {number|string} rowKey - The unique key of the row * @param {string} className - The css class name to be removed */ removeRowClassName: function(rowKey, className) { this.modelManager.dataModel.get(rowKey).removeClassName(className); }, /** * Returns the rowspan data of the cell identified by the rowKey and columnName. * @param {number|string} rowKey - The unique key of the row * @param {string} columnName - The name of the column * @returns {Object} - Row span data */ getRowSpanData: function(rowKey, columnName) { return this.modelManager.dataModel.getRowSpanData(rowKey, columnName); }, /** * Returns the index of the row indentified by the rowKey. * @param {number|string} rowKey - The unique key of the row * @returns {number} - The index of the row */ getIndexOfRow: function(rowKey) { return this.modelManager.dataModel.indexOfRowKey(rowKey); }, /** * Returns the index of the column indentified by the column name. * @param {string} columnName - The unique key of the column * @returns {number} - The index of the column */ getIndexOfColumn: function(columnName) { return this.modelManager.columnModel.indexOfColumnName(columnName); }, /** * Returns an instance of tui.Pagination. * @returns {tui.Pagination} */ getPagination: function() { return this.componentHolder.getInstance('pagination'); }, /** * Sets the width of the dimension. * @param {number} width - The width of the dimension */ setWidth: function(width) { this.modelManager.dimensionModel.setWidth(width); }, /** * Sets the height of the dimension. * @param {number} height - The height of the dimension */ setHeight: function(height) { this.modelManager.dimensionModel.setHeight(height); }, /** * Refreshs the layout view. Use this method when the view was rendered while hidden. */ refreshLayout: function() { this.modelManager.dimensionModel.refreshLayout(); }, /** * Resets the width of each column by using initial setting of column models. */ resetColumnWidths: function() { this.modelManager.coordColumnModel.resetColumnWidths(); }, /** * Shows columns * @param {...string} arguments - Column names to show */ showColumn: function() { var args = snippet.toArray(arguments); this.modelManager.columnModel.setHidden(args, false); }, /** * Hides columns * @param {...string} arguments - Column names to hide */ hideColumn: function() { var args = snippet.toArray(arguments); this.modelManager.columnModel.setHidden(args, true); }, /** * Sets the HTML string of given column summary. * The type of content is the same as the options.summary.columnContent of the constructor. * @param {string} columnName - column name * @param {string|object} content - HTML string or options object. */ setSummaryColumnContent: function(columnName, content) { this.modelManager.summaryModel.setColumnContent(columnName, content, true); }, /** * Returns the values of given column summary. * If the column name is not specified, all values of available columns are returned. * The shape of returning object looks like the example below. * @param {string} [columnName] - column name * @returns {Object} * @example * { * column1: { * sum: 1000, * avg: 200, * max: 300, * min: 50, * cnt: 5 * }, * column2: { * sum: 2000, * avg: 300, * max: 600, * min: 80, * cnt: 5 * } * } */ getSummaryValues: function(columnName) { if (this.modelManager.summaryModel) { return this.modelManager.summaryModel.getValues(columnName); } return null; }, /** * Sets the HTML string of given column summary. * @deprecated since version 2.5.0 and is replaced by "setSummaryColumnContent" API * @param {string} columnName - column name * @param {string} contents - HTML string */ setFooterColumnContent: function(columnName, contents) { this.modelManager.columnModel.setSummaryContent(columnName, contents); }, /** * Validates all data and returns the result. * Return value is an array which contains only rows which have invalid cell data. * @returns {Array.} An array of error object * @example * // return value example * [ * { * rowKey: 1, * errors: [ * { * columnName: 'c1', * errorCode: 'REQUIRED' * }, * { * columnName: 'c2', * errorCode: 'REQUIRED' * } * ] * }, * { * rowKey: 3, * errors: [ * { * columnName: 'c2', * errorCode: 'REQUIRED' * } * ] * } * ] */ validate: function() { return this.modelManager.dataModel.validate(); }, /** * Finds rows by conditions * @param {Object|Function} conditions - object (key: column name, value: column value) or * function that check the value and returns true/false result to find rows * @returns {Array} Row list * @example Conditions type is object. * grid.findRows({ * artist: 'Birdy', * price: 10000 * }); * @example Conditions type is function. * grid.findRows(function(row) { * return (/b/ig.test(row.artist) && row.price > 10000); * }); */ findRows: function(conditions) { return this.modelManager.dataModel.findRows(conditions); }, /** * Copy to clipboard */ copyToClipboard: function() { this.modelManager.clipboardModel.setClipboardText(); if (!window.clipboardData) { // Accessing the clipboard is a security concern on chrome document.execCommand('copy'); } }, /** * Selects cells or rows by range * @param {Object} range - Selection range * @param {Array} [range.start] - Index info of start selection (ex: [rowIndex, columnIndex]) * @param {Array} [range.end] - Index info of end selection (ex: [rowIndex, columnIndex]) */ selection: function(range) { var selectionModel = this.modelManager.selectionModel; var start = range.start; var end = range.end; var unit = selectionModel.getSelectionUnit(); selectionModel.start(start[0], start[1], unit); selectionModel.update(end[0], end[1], unit); }, /** * Expands tree row * @param {number|string} rowKey - row key * @param {boolean} recursive - true for recursively expand all descendant * @returns {Array.} - children or descendant of given row */ expand: function(rowKey, recursive) { return this.modelManager.dataModel.treeExpand(rowKey, recursive); }, /** * Expands all tree row */ expandAll: function() { this.modelManager.dataModel.treeExpandAll(); }, /** * Expands tree row * @param {number|string} rowKey - row key * @param {boolean} recursive - true for recursively expand all descendant * @returns {Array.} - children or descendant of given row */ collapse: function(rowKey, recursive) { return this.modelManager.dataModel.treeCollapse(rowKey, recursive); }, /** * Collapses all tree row */ collapseAll: function() { this.modelManager.dataModel.treeCollapseAll(); }, /** * Gets the ancestors of the row which has the given row key * @param {number|string} rowKey - row key * @returns {Array.} - the ancestor rows */ getAncestors: function(rowKey) { return this.modelManager.dataModel.getTreeAncestors(rowKey); }, /** * Gets the descendants of the row which has the given row key * @param {number|string} rowKey - row key * @returns {Array.} - the descendant rows */ getDescendants: function(rowKey) { return this.modelManager.dataModel.getTreeDescendants(rowKey); }, /** * Gets the parent of the row which has the given row key * @param {number|string} rowKey - row key * @returns {TreeRow} - the parent row */ getParent: function(rowKey) { return this.modelManager.dataModel.getTreeParent(rowKey); }, /** * Gets the children of the row which has the given row key * @param {number|string} rowKey - row key * @returns {Array.} - the children rows */ getChildren: function(rowKey) { return this.modelManager.dataModel.getTreeChildren(rowKey); }, /** * Gets the depth of the row which has the given row key * @param {number|string} rowKey - row key to test * @returns {number} - the depth */ getDepth: function(rowKey) { return this.modelManager.dataModel.getTreeDepth(rowKey); }, /** * Destroys the instance. */ destroy: function() { this.modelManager.destroy(); this.container.destroy(); this.modelManager = this.container = null; } }); /** * Returns an instance of the grid associated to the id. * @static * @param {number} id - ID of the target grid * @returns {Grid} - Grid instance * var Grid = tui.Grid; // or require('tui-grid') * * Grid.getInstanceById(id); */ Grid.getInstanceById = function(id) { return instanceMap[id]; }; /** * Apply theme to all grid instances with the preset options of a given name. * @static * @param {string} presetName - preset theme name. Available values are 'default', 'striped' and 'clean'. * @param {Object} [extOptions] - if exist, extend preset options with this object. * @param {Object} [extOptions.outline] - Styles for the table outline. * @param {string} [extOptions.outline.border] - Color of the table outline. * @param {boolean} [extOptions.outline.showVerticalBorder] - Whether vertical outlines of * the table are visible. * @param {Object} [extOptions.selection] - Styles for a selection layer. * @param {string} [extOptions.selection.background] - Background color of a selection layer. * @param {string} [extOptions.selection.border] - Border color of a selection layer. * @param {Object} [extOptions.scrollbar] - Styles for scrollbars. * @param {string} [extOptions.scrollbar.border] - Border color of scrollbars. * @param {string} [extOptions.scrollbar.background] - Background color of scrollbars. * @param {string} [extOptions.scrollbar.emptySpace] - Color of extra spaces except scrollbar. * @param {string} [extOptions.scrollbar.thumb] - Color of thumbs in scrollbars. * @param {string} [extOptions.scrollbar.active] - Color of arrows(for IE) or * thumb:hover(for other browsers) in scrollbars. * @param {Object} [extOptions.frozenBorder] - Styles for a frozen border. * @param {string} [extOptions.frozenBorder.border] - Border color of a frozen border. * @param {Object} [extOptions.area] - Styles for the table areas. * @param {Object} [extOptions.area.header] - Styles for the header area in the table. * @param {string} [extOptions.area.header.background] - Background color of the header area * in the table. * @param {string} [extOptions.area.header.border] - Border color of the header area * in the table. * @param {Object} [extOptions.area.body] - Styles for the body area in the table. * @param {string} [extOptions.area.body.background] - Background color of the body area * in the table. * @param {Object} [extOptions.area.summary] - Styles for the summary area in the table. * @param {string} [extOptions.area.summary.background] - Background color of the summary area * in the table. * @param {string} [extOptions.area.summary.border] - Border color of the summary area * in the table. * @param {Object} [extOptions.cell] - Styles for the table cells. * @param {Object} [extOptions.cell.normal] - Styles for normal cells. * @param {string} [extOptions.cell.normal.background] - Background color of normal cells. * @param {string} [extOptions.cell.normal.border] - Border color of normal cells. * @param {string} [extOptions.cell.normal.text] - Text color of normal cells. * @param {boolean} [extOptions.cell.normal.showVerticalBorder] - Whether vertical borders of * normal cells are visible. * @param {boolean} [extOptions.cell.normal.showHorizontalBorder] - Whether horizontal borders of * normal cells are visible. * @param {Object} [extOptions.cell.head] - Styles for head cells. * @param {string} [extOptions.cell.head.background] - Background color of head cells. * @param {string} [extOptions.cell.head.border] - border color of head cells. * @param {string} [extOptions.cell.head.text] - text color of head cells. * @param {boolean} [extOptions.cell.head.showVerticalBorder] - Whether vertical borders of * head cells are visible. * @param {boolean} [extOptions.cell.head.showHorizontalBorder] - Whether horizontal borders of * head cells are visible. * @param {Object} [extOptions.cell.selectedHead] - Styles for selected head cells. * @param {string} [extOptions.cell.selectedHead.background] - background color of selected haed cells. * @param {Object} [extOptions.cell.rowHead] - Styles for row's head cells. * @param {string} [extOptions.cell.rowHead.background] - Background color of row's head cells. * @param {string} [extOptions.cell.rowHead.border] - border color of row's head cells. * @param {string} [extOptions.cell.rowHead.text] - text color of row's head cells. * @param {boolean} [extOptions.cell.rowHead.showVerticalBorder] - Whether vertical borders of * row's head cells are visible. * @param {boolean} [extOptions.cell.rowHead.showHorizontalBorder] - Whether horizontal borders of * row's head cells are visible. * @param {Object} [extOptions.cell.selectedRowHead] - Styles for selected row's head cells. * @param {string} [extOptions.cell.selectedRowHead.background] - background color of selected row's haed cells. * @param {Object} [extOptions.cell.summary] - Styles for cells in the summary area. * @param {string} [extOptions.cell.summary.background] - Background color of cells in the summary area. * @param {string} [extOptions.cell.summary.border] - border color of cells in the summary area. * @param {string} [extOptions.cell.summary.text] - text color of cells in the summary area. * @param {boolean} [extOptions.cell.summary.showVerticalBorder] - Whether vertical borders of * cells in the summary area are visible. * @param {boolean} [extOptions.cell.summary.showHorizontalBorder] - Whether horizontal borders of * cells in the summary area are visible. * @param {Object} [extOptions.cell.focused] - Styles for a focused cell. * @param {string} [extOptions.cell.focused.background] - background color of a focused cell. * @param {string} [extOptions.cell.focused.border] - border color of a focused cell. * @param {Object} [extOptions.cell.focusedInactive] - Styles for a inactive focus cell. * @param {string} [extOptions.cell.focusedInactive.border] - border color of a inactive focus cell. * @param {Object} [extOptions.cell.required] - Styles for required cells. * @param {string} [extOptions.cell.required.background] - background color of required cells. * @param {string} [extOptions.cell.required.text] - text color of required cells. * @param {Object} [extOptions.cell.editable] - Styles for editable cells. * @param {string} [extOptions.cell.editable.background] - background color of the editable cells. * @param {string} [extOptions.cell.editable.text] - text color of the selected editable cells. * @param {Object} [extOptions.cell.disabled] - Styles for disabled cells. * @param {string} [extOptions.cell.disabled.background] - background color of disabled cells. * @param {string} [extOptions.cell.disabled.text] - text color of disabled cells. * @param {Object} [extOptions.cell.invalid] - Styles for invalid cells. * @param {string} [extOptions.cell.invalid.background] - background color of invalid cells. * @param {string} [extOptions.cell.invalid.text] - text color of invalid cells. * @param {Object} [extOptions.cell.currentRow] - Styles for cells in a current row. * @param {string} [extOptions.cell.currentRow.background] - background color of cells in a current row. * @param {string} [extOptions.cell.currentRow.text] - text color of cells in a current row. * @param {Object} [extOptions.cell.evenRow] - Styles for cells in even rows. * @param {string} [extOptions.cell.evenRow.background] - background color of cells in even rows. * @param {string} [extOptions.cell.evenRow.text] - text color of cells in even rows. * @param {Object} [extOptions.cell.oddRow] - Styles for cells in even rows. * @param {string} [extOptions.cell.oddRow.background] - background color of cells in odd rows. * @param {string} [extOptions.cell.oddRow.text] - text color of cells in odd rows. * @param {Object} [extOptions.cell.dummy] - Styles for dummy cells. * @param {string} [extOptions.cell.dummy.background] - background color of dummy cells. * @example * var Grid = tui.Grid; // or require('tui-grid') * * Grid.applyTheme('striped', { * grid: { * border: '#aaa', * text: '#333' * }, * cell: { * disabled: { * text: '#999' * } * } * }); */ Grid.applyTheme = function(presetName, extOptions) { themeManager.apply(presetName, extOptions); }; /** * Set language * @static * @param {string} localeCode - Code to set locale messages and * this is the language or language-region combination (ex: en-US) * @param {Object} [data] - Messages using in Grid * @example * var Grid = tui.Grid; // or require('tui-grid') * * Grid.setLanguage('en'); // default and set English * Grid.setLanguage('ko'); // set Korean * Grid.setLanguage('en-US', { // set new language * display: { * noData: 'No data.', * loadingData: 'Loading data.', * resizeHandleGuide: 'You can change the width of the column by mouse drag, ' + * 'and initialize the width by double-clicking.' * }, * net: { * confirmCreate: 'Are you sure you want to create {{count}} data?', * confirmUpdate: 'Are you sure you want to update {{count}} data?', * confirmDelete: 'Are you sure you want to delete {{count}} data?', * confirmModify: 'Are you sure you want to modify {{count}} data?', * noDataToCreate: 'No data to create.', * noDataToUpdate: 'No data to update.', * noDataToDelete: 'No data to delete.', * noDataToModify: 'No data to modify.', * failResponse: 'An error occurred while requesting data.\nPlease try again.' * } * }); */ Grid.setLanguage = function(localeCode, data) { i18n.setLanguage(localeCode, data); }; module.exports = Grid; /***/ }), /* 2 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { module.exports = __WEBPACK_EXTERNAL_MODULE_2__; /***/ }), /* 3 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { module.exports = __WEBPACK_EXTERNAL_MODULE_3__; /***/ }), /* 4 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /** * @fileoverview Base class for Views * @author NHN. FE Development Lab */ 'use strict'; var _ = __webpack_require__(2); var Backbone = __webpack_require__(5); /** * Base class for Views * @module base/view * @ignore */ var View = Backbone.View.extend(/** @lends module:base/view.prototype */{ initialize: function() { this._children = []; }, /** * Add children views * @param {(Object|Array)} views - View instance of Array of view instances * @private */ _addChildren: function(views) { if (!_.isArray(views)) { views = [views]; } [].push.apply(this._children, _.compact(views)); }, /** * Render children and returns thier elements as array. * @returns {array.} An array of element of children */ _renderChildren: function() { var elements = _.map(this._children, function(view) { return view.render().el; }); return elements; }, /** * Trigger 'appended' event on child view. * @private */ _triggerChildrenAppended: function() { _.each(this._children, function(view) { view.trigger('appended'); }); }, /** * 자식 View를 제거한 뒤 자신도 제거한다. */ destroy: function() { this.stopListening(); this._destroyChildren(); this.remove(); }, /** * 등록되어있는 자식 View 들을 제거한다. */ _destroyChildren: function() { if (this._children) { while (this._children.length > 0) { this._children.pop().destroy(); } } } }); module.exports = View; /***/ }), /* 5 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { module.exports = __WEBPACK_EXTERNAL_MODULE_5__; /***/ }), /* 6 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /** * @fileoverview Model Manager * @author NHN. FE Development Lab */ 'use strict'; var $ = __webpack_require__(7); var _ = __webpack_require__(2); var snippet = __webpack_require__(3); var ColumnModelData = __webpack_require__(8); var TreeRowListData = __webpack_require__(11); var RowListData = __webpack_require__(12); var DimensionModel = __webpack_require__(21); var CoordRowModel = __webpack_require__(22); var CoordColumnModel = __webpack_require__(23); var CoordConverterModel = __webpack_require__(24); var FocusModel = __webpack_require__(25); var RenderModel = __webpack_require__(26); var SmartRenderModel = __webpack_require__(29); var SelectionModel = __webpack_require__(30); var SummaryModel = __webpack_require__(31); var ClipboardModel = __webpack_require__(32); var util = __webpack_require__(17); var defaultOptions = { data: [], columns: [], keyColumnName: null, selectType: '', autoNumbering: true, header: { height: 45, complexColumns: [] }, columnOptions: { minWidth: 50, resizable: true, frozenCount: 0 }, fitToParentHeight: false, fixedRowHeight: false, fixedHeight: false, showDummyRows: false, virtualScrolling: false, copyOptions: null, scrollX: true, scrollY: true, useClientSort: true, editingEvent: 'dblclick', rowHeight: 'auto', bodyHeight: 'auto', minRowHeight: 40, minBodyHeight: 130, selectionUnit: 'cell' }; /** * Model Manager * @module model/manager * @param {Object} options - Options to create models * @param {module/domState} domState - DomState instance * @ignore */ var ModelManager = snippet.defineClass(/** @lends module:modelManager.prototype */{ init: function(options, domState, domEventBus) { options = $.extend(true, {}, defaultOptions, options); this.gridId = options.gridId; this.columnModel = this._createColumnModel(options); this.dataModel = this._createDataModel(options, domState, domEventBus); this.dimensionModel = this._createDimensionModel(options, domState, domEventBus); this.coordRowModel = this._createCoordRowModel(domState); this.focusModel = this._createFocusModel(options, domState, domEventBus); this.coordColumnModel = this._createCoordColumnModel(options.columnOptions, domEventBus); this.renderModel = this._createRenderModel(options); this.coordConverterModel = this._createCoordConverterModel(); this.selectionModel = this._createSelectionModel(options, domEventBus); this.summaryModel = this._createSummaryModel(options.summary); this.clipboardModel = this._createClipboardModel(options, domEventBus); }, /** * Creates an instance of column model and returns it. * @param {Object} options - Options * @returns {module:data/columnModel} A new instance * @private */ _createColumnModel: function(options) { return new ColumnModelData({ keyColumnName: options.keyColumnName, frozenCount: options.columnOptions.frozenCount, complexHeaderColumns: options.header.complexColumns, copyOptions: options.copyOptions, columns: options.columns, rowHeaders: options.rowHeaders, treeColumnOptions: options.treeColumnOptions }); }, /** * Creates an instance of data model and returns it. * @param {Object} options - Options * @param {module:domState} domState - domState * @param {module:event/domEventBus} domEventBus - domEventBus * @returns {module:data/rowList} - A new instance * @private */ _createDataModel: function(options, domState, domEventBus) { var isTreeGrid = this.columnModel.hasTreeColumn(); var ListDataModel = isTreeGrid ? TreeRowListData : RowListData; return new ListDataModel([], { gridId: this.gridId, domState: domState, domEventBus: domEventBus, columnModel: this.columnModel, useClientSort: options.useClientSort, publicObject: options.publicObject }); }, /* eslint-disable complexity */ /** * Creates an instance of dimension model and returns it. * @param {Object} options - Options * @param {module:domState} domState - domState * @param {module:event/domEventBus} domEventBus - domEventBus * @returns {module:model/dimension} - A new instance * @private */ _createDimensionModel: function(options, domState, domEventBus) { var dimensionModel; var columnOptions = options.columnOptions; var fixedRowHeight = !isNaN(options.rowHeight); var fixedHeight = options.bodyHeight !== 'auto'; var minRowHeight = options.minRowHeight; var minBodyHeight = options.minBodyHeight; var rowHeight = fixedRowHeight ? Math.max(minRowHeight, options.rowHeight) : minRowHeight; var bodyHeight = fixedHeight ? Math.max(minBodyHeight, options.bodyHeight) : minBodyHeight; var frozenBorderWidth, attrs; if (columnOptions.frozenCount) { frozenBorderWidth = Number(columnOptions.frozenBorderWidth) || 1; } else { frozenBorderWidth = 0; } attrs = { headerHeight: options.header.height, bodyHeight: bodyHeight, summaryHeight: options.summary ? options.summary.height : 0, summaryPosition: options.summary ? (options.summary.position || 'bottom') : null, rowHeight: rowHeight, fitToParentHeight: (options.bodyHeight === 'fitToParent'), scrollX: !!options.scrollX, scrollY: !!options.scrollY, fixedRowHeight: fixedRowHeight, fixedHeight: fixedHeight, minRowHeight: minRowHeight, minBodyHeight: minBodyHeight || rowHeight, minimumColumnWidth: columnOptions.minWidth, frozenBorderWidth: frozenBorderWidth }; if (fixedRowHeight === false && options.virtualScrolling) { util.warning('If the virtualScrolling is set to true, the rowHeight must be set to number type.'); attrs.fixedRowHeight = true; } dimensionModel = new DimensionModel(attrs, { columnModel: this.columnModel, dataModel: this.dataModel, domState: domState, domEventBus: domEventBus }); return dimensionModel; }, /* eslint-enable complexity */ /** * Creates an instance of coordRow model and returns it * @param {module:domState} domState - domState * @returns {module:model/coordRow} * @private */ _createCoordRowModel: function(domState) { return new CoordRowModel(null, { dataModel: this.dataModel, dimensionModel: this.dimensionModel, domState: domState }); }, /** * Creates an instance of coordColumn model and returns it * @param {Object} columnOptions - Column options * @param {module:event/domEventBus} domEventBus - domEventBus * @returns {module:model/coordColumnModel} * @private */ _createCoordColumnModel: function(columnOptions, domEventBus) { var attrs = { resizable: columnOptions.resizable }; return new CoordColumnModel(attrs, { columnModel: this.columnModel, dimensionModel: this.dimensionModel, domEventBus: domEventBus }); }, /** * Creates an instance of coordConvert model and returns it * @returns {module:model/coordConverterModel} * @private */ _createCoordConverterModel: function() { return new CoordConverterModel(null, { columnModel: this.columnModel, dataModel: this.dataModel, dimensionModel: this.dimensionModel, focusModel: this.focusModel, coordRowModel: this.coordRowModel, renderModel: this.renderModel, coordColumnModel: this.coordColumnModel }); }, /** * Creates an instance of focus model and returns it. * @param {Object} options - options * @param {module:domState} domState - DomState instance * @param {module:event/domState} domEventBus - Dom event bus * @returns {module:model/focus} - A new instance * @private */ _createFocusModel: function(options, domState, domEventBus) { return new FocusModel(null, { columnModel: this.columnModel, dataModel: this.dataModel, coordRowModel: this.coordRowModel, domEventBus: domEventBus, domState: domState, editingEvent: options.editingEvent }); }, /** * Creates an instance of seleciton model and returns it. * @param {Object} options - options * @param {module:event/domEventBus} domEventBus - domEventBus * @returns {module:model/selection} - A new instance * @private */ _createSelectionModel: function(options, domEventBus) { return new SelectionModel({ selectionUnit: options.selectionUnit }, { columnModel: this.columnModel, dataModel: this.dataModel, dimensionModel: this.dimensionModel, coordConverterModel: this.coordConverterModel, coordRowModel: this.coordRowModel, renderModel: this.renderModel, focusModel: this.focusModel, domEventBus: domEventBus }); }, /** * Creates an instance of render model and returns it. * @param {Object} options - Options * @returns {module:model/render} - A new instance * @private */ _createRenderModel: function(options) { var attrs, renderOptions, Constructor; attrs = { emptyMessage: options.emptyMessage, showDummyRows: options.showDummyRows }; renderOptions = { columnModel: this.columnModel, dataModel: this.dataModel, dimensionModel: this.dimensionModel, focusModel: this.focusModel, coordRowModel: this.coordRowModel, coordColumnModel: this.coordColumnModel }; Constructor = options.virtualScrolling ? SmartRenderModel : RenderModel; return new Constructor(attrs, renderOptions); }, /** * Creates an instance of summary model and returns it. * @param {Object} summaryOptions - summary options * @returns {module:model/summary} - A new instance * @private */ _createSummaryModel: function(summaryOptions) { if (!summaryOptions) { return null; } return new SummaryModel(null, { dataModel: this.dataModel, columnModel: this.columnModel, columnContent: summaryOptions.columnContent, defaultContent: summaryOptions.defaultContent }); }, /** * Creates an instance of clipboard model and returns it * @param {Object} options - options * @param {module:event/domEventBus} domEventBus - domEventBus * @returns {module:model/clipboard} * @private */ _createClipboardModel: function(options, domEventBus) { return new ClipboardModel(null, { columnModel: this.columnModel, dataModel: this.dataModel, selectionModel: this.selectionModel, renderModel: this.renderModel, focusModel: this.focusModel, copyOptions: options.copyOptions, domEventBus: domEventBus }); }, /** * Destroy */ destroy: function() { _.each(this, function(value, property) { if (value && snippet.isFunction(value._destroy)) { value._destroy(); } if (value && snippet.isFunction(value.stopListening)) { value.stopListening(); } this[property] = null; }, this); } }); module.exports = ModelManager; /***/ }), /* 7 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { module.exports = __WEBPACK_EXTERNAL_MODULE_7__; /***/ }), /* 8 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /** * @fileoverview 컬럼 모델 * @author NHN. FE Development Lab */ 'use strict'; var $ = __webpack_require__(7); var _ = __webpack_require__(2); var snippet = __webpack_require__(3); var Model = __webpack_require__(9); var frameConst = __webpack_require__(10).frame; var defaultRowHeaders = { rowNum: { type: 'rowNum', title: 'No.', name: '_number', align: 'center', fixedWidth: true, width: 50, hidden: false }, checkbox: { type: 'checkbox', title: '', name: '_button', align: 'center', fixedWidth: true, width: 50, hidden: false, editOptions: { type: 'mainButton' } }, radio: { type: 'radio', title: 'select', name: '_button', align: 'center', fixedWidth: true, width: 50, hidden: false, editOptions: { type: 'mainButton' } } }; /** * 컬럼 모델 데이터를 다루는 객체 * @module model/data/columnModel * @extends module:base/model * @ignore */ var ColumnModel = Model.extend(/** @lends module:model/data/columnModel.prototype */{ initialize: function() { Model.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments); this.textType = { normal: true, text: true, password: true }; this._setColumns(this.get('rowHeaders'), this.get('columns')); this.on('change', this._onChange, this); }, defaults: { keyColumnName: null, frozenCount: 0, rowHeaders: [], dataColumns: [], visibleColumns: [], // 이 리스트는 메타컬럼/데이터컬럼 구분하지 않고 저장 selectType: '', columnModelMap: {}, relationsMap: {}, complexHeaderColumns: [], copyOptions: { useFormattedValue: false }, treeColumnOptions: { name: null, useIcon: true, useCascadingCheckbox: true } }, /** * index 에 해당하는 columnModel 을 반환한다. * @param {Number} index 조회할 컬럼모델의 인덱스 값 * @param {Boolean} isVisible [isVisible=false] 화면에 노출되는 컬럼모델 기준으로 찾을것인지 여부. * @returns {object} 조회한 컬럼 모델 */ at: function(index, isVisible) { var columns = isVisible ? this.getVisibleColumns() : this.get('dataColumns'); return columns[index]; }, /** * columnName 에 해당하는 index를 반환한다. * @param {string} columnName 컬럼명 * @param {Boolean} isVisible [isVisible=false] 화면에 노출되는 컬럼모델 기준으로 반환할 것인지 여부. * @returns {number} index 컬럼명에 해당하는 인덱스 값 */ indexOfColumnName: function(columnName, isVisible) { var columns; if (isVisible) { columns = this.getVisibleColumns(); } else { columns = this.get('dataColumns'); } return _.findIndex(columns, {name: columnName}); }, /** * Returns state that the column is included in left side by column name * @param {String} columnName - Column name * @returns {Boolean} Whether the column is included in left side or not */ isLside: function(columnName) { var index = this.indexOfColumnName(columnName, true); var frozenCount = this.getVisibleFrozenCount(false); return (index > -1) && (index < frozenCount); }, /** * 화면에 노출되는 (!hidden) 컬럼 모델 리스트를 반환한다. * @param {String} [whichSide] 열고정 영역인지, 열고정이 아닌 영역인지 여부. 지정하지 않았을 경우 전체 visibleList를 반환한다. * @param {boolean} [withMeta=false] 메타컬럼 포함 여부. 지정하지 않으면 데이터컬럼리스트 기준으로 반환한다. * @returns {Array} 조회한 컬럼모델 배열 */ getVisibleColumns: function(whichSide, withMeta) { var startIndex = withMeta ? 0 : this.getVisibleMetaColumnCount(); var visibleColumnFixCount = this.getVisibleFrozenCount(withMeta); var columns; whichSide = whichSide && whichSide.toUpperCase(); if (whichSide === frameConst.L) { columns = this.get('visibleColumns').slice(startIndex, visibleColumnFixCount); } else if (whichSide === frameConst.R) { columns = this.get('visibleColumns').slice(visibleColumnFixCount); } else { columns = this.get('visibleColumns').slice(startIndex); } return columns; }, /** * 현재 보여지고 있는 메타컬럼의 카운트를 반환한다. * @returns {number} count */ getVisibleMetaColumnCount: function() { var models = this.get('rowHeaders'); var totalLength = models.length; var hiddenLength = _.where(models, {hidden: true}).length; return (totalLength - hiddenLength); }, /** * 현재 노출되는 컬럼들 중, 고정된 컬럼들(L-side)의 갯수를 반환한다. * @param {boolean} [withMeta=false] 현재 보여지고 있는 메타컬럼의 count를 합칠지 여부 * @returns {number} Visible frozen count */ getVisibleFrozenCount: function(withMeta) { var count = this.get('frozenCount'); var fixedColumns = _.first(this.get('dataColumns'), count); var visibleFixedColumns, visibleCount; visibleFixedColumns = _.filter(fixedColumns, function(column) { return !column.hidden; }); visibleCount = visibleFixedColumns.length; if (withMeta) { visibleCount += this.getVisibleMetaColumnCount(); } return visibleCount; }, /** * 인자로 받은 columnName 에 해당하는 columnModel 을 반환한다. * @param {String} columnName 컬럼명 * @returns {Object} 컬럼명에 해당하는 컬럼모델 */ getColumnModel: function(columnName) { return this.get('columnModelMap')[columnName]; }, /** * columnName 에 해당하는 컬럼의 타입이 textType 인지 확인한다. * 랜더링시 html 태그 문자열을 제거할때 사용됨. * @param {String} columnName 컬럼명 * @returns {boolean} text 타입인지 여부 */ isTextType: function(columnName) { return !!this.textType[this.getEditType(columnName)]; }, /** * test the column with given name is a tree column * @param {String} columnName column name to test * @returns {boolean} true if the column is tree column */ isTreeType: function(columnName) { return this.get('treeColumnOptions').name === columnName; }, /** * test if any one of columns has a tree column * @returns {boolean} true if it has a tree column */ hasTreeColumn: function() { return snippet.isString(this.get('treeColumnOptions').name); }, /** * gets treeColumnOptions.useIcon * @returns {boolean} whether use tree icon */ useTreeIcon: function() { var useIcon = this.get('treeColumnOptions').useIcon; return _.isUndefined(useIcon) ? true : useIcon; }, /** * Get cascade usage in the tree-grid's checkbox * @returns {boolean} Whether using the cascading checkbox or not */ useCascadingCheckbox: function() { var useCascadingCheckbox = this.get('treeColumnOptions').useCascadingCheckbox; return _.isUndefined(useCascadingCheckbox) ? true : useCascadingCheckbox; }, /** * 컬럼 모델로부터 editType 을 반환한다. * @param {string} columnName The name of the target column * @returns {string} 해당하는 columnName 의 editType 을 반환한다. */ getEditType: function(columnName) { var columnModel = this.getColumnModel(columnName); var editType = 'normal'; if (columnName === '_button' || columnName === '_number') { editType = columnName; } else if (columnModel && columnModel.editOptions && columnModel.editOptions.type) { editType = columnModel.editOptions.type; } return editType; }, /** * Whether copying the visible text or not * @param {string} columnName - Column name * @returns {boolena} State */ copyVisibleTextOfEditingColumn: function(columnName) { var columnModel = this.getColumnModel(columnName); if (snippet.pick(columnModel, 'editOptions', 'listItems')) { return !!snippet.pick(columnModel, 'copyOptions', 'useListItemText'); } return false; }, /** * 인자로 받은 컬럼 모델에서 !hidden을 만족하는 리스트를 추려서 반환한다. * @param {Array} rowHeaders 메타 컬럼 모델 리스트 * @param {Array} dataColumns 데이터 컬럼 모델 리스트 * @returns {Array} hidden 이 설정되지 않은 전체 컬럼 모델 리스트 * @private */ _makeVisibleColumns: function(rowHeaders, dataColumns) { rowHeaders = rowHeaders || this.get('rowHeaders'); dataColumns = dataColumns || this.get('dataColumns'); return _.filter(rowHeaders.concat(dataColumns), function(item) { return !item.hidden; }); }, /** * 각 columnModel 의 relations 를 모아 주체가 되는 columnName 기준으로 relationsMap 를 생성하여 반환한다. * @param {Array} columns - Column Model List * @returns {{}|{columnName1: Array, columnName1: Array}} columnName 기준으로 생성된 relationsMap * @private */ _getRelationListMap: function(columns) { var relationsMap = {}; _.each(columns, function(columnModel) { var columnName = columnModel.name; if (columnModel.relations) { relationsMap[columnName] = columnModel.relations; } }); return relationsMap; }, /** * ignored 가 true 로 설정된 columnName 의 list 를 반환한다. * @returns {Array} ignored 가 true 로 설정된 columnName 배열. */ getIgnoredColumnNames: function() { var dataColumns = this.get('dataColumns'); var ignoredColumnNames = []; _.each(dataColumns, function(columnModel) { if (columnModel.ignored) { ignoredColumnNames.push(columnModel.name); } }); return ignoredColumnNames; }, /** * Set column title by columns map * @param {Array} targetColumns - columns to change * @param {object} columnsMap - name and title to change * @private */ _changeColumnTitlesByName: function(targetColumns, columnsMap) { _.each(columnsMap, function(value, key) { var idx = _.findIndex(targetColumns, function(data) { return data.name === key; }); if (idx !== -1) { targetColumns[idx].title = value; } }); }, /** * Set column title by columns map * @param {object} columnsMap - name and title to change * @private */ setColumnTitles: function(columnsMap) { var dataColumns = this.get('dataColumns'); var complexHeaderColumns = this.get('complexHeaderColumns'); this._changeColumnTitlesByName(dataColumns, columnsMap); if (complexHeaderColumns.length) { this._changeColumnTitlesByName(complexHeaderColumns, columnsMap); } this.trigger('columnModelChange'); }, /** * Set column model by data * @param {array} rowHeaders - Data of row headers * @param {array} columns - Data of columns * @param {number} [frozenCount] Count of frozen column * @private */ _setColumns: function(rowHeaders, columns, frozenCount) { var relationsMap, visibleColumns, dataColumns; if (snippet.isUndefined(frozenCount)) { frozenCount = this.get('frozenCount'); } rowHeaders = this._getRowHeadersData(rowHeaders); dataColumns = $.extend(true, [], columns); relationsMap = this._getRelationListMap(dataColumns); visibleColumns = this._makeVisibleColumns(rowHeaders, dataColumns); this.set({ selectType: this._getSelectType(rowHeaders), rowHeaders: rowHeaders, dataColumns: dataColumns, columnModelMap: _.indexBy(rowHeaders.concat(dataColumns), 'name'), relationsMap: relationsMap, frozenCount: Math.max(0, frozenCount), visibleColumns: visibleColumns }, { silent: true }); this.unset('columns', { silent: true }); this.trigger('columnModelChange'); }, /** * Get data of row headers * @param {object} options - Options to set each row header * @returns {array} Row headers data * @private */ _getRowHeadersData: function(options) { var rowHeadersData = []; var type, isObject; var defaultData; var hasTitle; _.each(options, function(data) { isObject = _.isObject(data); type = isObject ? data.type : data; defaultData = defaultRowHeaders[type]; if (!isObject) { data = defaultData; } else { hasTitle = data.title; data = $.extend({}, defaultData, data); } // Customizing the cell data in the row header if (data.template && !hasTitle && type !== 'rowNum') { data.title = data.template({ className: '', name: '', disabled: '', checked: '' }); } // "checkbox" and "radio" should not exist in duplicate if (_.findIndex(rowHeadersData, {name: data.name}) === -1) { rowHeadersData.push(data); } }, this); return rowHeadersData; }, /** * Get select type in row headers * @param {array} rowHeaders - Row headers data * @returns {string} Select type * @private */ _getSelectType: function(rowHeaders) { var rowHeader = _.findWhere(rowHeaders, {name: '_button'}); return rowHeader ? rowHeader.type : ''; }, /** * change 이벤트 발생시 핸들러 * @param {Object} model change 이벤트가 발생한 model 객체 * @private */ _onChange: function(model) { var changed = model.changed; var frozenCount = changed.frozenCount; var columns = changed.columns || this.get('dataColumns'); var rowHeaders = changed.rowHeaders || this.get('rowHeaders'); this._setColumns(rowHeaders, columns, frozenCount); }, /** * Set 'hidden' property of column model to true or false * @param {Array} columnNames - Column names to set 'hidden' property * @param {boolean} hidden - Hidden flag for setting */ setHidden: function(columnNames, hidden) { var name, names, columnModel, visibleColumns; while (columnNames.length) { name = columnNames.shift(); columnModel = this.getColumnModel(name); if (columnModel) { columnModel.hidden = hidden; } else { names = this.getUnitColumnNamesIfMerged(name); columnNames.push.apply(columnNames, names); } } visibleColumns = this._makeVisibleColumns( this.get('rowHeaders'), this.get('dataColumns') ); this.set('visibleColumns', visibleColumns, { silent: true }); this.trigger('columnModelChange'); }, /** * Get unit column names * @param {string} columnName - columnName * @returns {Array.} Unit column names */ getUnitColumnNamesIfMerged: function(columnName) { var complexHeaderColumns = this.get('complexHeaderColumns'); var stackForSearch = []; var searchedNames = []; var name, columnModel, complexHeaderColumn; stackForSearch.push(columnName); while (stackForSearch.length) { name = stackForSearch.shift(); columnModel = this.getColumnModel(name); if (columnModel) { searchedNames.push(name); } else { complexHeaderColumn = _.findWhere(complexHeaderColumns, { name: name }); if (complexHeaderColumn) { stackForSearch.push.apply(stackForSearch, complexHeaderColumn.childNames); } } } return _.uniq(searchedNames); }, /** * Returns the copy option of given column. * @param {string} columnName - column name * @returns {{useFormattedValue: boolean}} */ getCopyOptions: function(columnName) { var columnModel = this.getColumnModel(columnName); return _.extend({}, this.get('copyOptions'), columnModel.copyOptions); }, /** * Get name of tree column * @returns {string} column name */ getTreeColumnName: function() { return this.get('treeColumnOptions').name; } }); ColumnModel._defaultRowHeaders = defaultRowHeaders; module.exports = ColumnModel; /***/ }), /* 9 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /** * @fileoverview Base class for Models * @author NHN. FE Development Lab */ 'use strict'; var Backbone = __webpack_require__(5); /** * Base class for Models * @module base/model * @ignore */ var Model = Backbone.Model.extend(/** @lends module:base/model.prototype*/{}); module.exports = Model; /***/ }), /* 10 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /** * @fileoverview Object that conatins constant values * @author NHN. FE Development Lab */ 'use strict'; var _ = __webpack_require__(2); var keyCode = { TAB: 9, ENTER: 13, CTRL: 17, ESC: 27, LEFT_ARROW: 37, UP_ARROW: 38, RIGHT_ARROW: 39, DOWN_ARROW: 40, CHAR_A: 65, CHAR_C: 67, CHAR_F: 70, CHAR_R: 82, CHAR_V: 86, LEFT_WINDOW_KEY: 91, F5: 116, BACKSPACE: 8, SPACE: 32, PAGE_UP: 33, PAGE_DOWN: 34, HOME: 36, END: 35, DEL: 46, UNDEFINED: 229 }; module.exports = { keyCode: keyCode, keyName: _.invert(keyCode), renderState: { LOADING: 'LOADING', DONE: 'DONE', EMPTY: 'EMPTY' }, dimension: { CELL_BORDER_WIDTH: 1, TABLE_BORDER_WIDTH: 1, RESIZE_HANDLE_WIDTH: 7, SCROLLBAR_WIDTH: 17, INDENT_WIDTH: 22 }, frame: { L: 'L', R: 'R' }, attrName: { ROW_KEY: 'data-row-key', COLUMN_NAME: 'data-column-name', COLUMN_INDEX: 'data-column-index', EDIT_TYPE: 'data-edit-type', GRID_ID: 'data-grid-id' }, themeName: { DEFAULT: 'default', STRIPED: 'striped', CLEAN: 'clean' }, selectionType: { CELL: 'CELL', ROW: 'ROW', COLUMN: 'COLUMN' }, summaryType: { SUM: 'sum', AVG: 'avg', CNT: 'cnt', MAX: 'max', MIN: 'min' }, summaryPosition: { TOP: 'top', BOTTOM: 'bottom' }, treeState: { EXPAND: 'EXPAND', COLLAPSE: 'COLLAPSE' }, sortingType: { ASC: 'asc', DESC: 'desc' } }; /***/ }), /* 11 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /** * @fileoverview TreeRowList grid data model implementation * @author NHN. FE Development Lab */ 'use strict'; var _ = __webpack_require__(2); var util = __webpack_require__(3); var RowList = __webpack_require__(12); var TreeRow = __webpack_require__(20); var TreeRowList; /** * Create empty tree-row data * @returns {object} tree data * @ignore */ function createEmptyTreeRowData() { return { _treeData: { hasNextSibling: [] } }; } /** * TreeRowList class implementation * @module model/data/treeModel * @extends module:base/collection * @ignore */ TreeRowList = RowList.extend(/** @lends module:model/data/treeRowList.prototype */{ initialize: function() { RowList.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments); /** * root row which actually does not exist. * it keeps depth 1 rows as it's children * @type {object} */ this._rootRow = createEmptyTreeRowData(); }, model: TreeRow, /** * flattened tree row to grid row * process _extraData then set rowSpanData value * this function overrides RowList._formatData to deal with rowKey here * * @param {array|object} data - rowList * @param {object} options - append options * @returns {array} rowList with row * @override * @private */ _formatData: function(data, options) { var rootRow = createEmptyTreeRowData(); var flattenedRow = []; var rowList, parentRow, parentRowKey; rowList = _.filter(data, _.isObject); rowList = util.isArray(rowList) ? rowList : [rowList]; if (options) { // probably an append operation // which requires specific parent row parentRowKey = options.parentRowKey; if (_.isNumber(parentRowKey) || _.isString(parentRowKey)) { parentRow = this.get(options.parentRowKey); rootRow._treeData.childrenRowKeys = parentRow.getTreeChildrenRowKeys(); rootRow._treeData.hasNextSibling = parentRow.hasTreeNextSibling().slice(0); rootRow.rowKey = options.parentRowKey; } else { // no parent row key means root row rootRow = this._rootRow; } } else { // from setOriginal or setData // which requires to reset root row this._rootRow = rootRow; } this._flattenRow(rowList, flattenedRow, [rootRow]); if (parentRow) { parentRow.setTreeChildrenRowKeys(rootRow._treeData.childrenRowKeys); } _.each(flattenedRow, function(row, i) { if (this.isRowSpanEnable()) { this._setExtraRowSpanData(flattenedRow, i); } }, this); return flattenedRow; }, /** * Flatten nested tree data to 1-depth grid data. * @param {array} treeRows - nested rows having children * @param {array} flattenedRows - flattend rows. you should give an empty array at the initial call of this function * @param {array} ancestors - ancester rows */ _flattenRow: function(treeRows, flattenedRows, ancestors) { var parent; var lastSibling = treeRows[treeRows.length - 1]; parent = ancestors[ancestors.length - 1]; parent._treeData.childrenRowKeys = parent._treeData.childrenRowKeys || []; _.each(treeRows, function(row) { // sets rowKey property row = this._baseFormat(row); row._treeData = { parentRowKey: parent.rowKey, hasNextSibling: parent._treeData.hasNextSibling.concat([lastSibling !== row]), childrenRowKeys: row._children ? [] : null }; parent._treeData.childrenRowKeys.push(row.rowKey); flattenedRows.push(row); if (util.isArray(row._children)) { this._flattenRow(row._children, flattenedRows, ancestors.concat([row])); delete row._children; } }, this); }, /** * calculate index of given parent row key and offset * @param {number|string} parentRowKey - parent row key * @param {number} offset - offset * @returns {number} - calculated index * @private */ _indexOfParentRowKeyAndOffset: function(parentRowKey, offset) { var at, parentRow, childrenRowKeys; parentRow = this.get(parentRowKey); if (parentRow) { childrenRowKeys = parentRow.getTreeChildrenRowKeys(); at = this.indexOf(parentRow); } else { childrenRowKeys = this._rootRow._treeData.childrenRowKeys; at = -1; // root row actually doesn't exist } offset = Math.max(0, offset); offset = Math.min(offset, childrenRowKeys.length); if (childrenRowKeys.length === 0 || offset === 0) { // first sibling // then the `at` is right after the parent row at = at + 1; } else if (childrenRowKeys.length > offset) { // not the last sibling // right before the next sibling at = this.indexOf(this.get(childrenRowKeys[offset])); } else { // last sibling at = this.indexOf(this.get(childrenRowKeys[childrenRowKeys.length - 1])); // and after all it's descendant rows and itself at += this.getTreeDescendantRowKeys(at).length + 1; } return at; }, /** * update hasNextSibling value of previous sibling and of itself * @param {number|string} rowKey - row key * @private */ _syncHasTreeNextSiblingData: function(rowKey) { var currentRow = this.get(rowKey); var currentDepth, prevSiblingRow, nextSiblingRow; if (!currentRow) { return; } currentDepth = currentRow.getTreeDepth(); prevSiblingRow = this.get(this.getTreePrevSiblingRowKey(rowKey)); nextSiblingRow = this.get(this.getTreeNextSiblingRowKey(rowKey)); currentRow.hasTreeNextSibling()[currentDepth - 1] = !!nextSiblingRow; if (prevSiblingRow) { prevSiblingRow.hasTreeNextSibling()[currentDepth - 1] = true; } }, /** * Insert the new row with specified data to the end of table. * @param {array|object} [rowData] - The data for the new row * @param {object} [options] - Options * @param {number|string} [options.parentRowKey] - row key of the parent which appends given rows * @param {number} [options.offset] - offset from first sibling * @param {boolean} [options.focus] - If set to true, move focus to the new row after appending * @returns {Array.} Row model list * @override */ appendRow: function(rowData, options) { var modelList; options = _.extend({ at: this._indexOfParentRowKeyAndOffset(options.parentRowKey, options.offset) }, options); modelList = this._appendRow(rowData, options); this._syncHasTreeNextSiblingData(modelList[0].get('rowKey')); if (modelList.length > 1) { this._syncHasTreeNextSiblingData(modelList[modelList.length - 1].get('rowKey')); } this.trigger('add', modelList, options); return modelList; }, /** * Insert the given data into the very first row of root * @param {array|object} [rowData] - The data for the new row * @param {object} [options] - Options * @param {boolean} [options.focus] - If set to true, move focus to the new row after appending * @returns {Array.} Row model list */ prependRow: function(rowData, options) { options = options || {}; options.parentRowKey = null; options.offset = 0; return this.appendRow(rowData, options); }, _removeChildFromParent: function(childRowKey) { var parentRowKey = this.get(childRowKey).getTreeParentRowKey(); var parentRow = this.get(parentRowKey); var rootTreeData = this._rootRow._treeData; if (parentRow) { parentRow.removeTreeChildrenRowKey(childRowKey); } else { rootTreeData.childrenRowKeys = _.filter(rootTreeData.childrenRowKeys, function(rootChildRowKey) { return rootChildRowKey !== childRowKey; }, this); } }, _removeRow: function(rowKey, options) { this._removeChildFromParent(rowKey); RowList.prototype._removeRow.call(this, rowKey, options); }, /** * remove row of given row key. it will also remove it's descendant * @param {number|string} rowKey - 행 데이터의 고유 키 * @param {object} options - 삭제 옵션 * @param {boolean} options.removeOriginalData - 원본 데이터도 함께 삭제할 지 여부 * @param {boolean} options.keepRowSpanData - rowSpan이 mainRow를 삭제하는 경우 데이터를 유지할지 여부 * @override */ removeRow: function(rowKey, options) { var row = this.get(rowKey); var parentRowKey = row.getTreeParentRowKey(); var currentIndex = this.indexOf(row); var prevSiblingRowKey = this.getTreePrevSiblingRowKey(rowKey); var descendantRowKeys; if (!row) { return; } // remove descendant rows including itself descendantRowKeys = this.getTreeDescendantRowKeys(rowKey); descendantRowKeys.reverse().push(rowKey); _.each(descendantRowKeys, function(descendantRowKey) { this._removeRow(descendantRowKey, options); }, this); if (_.isNumber(prevSiblingRowKey) || _.isString(prevSiblingRowKey)) { this._syncHasTreeNextSiblingData(prevSiblingRowKey); } if (options && options.removeOriginalData) { this.setOriginalRowList(); } this.trigger('remove', rowKey, currentIndex, descendantRowKeys, parentRowKey); }, /** * get row keys of sibling and of itself * @param {number|string} rowKey - row key * @returns {Array.} - sibling row keys */ getTreeSiblingRowKeys: function(rowKey) { var parentRow = this.get(this.get(rowKey).getTreeParentRowKey()); var childrenRowKeys; if (parentRow) { childrenRowKeys = parentRow.getTreeChildrenRowKeys(); } else { childrenRowKeys = this._rootRow._treeData.childrenRowKeys.slice(0); } return childrenRowKeys; }, /** * get row key of previous sibling * @param {number|string} rowKey - row key * @returns {number|string} - previous sibling row key */ getTreePrevSiblingRowKey: function(rowKey) { var siblingRowKeys = this.getTreeSiblingRowKeys(rowKey); var currentIndex = siblingRowKeys.indexOf(rowKey); return currentIndex > 0 ? siblingRowKeys[currentIndex - 1] : null; }, /** * get row key of next sibling * @param {number|string} rowKey - row key * @returns {number|string} - next sibling row key */ getTreeNextSiblingRowKey: function(rowKey) { var siblingRowKeys = this.getTreeSiblingRowKeys(rowKey); var currentIndex = siblingRowKeys.indexOf(rowKey); return (currentIndex + 1 >= siblingRowKeys.length) ? null : siblingRowKeys[currentIndex + 1]; }, /** * get root's child row keys * @returns {Array.} - row keys */ getRootChildRowKeys: function() { return this._rootRow._treeData.childrenRowKeys; }, /** * get tree children of row of given rowKey * @param {number|string} rowKey - row key * @returns {Array.} - children of found row */ getTreeChildrenRowKeys: function(rowKey) { var row = this.get(rowKey); return row.getTreeChildrenRowKeys(); }, /** * get tree descendant of row of given rowKey * @param {number|string} rowKey - row key * @returns {Array.} - descendant of found row */ getTreeDescendantRowKeys: function(rowKey) { var index = 0; var rowKeys = [rowKey]; while (index < rowKeys.length) { rowKeys = rowKeys.concat(this.getTreeChildrenRowKeys(rowKeys[index])); index += 1; } rowKeys.shift(); return rowKeys; }, /** * expand tree row * @param {number|string} rowKey - row key * @param {boolean} recursive - true for recursively expand all descendant * @returns {Array.} - children or descendant of given row */ treeExpand: function(rowKey, recursive) { var descendantRowKeys = this.getTreeDescendantRowKeys(rowKey); var row = this.get(rowKey); row.setTreeExpanded(true); if (recursive) { _.each(descendantRowKeys, function(descendantRowKey) { var descendantRow = this.get(descendantRowKey); if (descendantRow.hasTreeChildren()) { descendantRow.setTreeExpanded(true); } }, this); } else { descendantRowKeys = _.filter(descendantRowKeys, function(descendantRowKey) { return this.isTreeVisible(descendantRowKey); }, this); } /** * Occurs when the row having child rows is expanded * @event Grid#expanded * @type {module:event/gridEvent} * @property {number|string} rowKey - rowKey of the expanded row * @property {Array.} descendantRowKeys - rowKey list of all descendant rows * @property {Grid} instance - Current grid instance */ this.trigger('expanded', { rowKey: rowKey, descendantRowKeys: descendantRowKeys.slice(0) }); return descendantRowKeys; }, /** * expand all rows */ treeExpandAll: function() { var rootChildRowKeys = this.getRootChildRowKeys(); /** * Occurs when all rows having child rows are expanded * @event Grid#expandedAll */ this.trigger('expandedAll'); _.each(rootChildRowKeys, function(rootChildRowKey) { this.treeExpand(rootChildRowKey, true, true); }, this); }, /** * collapse tree row * @param {number|string} rowKey - row key * @param {boolean} recursive - true for recursively expand all descendant * @returns {Array.} - children or descendant of given row */ treeCollapse: function(rowKey, recursive) { var row = this.get(rowKey); var descendantRowKeys = this.getTreeDescendantRowKeys(rowKey); if (recursive) { _.each(descendantRowKeys, function(descendantRowKey) { var descendantRow = this.get(descendantRowKey); if (descendantRow.hasTreeChildren()) { descendantRow.setTreeExpanded(false); } }, this); } else { descendantRowKeys = _.filter(descendantRowKeys, function(descendantRowKey) { return this.isTreeVisible(descendantRowKey); }, this); } row.setTreeExpanded(false); /** * Occurs when the row having child rows is collapsed * @event Grid#collapsed * @type {module:event/gridEvent} * @property {number|string} rowKey - rowKey of the collapsed row * @property {Array.} descendantRowKeys - rowKey list of all descendant rows * @property {Grid} instance - Current grid instance */ this.trigger('collapsed', { rowKey: rowKey, descendantRowKeys: descendantRowKeys.slice(0) }); return descendantRowKeys; }, /** * collapse all rows */ treeCollapseAll: function() { var rootChildRowKeys = this.getRootChildRowKeys(); /** * Occurs when all rows having child rows are collapsed * @event Grid#collapsedAll */ this.trigger('collapsedAll'); _.each(rootChildRowKeys, function(rootChildRowKey) { this.treeCollapse(rootChildRowKey, true); }, this); }, /** * get the parent of the row which has the given row key * @param {number|string} rowKey - row key * @returns {TreeRow} - the parent row */ getTreeParent: function(rowKey) { var row = this.get(rowKey); if (!row) { return null; } return this.get(row.getTreeParentRowKey()); }, /** * get the ancestors of the row which has the given row key * @param {number|string} rowKey - row key * @returns {Array.} - the ancestor rows */ getTreeAncestors: function(rowKey) { var ancestors = []; var row = this.getTreeParent(rowKey); while (row) { ancestors.push(row); row = this.getTreeParent(row.get('rowKey')); } return ancestors.reverse(); }, /** * get the children of the row which has the given row key * @param {number|string} rowKey - row key * @returns {Array.} - the children rows */ getTreeChildren: function(rowKey) { var childrenRowKeys = this.getTreeChildrenRowKeys(rowKey); return _.map(childrenRowKeys, function(childRowKey) { return this.get(childRowKey); }, this); }, /** * get the descendants of the row which has the given row key * @param {number|string} rowKey - row key * @returns {Array.} - the descendant rows */ getTreeDescendants: function(rowKey) { var descendantRowKeys = this.getTreeDescendantRowKeys(rowKey); return _.map(descendantRowKeys, function(descendantRowKey) { return this.get(descendantRowKey); }, this); }, /** * get the depth of the row which has the given row key * @param {number|string} rowKey - row key * @returns {number} - the depth */ getTreeDepth: function(rowKey) { var row = this.get(rowKey); var depth; if (row) { return row.getTreeDepth(); } return depth; }, /** * test if the row of given key should be visible * @param {string|number} rowKey - row key to test * @returns {boolean} - true if visible */ isTreeVisible: function(rowKey) { var visible = true; _.each(this.getTreeAncestors(rowKey), function(ancestor) { visible = visible && ancestor.getTreeExpanded(); }, this); return visible; }, /** * Check whether the row is visible or not * @returns {boolean} state * @override * @todo Change the method name from isTreeVisible to isVisibleRow */ isVisibleRow: function(rowKey) { return this.isTreeVisible(rowKey); }, /** * Check the checkbox input in the row header * @param {number} rowKey - Current row key * @override */ check: function(rowKey) { var selectType = this.columnModel.get('selectType'); if (selectType === 'radio') { this.uncheckAll(); } this._setCheckedState(rowKey, true); }, /** * Uncheck the checkbox input in the row header * @param {number} rowKey - Current row key * @override */ uncheck: function(rowKey) { this._setCheckedState(rowKey, false); }, /** * Set checked state by using a cascading option * @param {number} rowKey - Current row key * @param {boolean} state - Whether checking the input button or not * @private */ _setCheckedState: function(rowKey, state) { var useCascadingCheckbox = this.columnModel.useCascadingCheckbox(); this.setValue(rowKey, '_button', state); if (useCascadingCheckbox) { this._updateDecendantsCheckedState(rowKey, state); this._updateAncestorsCheckedState(rowKey); } }, /** * Update checked state of all descendant rows * @param {number} rowKey - Current row key * @param {boolean} state - Whether checking the input button or not * @private */ _updateDecendantsCheckedState: function(rowKey, state) { var descendants = this.getTreeDescendants(rowKey); _.each(descendants, function(descendantRowKey) { this.setValue(descendantRowKey, '_button', state); }, this); }, /** * Update checked state of all ancestor rows * @param {number} rowKey - Current row key * @param {boolean} state - Whether checking the input button or not * @private */ _updateAncestorsCheckedState: function(rowKey) { var parentRowKey = this.get(rowKey).getTreeParentRowKey(); while (parentRowKey > -1) { this._setCheckedStateToParent(parentRowKey); parentRowKey = this.get(parentRowKey).getTreeParentRowKey(); } }, /** * Set checked state of the parent row according to the checked children rows * @param {number} rowKey - Current row key * @private */ _setCheckedStateToParent: function(rowKey) { var childernRowKeys = this.get(rowKey).getTreeChildrenRowKeys(); var checkedChildrenCnt = 0; var checkedState; _.each(childernRowKeys, function(childRowKey) { if (this.get(childRowKey).get('_button')) { checkedChildrenCnt += 1; } }, this); checkedState = checkedChildrenCnt === childernRowKeys.length; this.setValue(rowKey, '_button', checkedState); } }); module.exports = TreeRowList; /***/ }), /* 12 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /** * @fileoverview Grid 의 Data Source 에 해당하는 Collection 정의 * @author NHN. FE Development Lab */ 'use strict'; var $ = __webpack_require__(7); var _ = __webpack_require__(2); var Collection = __webpack_require__(13); var constMap = __webpack_require__(10); var Row = __webpack_require__(14); var GridEvent = __webpack_require__(16); var sortingType = constMap.sortingType; /** * Raw 데이터 RowList 콜렉션. (DataSource) * Grid.setData 를 사용하여 콜렉션을 설정한다. * @module model/data/rowList * @extends module:base/collection * @param {Array} models - 콜랙션에 추가할 model 리스트 * @param {Object} options - 생성자의 option 객체 * @ignore */ var RowList = Collection.extend(/** @lends module:model/data/rowList.prototype */{ initialize: function(models, options) { Collection.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments); _.assign(this, { columnModel: options.columnModel, domState: options.domState, gridId: options.gridId, lastRowKey: -1, originalRows: [], originalRowMap: {}, startIndex: options.startIndex || 1, sortOptions: { columnName: 'rowKey', ascending: true, useClient: (_.isBoolean(options.useClientSort) ? options.useClientSort : true) }, /** * Whether the all rows are disabled. * This state is not related to individual state of each rows. * @type {Boolean} */ disabled: false, publicObject: options.publicObject }); if (!this.sortOptions.useClient) { this.comparator = null; } if (options.domEventBus) { this.listenTo(options.domEventBus, 'click:headerCheck', this._onClickHeaderCheck); this.listenTo(options.domEventBus, 'click:headerSort', this._onClickHeaderSort); } }, model: Row, /** * Backbone 이 collection 생성 시 내부적으로 parse 를 호출하여 데이터를 포멧에 맞게 파싱한다. * @param {Array} data 원본 데이터 * @returns {Array} 파싱하여 가공된 데이터 */ parse: function(data) { data = (data && data.contents) || data; return this._formatData(data); }, /** * Event handler for 'click:headerCheck' event on domEventBus * @param {module:event/gridEvent} ev - GridEvent * @private */ _onClickHeaderCheck: function(ev) { if (ev.checked) { this.checkAll(); } else { this.uncheckAll(); } }, /** * Event handler for 'click:headerSort' event on domEventBus * @param {module:event/gridEvent} ev - GridEvent * @private */ _onClickHeaderSort: function(ev) { var asc; if (ev.sortingType && this.sortOptions.columnName !== ev.columnName) { asc = ev.sortingType === sortingType.ASC; } this.sortByField(ev.columnName, asc); }, /** * 데이터의 _extraData 를 분석하여, Model 에서 사용할 수 있도록 가공한다. * _extraData 필드에 rowSpanData 를 추가한다. * @param {Array} data 가공할 데이터 * @returns {Array} 가공된 데이터 * @private */ _formatData: function(data) { var rowList = _.filter(data, _.isObject); _.each(rowList, function(row, i) { rowList[i] = this._baseFormat(rowList[i]); if (this.isRowSpanEnable()) { this._setExtraRowSpanData(rowList, i); } }, this); return rowList; }, /** * row 를 기본 포멧으로 wrapping 한다. * 추가적으로 rowKey 를 할당하고, rowState 에 따라 checkbox 의 값을 할당한다. * * @param {object} row 대상 row 데이터 * @param {number} index 해당 row 의 인덱스 정보. rowKey 를 자동 생성할 경우 사용된다. * @returns {object} 가공된 row 데이터 * @private */ _baseFormat: function(row) { var defaultExtraData = { rowSpan: null, rowSpanData: null, rowState: null }, keyColumnName = this.columnModel.get('keyColumnName'), rowKey = (keyColumnName === null) ? this._createRowKey() : row[keyColumnName]; row._extraData = $.extend(defaultExtraData, row._extraData); row._button = row._extraData.rowState === 'CHECKED'; row.rowKey = rowKey; return row; }, /** * 새로운 rowKey를 생성해서 반환한다. * @returns {number} 생성된 rowKey * @private */ _createRowKey: function() { this.lastRowKey += 1; return this.lastRowKey; }, /** * 랜더링시 사용될 extraData 필드에 rowSpanData 값을 세팅한다. * @param {Array} rowList - 전체 rowList 배열. rowSpan 된 경우 자식 row 의 데이터도 가공해야 하기 때문에 전체 list 를 인자로 넘긴다. * @param {number} index - 해당 배열에서 extraData 를 설정할 배열 * @returns {Array} rowList - 가공된 rowList * @private */ _setExtraRowSpanData: function(rowList, index) { var row = rowList[index], rowSpan = row && row._extraData && row._extraData.rowSpan, rowKey = row && row.rowKey, subCount, childRow, i; function hasRowSpanData(row, columnName) { // eslint-disable-line no-shadow, require-jsdoc var extraData = row._extraData; return !!(extraData.rowSpanData && extraData.rowSpanData[columnName]); } function setRowSpanData(row, columnName, rowSpanData) { // eslint-disable-line no-shadow, require-jsdoc var extraData = row._extraData; extraData.rowSpanData = (extraData && extraData.rowSpanData) || {}; extraData.rowSpanData[columnName] = rowSpanData; return extraData; } if (rowSpan) { _.each(rowSpan, function(count, columnName) { if (!hasRowSpanData(row, columnName)) { setRowSpanData(row, columnName, { count: count, isMainRow: true, mainRowKey: rowKey }); // rowSpan 된 row 의 자식 rowSpanData 를 가공한다. subCount = -1; for (i = index + 1; i < index + count; i += 1) { childRow = rowList[i]; childRow[columnName] = row[columnName]; childRow._extraData = childRow._extraData || {}; setRowSpanData(childRow, columnName, { count: subCount, isMainRow: false, mainRowKey: rowKey }); subCount -= 1; } } }); } return rowList; }, /** * originalRows 와 originalRowMap 을 생성한다. * @param {Array} [rowList] rowList 가 없을 시 현재 collection 데이터를 originalRows 로 저장한다. * @returns {Array} format 을 거친 데이터 리스트. */ setOriginalRowList: function(rowList) { this.originalRows = rowList ? this._formatData(rowList) : this.toJSON(); this.originalRowMap = _.indexBy(this.originalRows, 'rowKey'); return this.originalRows; }, /** * 원본 데이터 리스트를 반환한다. * @param {boolean} [isClone=true] 데이터 복제 여부. * @returns {Array} 원본 데이터 리스트 배열. */ getOriginalRowList: function(isClone) { isClone = _.isUndefined(isClone) ? true : isClone; return isClone ? _.clone(this.originalRows) : this.originalRows; }, /** * 원본 row 데이터를 반환한다. * @param {(Number|String)} rowKey 데이터의 키값 * @returns {Object} 해당 행의 원본 데이터값 */ getOriginalRow: function(rowKey) { return _.clone(this.originalRowMap[rowKey]); }, /** * rowKey 와 columnName 에 해당하는 원본 데이터를 반환한다. * @param {(Number|String)} rowKey 데이터의 키값 * @param {String} columnName 컬럼명 * @returns {(Number|String)} rowKey 와 컬럼명에 해당하는 셀의 원본 데이터값 */ getOriginal: function(rowKey, columnName) { return _.clone(this.originalRowMap[rowKey][columnName]); }, /** * mainRowKey 를 반환한다. * @param {(Number|String)} rowKey 데이터의 키값 * @param {String} columnName 컬럼명 * @returns {(Number|String)} rowKey 와 컬럼명에 해당하는 셀의 main row 키값 */ getMainRowKey: function(rowKey, columnName) { var row = this.get(rowKey), rowSpanData; if (this.isRowSpanEnable()) { rowSpanData = row && row.getRowSpanData(columnName); rowKey = rowSpanData ? rowSpanData.mainRowKey : rowKey; } return rowKey; }, /** * rowKey 에 해당하는 index를 반환한다. * @param {(Number|String)} rowKey 데이터의 키값 * @returns {Number} 키값에 해당하는 row의 인덱스 */ indexOfRowKey: function(rowKey) { return this.indexOf(this.get(rowKey)); }, /** * rowSpan 이 적용되어야 하는지 여부를 반환한다. * 랜더링시 사용된다. * - sorted, 혹은 filterd 된 경우 false 를 리턴한다. * @returns {boolean} 랜더링 시 rowSpan 을 해야하는지 여부 */ isRowSpanEnable: function() { return !this.isSortedByField(); }, /** * 현재 RowKey가 아닌 다른 컬럼에 의해 정렬된 상태인지 여부를 반환한다. * @returns {Boolean} 정렬된 상태인지 여부 */ isSortedByField: function() { return this.sortOptions.columnName !== 'rowKey'; }, /** * 정렬옵션 객체의 값을 변경하고, 변경된 값이 있을 경우 sortChanged 이벤트를 발생시킨다. * @param {string} columnName 정렬할 컬럼명 * @param {boolean} ascending 오름차순 여부 * @param {boolean} requireFetch 서버 데이타의 갱신이 필요한지 여부 */ setSortOptionValues: function(columnName, ascending, requireFetch) { var options = this.sortOptions, isChanged = false; if (_.isUndefined(columnName)) { columnName = 'rowKey'; } if (_.isUndefined(ascending)) { ascending = true; } if (options.columnName !== columnName || options.ascending !== ascending) { isChanged = true; } options.columnName = columnName; options.ascending = ascending; if (isChanged) { this.trigger('sortChanged', { columnName: columnName, ascending: ascending, requireFetch: requireFetch }); } }, /** * 주어진 컬럼명을 기준으로 오름/내림차순 정렬한다. * @param {string} columnName 정렬할 컬럼명 * @param {boolean} ascending 오름차순 여부 */ sortByField: function(columnName, ascending) { var options = this.sortOptions; if (_.isUndefined(ascending)) { ascending = (options.columnName === columnName) ? !options.ascending : true; } this.setSortOptionValues(columnName, ascending, !options.useClient); if (options.useClient) { this.sort(); } }, /** * rowList 를 반환한다. * @param {boolean} [checkedOnly=false] true 로 설정된 경우 checked 된 데이터 대상으로 비교 후 반환한다. * @param {boolean} [withRawData=false] true 로 설정된 경우 내부 연산용 데이터 제거 필터링을 거치지 않는다. * @returns {Array} Row List */ getRows: function(checkedOnly, withRawData) { var rows, checkedRows; if (checkedOnly) { checkedRows = this.where({ '_button': true }); rows = []; _.each(checkedRows, function(checkedRow) { rows.push(checkedRow.attributes); }, this); } else { rows = this.toJSON(); } return withRawData ? rows : this._removePrivateProp(rows); }, /** * Finds rows by conditions * @param {Object|Function} conditions - object (key: column name, value: column value) or * function that check the value and returns true/false result to find rows * @returns {Array} Row list */ findRows: function(conditions) { var foundRows; if (_.isFunction(conditions)) { foundRows = this.filter(function(row) { return conditions(row.toJSON()); }); } else { foundRows = this.where(conditions); } return _.map(foundRows, function(row) { return row.toJSON(); }); }, /** * row Data 값에 변경이 발생했을 경우, sorting 되지 않은 경우에만 * rowSpan 된 데이터들도 함께 update 한다. * * @param {object} row row 모델 * @param {String} columnName 변경이 발생한 컬럼명 * @param {(String|Number)} value 변경된 값 */ syncRowSpannedData: function(row, columnName, value) { var index, rowSpanData, i; // 정렬 되지 않았을 때만 rowSpan 된 데이터들도 함께 update 한다. if (this.isRowSpanEnable()) { rowSpanData = row.getRowSpanData(columnName); if (!rowSpanData.isMainRow) { this.get(rowSpanData.mainRowKey).set(columnName, value); } else { index = this.indexOfRowKey(row.get('rowKey')); for (i = 0; i < rowSpanData.count - 1; i += 1) { this.at(i + 1 + index).set(columnName, value); } } } }, /* eslint-disable complexity */ /** * Backbone 에서 sort() 실행시 내부적으로 사용되는 메소드. * @param {Row} a 비교할 앞의 모델 * @param {Row} b 비교할 뒤의 모델 * @returns {number} a가 b보다 작으면 -1, 같으면 0, 크면 1. 내림차순이면 반대. */ comparator: function(a, b) { var columnName = this.sortOptions.columnName; var ascending = this.sortOptions.ascending; var valueA = a.get(columnName); var valueB = b.get(columnName); var isEmptyA = _.isNull(valueA) || _.isUndefined(valueA) || valueA === ''; var isEmptyB = _.isNull(valueB) || _.isUndefined(valueB) || valueB === ''; var result = 0; if (isEmptyA && !isEmptyB) { result = -1; } else if (!isEmptyA && isEmptyB) { result = 1; } else if (valueA < valueB) { result = -1; } else if (valueA > valueB) { result = 1; } if (!ascending) { result = -result; } return result; }, /* eslint-enable complexity */ /** * rowList 에서 내부에서만 사용하는 property 를 제거하고 반환한다. * @param {Array} rowList 내부에 설정된 rowList 배열 * @returns {Array} private 프로퍼티를 제거한 결과값 * @private */ _removePrivateProp: function(rowList) { return _.map(rowList, function(row) { return _.omit(row, Row.privateProperties); }); }, _removeRow: function(rowKey, options) { var row = this.get(rowKey); var rowSpanData, nextRow, removedData, currentIndex; if (!row) { return -1; } if (options && options.keepRowSpanData) { removedData = _.clone(row.attributes); } currentIndex = this.indexOf(row); rowSpanData = _.clone(row.getRowSpanData()); nextRow = this.at(currentIndex + 1); this.remove(row, { silent: true }); this._syncRowSpanDataForRemove(rowSpanData, nextRow, removedData); return currentIndex; }, /** * rowKey 에 해당하는 그리드 데이터를 삭제한다. * @param {(Number|String)} rowKey - 행 데이터의 고유 키 * @param {object} options - 삭제 옵션 * @param {boolean} options.removeOriginalData - 원본 데이터도 함께 삭제할 지 여부 * @param {boolean} options.keepRowSpanData - rowSpan이 mainRow를 삭제하는 경우 데이터를 유지할지 여부 */ removeRow: function(rowKey, options) { var currentIndex = this._removeRow(rowKey, options); if (options && options.removeOriginalData) { this.setOriginalRowList(); } this.trigger('remove', rowKey, currentIndex); }, /** * 삭제된 행에 rowSpan이 적용되어 있었을 때, 관련된 행들의 rowSpan데이터를 갱신한다. * @param {object} rowSpanData - 삭제된 행의 rowSpanData * @param {Row} nextRow - 삭제된 다음 행의 모델 * @param {object} [removedData] - 삭제된 행의 데이터 (삭제옵션의 keepRowSpanData가 true인 경우에만 넘겨짐) * @private */ _syncRowSpanDataForRemove: function(rowSpanData, nextRow, removedData) { if (!rowSpanData) { return; } _.each(rowSpanData, function(data, columnName) { var mainRowSpanData = {}, mainRow, startOffset, spanCount; if (data.isMainRow) { if (data.count === 1) { // if isMainRow is true and count is 1, rowSpanData is meaningless return; } mainRow = nextRow; spanCount = data.count - 1; startOffset = 1; if (spanCount > 1) { mainRowSpanData.mainRowKey = mainRow.get('rowKey'); mainRowSpanData.isMainRow = true; } mainRow.set(columnName, (removedData ? removedData[columnName] : ''), { silent: true }); } else { mainRow = this.get(data.mainRowKey); spanCount = mainRow.getRowSpanData(columnName).count - 1; startOffset = -data.count; } if (spanCount > 1) { mainRowSpanData.count = spanCount; mainRow.setRowSpanData(columnName, mainRowSpanData); this._updateSubRowSpanData(mainRow, columnName, startOffset, spanCount); } else { mainRow.setRowSpanData(columnName, null); } }, this); }, /** * append, prepend 시 사용할 dummy row를 생성한다. * @returns {Object} 값이 비어있는 더미 row 데이터 * @private */ _createDummyRow: function() { var columns = this.columnModel.get('dataColumns'); var data = {}; _.each(columns, function(columnModel) { data[columnModel.name] = ''; }, this); return data; }, _appendRow: function(rowData, options) { var modelList = this._createModelList(rowData, options); this.add(modelList, { at: options.at, add: true, silent: true }); this._syncRowSpanDataForAppend(options.at, modelList.length, options.extendPrevRowSpan); return modelList; }, /** * Insert the new row with specified data to the end of table. * @param {(Array|Object)} [rowData] - The data for the new row * @param {Object} [options] - Options * @param {Number} [options.at] - The index at which new row will be inserted * @param {Boolean} [options.extendPrevRowSpan] - If set to true and the previous row at target index * has a rowspan data, the new row will extend the existing rowspan data. * @param {Boolean} [options.focus] - If set to true, move focus to the new row after appending * @returns {Array.} Row model list */ appendRow: function(rowData, options) { var modelList; options = _.extend({at: this.length}, options); modelList = this._appendRow(rowData, options); this.trigger('add', modelList, options); return modelList; }, /** * 현재 rowList 에 최상단에 데이터를 append 한다. * @param {Object} rowData prepend 할 행 데이터 * @param {object} [options] - Options * @param {boolean} [options.focus] - If set to true, move focus to the new row after appending * @returns {Array.} Row model list */ prependRow: function(rowData, options) { options = options || {}; options.at = 0; return this.appendRow(rowData, options); }, /** * rowKey에 해당하는 행의 데이터를 리턴한다. isJsonString을 true로 설정하면 결과를 json객체로 변환하여 리턴한다. * @param {(Number|String)} rowKey 행 데이터의 고유 키 * @param {Boolean} [isJsonString=false] true 일 경우 JSON String 으로 반환한다. * @returns {Object} 행 데이터 */ getRowData: function(rowKey, isJsonString) { var row = this.get(rowKey), rowData = row ? row.toJSON() : null; return isJsonString ? JSON.stringify(rowData) : rowData; }, /** * 그리드 전체 데이터 중에서 index에 해당하는 순서의 데이터 객체를 리턴한다. * @param {Number} index 행의 인덱스 * @param {Boolean} [isJsonString=false] true 일 경우 JSON String 으로 반환한다. * @returns {Object} 행 데이터 */ getRowDataAt: function(index, isJsonString) { var row = this.at(index), rowData = row ? row.toJSON() : null; return isJsonString ? JSON.stringify(row) : rowData; }, /** * rowKey 와 columnName 에 해당하는 값을 반환한다. * @param {(Number|String)} rowKey 행 데이터의 고유 키 * @param {String} columnName 컬럼 이름 * @param {boolean} [isOriginal] 원본 데이터 리턴 여부 * @returns {(Number|String|undefined)} 조회한 셀의 값. */ getValue: function(rowKey, columnName, isOriginal) { var value, row; if (isOriginal) { value = this.getOriginal(rowKey, columnName); } else { row = this.get(rowKey); value = row && row.get(columnName); } return value; }, /** * Sets the vlaue of the cell identified by the specified rowKey and columnName. * @param {(Number|String)} rowKey - rowKey * @param {String} columnName - columnName * @param {(Number|String)} value - value * @param {Boolean} [silent=false] - whether set silently * @returns {Boolean} True if affected row exists */ setValue: function(rowKey, columnName, value, silent) { var row = this.get(rowKey); if (row) { row.set(columnName, value, { silent: silent }); return true; } return false; }, /** * columnName에 해당하는 column data list를 리턴한다. * @param {String} columnName 컬럼명 * @param {boolean} [isJsonString=false] true 일 경우 JSON String 으로 반환한다. * @returns {Array} 컬럼명에 해당하는 셀들의 데이터 리스트 */ getColumnValues: function(columnName, isJsonString) { var valueList = this.pluck(columnName); return isJsonString ? JSON.stringify(valueList) : valueList; }, /** * columnName 에 해당하는 값을 전부 변경한다. * @param {String} columnName 컬럼명 * @param {(Number|String)} columnValue 변경할 컬럼 값 * @param {Boolean} [isCheckCellState=true] 셀의 편집 가능 여부 와 disabled 상태를 체크할지 여부 * @param {Boolean} [silent=false] change 이벤트 trigger 할지 여부. */ setColumnValues: function(columnName, columnValue, isCheckCellState, silent) { var obj = {}, cellState = { disabled: false, editable: true }; obj[columnName] = columnValue; isCheckCellState = _.isUndefined(isCheckCellState) ? true : isCheckCellState; this.forEach(function(row) { if (isCheckCellState) { cellState = row.getCellState(columnName); } if (!cellState.disabled && cellState.editable) { row.set(obj, { silent: silent }); } }, this); }, /** * rowKey 와 columnName 에 해당하는 Cell 의 rowSpanData 를 반환한다. * @param {(Number|String)} rowKey 행 데이터의 고유 rowKey * @param {String} columnName 컬럼 이름 * @returns {object} rowSpanData */ getRowSpanData: function(rowKey, columnName) { var row = this.get(rowKey); return row ? row.getRowSpanData(columnName) : null; }, /** * Returns true if there are at least one row modified. * @returns {boolean} - True if there are at least one row modified. */ isModified: function() { var modifiedRowsArr = _.values(this.getModifiedRows()); return _.some(modifiedRowsArr, function(modifiedRows) { return modifiedRows.length > 0; }); }, /** * Enables or Disables all rows. * @param {Boolean} disabled - Whether disabled or not */ setDisabled: function(disabled) { if (this.disabled !== disabled) { this.disabled = disabled; this.trigger('disabledChanged'); } }, /** * rowKey에 해당하는 행을 활성화시킨다. * @param {(Number|String)} rowKey 행 데이터의 고유 키 */ enableRow: function(rowKey) { this.get(rowKey).setRowState(''); }, /** * rowKey에 해당하는 행을 비활성화 시킨다. * @param {(Number|String)} rowKey 행 데이터의 고유 키 */ disableRow: function(rowKey) { this.get(rowKey).setRowState('DISABLED'); }, /** * rowKey에 해당하는 행의 메인 체크박스를 체크할 수 있도록 활성화 시킨다. * @param {(Number|String)} rowKey 행 데이터의 고유 키 */ enableCheck: function(rowKey) { this.get(rowKey).setRowState(''); }, /** * rowKey에 해당하는 행의 메인 체크박스를 체크하지 못하도록 비활성화 시킨다. * @param {(Number|String)} rowKey 행 데이터의 고유 키 */ disableCheck: function(rowKey) { this.get(rowKey).setRowState('DISABLED_CHECK'); }, /** * rowKey에 해당하는 행의 체크박스 및 라디오박스를 선택한다. * @param {(Number|String)} rowKey 행 데이터의 고유 키 * @param {Boolean} [silent] 이벤트 발생 여부 */ check: function(rowKey, silent) { var isDisabledCheck = this.get(rowKey).getRowState().isDisabledCheck; var selectType = this.columnModel.get('selectType'); if (!isDisabledCheck && selectType) { if (selectType === 'radio') { this.uncheckAll(); } this.setValue(rowKey, '_button', true, silent); } }, /** * rowKey 에 해당하는 행의 체크박스 및 라디오박스를 선택한다. * @param {(Number|String)} rowKey 행 데이터의 고유 키 * @param {Boolean} [silent] 이벤트 발생 여부 */ uncheck: function(rowKey, silent) { this.setValue(rowKey, '_button', false, silent); }, /** * 전체 행을 선택한다. * TODO: disableCheck 행 처리 */ checkAll: function() { this.setColumnValues('_button', true); }, /** * 모든 행을 선택 해제 한다. */ uncheckAll: function() { this.setColumnValues('_button', false); }, /** * 주어진 데이터로 모델 목록을 생성하여 반환한다. * @param {object|array} rowData - 모델을 생성할 데이터. Array일 경우 여러개를 동시에 생성한다. * @param {object} options - append의 경우 필요한 options * @returns {Row[]} 생성된 모델 목록 */ _createModelList: function(rowData, options) { var modelList = [], rowList; rowData = rowData || this._createDummyRow(); if (!_.isArray(rowData)) { rowData = [rowData]; } rowList = this._formatData(rowData, options); _.each(rowList, function(row) { var ModelClass = this.model; var model = new ModelClass(row, { collection: this, parse: true }); modelList.push(model); }, this); return modelList; }, /** * 새로운 행이 추가되었을 때, 관련된 주변 행들의 rowSpan 데이터를 갱신한다. * @param {number} index - 추가된 행의 인덱스 * @param {number} length - 추가된 행의 개수 * @param {boolean} extendPrevRowSpan - 이전 행의 rowSpan 데이터가 있는 경우 합칠지 여부 */ _syncRowSpanDataForAppend: function(index, length, extendPrevRowSpan) { var prevRow = this.at(index - 1); if (!prevRow) { return; } _.each(prevRow.getRowSpanData(), function(data, columnName) { var mainRow, mainRowData, startOffset, spanCount; // count 값은 mainRow인 경우 '전체 rowSpan 개수', 아닌 경우는 'mainRow까지의 거리 (음수)'를 의미한다. // 0이면 rowSpan 되어 있지 않다는 의미이다. if (data.count === 0) { return; } if (data.isMainRow) { mainRow = prevRow; mainRowData = data; startOffset = 1; } else { mainRow = this.get(data.mainRowKey); mainRowData = mainRow.getRowSpanData()[columnName]; // 루프를 순회할 때 의미를 좀더 명확하게 하기 위해 양수값으로 변경해서 offset 처럼 사용한다. startOffset = -data.count + 1; } if (mainRowData.count > startOffset || extendPrevRowSpan) { mainRowData.count += length; spanCount = mainRowData.count; this._updateSubRowSpanData(mainRow, columnName, startOffset, spanCount); } }, this); }, /** * 특정 컬럼의 rowSpan 데이터를 주어진 범위만큼 갱신한다. * @param {Row} mainRow - rowSpan의 첫번째 행 * @param {string} columnName - 컬럼명 * @param {number} startOffset - mainRow로부터 몇번째 떨어진 행부터 갱신할지를 지정하는 값 * @param {number} spanCount - span이 적용될 행의 개수 */ _updateSubRowSpanData: function(mainRow, columnName, startOffset, spanCount) { var mainRowIdx = this.indexOf(mainRow), mainRowKey = mainRow.get('rowKey'), row, offset; for (offset = startOffset; offset < spanCount; offset += 1) { row = this.at(mainRowIdx + offset); row.set(columnName, mainRow.get(columnName), { silent: true }); row.setRowSpanData(columnName, { count: -offset, mainRowKey: mainRowKey, isMainRow: false }); } }, /** * 해당 row가 수정된 Row인지 여부를 반환한다. * @param {Object} row - row 데이터 * @param {Object} originalRow - 원본 row 데이터 * @param {Array} ignoredColumns - 비교에서 제외할 컬럼명 * @returns {boolean} - 수정여부 */ _isModifiedRow: function(row, originalRow, ignoredColumns) { var filtered = _.omit(row, ignoredColumns); var result = _.some(filtered, function(value, columnName) { if (typeof value === 'object') { return (JSON.stringify(value) !== JSON.stringify(originalRow[columnName])); } return value !== originalRow[columnName]; }, this); return result; }, /** * 수정된 rowList 를 반환한다. * @param {Object} options 옵션 객체 * @param {boolean} [options.checkedOnly=false] true 로 설정된 경우 checked 된 데이터 대상으로 비교 후 반환한다. * @param {boolean} [options.withRawData=false] true 로 설정된 경우 내부 연산용 데이터 제거 필터링을 거치지 않는다. * @param {boolean} [options.rowKeyOnly=false] true 로 설정된 경우 키값만 저장하여 리턴한다. * @param {Array} [options.ignoredColumns] 행 데이터 중에서 데이터 변경으로 간주하지 않을 컬럼 이름을 배열로 설정한다. * @returns {{createdRows: Array, updatedRows: Array, deletedRows: Array}} options 조건에 해당하는 수정된 rowList 정보 */ getModifiedRows: function(options) { var withRawData = options && options.withRawData; var isCheckAvailable = !!this.columnModel.getColumnModel('_button'); var checkedOnly = isCheckAvailable && options && options.checkedOnly; var rowKeyOnly = options && options.rowKeyOnly; var original = withRawData ? this.originalRows : this._removePrivateProp(this.originalRows); var current = withRawData ? this.toJSON() : this._removePrivateProp(this.toJSON()); var ignoredColumns = options && options.ignoredColumns; var result = { createdRows: [], updatedRows: [], deletedRows: [] }; original = _.indexBy(original, 'rowKey'); current = _.indexBy(current, 'rowKey'); ignoredColumns = _.union(ignoredColumns, this.columnModel.getIgnoredColumnNames()); // 추가/ 수정된 행 추출 _.each(current, function(row, rowKey) { var originalRow = original[rowKey], item = rowKeyOnly ? row.rowKey : _.omit(row, ignoredColumns); if (!checkedOnly || (checkedOnly && this.get(rowKey).get('_button'))) { if (!originalRow) { result.createdRows.push(item); } else if (this._isModifiedRow(row, originalRow, ignoredColumns)) { result.updatedRows.push(item); } } }, this); // 삭제된 행 추출 _.each(original, function(obj, rowKey) { var item = rowKeyOnly ? obj.rowKey : _.omit(obj, ignoredColumns); if (!current[rowKey]) { result.deletedRows.push(item); } }, this); return result; }, /** * data 를 설정한다. setData 와 다르게 setOriginalRowList 를 호출하여 원본데이터를 갱신하지 않는다. * @param {Array} data - 설정할 데이터 배열 값 * @param {boolean} [parse=true] backbone 의 parse 로직을 수행할지 여부 * @param {Function} [callback] callback function */ resetData: function(data, parse, callback) { if (!data) { data = []; } if (_.isUndefined(parse)) { parse = true; } this.trigger('beforeReset', data.length); this.lastRowKey = -1; this.reset(data, { parse: parse }); if (_.isFunction(callback)) { callback(); } }, /** * data 를 설정하고, setOriginalRowList 를 호출하여 원본데이터를 갱신한다. * @param {Array} data - 설정할 데이터 배열 값 * @param {boolean} [parse=true] backbone 의 parse 로직을 수행할지 여부 * @param {function} [callback] 완료시 호출될 함수 */ setData: function(data, parse, callback) { var wrappedCallback = _.bind(function() { this.setOriginalRowList(); if (_.isFunction(callback)) { callback(); } }, this); this.resetData(data, parse, wrappedCallback); }, /** * setData()를 통해 그리드에 설정된 초기 데이터 상태로 복원한다. * 그리드에서 수정되었던 내용을 초기화하는 용도로 사용한다. */ restore: function() { var originalRows = this.getOriginalRowList(); this.resetData(originalRows, true); }, /** * rowKey 와 columnName 에 해당하는 text 형태의 셀의 값을 삭제한다. * @param {(Number|String)} rowKey 행 데이터의 고유 키 * @param {String} columnName 컬럼 이름 * @param {Boolean} [silent=false] 이벤트 발생 여부. true 로 변경할 상황은 거의 없다. */ del: function(rowKey, columnName, silent) { var mainRowKey = this.getMainRowKey(rowKey, columnName), cellState = this.get(mainRowKey).getCellState(columnName), editType = this.columnModel.getEditType(columnName), isDeletableType = _.contains(['text', 'password'], editType); if (isDeletableType && cellState.editable && !cellState.disabled) { this.setValue(mainRowKey, columnName, '', silent); } }, /** * Calls del() method for multiple cells silently, and trigger 'deleteRange' event * @param {{row: Array., column: Array.}} range - visible indexes */ delRange: function(range) { var columnModels = this.columnModel.getVisibleColumns(); var rowIdxes = _.range(range.row[0], range.row[1] + 1); var columnIdxes = _.range(range.column[0], range.column[1] + 1); var rowKeys, columnNames; rowKeys = _.map(rowIdxes, function(idx) { return this.at(idx).get('rowKey'); }, this); columnNames = _.map(columnIdxes, function(idx) { return columnModels[idx].name; }); _.each(rowKeys, function(rowKey) { _.each(columnNames, function(columnName) { this.del(rowKey, columnName, true); this.get(rowKey).validateCell(columnName, true); }, this); }, this); /** * Occurs when cells are deleted by 'del' key * @event Grid#deleteRange * @type {module:event/gridEvent} * @property {Array} columnNames - columName list of deleted cell * @property {Array} rowKeys - rowKey list of deleted cell * @property {Grid} instance - Current grid instance */ this.trigger('deleteRange', new GridEvent(null, { rowKeys: rowKeys, columnNames: columnNames })); }, /** * 2차원 배열로 된 데이터를 받아 현재 Focus된 셀을 기준으로 하여 각각의 인덱스의 해당하는 만큼 우측 아래 방향으로 * 이동하며 셀의 값을 변경한다. 완료한 후 적용된 셀 범위에 Selection을 지정한다. * @param {Array[]} data - 2차원 배열 데이터. 내부배열의 사이즈는 모두 동일해야 한다. * @param {{row: number, column: number}} startIdx - 시작점이 될 셀의 인덱스 */ paste: function(data, startIdx) { var endIdx = this._getEndIndexToPaste(data, startIdx); _.each(data, function(row, index) { this._setValueForPaste(row, startIdx.row + index, startIdx.column, endIdx.column); }, this); this.trigger('paste', { startIdx: startIdx, endIdx: endIdx }); }, /** * Validates all data and returns the result. * Return value is an array which contains only rows which have invalid cell data. * @returns {Array.} An array of error object * @example [ { rowKey: 1, errors: [ { columnName: 'c1', errorCode: 'REQUIRED' }, { columnName: 'c2', errorCode: 'REQUIRED' } ] }, { rowKey: 3, errors: [ { columnName: 'c2', errorCode: 'REQUIRED' } ] } ] */ validate: function() { var errorRows = []; var requiredColumnNames = _.chain(this.columnModel.getVisibleColumns()) .filter(function(columnModel) { return columnModel.validation && columnModel.validation.required === true; }) .pluck('name') .value(); this.each(function(row) { var errorCells = []; _.each(requiredColumnNames, function(columnName) { var errorCode = row.validateCell(columnName); if (errorCode) { errorCells.push({ columnName: columnName, errorCode: errorCode }); } }); if (errorCells.length) { errorRows.push({ rowKey: row.get('rowKey'), errors: errorCells }); } }); return errorRows; }, /** * 붙여넣기를 실행할 때 끝점이 될 셀의 인덱스를 반환한다. * @param {Array[]} data - 붙여넣기할 데이터 * @param {{row: number, column: number}} startIdx - 시작점이 될 셀의 인덱스 * @returns {{row: number, column: number}} 행과 열의 인덱스 정보를 가진 객체 */ _getEndIndexToPaste: function(data, startIdx) { var columns = this.columnModel.getVisibleColumns(), rowIdx = data.length + startIdx.row - 1, columnIdx = Math.min(data[0].length + startIdx.column, columns.length) - 1; return { row: rowIdx, column: columnIdx }; }, /** * 주어진 행 데이터를 지정된 인덱스의 컬럼에 반영한다. * 셀이 수정 가능한 상태일 때만 값을 변경하며, RowSpan이 적용된 셀인 경우 MainRow인 경우에만 값을 변경한다. * @param {rowData} rowData - 붙여넣을 행 데이터 * @param {number} rowIdx - 행 인덱스 * @param {number} columnStartIdx - 열 시작 인덱스 * @param {number} columnEndIdx - 열 종료 인덱스 */ _setValueForPaste: function(rowData, rowIdx, columnStartIdx, columnEndIdx) { var row = this.at(rowIdx), columnModel = this.columnModel, attributes = {}, columnIdx, columnName, cellState, rowSpanData; if (!row) { row = this.appendRow({})[0]; } for (columnIdx = columnStartIdx; columnIdx <= columnEndIdx; columnIdx += 1) { columnName = columnModel.at(columnIdx, true).name; cellState = row.getCellState(columnName); rowSpanData = row.getRowSpanData(columnName); if (cellState.editable && !cellState.disabled && (!rowSpanData || rowSpanData.count >= 0)) { attributes[columnName] = rowData[columnIdx - columnStartIdx]; } } row.set(attributes); }, /** * rowKey 와 columnName 에 해당하는 td element 를 반환한다. * 내부적으로 자동으로 mainRowKey 를 찾아 반환한다. * @param {(Number|String)} rowKey 행 데이터의 고유 키 * @param {String} columnName 컬럼 이름 * @returns {jQuery} 해당 jQuery Element */ getElement: function(rowKey, columnName) { var mainRowKey = this.getMainRowKey(rowKey, columnName); return this.domState.getElement(mainRowKey, columnName); }, /** * Returns the count of check-available rows and checked rows. * @returns {{available: number, checked: number}} */ getCheckedState: function() { var available = 0; var checked = 0; this.forEach(function(row) { var buttonState = row.getCellState('_button'); if (!buttonState.disabled && buttonState.editable) { available += 1; if (row.get('_button')) { checked += 1; } } }); return { available: available, checked: checked }; }, /** * Check whether the row is visible or not * @returns {boolean} state * @abstract */ isVisibleRow: function() { return true; } }); module.exports = RowList; /***/ }), /* 13 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /** * @fileoverview Base class for Collections * @author NHN. FE Development Lab */ 'use strict'; var Backbone = __webpack_require__(5); /** * Base class for Collection * @module base/collection * @ignore */ var Collection = Backbone.Collection.extend(/** @lends module:base/collection.prototype */{ /** * collection 내 model 들의 event listener 를 제거하고 메모리에서 해제한다. * @returns {object} this object */ clear: function() { this.each(function(model) { model.stopListening(); model = null; }); this.reset([], {silent: true}); return this; } }); module.exports = Collection; /***/ }), /* 14 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /** * @fileoverview Grid 의 Data Source 에 해당하는 Model 정의 * @author NHN. FE Development Lab */ 'use strict'; var _ = __webpack_require__(2); var Backbone = __webpack_require__(5); var snippet = __webpack_require__(3); var Model = __webpack_require__(9); var ExtraDataManager = __webpack_require__(15); var GridEvent = __webpack_require__(16); var util = __webpack_require__(17); var clipboardUtil = __webpack_require__(18); var classNameConst = __webpack_require__(19); // Propertie names that indicate meta data var PRIVATE_PROPERTIES = [ '_button', '_number', '_extraData' ]; // Error code for validtaion var VALID_ERR_REQUIRED = 'REQUIRED'; var VALID_ERR_TYPE_NUMBER = 'TYPE_NUMBER'; /** * Data 중 각 행의 데이터 모델 (DataSource) * @module model/data/row * @extends module:base/model * @ignore */ var Row = Model.extend(/** @lends module:model/data/row.prototype */{ initialize: function() { Model.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments); this.extraDataManager = new ExtraDataManager(this.get('_extraData')); this.columnModel = this.collection.columnModel; this.validateMap = {}; this.on('change', this._onChange, this); }, idAttribute: 'rowKey', /** * Overrides Backbone's set method for executing onBeforeChange before firing change event. * @override * @param {(Object|string)} key - Model's attribute(s) * @param {*} value - Model's value or options when type of key paramater is object * @param {?Object} options - The value of key or the options object */ set: function(key, value, options) { var isObject = _.isObject(key); var changedColumns; // When the "key" parameter's type is object, // the "options" parameter is replaced by the "value" parameter. if (isObject) { options = value; } // When calling set method on initialize, the value of columnModel is undefined. if (this.columnModel && !(options && options.silent)) { if (isObject) { changedColumns = key; } else { changedColumns = {}; changedColumns[key] = value; } _.each(changedColumns, function(columnValue, columnName) { if (!this._executeOnBeforeChange(columnName, columnValue)) { delete changedColumns[columnName]; } }, this); Backbone.Model.prototype.set.call(this, changedColumns, options); } else { Backbone.Model.prototype.set.apply(this, arguments); } }, /** * Overrides Backbone's parse method for extraData not to be null. * @override * @param {Object} data - initial data * @returns {Object} - parsed data */ parse: function(data) { if (!data._extraData) { data._extraData = {}; } return data; }, /** * Event handler for change event in _extraData. * Reset _extraData value with cloned object to trigger 'change:_extraData' event. * @private */ _triggerExtraDataChangeEvent: function() { this.trigger('extraDataChanged', this.get('_extraData')); }, /** * Event handler for change event in _button (=checkbox) * @param {boolean} checked - Checked state * @private */ _triggerCheckboxChangeEvent: function(checked) { var eventObj = { rowKey: this.get('rowKey') }; if (checked) { /** * Occurs when a checkbox in row header is checked * @event Grid#check * @type {module:event/gridEvent} * @property {number} rowKey - rowKey of the checked row * @property {Grid} instance - Current grid instance */ this.trigger('check', eventObj); } else { /** * Occurs when a checkbox in row header is unchecked * @event Grid#uncheck * @type {module:event/gridEvent} * @property {number} rowKey - rowKey of the unchecked row * @property {Grid} instance - Current grid instance */ this.trigger('uncheck', eventObj); } }, /** * Event handler for 'change' event. * Executes callback functions, sync rowspan data, and validate data. * @private */ _onChange: function() { var publicChanged = _.omit(this.changed, this.getPrivateProperties()); if (_.has(this.changed, '_button')) { this._triggerCheckboxChangeEvent(this.changed._button); } if (this.isDuplicatedPublicChanged(publicChanged)) { return; } _.each(publicChanged, function(value, columnName) { var columnModel = this.columnModel.getColumnModel(columnName); if (!columnModel) { return; } this.collection.syncRowSpannedData(this, columnName, value); this._executeOnAfterChange(columnName); this.validateCell(columnName, true); }, this); }, /** * Validate the cell data of given columnName and returns the error code. * @param {Object} columnName - Column name * @returns {String} Error code * @private */ _validateCellData: function(columnName) { var validation = this.columnModel.getColumnModel(columnName).validation; var errorCode = ''; var value; if (validation) { value = this.get(columnName); if (validation.required && util.isBlank(value)) { errorCode = VALID_ERR_REQUIRED; } else if (validation.dataType === 'number' && !_.isNumber(value)) { errorCode = VALID_ERR_TYPE_NUMBER; } } return errorCode; }, /** * Validate a cell of given columnName. * If the data is invalid, add 'invalid' class name to the cell. * @param {String} columnName - Target column name * @param {Boolean} isDataChanged - True if data is changed (called by onChange handler) * @returns {String} - Error code */ validateCell: function(columnName, isDataChanged) { var errorCode; if (!isDataChanged && (columnName in this.validateMap)) { return this.validateMap[columnName]; } errorCode = this._validateCellData(columnName); if (errorCode) { this.addCellClassName(columnName, classNameConst.CELL_INVALID); } else { this.removeCellClassName(columnName, classNameConst.CELL_INVALID); } this.validateMap[columnName] = errorCode; return errorCode; }, /** * Create the GridEvent object when executing changeCallback defined on columnModel * @param {String} columnName - Column name * @param {?String} columnValue - Column value * @returns {GridEvent} Event object to be passed to changeCallback * @private */ _createChangeCallbackEvent: function(columnName, columnValue) { return new GridEvent(null, { rowKey: this.get('rowKey'), columnName: columnName, value: columnValue, instance: this.collection.publicObject }); }, /** * Executes the onChangeBefore callback function. * @param {String} columnName - Column name * @param {String} columnValue - Column value * @returns {boolean} * @private */ _executeOnBeforeChange: function(columnName, columnValue) { var columnModel = this.columnModel.getColumnModel(columnName); var changed = (this.get(columnName) !== columnValue); var gridEvent; if (changed && columnModel && columnModel.onBeforeChange) { gridEvent = this._createChangeCallbackEvent(columnName, columnValue); columnModel.onBeforeChange(gridEvent); return !gridEvent.isStopped(); } return true; }, /** * Execuetes the onAfterChange callback function. * @param {String} columnName - Column name * @returns {boolean} * @private */ _executeOnAfterChange: function(columnName) { var columnModel = this.columnModel.getColumnModel(columnName); var columnValue = this.get(columnName); var gridEvent; if (columnModel.onAfterChange) { gridEvent = this._createChangeCallbackEvent(columnName, columnValue); columnModel.onAfterChange(gridEvent); return !gridEvent.isStopped(); } return true; }, /** * Returns the Array of private property names * @returns {array} An array of private property names */ getPrivateProperties: function() { return PRIVATE_PROPERTIES; }, /** * Returns the object that contains rowState info. * @returns {{disabled: boolean, isDisabledCheck: boolean, isChecked: boolean}} rowState 정보 */ getRowState: function() { return this.extraDataManager.getRowState(); }, /* eslint-disable complexity */ /** * Returns an array of all className, related with given columnName. * @param {String} columnName - Column name * @returns {Array.} - An array of classNames */ getClassNameList: function(columnName) { var columnModel = this.columnModel.getColumnModel(columnName); var isMetaColumn = util.isMetaColumn(columnName); var classNameList = this.extraDataManager.getClassNameList(columnName); var cellState = this.getCellState(columnName); if (columnModel.className) { classNameList.push(columnModel.className); } if (columnModel.ellipsis) { classNameList.push(classNameConst.CELL_ELLIPSIS); } if (columnModel.validation && columnModel.validation.required) { classNameList.push(classNameConst.CELL_REQUIRED); } if (isMetaColumn) { classNameList.push(classNameConst.CELL_ROW_HEAD); } else if (cellState.editable) { classNameList.push(classNameConst.CELL_EDITABLE); } if (cellState.disabled) { classNameList.push(classNameConst.CELL_DISABLED); } if (snippet.pick(columnModel, 'editOptions', 'useViewMode') === false) { classNameList.push(classNameConst.CELL_HAS_INPUT); } return this._makeUniqueStringArray(classNameList); }, /* eslint-enable complexity */ /** * Returns a new array, which splits all comma-separated strings in the targetList and removes duplicated item. * @param {Array} targetArray - Target array * @returns {Array} - New array */ _makeUniqueStringArray: function(targetArray) { var singleStringArray = _.uniq(targetArray.join(' ').split(' ')); return _.without(singleStringArray, ''); }, /** * Returns the state of the cell identified by a given column name. * @param {String} columnName - column name * @returns {{editable: boolean, disabled: boolean}} */ getCellState: function(columnName) { var notEditableTypeList = ['_number', 'normal'], columnModel = this.columnModel, disabled = this.collection.disabled, editable = true, editType = columnModel.getEditType(columnName), rowState, relationResult; relationResult = this.executeRelationCallbacksAll(['disabled', 'editable'])[columnName]; rowState = this.getRowState(); if (!disabled) { if (columnName === '_button') { disabled = rowState.disabledCheck; } else { disabled = rowState.disabled; } disabled = disabled || !!(relationResult && relationResult.disabled); } if (_.contains(notEditableTypeList, editType)) { editable = false; } else { editable = !(relationResult && relationResult.editable === false); } return { editable: editable, disabled: disabled }; }, /** * Returns whether the cell identified by a given column name is editable. * @param {String} columnName - column name * @returns {Boolean} */ isEditable: function(columnName) { var cellState = this.getCellState(columnName); return !cellState.disabled && cellState.editable; }, /** * Returns whether the cell identified by a given column name is disabled. * @param {String} columnName - column name * @returns {Boolean} */ isDisabled: function(columnName) { var cellState = this.getCellState(columnName); return cellState.disabled; }, /** * getRowSpanData * rowSpan 설정값을 반환한다. * @param {String} [columnName] 인자가 존재하지 않을 경우, 행 전체의 rowSpanData 를 맵 형태로 반환한다. * @returns {*|{count: number, isMainRow: boolean, mainRowKey: *}} rowSpan 설정값 */ getRowSpanData: function(columnName) { var isRowSpanEnable = this.collection.isRowSpanEnable(), rowKey = this.get('rowKey'); return this.extraDataManager.getRowSpanData(columnName, rowKey, isRowSpanEnable); }, /** * Returns the _extraData.height * @returns {number} */ getHeight: function() { return this.extraDataManager.getHeight(); }, /** * Sets the height of the row * @param {number} height - height */ setHeight: function(height) { this.extraDataManager.setHeight(height); this._triggerExtraDataChangeEvent(); }, /** * rowSpanData를 설정한다. * @param {string} columnName - 컬럼명 * @param {Object} data - rowSpan 정보를 가진 객체 */ setRowSpanData: function(columnName, data) { this.extraDataManager.setRowSpanData(columnName, data); this._triggerExtraDataChangeEvent(); }, /** * rowState 를 설정한다. * @param {string} rowState 해당 행의 상태값. 'DISABLED|DISABLED_CHECK|CHECKED' 중 하나를 설정한다. * @param {boolean} silent 내부 change 이벤트 발생 여부 */ setRowState: function(rowState, silent) { this.extraDataManager.setRowState(rowState); if (!silent) { this._triggerExtraDataChangeEvent(); } }, /** * rowKey 와 columnName 에 해당하는 Cell 에 CSS className 을 설정한다. * @param {String} columnName 컬럼 이름 * @param {String} className 지정할 디자인 클래스명 */ addCellClassName: function(columnName, className) { this.extraDataManager.addCellClassName(columnName, className); this._triggerExtraDataChangeEvent(); }, /** * rowKey에 해당하는 행 전체에 CSS className 을 설정한다. * @param {String} className 지정할 디자인 클래스명 */ addClassName: function(className) { this.extraDataManager.addClassName(className); this._triggerExtraDataChangeEvent(); }, /** * rowKey 와 columnName 에 해당하는 Cell 에 CSS className 을 제거한다. * @param {String} columnName 컬럼 이름 * @param {String} className 지정할 디자인 클래스명 */ removeCellClassName: function(columnName, className) { this.extraDataManager.removeCellClassName(columnName, className); this._triggerExtraDataChangeEvent(); }, /** * rowKey 에 해당하는 행 전체에 CSS className 을 제거한다. * @param {String} className 지정할 디자인 클래스명 */ removeClassName: function(className) { this.extraDataManager.removeClassName(className); this._triggerExtraDataChangeEvent(); }, /** * ctrl + c 로 복사 기능을 사용할 때 list 형태(select, button, checkbox)의 cell 의 경우, 해당 value 에 부합하는 text로 가공한다. * List type 의 경우 데이터 값과 editOptions.listItems 의 text 값이 다르기 때문에 * text 로 전환해서 반환할 때 처리를 하여 변환한다. * * @param {string} columnName - Column name * @param {boolean} useText - Whether returns concatenated text or values * @returns {string} Concatenated text or values of "listItems" option * @private */ _getStringOfListItems: function(columnName, useText) { var value = this.get(columnName); var columnModel = this.columnModel.getColumnModel(columnName); var resultListItems, editOptionList, typeExpected, valueList, hasListItems; if (snippet.isExisty(snippet.pick(columnModel, 'editOptions', 'listItems'))) { resultListItems = this.executeRelationCallbacksAll(['listItems'])[columnName]; hasListItems = resultListItems && resultListItems.listItems; editOptionList = hasListItems ? resultListItems.listItems : columnModel.editOptions.listItems; typeExpected = typeof editOptionList[0].value; valueList = util.toString(value).split(','); if (typeExpected !== typeof valueList[0]) { valueList = _.map(valueList, function(val) { return util.convertValueType(val, typeExpected); }); } _.each(valueList, function(val, index) { var item = _.findWhere(editOptionList, {value: val}); var str = (item && (useText ? item.text : item.value)) || ''; valueList[index] = str; }, this); return valueList.join(','); } return ''; }, /** * Returns whether the given edit type is list type. * @param {String} editType - edit type * @returns {Boolean} * @private */ _isListType: function(editType) { return _.contains(['select', 'radio', 'checkbox'], editType); }, /** * change 이벤트 발생시 동일한 changed 객체의 public 프라퍼티가 동일한 경우 중복 처리를 막기 위해 사용한다. * 10ms 내에 같은 객체로 함수 호출이 일어나면 true를 반환한다. * @param {Object} publicChanged 비교할 객체 * @returns {boolean} 중복이면 true, 아니면 false */ isDuplicatedPublicChanged: function(publicChanged) { if (this._timeoutIdForChanged && _.isEqual(this._lastPublicChanged, publicChanged)) { return true; } clearTimeout(this._timeoutIdForChanged); this._timeoutIdForChanged = setTimeout(_.bind(function() { this._timeoutIdForChanged = null; }, this), 10); // eslint-disable-line no-magic-numbers this._lastPublicChanged = publicChanged; return false; }, /** * Returns the text string to be used when copying the cell value to clipboard. * @param {string} columnName - column name * @returns {string} */ getValueString: function(columnName) { var columnModel = this.columnModel; var copyText = columnModel.copyVisibleTextOfEditingColumn(columnName); var editType = columnModel.getEditType(columnName); var column = columnModel.getColumnModel(columnName); var value = this.get(columnName); if (this._isListType(editType)) { if (snippet.isExisty(snippet.pick(column, 'editOptions', 'listItems', 0, 'value'))) { value = this._getStringOfListItems(columnName, copyText); } else { throw new Error('Check "' + columnName + '"\'s editOptions.listItems property out in your ColumnModel.'); } } else if (editType === 'password') { value = ''; } value = util.toString(value); // When the value is indcluding newline text, // adding one more quotation mark and putting quotation marks on both sides. value = clipboardUtil.addDoubleQuotes(value); return value; }, /** * 컬럼모델에 정의된 relation 들을 수행한 결과를 반환한다. (기존 affectOption) * @param {Array} attrNames 반환값의 결과를 확인할 대상 callbackList. * (default : ['listItems', 'disabled', 'editable']) * @returns {{}|{columnName: {attribute: *}}} row 의 columnName 에 적용될 속성값. */ executeRelationCallbacksAll: function(attrNames) { var rowData = this.attributes; var relationsMap = this.columnModel.get('relationsMap'); var result = {}; if (_.isEmpty(attrNames)) { attrNames = ['listItems', 'disabled', 'editable']; } _.each(relationsMap, function(relations, columnName) { var value = rowData[columnName]; _.each(relations, function(relation) { this._executeRelationCallback(relation, attrNames, value, rowData, result); }, this); }, this); return result; }, /** * Executes relation callback * @param {Object} relation - relation object * @param {array} relation.targetNames - target column list * @param {function} [relation.disabled] - callback function for disabled attribute * @param {function} [relation.editable] - callback function for disabled attribute * @param {function} [relation.listItems] - callback function for changing option list * @param {array} attrNames - an array of callback names * @param {(string|number)} value - cell value * @param {Object} rowData - all value of the row * @param {Object} result - object to store the result of callback functions * @private */ _executeRelationCallback: function(relation, attrNames, value, rowData, result) { var rowState = this.getRowState(); var targetNames = relation.targetNames; _.each(attrNames, function(attrName) { var callback; if (!rowState.disabled || attrName !== 'disabled') { callback = relation[attrName]; if (typeof callback === 'function') { _.each(targetNames, function(targetName) { result[targetName] = result[targetName] || {}; result[targetName][attrName] = callback(value, rowData); }, this); } } }, this); } }, { privateProperties: PRIVATE_PROPERTIES }); module.exports = Row; /***/ }), /* 15 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /** * @fileoverview Grid 의 Data Source 에 해당하는 Model 정의 * @author NHN. FE Development Lab */ 'use strict'; var _ = __webpack_require__(2); var snippet = __webpack_require__(3); /** * Data 중 각 행의 데이터 모델 (DataSource) * @module data/row * @param {Object} data - Data object * @extends module:base/model * @ignore */ var ExtraDataManager = snippet.defineClass(/** @lends module:model/data/extraData.prototype */{ init: function(data) { this.data = data || {}; }, /** * Returns rowSpan data * @param {string} columnName - column name * @param {(number|string)} rowKey - rowKey * @param {boolean} isRowSpanEnable - Boolean value whether row span is enable. * @returns {*|{count: number, isMainRow: boolean, mainRowKey: *}} rowSpan data */ getRowSpanData: function(columnName, rowKey, isRowSpanEnable) { var rowSpanData = null; if (isRowSpanEnable) { rowSpanData = this.data.rowSpanData; if (columnName && rowSpanData) { rowSpanData = rowSpanData[columnName]; } } if (!rowSpanData && columnName) { rowSpanData = { count: 0, isMainRow: true, mainRowKey: rowKey }; } return rowSpanData; }, /** * Returns the object that contains rowState info. * @returns {{disabled: boolean, disabledCheck: boolean, checked: boolean}} rowState 정보 */ getRowState: function() { var result = { disabledCheck: false, disabled: false, checked: false }; switch (this.data.rowState) { case 'DISABLED': result.disabled = true; // intentional no break case 'DISABLED_CHECK': // eslint-disable-line no-fallthrough result.disabledCheck = true; break; case 'CHECKED': result.checked = true; default: // eslint-disable-line no-fallthrough } return result; }, /** * Sets the rowSate. * @param {string} rowState - 'DISABLED' | 'DISABLED_CHECK' | 'CHECKED' */ setRowState: function(rowState) { this.data.rowState = rowState; }, /** * Sets the rowSpanData. * @param {string} columnName - Column name * @param {object} data - Data */ setRowSpanData: function(columnName, data) { var rowSpanData = _.assign({}, this.data.rowSpanData); if (!columnName) { return; } if (!data) { if (rowSpanData[columnName]) { delete rowSpanData[columnName]; } } else { rowSpanData[columnName] = data; } this.data.rowSpanData = rowSpanData; }, /** * Adds className to the cell * @param {String} columnName - Column name * @param {String} className - Class name */ addCellClassName: function(columnName, className) { var classNameData, classNameList; classNameData = this.data.className || {}; classNameData.column = classNameData.column || {}; classNameList = classNameData.column[columnName] || []; if (!_.contains(classNameList, className)) { classNameList.push(className); classNameData.column[columnName] = classNameList; this.data.className = classNameData; } }, /** * Adds className to the row * @param {String} className - Class name */ addClassName: function(className) { var classNameData, classNameList; classNameData = this.data.className || {}; classNameList = classNameData.row || []; if (snippet.inArray(className, classNameList) === -1) { classNameList.push(className); classNameData.row = classNameList; this.data.className = classNameData; } }, /** * Returns the list of className. * @param {String} [columnName] - If specified, the result will only conatins class names of cell. * @returns {Array} - The array of class names. */ getClassNameList: function(columnName) { var classNameData = this.data.className, arrayPush = Array.prototype.push, classNameList = []; if (classNameData) { if (classNameData.row) { arrayPush.apply(classNameList, classNameData.row); } if (columnName && classNameData.column && classNameData.column[columnName]) { arrayPush.apply(classNameList, classNameData.column[columnName]); } } return classNameList; }, /** * className 이 담긴 배열로부터 특정 className 을 제거하여 반환한다. * @param {Array} classNameList 디자인 클래스명 리스트 * @param {String} className 제거할 클래스명 * @returns {Array} 제거된 디자인 클래스명 리스트 * @private */ _removeClassNameFromArray: function(classNameList, className) { // 배열 요소가 'class1 class2' 와 같이 두개 이상의 className을 포함할 수 있어, join & split 함. var singleNameList = classNameList.join(' ').split(' '); return _.without(singleNameList, className); }, /** * rowKey 와 columnName 에 해당하는 Cell 에 CSS className 을 제거한다. * @param {String} columnName 컬럼 이름 * @param {String} className 지정할 디자인 클래스명 */ removeCellClassName: function(columnName, className) { var classNameData = this.data.className; if (snippet.pick(classNameData, 'column', columnName)) { classNameData.column[columnName] = this._removeClassNameFromArray(classNameData.column[columnName], className); this.data.className = classNameData; } }, /** * rowKey 에 해당하는 행 전체에 CSS className 을 제거한다. * @param {String} className 지정할 디자인 클래스명 */ removeClassName: function(className) { var classNameData = this.data.className; if (classNameData && classNameData.row) { classNameData.row = this._removeClassNameFromArray(classNameData.row, className); this.className = classNameData; } }, /** * Sets the height of the row * @param {number} value - value */ setHeight: function(value) { this.data.height = value; }, /** * Returns the height of the row * @returns {number} */ getHeight: function() { return this.data.height; }, /** * set tree state EXPAND/COLLAPSE * @param {String} state - tree state EXPAND/COLLAPSE */ setTreeState: function(state) { this.data.treeState = state; }, /** * get tree state EXPAND/COLLAPSE * @returns {String} - tree state EXPAND/COLLAPSE */ getTreeState: function() { return this.data.treeState; } }); module.exports = ExtraDataManager; /***/ }), /* 16 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /** * @fileoverview Event class for public event of Grid * @author NHN. FE Development Lab */ 'use strict'; var _ = __webpack_require__(2); var snippet = __webpack_require__(3); var util = __webpack_require__(17); var attrNameConst = __webpack_require__(10).attrName; var targetTypeConst = { ROW_HEAD: 'rowHead', COLUMN_HEAD: 'columnHead', DUMMY: 'dummy', CELL: 'cell', ETC: 'etc' }; /** * Event class for public event of Grid * @module event/gridEvent * @param {Object} data - Event data for handler */ var GridEvent = snippet.defineClass(/** @lends module:event/gridEvent.prototype */{ init: function(nativeEvent, data) { this._stopped = false; if (nativeEvent) { this.nativeEvent = nativeEvent; } if (data) { this.setData(data); } }, /** * Sets data * @param {Object} data - data * @ignore */ setData: function(data) { _.extend(this, data); }, /** * Stops propogation of this event. */ stop: function() { this._stopped = true; }, /** * Returns whether this event is stopped. * @returns {Boolean} * @ignore */ isStopped: function() { return this._stopped; } }); /** * Returns the information of event target * @param {jQuery} $target - event target * @returns {{targetType: string, rowKey: (number|string), columnName: string}} * @ignore */ GridEvent.getTargetInfo = function($target) { var $cell = $target.closest('td'); var targetType = targetTypeConst.ETC; var rowKey, columnName; if ($cell.length === 1) { rowKey = $cell.attr(attrNameConst.ROW_KEY); columnName = $cell.attr(attrNameConst.COLUMN_NAME); if (rowKey && columnName) { if (util.isMetaColumn(columnName)) { targetType = targetTypeConst.ROW_HEAD; } else { targetType = targetTypeConst.CELL; } } else { targetType = targetTypeConst.DUMMY; } } else { $cell = $target.closest('th'); if ($cell.length === 1) { columnName = $cell.attr(attrNameConst.COLUMN_NAME); targetType = targetTypeConst.COLUMN_HEAD; } } return util.pruneObject({ targetType: targetType, rowKey: util.strToNumber(rowKey), columnName: columnName }); }; GridEvent.targetTypeConst = targetTypeConst; module.exports = GridEvent; /***/ }), /* 17 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /** * @fileoverview 유틸리티 메서드 모음 * @author NHN. FE Development Lab */ 'use strict'; var $ = __webpack_require__(7); var _ = __webpack_require__(2); var snippet = __webpack_require__(3); var CELL_BORDER_WIDTH = __webpack_require__(10).dimension.CELL_BORDER_WIDTH; var util; /** * Decode URI * @param {string} uri - URI * @param {boolean} mod - Whether maintaining "%25" or not * @returns {string} Decoded URI * @ignore */ function decodeURIComponentSafe(uri, mod) { var decodedURI = ''; var i = 0; var length, arr, tempDecodedURI; mod = !!(mod); arr = uri.split(/(%(?:d0|d1)%.{2})/); for (length = arr.length; i < length; i += 1) { try { tempDecodedURI = decodeURIComponent(arr[i]); } catch (e) { tempDecodedURI = mod ? arr[i].replace(/%(?!\d+)/g, '%25') : arr[i]; } decodedURI += tempDecodedURI; } return decodedURI; } /** * util 모듈 * @module util * @ignore */ util = { uniqueId: 0, /** * HTML Attribute 설정 시 필요한 문자열을 가공한다. * @memberof module:util * @param {{key:value}} attributes 문자열로 가공할 attribute 데이터 * @returns {string} html 마크업에 포함될 문자열 * @example var str = util.getAttributesString({ 'class': 'focused disabled', 'width': '100', 'height': '200' }); => class="focused disabled" width="100" height="200" */ getAttributesString: function(attributes) { var str = ''; _.each(attributes, function(value, key) { str += ' ' + key + '="' + value + '"'; }, this); return str; }, /** * 배열의 합을 반환한다. * @memberof module:util * @param {number[]} list 총 합을 구할 number 타입 배열 * @returns {number} 합산한 결과값 */ sum: function(list) { return _.reduce(list, function(memo, value) { memo += value; return memo; }, 0); }, /** * Returns the minimum value and the maximum value of the values in array. * @param {Array} arr - Target array * @returns {{min: number, max: number}} Min and Max * @see {@link http://jsperf.com/getminmax} */ getMinMax: function(arr) { return { min: Math.min.apply(null, arr), max: Math.max.apply(null, arr) }; }, /** * Convert a string value to number. * If the value cannot be converted to number, returns original value. * @param {string} str - string value * @returns {number|string} */ strToNumber: function(str) { var converted = Number(str); return isNaN(converted) ? str : converted; }, /** * Omits all undefined or null properties of given object. * @param {Object} obj - object * @returns {Object} */ pruneObject: function(obj) { var pruned = {}; _.each(obj, function(value, key) { if (!_.isUndefined(value) && !_.isNull(value)) { pruned[key] = value; } }); return pruned; }, /** * Returns the table height including height of rows and borders. * @memberof module:util * @param {number} rowCount - row count * @param {number} rowHeight - row height * @returns {number} */ getHeight: function(rowCount, rowHeight) { return rowCount === 0 ? rowCount : rowCount * (rowHeight + CELL_BORDER_WIDTH); }, /** * Returns the total number of rows by using the table height and row height. * @memberof module:util * @param {number} tableHeight - table height * @param {number} rowHeight - individual row height * @returns {number} */ getDisplayRowCount: function(tableHeight, rowHeight) { return Math.ceil(tableHeight / (rowHeight + CELL_BORDER_WIDTH)); }, /** * Returns the individual height of a row bsaed on the total number of rows and table height. * @memberof module:util * @param {number} rowCount - row count * @param {number} tableHeight - table height * @returns {number} 한 행당 높이값 */ getRowHeight: function(rowCount, tableHeight) { return rowCount === 0 ? 0 : Math.floor(((tableHeight - CELL_BORDER_WIDTH) / rowCount)); }, /** * Returns whether the column of a given name is meta-column. * @param {String} columnName - column name * @returns {Boolean} */ isMetaColumn: function(columnName) { return _.contains(['_button', '_number'], columnName); }, /** * target 과 dist 의 값을 비교하여 같은지 여부를 확인하는 메서드 * === 비교 연산자를 사용하므로, object 의 경우 1depth 까지만 지원함. * @memberof module:util * @param {*} target 동등 비교할 target * @param {*} dist 동등 비교할 dist * @returns {boolean} 동일한지 여부 */ isEqual: function(target, dist) { // eslint-disable-line complexity var compareObject = function(targetObj, distObj) { var result = false; snippet.forEach(targetObj, function(item, key) { result = (item === distObj[key]); return result; }); return result; }; var result = true; var isDiff; if (typeof target !== typeof dist) { result = false; } else if (_.isArray(target) && target.length !== dist.length) { result = false; } else if (_.isObject(target)) { isDiff = !compareObject(target, dist) || !compareObject(dist, target); result = !isDiff; } else if (target !== dist) { result = false; } return result; }, /** * Returns whether the string blank. * @memberof module:util * @param {*} target - target object * @returns {boolean} True if target is undefined or null or '' */ isBlank: function(target) { if (_.isString(target)) { return !target.length; } return _.isUndefined(target) || _.isNull(target); }, /** * Grid 에서 필요한 형태로 HTML tag 를 제거한다. * @memberof module:util * @param {string} htmlString html 마크업 문자열 * @returns {String} HTML tag 에 해당하는 부분을 제거한 문자열 */ stripTags: function(htmlString) { var matchResult; htmlString = htmlString.replace(/[\n\r\t]/g, ''); if (snippet.hasEncodableString(htmlString)) { if (/]*\ssrc=["']?([^>"']+)["']?[^>]*>/i); htmlString = matchResult ? matchResult[1] : ''; } else { htmlString = htmlString.replace(//gi, ''); } htmlString = $.trim(snippet.decodeHTMLEntity( htmlString.replace(/<\/?(?:h[1-5]|[a-z]+(?::[a-z]+)?)[^>]*>/ig, '') )); } return htmlString; }, /** * Converts the given value to String and returns it. * If the value is undefined or null, returns the empty string. * @param {*} value - value * @returns {String} */ toString: function(value) { if (_.isUndefined(value) || _.isNull(value)) { return ''; } return String(value); }, /** * Create unique key * @memberof module:util * @returns {number} unique key 를 반환한다. */ getUniqueKey: function() { this.uniqueId += 1; return this.uniqueId; }, /** * object 를 query string 으로 변경한다. * @memberof module:util * @param {object} dataObj 쿼리 문자열으로 반환할 객체 * @returns {string} 변환된 쿼리 문자열 */ toQueryString: function(dataObj) { var queryList = []; _.each(dataObj, function(value, name) { if (!_.isString(value) && !_.isNumber(value)) { value = JSON.stringify(value); } value = encodeURIComponent(unescape(value)); if (value) { queryList.push(name + '=' + value); } }); return queryList.join('&'); }, /** * queryString 을 object 형태로 변형한다. * @memberof module:util * @param {String} queryString 쿼리 문자열 * @returns {Object} 변환한 Object */ toQueryObject: function(queryString) { var queryList = queryString.split('&'), obj = {}; _.each(queryList, function(query) { var tmp = query.split('='), key, value; key = tmp[0]; value = decodeURIComponentSafe(tmp[1]); try { value = JSON.parse(value); } catch(e) {} // eslint-disable-line if (!_.isNull(value)) { obj[key] = value; } }); return obj; }, /** * type 인자에 맞게 value type 을 convert 한다. * Data.Row 의 List 형태에서 editOptions.listItems 에서 검색을 위해, * value type 해당 type 에 맞게 변환한다. * @memberof module:util * @param {*} value 컨버팅할 value * @param {String} type 컨버팅 될 타입 * @returns {*} 타입 컨버팅된 value */ convertValueType: function(value, type) { var result = value; if (type === 'string') { result = String(value); } else if (type === 'number') { result = Number(value); } else if (type === 'boolean') { result = Boolean(value); } return result; }, /** * Capitalize first character of the target string. * @param {string} string Target string * @returns {string} Converted new string */ toUpperCaseFirstLetter: function(string) { return string.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + string.slice(1); }, /** * Returns a number whose value is limited to the given range. * @param {Number} value - A number to force within given min-max range * @param {Number} min - The lower boundary of the output range * @param {Number} max - The upper boundary of the output range * @returns {number} A number in the range [min, max] * @Example * // limit the output of this computation to between 0 and 255 * value = clamp(value, 0, 255); */ clamp: function(value, min, max) { var temp; if (min > max) { // swap temp = min; min = max; max = temp; } return Math.max(min, Math.min(value, max)); }, /** * Returns whether the given option is enabled. (Only for values the type of which can be Boolean or Object) * @param {*} option - option value * @returns {Boolean} */ isOptionEnabled: function(option) { return _.isObject(option) || option === true; }, /** * create style element and append it into the head element. * @param {String} id - element id * @param {String} cssString - css string */ appendStyleElement: function(id, cssString) { var style = document.createElement('style'); style.type = 'text/css'; style.id = id; if (style.styleSheet) { style.styleSheet.cssText = cssString; } else { style.appendChild(document.createTextNode(cssString)); } document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(style); }, /** * Outputs a warning message to the web console. * @param {string} message - message */ warning: function(message) { /* eslint-disable no-console */ if (console && console.warn) { console.warn(message); } /* eslint-enable no-console */ }, /** * Replace text * @param {string} text - Text including handlebar expression * @param {Object} values - Replaced values * @returns {string} Replaced text */ replaceText: function(text, values) { return text.replace(/\{\{(\w*)\}\}/g, function(value, prop) { return values.hasOwnProperty(prop) ? values[prop] : ''; }); }, /** * Detect right button by mouse event * @param {object} ev - Mouse event * @returns {boolean} State */ isRightClickEvent: function(ev) { var rightClick; ev = ev || window.event; if (ev.which) { rightClick = ev.which === 3; } else if (ev.button) { rightClick = ev.button === 2; } return rightClick; }, /** * Detect mobile browser * @returns {boolean} Whether using Mobile browser */ isMobile: function() { return /Android|BlackBerry|iPhone|iPad|iPod|Opera Mini|IEMobile|WPDesktop/i.test(navigator.userAgent); } }; module.exports = util; /***/ }), /* 18 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /** * @fileoverview Utilities for clipboard data * @author NHN. FE Development Lab */ 'use strict'; var _ = __webpack_require__(2); var CUSTOM_LF_SUBCHAR = '___tui_grid_lf___'; var CUSTOM_CR_SUBCHAR = '___tui_grid_cr___'; var CUSTOM_LF_REGEXP = new RegExp(CUSTOM_LF_SUBCHAR, 'g'); var CUSTOM_CR_REGEXP = new RegExp(CUSTOM_CR_SUBCHAR, 'g'); var LF = '\n'; var CR = '\r'; var clipboardUtil; /** * Set to the data matrix as colspan & rowspan range * @param {string} value - Text from getting td element * @param {array} data - Data matrix to set value * @param {array} colspanRange - colspan range (ex: [start,Index endIndex]) * @param {array} rowspanRange - rowspan range (ex: [start,Index endIndex]) * @private */ function setDataInSpanRange(value, data, colspanRange, rowspanRange) { var startColspan = colspanRange[0]; var endColspan = colspanRange[1]; var startRowspan = rowspanRange[0]; var endRowspan = rowspanRange[1]; var cIndex, rIndex; for (rIndex = startRowspan; rIndex < endRowspan; rIndex += 1) { for (cIndex = startColspan; cIndex < endColspan; cIndex += 1) { data[rIndex][cIndex] = ((startRowspan === rIndex) && (startColspan === cIndex)) ? value : ' '; } } } /** * @module clipboardUtil * @ignore */ clipboardUtil = { /** * Convert cell data of table to clipboard data * @param {HTMLElement} table - Table element * @returns {array} clipboard data (2*2 matrix) */ convertTableToData: function(table) { var data = []; var rows = table.rows; var index = 0; var length = rows.length; var columnIndex, colspanRange, rowspanRange; // Step 1: Init the data matrix for (; index < length; index += 1) { data[index] = []; } // Step 2: Traverse the table _.each(rows, function(tr, rowIndex) { columnIndex = 0; _.each(tr.cells, function(td) { var text = td.textContent || td.innerText; while (data[rowIndex][columnIndex]) { columnIndex += 1; } colspanRange = [columnIndex, columnIndex + (td.colSpan || 1)]; rowspanRange = [rowIndex, rowIndex + (td.rowSpan || 1)]; // Step 3: Set the value of td element to the data matrix as colspan and rowspan ranges setDataInSpanRange(text, data, colspanRange, rowspanRange); columnIndex = colspanRange[1]; }); }); return data; }, /** * Convert plain text to clipboard data * @param {string} text - Copied plain text * @returns {array} clipboard data (2*2 matrix) */ convertTextToData: function(text) { // Each newline cell data is wrapping double quotes in the text and // newline characters should be replaced with substitution characters temporarily // before spliting the text by newline characters. text = clipboardUtil.replaceNewlineToSubchar(text); return _.map(text.split(/\r?\n/), function(row) { return _.map(row.split('\t'), function(column) { column = clipboardUtil.removeDoubleQuotes(column); return column.replace(CUSTOM_LF_REGEXP, LF) .replace(CUSTOM_CR_REGEXP, CR); }); }); }, /** * Add double quotes on text when including newline characters * @param {string} text - Original text * @returns {string} Replaced text */ addDoubleQuotes: function(text) { if (text.match(/\r?\n/g)) { text = '"' + text.replace(/"/g, '""') + '"'; } return text; }, /** * Remove double quetes on text when including substitution characters * @param {string} text - Original text * @returns {string} Replaced text */ removeDoubleQuotes: function(text) { if (text.match(CUSTOM_LF_REGEXP)) { text = text.substring(1, text.length - 1) .replace(/""/g, '"'); } return text; }, /** * Replace newline characters to substitution characters * @param {string} text - Original text * @returns {string} Replaced text */ replaceNewlineToSubchar: function(text) { return text.replace(/"([^"]|"")*"/g, function(value) { return value.replace(LF, CUSTOM_LF_SUBCHAR) .replace(CR, CUSTOM_CR_SUBCHAR); }); } }; clipboardUtil.CUSTOM_LF_SUBCHAR = CUSTOM_LF_SUBCHAR; clipboardUtil.CUSTOM_CR_SUBCHAR = CUSTOM_CR_SUBCHAR; module.exports = clipboardUtil; /***/ }), /* 19 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /** * @fileoverview class name constants. * @author NHN. FE Development Lab */ 'use strict'; var _ = __webpack_require__(2); var PREFIX = 'tui-grid-'; var classNames = { CONTAINER: 'container', CLIPBOARD: 'clipboard', // common NO_SCROLL_X: 'no-scroll-x', NO_SCROLL_Y: 'no-scroll-y', HAS_SUMMARY_TOP: 'has-summary-top', HAS_SUMMARY_BOTTOM: 'has-summary-bottom', SHOW_LSIDE_AREA: 'show-lside-area', // layer LAYER_STATE: 'layer-state', LAYER_STATE_CONTENT: 'layer-state-content', LAYER_STATE_LOADING: 'layer-state-loading', LAYER_EDITING: 'layer-editing', LAYER_FOCUS: 'layer-focus', LAYER_FOCUS_BORDER: 'layer-focus-border', LAYER_FOCUS_DEACTIVE: 'layer-focus-deactive', LAYER_SELECTION: 'layer-selection', LAYER_DATE_PICKER: 'layer-datepicker', // border line BORDER_LINE: 'border-line', BORDER_TOP: 'border-line-top', BORDER_LEFT: 'border-line-left', BORDER_RIGHT: 'border-line-right', BORDER_BOTTOM: 'border-line-bottom', // layout (area) CONTENT_AREA: 'content-area', LSIDE_AREA: 'lside-area', RSIDE_AREA: 'rside-area', HEAD_AREA: 'head-area', BODY_AREA: 'body-area', SUMMARY_AREA: 'summary-area', FROZEN_BORDER: 'frozen-border', FROZEN_BORDER_TOP: 'frozen-border-top', FROZEN_BORDER_BOTTOM: 'frozen-border-bottom', // header COLUMN_RESIZE_CONTAINER: 'column-resize-container', COLUMN_RESIZE_HANDLE: 'column-resize-handle', COLUMN_RESIZE_HANDLE_LAST: 'column-resize-handle-last', // body BODY_CONTAINER: 'body-container', BODY_TABLE_CONTAINER: 'table-container', // scrollbar SCROLLBAR_RIGHT_TOP: 'scrollbar-right-top', SCROLLBAR_Y_INNER_BORDER: 'scrollbar-y-inner-border', SCROLLBAR_Y_OUTER_BORDER: 'scrollbar-y-outer-border', SCROLLBAR_FROZEN_BORDER: 'scrollbar-frozen-border', SCROLLBAR_RIGHT_BOTTOM: 'scrollbar-right-bottom', SCROLLBAR_LEFT_BOTTOM: 'scrollbar-left-bottom', // pagination PAGINATION: 'pagination', // table TABLE: 'table', // row style ROW_ODD: 'row-odd', ROW_EVEN: 'row-even', // cell style CELL: 'cell', CELL_HEAD: 'cell-head', CELL_ROW_HEAD: 'cell-row-head', CELL_SUMMARY: 'cell-summary', CELL_ROW_ODD: 'cell-row-odd', CELL_ROW_EVEN: 'cell-row-even', CELL_EDITABLE: 'cell-editable', CELL_DUMMY: 'cell-dummy', CELL_REQUIRED: 'cell-required', CELL_DISABLED: 'cell-disabled', CELL_SELECTED: 'cell-selected', CELL_INVALID: 'cell-invalid', CELL_ELLIPSIS: 'cell-ellipsis', CELL_CURRENT_ROW: 'cell-current-row', CELL_MAIN_BUTTON: 'cell-main-button', CELL_HAS_INPUT: 'cell-has-input', CELL_HAS_TREE: 'cell-has-tree', // cell content CELL_CONTENT: 'cell-content', CELL_CONTENT_BEFORE: 'content-before', CELL_CONTENT_AFTER: 'content-after', CELL_CONTENT_INPUT: 'content-input', CELL_CONTENT_TEXT: 'content-text', // buttons BTN_TEXT: 'btn-text', BTN_SORT: 'btn-sorting', BTN_SORT_UP: 'btn-sorting-up', BTN_SORT_DOWN: 'btn-sorting-down', BTN_EXCEL: 'btn-excel-download', BTN_EXCEL_ICON: 'btn-excel-icon', BTN_EXCEL_PAGE: 'btn-excel-page', BTN_EXCEL_ALL: 'btn-excel-all', BTN_TREE: 'btn-tree', // height resize handle HEIGHT_RESIZE_BAR: 'height-resize-bar', HEIGHT_RESIZE_HANDLE: 'height-resize-handle', // tree column TREE_WARPPER_RELATIVE: 'tree-wrapper-relative', TREE_WARPPER_VALIGN_CENTER: 'tree-wrapper-valign-center', TREE_EXTRA_CONTENT: 'tree-extra-content', TREE_DEPTH: 'tree-depth', TREE_BUTTON_EXPAND: 'tree-button-expand', TREE_BUTTON_COLLAPSE: 'tree-button-collapse', TREE_ICON: 'tree-icon' }; var exports = _.mapObject(classNames, function(className) { return PREFIX + className; }); exports.PREFIX = PREFIX; module.exports = exports; /***/ }), /* 20 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /** * @fileoverview TreeRow data model implementation * @author NHN. FE Development Lab */ 'use strict'; var _ = __webpack_require__(2); var Row = __webpack_require__(14); var treeState = __webpack_require__(10).treeState; var PRIVATE_PROPERTIES = [ '_button', '_number', '_extraData', '_treeData', '_children' ]; /** * TreeRow class implementation * @module model/data/columnModel * @extends module:base/model * @ignore */ var TreeRow = Row.extend(/** @lends module:model/data/treeRow.prototype */{ /** * Returns the Array of private property names * @returns {array} An array of private property names */ getPrivateProperties: function() { return PRIVATE_PROPERTIES; }, /** * set tree state * @param {boolean} state - true if expanded */ setTreeExpanded: function(state) { var prevState = this.getTreeExpanded(); this.extraDataManager.setTreeState(state ? treeState.EXPAND : treeState.COLLAPSE); if (state !== prevState) { this._triggerExtraDataChangeEvent(); } }, /** * get tree state * @returns {boolean} - true if expanded */ getTreeExpanded: function() { return this.extraDataManager.getTreeState() === treeState.EXPAND; }, /** * get tree data * @returns {Object} - tree data * @private */ _getTreeData: function() { return this.get('_treeData'); }, /** * get tree depth of this row * @returns {number} - depth of this row */ getTreeDepth: function() { return this.hasTreeNextSibling().length; }, /** * check whether this row has one or more children * @returns {boolean} - true if it has children */ hasTreeChildren: function() { var childrenRowKeys = this._getTreeData().childrenRowKeys; var hasChildren = _.isArray(childrenRowKeys) && !!childrenRowKeys.length; if (this.get('_children')) { hasChildren = true; } return hasChildren; }, /** * gets children row keys * @returns {Array.} - array of children row keys */ getTreeChildrenRowKeys: function() { return this._getTreeData().childrenRowKeys || []; }, /** * sets children row keys * @param {Array.} rowKeys - array of children row keys */ setTreeChildrenRowKeys: function(rowKeys) { this._getTreeData().childrenRowKeys = rowKeys; }, /** * remove a child key from children row keys * @param {Array.} rowKey - the key of the row to be removed */ removeTreeChildrenRowKey: function(rowKey) { var treeData = this._getTreeData(); treeData.childrenRowKeys = _.filter(treeData.childrenRowKeys, function(childRowKey) { return childRowKey !== rowKey; }, this); }, /** * check whether this row has one or more next sibling * @returns {boolean} - true if this row has siblings */ hasTreeNextSibling: function() { return this._getTreeData().hasNextSibling; }, /** * gets parent row key * @returns {number|string} - parent row key */ getTreeParentRowKey: function() { return this._getTreeData().parentRowKey; } }, { privateProperties: PRIVATE_PROPERTIES, treeState: treeState }); module.exports = TreeRow; /***/ }), /* 21 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /** * @fileoverview module:model/dimension * @author NHN. FE Development Lab */ 'use strict'; var _ = __webpack_require__(2); var Model = __webpack_require__(9); var constMap = __webpack_require__(10); var dimensionConstMap = constMap.dimension; var summaryPositionConst = constMap.summaryPosition; var TABLE_BORDER_WIDTH = dimensionConstMap.TABLE_BORDER_WIDTH; var CELL_BORDER_WIDTH = dimensionConstMap.CELL_BORDER_WIDTH; /** * Manage values about dimension (layout) * @module model/dimension * @param {Object} attrs - Attributes * @param {Object} options - Options * @extends module:base/model * @ignore */ var Dimension = Model.extend(/** @lends module:model/dimension.prototype */{ initialize: function(attrs, options) { Model.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments); this.columnModel = options.columnModel; this.dataModel = options.dataModel; this.domState = options.domState; this.on('change:fixedHeight', this._resetSyncHeightHandler); if (options.domEventBus) { this.listenTo(options.domEventBus, 'windowResize', this._onResizeWindow); this.listenTo(options.domEventBus, 'dragmove:resizeHeight', _.debounce(_.bind(this._onDragMoveForHeight, this))); } this._resetSyncHeightHandler(); }, defaults: { offsetLeft: 0, offsetTop: 0, width: 0, headerHeight: 0, bodyHeight: 0, summaryHeight: 0, summaryPosition: null, resizeHandleHeight: 0, paginationHeight: 0, rowHeight: 0, totalRowHeight: 0, fixedRowHeight: true, rsideWidth: 0, lsideWidth: 0, minimumColumnWidth: 0, scrollBarSize: 17, scrollX: true, scrollY: true, fitToParentHeight: false, fixedHeight: false, minRowHeight: 0, minBodyHeight: 0, frozenBorderWidth: 0 }, /** * Event handler for 'windowResize' event on domEventBus * @private */ _onResizeWindow: function() { this.refreshLayout(); }, /** * Event handler for 'dragmmove:resizeHgith' event on domEventBus * @param {module:event/gridEvent} ev - GridEvent * @private */ _onDragMoveForHeight: function(ev) { var height = ev.pageY - this.get('offsetTop') - ev.startData.mouseOffsetY; this.setHeight(height); }, /** * Attach/Detach event handler of change:totalRowHeight event based on the fixedHeight. * @private */ _resetSyncHeightHandler: function() { if (this.get('fixedHeight')) { this.off('change:totalRowHeight'); } else { this.on('change:totalRowHeight', this._syncBodyHeightWithTotalRowHeight); } }, /** * Sets the bodyHeight value based on the totalRowHeight value. * @private */ _syncBodyHeightWithTotalRowHeight: function() { var realBodyHeight = this.get('totalRowHeight') + this.getScrollXHeight(); var minBodyHeight = this.get('minBodyHeight'); var bodyHeight = Math.max(minBodyHeight, realBodyHeight); this.set('bodyHeight', bodyHeight); }, /** * Returns whether division border (between meta column and data column) is doubled or not. * Division border should be doubled only if visible fixed data column exists. * @returns {Boolean} */ isDivisionBorderDoubled: function() { return this.columnModel.getVisibleFrozenCount() > 0; }, /** * 전체 넓이에서 스크롤바, border등의 넓이를 제외하고 실제 셀의 넓이에 사용되는 값만 반환한다. * @param {number} columnLength - 컬럼의 개수 * @returns {number} 사용가능한 전체 셀의 넓이 * @private */ getAvailableTotalWidth: function(columnLength) { var totalWidth = this.get('width'); var borderCount = columnLength + 1 + (this.isDivisionBorderDoubled() ? 1 : 0); var totalBorderWidth = borderCount * CELL_BORDER_WIDTH; return (totalWidth - this.getScrollYWidth() - totalBorderWidth - this.get('frozenBorderWidth')); }, /** * Calc body size of grid except scrollBar * @returns {{height: number, totalWidth: number, rsideWidth: number}} Body size */ getBodySize: function() { var lsideWidth = this.get('lsideWidth'), rsideWidth = this.get('rsideWidth') - this.getScrollYWidth(), height = this.get('bodyHeight') - this.getScrollXHeight(); return { height: height, rsideWidth: rsideWidth, totalWidth: lsideWidth + rsideWidth }; }, /** * Calc and get overflow values from container position * @param {Number} pageX - Mouse X-position based on page * @param {Number} pageY - Mouse Y-position based on page * @returns {{x: number, y: number}} Mouse-overflow */ getOverflowFromMousePosition: function(pageX, pageY) { var containerPos = this.getPositionFromBodyArea(pageX, pageY); var bodySize = this.getBodySize(); return this._judgeOverflow(containerPos, bodySize); }, /** * Judge overflow * @param {{x: number, y: number}} containerPosition - Position values based on container * @param {{height: number, totalWidth: number, rsideWidth: number}} bodySize - Real body size * @returns {{x: number, y: number}} Overflow values * @private */ _judgeOverflow: function(containerPosition, bodySize) { var containerX = containerPosition.x; var containerY = containerPosition.y; var overflowY = 0; var overflowX = 0; if (containerY < 0) { overflowY = -1; } else if (containerY > bodySize.height) { overflowY = 1; } if (containerX < 0) { overflowX = -1; } else if (containerX > bodySize.totalWidth) { overflowX = 1; } return { x: overflowX, y: overflowY }; }, /** * Return height of X-scrollBar. * If no X-scrollBar, return 0 * @returns {number} Height of X-scrollBar */ getScrollXHeight: function() { return (this.get('scrollX') ? this.get('scrollBarSize') : 0); }, /** * Return width of Y-scrollBar. * If no Y-scrollBar, return 0 * @returns {number} Width of Y-scrollBar */ getScrollYWidth: function() { return (this.get('scrollY') ? this.get('scrollBarSize') : 0); }, /** * Returns the height of table body. * @param {number} height - The height of the dimension * @returns {number} The height of the table body * @private */ _calcRealBodyHeight: function(height) { var extraHeight = this.get('headerHeight') + this.get('summaryHeight') + TABLE_BORDER_WIDTH; return height - extraHeight; }, /** * Returns the minimum height of table body. * @returns {number} The minimum height of table body * @private */ _getMinBodyHeight: function() { return this.get('minBodyHeight') + (CELL_BORDER_WIDTH * 2) + this.getScrollXHeight(); }, /** * 열 고정 영역의 minimum width 값을 구한다. * @returns {number} 열고정 영역의 최소 너비값. * @private */ _getMinLeftSideWidth: function() { var minimumColumnWidth = this.get('minimumColumnWidth'); var columnFrozenCount = this.columnModel.getVisibleFrozenCount(true); var minWidth = 0; var borderWidth; if (columnFrozenCount) { borderWidth = (columnFrozenCount + 1) * CELL_BORDER_WIDTH; minWidth = borderWidth + (minimumColumnWidth * columnFrozenCount); } return minWidth; }, /** * 열 고정 영역의 maximum width 값을 구한다. * @returns {number} 열고정 영역의 최대 너비값. * @private */ getMaxLeftSideWidth: function() { var maxWidth = Math.ceil(this.get('width') * 0.9); // eslint-disable-line no-magic-number if (maxWidth) { maxWidth = Math.max(maxWidth, this._getMinLeftSideWidth()); } return maxWidth; }, /** * Set the width of the dimension. * @param {number} width - Width */ setWidth: function(width) { if (width > 0) { this.set('width', width); this.trigger('setWidth', width); } }, /** * Sets the height of the dimension. * (Resets the bodyHeight relative to the dimension height) * @param {number} height - The height of the dimension * @private */ setHeight: function(height) { if (height > 0) { this.set('bodyHeight', Math.max(this._calcRealBodyHeight(height), this._getMinBodyHeight())); } }, /** * Returns the height of the dimension. * @returns {Number} Height */ getHeight: function() { return this.get('bodyHeight') + this.get('headerHeight'); }, /** * layout 에 필요한 크기 및 위치 데이터를 갱신한다. */ refreshLayout: function() { var domState = this.domState; var offset = domState.getOffset(); this.set({ offsetTop: offset.top, offsetLeft: offset.left, width: domState.getWidth() }); if (this.get('fitToParentHeight')) { this.setHeight(domState.getParentHeight()); } }, /** * Returns the offset.top of body * @returns {number} */ getBodyOffsetTop: function() { var offsetTop = this.domState.getOffset().top; var summaryHeight = this.get('summaryPosition') === summaryPositionConst.TOP ? this.get('summaryHeight') : 0; return offsetTop + this.get('headerHeight') + summaryHeight + CELL_BORDER_WIDTH + TABLE_BORDER_WIDTH; }, /** * Returns the position relative to the body-area. * @param {Number} pageX - x-pos relative to document * @param {Number} pageY - y-pos relative to document * @returns {{x: number, y: number}} * @private */ getPositionFromBodyArea: function(pageX, pageY) { var bodyOffsetX = this.domState.getOffset().left; var bodyOffsetY = this.getBodyOffsetTop(); return { x: pageX - bodyOffsetX, y: pageY - bodyOffsetY }; } }); module.exports = Dimension; /***/ }), /* 22 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /** * @fileoverview Manage coordinates of rows * @author NHN. FE Development Lab */ 'use strict'; var _ = __webpack_require__(2); var util = __webpack_require__(17); var Model = __webpack_require__(9); var CELL_BORDER_WIDTH = __webpack_require__(10).dimension.CELL_BORDER_WIDTH; /** * @module model/coordRow * @param {Object} attrs - Attributes * @param {Object} options - Options * @extends module:base/model * @ignore */ var CoordRow = Model.extend(/** @lends module:model/coordRow.prototype */{ initialize: function(attrs, options) { this.dataModel = options.dataModel; this.dimensionModel = options.dimensionModel; this.domState = options.domState; /** * Height of each rows * @type {Array} */ this.rowHeights = []; /** * Offset of each rows * @type {Array} */ this.rowOffsets = []; // Sync height and offest data when dataModel is changed only if the fixedRowHeight is true. // If the fixedRowHeight is false, as the height of each row should be synced with DOM, // syncWithDom() method is called instead at the end of rendering process. if (this.dimensionModel.get('fixedRowHeight')) { this.listenTo(this.dataModel, 'add remove reset sort', this.syncWithDataModel) .listenTo(this.dataModel, 'expanded', this._onExpanded) .listenTo(this.dataModel, 'collapsed', this._onCollapsed); } }, /** * Event handler for 'expanded' event on dataModel using tree * @param {object} ev - Event object * @private */ _onExpanded: function(ev) { var rowKeys = ev.descendantRowKeys; _.each(rowKeys, function(rowKey) { var index = this.dataModel.indexOfRowKey(rowKey); var row = this.dataModel.at(index); this.rowHeights[index] = this._getRowHeight(row); }, this); this._resetOffsets(); this._setTotalRowHeight(); }, /** * Event handler for 'collapsed' event on dataModel using tree * @param {object} ev - Event object * @private */ _onCollapsed: function(ev) { var rowKeys = ev.descendantRowKeys; _.each(rowKeys, function(rowKey) { var index = this.dataModel.indexOfRowKey(rowKey); this.rowHeights[index] = 0; }, this); this._resetOffsets(); this._setTotalRowHeight(); }, /** * Get row height by value of data model or dimension model * @param {module:model/data/row} row - data model * @returns {nubmer} row height * @private */ _getRowHeight: function(row) { var defHeight = this.dimensionModel.get('rowHeight'); var height = row.getHeight(); return _.isNumber(height) ? height : defHeight; }, /** * Returns the height of rows from dataModel as an array * @returns {Array.} * @private */ _getHeightFromData: function() { var rowHeights = []; var height; this.dataModel.each(function(row, index) { height = this._getRowHeight(row); if (!this.dataModel.isVisibleRow(row.get('rowKey'))) { height = 0; } rowHeights[index] = height; }, this); return rowHeights; }, /** * Get offset of previous visible row by index * @param {number} index - index of base row * @returns {number} offset value * @private */ _getPreviousVisbleRowOffsetByIndex: function(index) { var heights = this.rowHeights; var len = 0; var offset = -1; for (; index >= len; index -= 1) { if (heights[index]) { break; } offset -= 1; } return offset; }, /** * Get offset of next visible row by index * @param {number} index - index of base row * @returns {number} offset value * @private */ _getNextVisibleRowOffsetByIndex: function(index) { var heights = this.rowHeights; var len = heights.length; var offset = 1; for (; index < len; index += 1) { if (heights[index]) { break; } offset += 1; } return offset; }, /** * Reset the list of offset via the list of each row's height * @private */ _resetOffsets: function() { var rowHeights = this.rowHeights; var rowOffsets = []; var prevIdx = 0; var prevHeight, rowOffset; _.each(rowHeights, function(height, index) { if (height) { prevHeight = index ? rowHeights[prevIdx] : rowHeights[0]; rowOffset = index ? (prevHeight + rowOffsets[prevIdx] + CELL_BORDER_WIDTH) : 0; prevIdx = index; } else { rowOffset = -1; } rowOffsets[index] = rowOffset; }); this.rowOffsets = rowOffsets; }, /** * Set the height value of total row height via heights and offsets * @private */ _setTotalRowHeight: function() { var totalRowHeight = 0; var rowHeights = this.rowHeights; var rowOffsets = this.rowOffsets; var rowHeightsLen = rowHeights.length; var offset, visibleLastItemIdx; if (rowHeightsLen) { offset = this._getPreviousVisbleRowOffsetByIndex(rowHeightsLen - 1); visibleLastItemIdx = rowHeightsLen + offset; totalRowHeight = rowOffsets[visibleLastItemIdx] + rowHeights[visibleLastItemIdx] + CELL_BORDER_WIDTH; } this.dimensionModel.set('totalRowHeight', totalRowHeight); }, /** * Initialize the values of rowHeights and rowOffsets * @param {Array.} rowHeights - array of row height * @private */ _reset: function(rowHeights) { this.rowHeights = rowHeights; this._resetOffsets(); this._setTotalRowHeight(); this.trigger('reset'); }, /** * Refresh coordinate data with real DOM height of cells */ syncWithDom: function() { var domRowHeights, dataRowHeights, rowHeights; var domHeightIdx = 0; var i, len; if (this.dimensionModel.get('fixedRowHeight')) { return; } domRowHeights = this.domState.getRowHeights(); dataRowHeights = this._getHeightFromData(); rowHeights = []; for (i = 0, len = dataRowHeights.length; i < len; i += 1) { if (dataRowHeights[i]) { rowHeights[i] = Math.max(domRowHeights[domHeightIdx], dataRowHeights[i]); domHeightIdx += 1; } else { rowHeights[i] = 0; } } this._reset(rowHeights); }, /** * Refresh coordinate data with extraData.height */ syncWithDataModel: function() { this._reset(this._getHeightFromData()); }, /** * Returns the height of the row of given index * @param {number} index - row index * @returns {number} */ getHeightAt: function(index) { return this.rowHeights[index]; }, /** * Returns the offset of the row of given index * @param {number} index - row index * @returns {number} */ getOffsetAt: function(index) { return this.rowOffsets[index]; }, /** * Returns the height of the row of the given rowKey * @param {number} rowKey - rowKey * @returns {number} */ getHeight: function(rowKey) { var index = this.dataModel.indexOfRowKey(rowKey); return this.getHeightAt(index); }, /** * Returns the offset of the row of the given rowKey * @param {number} rowKey - rowKey * @returns {number} */ getOffset: function(rowKey) { var index = this.dataModel.indexOfRowKey(rowKey); return this.getOffsetAt(index); }, /** * Returns the index of the row which contains given position * @param {number} position - target position * @returns {number} */ indexOf: function(position) { var rowOffsets = this.rowOffsets; var idx = 0; var hiddenRowsCnt = 0; position += CELL_BORDER_WIDTH * 2; while (rowOffsets[idx] - CELL_BORDER_WIDTH <= position) { if (rowOffsets[idx] > -1) { hiddenRowsCnt = 0; } else { hiddenRowsCnt += 1; } idx += 1; } return idx - hiddenRowsCnt - 1; }, /** * Returns the row index moved by body height from given row. * @param {number} rowIdx - current row index * @param {Boolean} isDownDir - true: down, false: up * @returns {number} */ getPageMovedIndex: function(rowIdx, isDownDir) { var curOffset = this.getOffsetAt(rowIdx); var distance = this.dimensionModel.get('bodyHeight'); var movedIdx; if (!isDownDir) { distance = -distance; } movedIdx = this.indexOf(curOffset + distance); return util.clamp(movedIdx, 0, this.dataModel.length - 1); }, /** * Get previous moved index by row heights * @param {sring|number} rowKey - focused row key * @returns {number} offset value of previous focusing row */ getPreviousOffset: function(rowKey) { var startIdx = this.dataModel.indexOfRowKey(rowKey); var index = startIdx - 1; return this._getPreviousVisbleRowOffsetByIndex(index); }, /** * Get next moved index by row heights * @param {sring|number} rowKey - focused row key * @returns {number} offset value of next focusing row */ getNextOffset: function(rowKey) { var startIdx = this.dataModel.indexOfRowKey(rowKey); var index = startIdx + 1; return this._getNextVisibleRowOffsetByIndex(index); } }); module.exports = CoordRow; /***/ }), /* 23 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /** * @fileoverview Manage coordinates of rows * @author NHN. FE Development Lab */ 'use strict'; var _ = __webpack_require__(2); var snippet = __webpack_require__(3); var Model = __webpack_require__(9); var util = __webpack_require__(17); var constMap = __webpack_require__(10); var dimensionConst = constMap.dimension; var frameConst = constMap.frame; var CELL_BORDER_WIDTH = dimensionConst.CELL_BORDER_WIDTH; /** * @module model/coordColumn * @param {Object} attrs - Attributes * @param {Object} options - Options * @extends module:base/model * @ignore */ var CoordColumn = Model.extend(/** @lends module:model/coordColumn.prototype */{ initialize: function(attrs, options) { this.dimensionModel = options.dimensionModel; this.columnModel = options.columnModel; /** * An array of the fixed flags of the columns * @private * @type {boolean[]} */ this._fixedWidthFlags = null; /** * An array of the minimum width of the columns * @private * @type {number[]} */ this._minWidths = null; /** * Whether the column width is modified by user. * @type {boolean} */ this._isModified = false; this.listenTo(this.columnModel, 'columnModelChange', this.resetColumnWidths); this.listenTo(this.dimensionModel, 'change:width', this._onDimensionWidthChange); if (options.domEventBus) { this.listenTo(options.domEventBus, 'dragmove:resizeColumn', this._onDragResize); this.listenTo(options.domEventBus, 'dblclick:resizeColumn', this._onDblClick); } this.resetColumnWidths(); }, defaults: { widths: [], resizable: true }, /** * Reset the width of each column by using initial setting of column models. */ resetColumnWidths: function() { var columns = this.columnModel.getVisibleColumns(null, true); var commonMinWidth = this.dimensionModel.get('minimumColumnWidth'); var widths = []; var fixedFlags = []; var minWidths = []; _.each(columns, function(columnModel) { var columnWidth = columnModel.width || 'auto'; var fixedWidth = !isNaN(columnWidth); var width, minWidth; // Meta columns are not affected by common 'minimumColumnWidth' value if (util.isMetaColumn(columnModel.name)) { minWidth = width; } else { minWidth = columnModel.minWidth || commonMinWidth; } width = fixedWidth ? columnWidth : minWidth; if (width < minWidth) { width = minWidth; } // If the width is not assigned (in other words, the width is not positive number), // set it to zero (no need to worry about minimum width at this point) // so that #_fillEmptyWidth() can detect which one is empty. // After then, minimum width will be applied by #_applyMinimumWidth(). widths.push(width); minWidths.push(minWidth); fixedFlags.push(fixedWidth); }, this); this._fixedWidthFlags = fixedFlags; this._minWidths = minWidths; this._setColumnWidthVariables(this._calculateColumnWidth(widths), true); }, /** * Event handler for dragmove event on domEventBus * @param {module:event/gridEvent} ev - GridEvent * @private */ _onDragResize: function(ev) { this.setColumnWidth(ev.columnIndex, ev.width); }, /** * Event handler for dblclick event on domEventBus * @param {module:event/gridEventd} ev - GridEvent * @private */ _onDblClick: function(ev) { this.restoreColumnWidth(ev.columnIndex); }, /** * widths 로 부터, lside 와 rside 의 전체 너비를 계산하여 저장한다. * @param {array} widths - 컬럼 넓이값 배열 * @param {boolean} [saveWidths] - 저장 여부. true이면 넓이값 배열을 originalWidths로 저장한다. * @private */ _setColumnWidthVariables: function(widths, saveWidths) { var totalWidth = this.dimensionModel.get('width'); var frozenBorderWidth = this.dimensionModel.get('frozenBorderWidth'); var maxLeftSideWidth = this.dimensionModel.getMaxLeftSideWidth(); var frozenCount = this.columnModel.getVisibleFrozenCount(true); var rsideWidth, lsideWidth, lsideWidths, rsideWidths; lsideWidths = widths.slice(0, frozenCount); rsideWidths = widths.slice(frozenCount); lsideWidth = this._getFrameWidth(lsideWidths); if (maxLeftSideWidth && maxLeftSideWidth < lsideWidth) { lsideWidths = this._adjustLeftSideWidths(lsideWidths, maxLeftSideWidth); lsideWidth = this._getFrameWidth(lsideWidths); widths = lsideWidths.concat(rsideWidths); } rsideWidth = totalWidth - lsideWidth; this.set({ widths: widths }); this.dimensionModel.set({ rsideWidth: rsideWidth, lsideWidth: lsideWidth - frozenBorderWidth }); if (saveWidths) { this.set('originalWidths', _.clone(widths)); } this.trigger('columnWidthChanged'); }, /** * columnFrozenCount 가 적용되었을 때, window resize 시 left side 의 너비를 조정한다. * @param {Array} lsideWidths 열고정 영역의 너비 리스트 배열 * @param {Number} totalWidth grid 전체 너비 * @returns {Array} 열고정 영역의 너비 리스트 * @private */ _adjustLeftSideWidths: function(lsideWidths, totalWidth) { var i = lsideWidths.length - 1; var minimumColumnWidth = this.dimensionModel.get('minimumColumnWidth'); var currentWidth = this._getFrameWidth(lsideWidths); var diff = currentWidth - totalWidth; var changedWidth; if (diff > 0) { while (i >= 0 && diff > 0) { changedWidth = Math.max(minimumColumnWidth, lsideWidths[i] - diff); diff -= lsideWidths[i] - changedWidth; lsideWidths[i] = changedWidth; i -= 1; } } else if (diff < 0) { lsideWidths[i] += Math.abs(diff); } return lsideWidths; }, /** * calculate column width list * @param {Array.} widths - widths * @returns {Array.} * @private */ _calculateColumnWidth: function(widths) { widths = this._fillEmptyWidth(widths); widths = this._applyMinimumWidth(widths); widths = this._adjustWidths(widths); return widths; }, /** * Sets the width of columns whose width is not assigned by distributing extra width to them equally. * @param {number[]} widths - An array of column widths * @returns {number[]} - A new array of column widths * @private */ _fillEmptyWidth: function(widths) { var totalWidth = this.dimensionModel.getAvailableTotalWidth(widths.length); var remainTotalWidth = totalWidth - util.sum(widths); var emptyIndexes = []; _.each(widths, function(width, index) { if (!width) { emptyIndexes.push(index); } }); return this._distributeExtraWidthEqually(widths, remainTotalWidth, emptyIndexes); }, /** * widths 로부터 보더 값을 포함하여 계산한 frameWidth 를 구한다. * @param {Array} widths 너비 리스트 배열 * @returns {Number} 계산된 frame 너비값 * @private */ _getFrameWidth: function(widths) { var frameWidth = 0; if (widths.length) { frameWidth = util.sum(widths) + ((widths.length + 1) * CELL_BORDER_WIDTH); } return frameWidth; }, /** * Adds extra widths of the column equally. * @param {number[]} widths - An array of column widths * @param {number} totalExtraWidth - Total extra width * @returns {number[]} - A new array of column widths * @private */ _addExtraColumnWidth: function(widths, totalExtraWidth) { var fixedFlags = this._fixedWidthFlags; var columnIndexes = []; _.each(fixedFlags, function(flag, index) { if (!flag) { columnIndexes.push(index); } }); return this._distributeExtraWidthEqually(widths, totalExtraWidth, columnIndexes); }, /** * Reduces excess widths of the column equally. * @param {number[]} widths - An array of column widths * @param {number} totalExcessWidth - Total excess width (negative number) * @returns {number[]} - A new array of column widths * @private */ _reduceExcessColumnWidth: function(widths, totalExcessWidth) { var minWidths = this._minWidths; var fixedFlags = this._fixedWidthFlags; var availableList = []; _.each(widths, function(width, index) { if (!fixedFlags[index]) { availableList.push({ index: index, width: width - minWidths[index] }); } }); return this._reduceExcessColumnWidthSub(_.clone(widths), totalExcessWidth, availableList); }, /** * Reduce the (remaining) excess widths of the column. * This method will be called recursively by _reduceExcessColumnWidth. * @param {number[]} widths - An array of column Width * @param {number} totalRemainWidth - Remaining excess width (negative number) * @param {object[]} availableList - An array of infos about available column. * Each item of the array has {index:number, width:number}. * @returns {number[]} - A new array of column widths * @private */ _reduceExcessColumnWidthSub: function(widths, totalRemainWidth, availableList) { var avgValue = Math.round(totalRemainWidth / availableList.length); var newAvailableList = []; var columnIndexes; _.each(availableList, function(available) { // note that totalRemainWidth and avgValue are negative number. if (available.width < Math.abs(avgValue)) { totalRemainWidth += available.width; widths[available.index] -= available.width; } else { newAvailableList.push(available); } }); // call recursively until all available width are less than average if (availableList.length > newAvailableList.length) { return this._reduceExcessColumnWidthSub(widths, totalRemainWidth, newAvailableList); } columnIndexes = _.pluck(availableList, 'index'); return this._distributeExtraWidthEqually(widths, totalRemainWidth, columnIndexes); }, /** * Distributes the extra width equally to each column at specified indexes. * @param {number[]} widths - An array of column width * @param {number} extraWidth - Extra width * @param {number[]} columnIndexes - An array of indexes of target columns * @returns {number[]} - A new array of column widths * @private */ _distributeExtraWidthEqually: function(widths, extraWidth, columnIndexes) { var length = columnIndexes.length; var avgValue = Math.round(extraWidth / length); var errorValue = (avgValue * length) - extraWidth; // to correct total width var resultList = _.clone(widths); _.each(columnIndexes, function(columnIndex) { resultList[columnIndex] += avgValue; }); if (columnIndexes.length) { resultList[_.last(columnIndexes)] -= errorValue; } return resultList; }, /** * Makes all width of columns not less than minimumColumnWidth. * @param {number[]} widths - 컬럼 넓이값 배열 * @returns {number[]} - 수정된 새로운 넓이값 배열 * @private */ _applyMinimumWidth: function(widths) { var minWidths = this._minWidths; var appliedList = _.clone(widths); _.each(appliedList, function(width, index) { var minWidth = minWidths[index]; if (width < minWidth) { appliedList[index] = minWidth; } }); return appliedList; }, /** * Adjust the column widths to make them fit into the dimension. * @param {number[]} widths - An array of column width * @param {boolean} [fitToReducedTotal] - If set to true and the total width is smaller than dimension(width), * the column widths will be reduced. * @returns {number[]} - A new array of column widths * @private */ _adjustWidths: function(widths, fitToReducedTotal) { var columnLength = widths.length; var availableWidth = this.dimensionModel.getAvailableTotalWidth(columnLength); var totalExtraWidth = availableWidth - util.sum(widths); var fixedCount = _.filter(this._fixedWidthFlags).length; var adjustedWidths; if (totalExtraWidth > 0 && (columnLength > fixedCount)) { adjustedWidths = this._addExtraColumnWidth(widths, totalExtraWidth); } else if (fitToReducedTotal && totalExtraWidth < 0) { adjustedWidths = this._reduceExcessColumnWidth(widths, totalExtraWidth); } else { adjustedWidths = widths; } return adjustedWidths; }, /** * width 값 변경시 각 column 별 너비를 계산한다. * @private */ _onDimensionWidthChange: function() { var widths = this.get('widths'); if (!this._isModified) { widths = this._adjustWidths(widths, true); } this._setColumnWidthVariables(widths); }, /** * L side 와 R side 에 따른 widths 를 반환한다. * @param {String} [whichSide] 어느 영역인지 여부. L,R 중 하나를 인자로 넘긴다. 생략시 전체 columnList 반환 * @returns {Array} 조회한 영역의 widths */ getWidths: function(whichSide) { var columnFrozenCount = this.columnModel.getVisibleFrozenCount(true); var widths = []; switch (whichSide) { case frameConst.L: widths = this.get('widths').slice(0, columnFrozenCount); break; case frameConst.R: widths = this.get('widths').slice(columnFrozenCount); break; default: widths = this.get('widths'); break; } return widths; }, /** * L, R 중 하나를 입력받아 frame 의 너비를 구한다. * @param {String} [whichSide] 지정하지 않을 경우 전체 너비. * @returns {Number} 해당 frame 의 너비 */ getFrameWidth: function(whichSide) { var columnFrozenCount = this.columnModel.getVisibleFrozenCount(true); var widths = this.getWidths(whichSide); var frameWidth = this._getFrameWidth(widths); if (_.isUndefined(whichSide) && columnFrozenCount > 0) { frameWidth += CELL_BORDER_WIDTH; } return frameWidth; }, /** * columnResize 발생 시 index 에 해당하는 컬럼의 width 를 변경하여 반영한다. * @param {Number} index 너비를 변경할 컬럼의 인덱스 * @param {Number} width 변경할 너비 pixel값 */ setColumnWidth: function(index, width) { var widths = this.get('widths'); var minWidth = this._minWidths[index]; if (widths[index]) { widths[index] = Math.max(width, minWidth); this._setColumnWidthVariables(widths); this._isModified = true; } }, /** * Returns column index from X-position relative to the body-area * @param {number} posX - X-position relative to the body-area * @param {boolean} withMeta - Whether the meta columns go with this calculation * @returns {number} Column index * @private */ indexOf: function(posX, withMeta) { var widths = this.getWidths(); var totalColumnWidth = this.getFrameWidth(); var adjustableIndex = (withMeta) ? 0 : this.columnModel.getVisibleMetaColumnCount(); var columnIndex = 0; if (posX >= totalColumnWidth) { columnIndex = widths.length - 1; } else { snippet.forEachArray(widths, function(width, index) { // eslint-disable-line consistent-return width += CELL_BORDER_WIDTH; columnIndex = index; if (posX > width) { posX -= width; } else { return false; } }); } return Math.max(0, columnIndex - adjustableIndex); }, /** * Restore a column to the default width. * @param {Number} index - target column index */ restoreColumnWidth: function(index) { var orgWidth = this.get('originalWidths')[index]; this.setColumnWidth(index, orgWidth); } }); module.exports = CoordColumn; /***/ }), /* 24 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /** * @fileoverview Converts coordinates to index of rows and columns * @author NHN. FE Development Lab */ 'use strict'; var snippet = __webpack_require__(3); var Model = __webpack_require__(9); var dimensionConstMap = __webpack_require__(10).dimension; var TABLE_BORDER_WIDTH = dimensionConstMap.TABLE_BORDER_WIDTH; var CELL_BORDER_WIDTH = dimensionConstMap.CELL_BORDER_WIDTH; /** * @module model/coordConverter * @param {Object} attrs - Attributes * @param {Object} options - Options * @extends module:base/model * @ignore */ var CoordConverter = Model.extend(/** @lends module:model/coordConverter.prototype */{ initialize: function(attrs, options) { this.dataModel = options.dataModel; this.columnModel = options.columnModel; this.focusModel = options.focusModel; this.dimensionModel = options.dimensionModel; this.renderModel = options.renderModel; this.coordRowModel = options.coordRowModel; this.coordColumnModel = options.coordColumnModel; this.listenTo(this.focusModel, 'focus', this._onFocus); }, /** * Get cell index from mouse position * @param {Number} pageX - Mouse X-position based on page * @param {Number} pageY - Mouse Y-position based on page * @param {boolean} [withMeta] - Whether the meta columns go with this calculation * @returns {{row: number, column: number}} Cell index */ getIndexFromMousePosition: function(pageX, pageY, withMeta) { var position = this.dimensionModel.getPositionFromBodyArea(pageX, pageY); var posWithScroll = this._getScrolledPosition(position); return { row: this.coordRowModel.indexOf(posWithScroll.y), column: this.coordColumnModel.indexOf(posWithScroll.x, withMeta) }; }, /** * Returns the scrolled position in addition to given position * @param {{x: number, y: number}} position - position * @returns {{x: number, y: number}} * @private */ _getScrolledPosition: function(position) { var renderModel = this.renderModel; var isRside = position.x > this.dimensionModel.get('lsideWidth'); var scrollLeft = isRside ? renderModel.get('scrollLeft') : 0; var scrollTop = renderModel.get('scrollTop'); return { x: position.x + scrollLeft, y: position.y + scrollTop }; }, /** * Returns the count of rowspan of given cell * @param {Number} rowKey - row key * @param {String} columnName - column name * @returns {Number} * @private */ _getRowSpanCount: function(rowKey, columnName) { var rowSpanData = this.dataModel.get(rowKey).getRowSpanData(columnName); if (!rowSpanData.isMainRow) { rowKey = rowSpanData.mainRowKey; rowSpanData = this.dataModel.get(rowKey).getRowSpanData(columnName); } return rowSpanData.count || 1; }, /** * Returns the vertical position of the given row * @param {Number} rowKey - row key * @param {Number} rowSpanCount - the count of rowspan * @returns {{top: Number, bottom: Number}} * @private */ _getCellVerticalPosition: function(rowKey, rowSpanCount) { var firstIdx, lastIdx, top, bottom; var coordRowModel = this.coordRowModel; firstIdx = this.dataModel.indexOfRowKey(rowKey); lastIdx = firstIdx + rowSpanCount - 1; top = coordRowModel.getOffsetAt(firstIdx); bottom = coordRowModel.getOffsetAt(lastIdx) + coordRowModel.getHeightAt(lastIdx) + CELL_BORDER_WIDTH; return { top: top, bottom: bottom }; }, /** * Returns the horizontal position of the given column * @param {String} columnName - column name * @returns {{left: Number, right: Number}} * @private */ _getCellHorizontalPosition: function(columnName) { var columnModel = this.columnModel; var metaColumnCount = columnModel.getVisibleMetaColumnCount(); var widths = this.coordColumnModel.get('widths'); var leftColumnCount = columnModel.getVisibleFrozenCount() + metaColumnCount; var targetIdx = columnModel.indexOfColumnName(columnName, true) + metaColumnCount; var idx = leftColumnCount > targetIdx ? 0 : leftColumnCount; var left = 0; for (; idx < targetIdx; idx += 1) { left += widths[idx] + CELL_BORDER_WIDTH; } return { left: left, right: left + widths[targetIdx] + CELL_BORDER_WIDTH }; }, /** * Returns the bounds of the cell identified by given address * @param {Number|String} rowKey - row key * @param {String} columnName - column name * @returns {{top: number, left: number, right: number, bottom: number}} * @todo TC */ getCellPosition: function(rowKey, columnName) { var rowSpanCount, vPos, hPos; rowKey = this.dataModel.getMainRowKey(rowKey, columnName); if (!this.dataModel.get(rowKey)) { return {}; } rowSpanCount = this._getRowSpanCount(rowKey, columnName); vPos = this._getCellVerticalPosition(rowKey, rowSpanCount); hPos = this._getCellHorizontalPosition(columnName); return { top: vPos.top, bottom: vPos.bottom, left: hPos.left, right: hPos.right }; }, /** * Judge scroll direction. * @param {{top: number, bottom: number, left: number, right: number}} targetPosition - Position of target element * @param {boolean} isRsideColumn - Whether the target cell is in rside * @param {{height: number, rsideWidth: number}} bodySize - Using cached bodySize * @returns {{isUp: boolean, isDown: boolean, isLeft: boolean, isRight: boolean}} Direction * @private */ _judgeScrollDirection: function(targetPosition, isRsideColumn, bodySize) { var renderModel = this.renderModel; var currentTop = renderModel.get('scrollTop'); var currentLeft = renderModel.get('scrollLeft'); var isUp, isDown, isLeft, isRight; isUp = targetPosition.top < currentTop; isDown = !isUp && (targetPosition.bottom > (currentTop + bodySize.height)); if (isRsideColumn) { isLeft = targetPosition.left < currentLeft; isRight = !isLeft && (targetPosition.right > (currentLeft + bodySize.rsideWidth - 1)); } else { isLeft = isRight = false; } return { isUp: isUp, isDown: isDown, isLeft: isLeft, isRight: isRight }; }, /** * Scroll to focus * @param {number} rowKey - row key * @param {string} columnName - column name * @param {boolean} shouldScroll - whether scroll to the target cell * @private */ _onFocus: function(rowKey, columnName, shouldScroll) { var scrollPosition; if (!shouldScroll) { return; } scrollPosition = this.getScrollPosition(rowKey, columnName); if (!snippet.isEmpty(scrollPosition)) { this.renderModel.set(scrollPosition); } }, /** * Make scroll position * @param {{isUp: boolean, isDown: boolean, isLeft: boolean, isRight: boolean}} scrollDirection - Direction * @param {{top: number, bottom: number, left: number, right: number}} targetPosition - Position of target element * @param {{height: number, rsideWidth: number}} bodySize - Using cached bodySize * @returns {{scrollLeft: ?Number, scrollTop: ?Number}} Position to scroll * @private */ _makeScrollPosition: function(scrollDirection, targetPosition, bodySize) { var pos = {}; if (scrollDirection.isUp) { pos.scrollTop = targetPosition.top; } else if (scrollDirection.isDown) { pos.scrollTop = targetPosition.bottom - bodySize.height; } if (scrollDirection.isLeft) { pos.scrollLeft = targetPosition.left; } else if (scrollDirection.isRight) { pos.scrollLeft = targetPosition.right - bodySize.rsideWidth + TABLE_BORDER_WIDTH; } return pos; }, /** * Return scroll position from the received index * @param {Number|String} rowKey - Row-key of target cell * @param {String} columnName - Column name of target cell * @returns {{scrollLeft: ?Number, scrollTop: ?Number}} Position to scroll */ getScrollPosition: function(rowKey, columnName) { var isRsideColumn = !this.columnModel.isLside(columnName); var targetPosition = this.getCellPosition(rowKey, columnName); var bodySize = this.dimensionModel.getBodySize(); var scrollDirection = this._judgeScrollDirection(targetPosition, isRsideColumn, bodySize); return this._makeScrollPosition(scrollDirection, targetPosition, bodySize); } }); module.exports = CoordConverter; /***/ }), /* 25 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /** * @fileoverview Focus Model * @author NHN. FE Development Lab */ 'use strict'; var _ = __webpack_require__(2); var Model = __webpack_require__(9); var util = __webpack_require__(17); var GridEvent = __webpack_require__(16); /** * whether using mobile browser * @type {boolean} * @private */ var _isMobile = util.isMobile(); /** * Focus model * @param {Object} attrs - Attributes * @param {Object} options - Options * @module model/focus * @extends module:base/model * @ignore */ var Focus = Model.extend(/** @lends module:model/focus.prototype */{ initialize: function(attrs, options) { var editEventName = options.editingEvent + ':cell'; var domEventBus; Model.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments); _.assign(this, { dataModel: options.dataModel, columnModel: options.columnModel, coordRowModel: options.coordRowModel, domEventBus: options.domEventBus, domState: options.domState }); this.listenTo(this.dataModel, 'reset', this._onResetData); this.listenTo(this.dataModel, 'add', this._onAddDataModel); if (this.domEventBus) { domEventBus = this.domEventBus; this.listenTo(domEventBus, editEventName, this._onMouseClickEdit); this.listenTo(domEventBus, 'mousedown:focus', this._onMouseDownFocus); this.listenTo(domEventBus, 'key:move', this._onKeyMove); this.listenTo(domEventBus, 'key:edit', this._onKeyEdit); } }, defaults: { /** * row key of the current cell * @type {String|Number} */ rowKey: null, /** * column name of the current cell * @type {String} */ columnName: null, /** * row key of the previously focused cell * @type {String|Number} */ prevRowKey: null, /** * column name of the previously focused cell * @type {String} */ prevColumnName: '', /** * address of the editing cell * @type {{rowKey:(String|Number), columnName:String}} */ editingAddress: null, /** * Whether focus state is active or not * @type {Boolean} */ active: false }, /** * Event handler for 'reset' event on dataModel. * @private */ _onResetData: function() { this.blur(); }, /** * Event handler for 'add' event on dataModel. * @param {module:model/data/rowList} dataModel - data model * @param {Object} options - options for appending. See {@link module:model/data/rowList#append} * @private */ _onAddDataModel: function(dataModel, options) { if (options.focus) { this.focusAt(options.at, 0); } }, /** * Event handler for 'click:cell' or 'dblclick:cell' event on domEventBus * @param {module:event/gridEvent} ev - event data * @private */ _onMouseClickEdit: function(ev) { this.focusIn(ev.rowKey, ev.columnName); }, /* eslint-disable complexity */ /** * Event handler for key:move event * @param {module:event/gridEvent} ev - GridEvent * @private */ _onKeyMove: function(ev) { var rowKey, columnName; switch (ev.command) { case 'up': rowKey = this.prevRowKey(); break; case 'down': rowKey = this.nextRowKey(); break; case 'left': columnName = this.prevColumnName(); break; case 'right': columnName = this.nextColumnName(); break; case 'pageUp': rowKey = this._getPageMovedRowKey(false); break; case 'pageDown': rowKey = this._getPageMovedRowKey(true); break; case 'firstColumn': columnName = this.firstColumnName(); break; case 'lastColumn': columnName = this.lastColumnName(); break; case 'firstCell': rowKey = this.firstRowKey(); columnName = this.firstColumnName(); break; case 'lastCell': rowKey = this.lastRowKey(); columnName = this.lastColumnName(); break; default: } rowKey = _.isUndefined(rowKey) ? this.get('rowKey') : rowKey; columnName = columnName || this.get('columnName'); this.focus(rowKey, columnName, true); }, /* eslint-enable complexity */ /** * Event handler for key:edit event * @param {module:event/gridEvent} ev - GridEvent * @private */ _onKeyEdit: function(ev) { var address; switch (ev.command) { case 'currentCell': address = this.which(); break; case 'nextCell': address = this.nextAddress(); break; case 'prevCell': address = this.prevAddress(); break; default: } if (address) { this.focusIn(address.rowKey, address.columnName, true); } }, /** * Returns the moved rowKey by page unit from current position * @param {boolean} isDownDir - true: down, false: up * @returns {number} * @private */ _getPageMovedRowKey: function(isDownDir) { var rowIndex = this.dataModel.indexOfRowKey(this.get('rowKey')); var prevPageRowIndex = this.coordRowModel.getPageMovedIndex(rowIndex, isDownDir); var rowKey; if (isDownDir) { rowKey = this.nextRowKey(prevPageRowIndex - rowIndex); } else { rowKey = this.prevRowKey(rowIndex - prevPageRowIndex); } return rowKey; }, /** * Event handler for 'mousedown' event on domEventBus * @private */ _onMouseDownFocus: function() { this.focusClipboard(); }, /** * Saves previous data. * @private */ _savePrevious: function() { if (this.get('rowKey') !== null) { this.set('prevRowKey', this.get('rowKey')); } if (this.get('columnName')) { this.set('prevColumnName', this.get('columnName')); } }, /** * Returns whether given rowKey and columnName is equal to current value * @param {(Number|String)} rowKey - row key * @param {String} columnName - column name * @param {Boolean} isMainRowKey - true if the target row key is main row * @returns {Boolean} - True if equal */ isCurrentCell: function(rowKey, columnName, isMainRowKey) { var curColumnName = this.get('columnName'); var curRowKey = this.get('rowKey'); if (isMainRowKey) { curRowKey = this.dataModel.getMainRowKey(curRowKey, curColumnName); } return String(curRowKey) === String(rowKey) && curColumnName === columnName; }, /* eslint-disable complexity */ /** * Focus to the cell identified by given rowKey and columnName. * @param {Number|String} rowKey - rowKey * @param {String} columnName - columnName * @param {Boolean} isScrollable - if set to true, move scroll position to focused position * @returns {Boolean} true if focused cell is changed */ focus: function(rowKey, columnName, isScrollable) { if (!this.get('active')) { this.set('active', true); } if (!this._isValidCell(rowKey, columnName) || util.isMetaColumn(columnName) || this.isCurrentCell(rowKey, columnName)) { return true; } if (!this._triggerFocusChangeEvent(rowKey, columnName)) { return false; } this.blur(); this.set({ rowKey: rowKey, columnName: columnName }); this.trigger('focus', rowKey, columnName, isScrollable); if (this.columnModel.get('selectType') === 'radio') { this.dataModel.check(rowKey); } return true; }, /* eslint-enable complexity */ /** * Trigger 'focusChange' event and returns the result * @param {(number|string)} rowKey - rowKey * @param {stringd} columnName - columnName * @returns {boolean} * @private */ _triggerFocusChangeEvent: function(rowKey, columnName) { var gridEvent = new GridEvent(null, { rowKey: rowKey, prevRowKey: this.get('rowKey'), columnName: columnName, prevColumnName: this.get('columnName') }); /** * Occurs when focused cell is about to change * @api * @event Grid#focusChange * @type {module:event/gridEvent} * @property {number} rowKey - rowKey of the target cell * @property {number} columnName - columnName of the target cell * @property {number} prevRowKey - rowKey of the currently focused cell * @property {number} prevColumnName - columnName of the currently focused cell * @property {Grid} instance - Current grid instance */ this.trigger('focusChange', gridEvent); return !gridEvent.isStopped(); }, /** * Focus to the cell identified by given rowIndex and columnIndex. * @param {(Number|String)} rowIndex - rowIndex * @param {String} columnIndex - columnIndex * @param {boolean} [isScrollable=false] - if set to true, scroll to focused cell * @returns {Boolean} true if success */ focusAt: function(rowIndex, columnIndex, isScrollable) { var row = this.dataModel.at(rowIndex); var column = this.columnModel.at(columnIndex, true); var result = false; if (row && column) { result = this.focus(row.get('rowKey'), column.name, isScrollable); } return result; }, /** * Focus to the cell identified by given rowKey and columnName and change it to edit-mode if editable. * @param {(Number|String)} rowKey - rowKey * @param {String} columnName - columnName * @param {boolean} [isScrollable=false] - if set to true, scroll to focused cell * @returns {Boolean} true if success */ focusIn: function(rowKey, columnName, isScrollable) { var result = this.focus(rowKey, columnName, isScrollable); if (result) { rowKey = this.dataModel.getMainRowKey(rowKey, columnName); if (this.dataModel.get(rowKey).isEditable(columnName)) { this.finishEditing(); this.startEditing(rowKey, columnName); } else { this.focusClipboard(); } } return result; }, /** * Focus to the cell identified by given rowIndex and columnIndex and change it to edit-mode if editable. * @param {(Number|String)} rowIndex - rowIndex * @param {String} columnIndex - columnIndex * @param {Boolean} [isScrollable=false] - if set to true, scroll to focused cell * @returns {Boolean} true if success */ focusInAt: function(rowIndex, columnIndex, isScrollable) { var row = this.dataModel.at(rowIndex); var column = this.columnModel.at(columnIndex, true); var result = false; if (row && column) { result = this.focusIn(row.get('rowKey'), column.name, isScrollable); } return result; }, /** * clipboard 에 focus 한다. */ focusClipboard: function() { if (!_isMobile) { this.trigger('focusClipboard'); } }, /** * If the grid has an element which has a focus, make sure that focusModel has a valid data, * Otherwise change the focus state. */ refreshState: function() { var restored; if (!this.domState.hasFocusedElement()) { this.set('active', false); } else if (!this.has()) { restored = this.restore(); if (!restored) { this.focusAt(0, 0); } } }, /** * Apply blur state on cell * @returns {Model.Focus} This object */ blur: function() { if (!this.has()) { return this; } if (this.has(true)) { this._savePrevious(); } this.trigger('blur', this.get('rowKey'), this.get('columnName')); this.set({ rowKey: null, columnName: null }); return this; }, /** * 현재 focus 정보를 반환한다. * @returns {{rowKey: (number|string), columnName: string}} 현재 focus 정보에 해당하는 rowKey, columnName */ which: function() { return { rowKey: this.get('rowKey'), columnName: this.get('columnName') }; }, /** * 현재 focus 정보를 index 기준으로 반환한다. * @param {boolean} isPrevious 이전 focus 정보를 반환할지 여부 * @returns {{row: number, column: number}} The object that contains index info */ indexOf: function(isPrevious) { var rowKey = isPrevious ? this.get('prevRowKey') : this.get('rowKey'); var columnName = isPrevious ? this.get('prevColumnName') : this.get('columnName'); return { row: this.dataModel.indexOfRowKey(rowKey), column: this.columnModel.indexOfColumnName(columnName, true) }; }, /** * Returns whether has focus. * @param {boolean} checkValid - if set to true, check whether the current cell is valid. * @returns {boolean} True if has focus. */ has: function(checkValid) { var rowKey = this.get('rowKey'); var columnName = this.get('columnName'); if (checkValid) { return this._isValidCell(rowKey, columnName); } return !util.isBlank(rowKey) && !util.isBlank(columnName); }, /** * Restore previous focus data. * @returns {boolean} True if restored */ restore: function() { var prevRowKey = this.get('prevRowKey'); var prevColumnName = this.get('prevColumnName'); var restored = false; if (this._isValidCell(prevRowKey, prevColumnName)) { this.focus(prevRowKey, prevColumnName); this.set({ prevRowKey: null, prevColumnName: null }); restored = true; } return restored; }, /** * Returns whether the cell identified by given rowKey and columnName is editing now. * @param {Number} rowKey - row key * @param {String} columnName - column name * @returns {Boolean} */ isEditingCell: function(rowKey, columnName) { var address = this.get('editingAddress'); return address && (String(address.rowKey) === String(rowKey)) && (address.columnName === columnName); }, /** * Starts editing a cell identified by given rowKey and columnName, and returns the result. * @param {(String|Number)} rowKey - row key * @param {String} columnName - column name * @returns {Boolean} true if succeeded, false otherwise. */ startEditing: function(rowKey, columnName) { if (this.get('editingAddress')) { return false; } if (_.isUndefined(rowKey) && _.isUndefined(columnName)) { rowKey = this.get('rowKey'); columnName = this.get('columnName'); } else if (!this.isCurrentCell(rowKey, columnName, true)) { return false; } rowKey = this.dataModel.getMainRowKey(rowKey, columnName); if (!this.dataModel.get(rowKey).isEditable(columnName)) { return false; } this.set('editingAddress', { rowKey: rowKey, columnName: columnName }); return true; }, /** * Finishes editing the current cell, and returns the result. * @returns {Boolean} - true if an editing cell exist, false otherwise. */ finishEditing: function() { if (!this.get('editingAddress')) { return false; } this.set('editingAddress', null); return true; }, /** * Returns whether the specified cell is exist * @param {String|Number} rowKey - Rowkey * @param {String} columnName - ColumnName * @returns {boolean} True if exist * @private */ _isValidCell: function(rowKey, columnName) { var isValidRowKey = !util.isBlank(rowKey) && !!this.dataModel.get(rowKey); var isValidColumnName = !util.isBlank(columnName) && !!this.columnModel.getColumnModel(columnName); return isValidRowKey && isValidColumnName; }, /** * 현재 focus 된 row 기준으로 offset 만큼 이동한 rowKey 를 반환한다. * @param {Number} offset 이동할 offset * @returns {?Number|String} rowKey offset 만큼 이동한 위치의 rowKey * @private */ _findRowKey: function(offset) { var dataModel = this.dataModel; var rowKey = null; var index, row; if (this.has(true)) { index = Math.max( Math.min( dataModel.indexOfRowKey(this.get('rowKey')) + offset, this.dataModel.length - 1 ), 0 ); row = dataModel.at(index); if (row) { rowKey = row.get('rowKey'); } } return rowKey; }, /** * 현재 focus 된 column 기준으로 offset 만큼 이동한 columnName 을 반환한다. * @param {Number} offset 이동할 offset * @returns {?String} columnName offset 만큼 이동한 위치의 columnName * @private */ _findColumnName: function(offset) { var columnModel = this.columnModel; var columns = columnModel.getVisibleColumns(); var columnIndex = columnModel.indexOfColumnName(this.get('columnName'), true); var columnName = null; var index; if (this.has(true)) { index = Math.max(Math.min(columnIndex + offset, columns.length - 1), 0); columnName = columns[index] && columns[index].name; } return columnName; }, /** * Returns data of rowSpan * @param {Number|String} rowKey - Row key * @param {String} columnName - Column name * @returns {boolean|{count: number, isMainRow: boolean, mainRowKey: *}} rowSpanData - Data of rowSpan * @private */ _getRowSpanData: function(rowKey, columnName) { if (rowKey && columnName) { return this.dataModel.get(rowKey).getRowSpanData(columnName); } return false; }, /** * 다음 컬럼의 인덱스를 반환한다. * @returns {Number} 다음 컬럼의 index */ nextColumnIndex: function() { var columnName = this.nextColumnName(); return this.columnModel.indexOfColumnName(columnName, true); }, /** * 이전 컬럼의 인덱스를 반환한다. * @returns {Number} 이전 컬럼의 인덱스 */ prevColumnIndex: function() { var columnName = this.prevColumnName(); return this.columnModel.indexOfColumnName(columnName, true); }, /** * keyEvent 발생 시 호출될 메서드로, * rowSpan 정보 까지 계산된 다음 rowKey 를 반환한다. * @param {number} offset 이동할 offset * @returns {Number|String} offset 만큼 이동한 위치의 rowKey */ nextRowKey: function(offset) { var focused = this.which(); var rowKey = focused.rowKey; var count, rowSpanData; offset = (typeof offset === 'number') ? offset : 1; if (offset > 1) { rowKey = this._findRowKey(offset); rowSpanData = this._getRowSpanData(rowKey, focused.columnName); if (rowSpanData && !rowSpanData.isMainRow) { rowKey = this._findRowKey(rowSpanData.count + offset); } } else { rowSpanData = this._getRowSpanData(rowKey, focused.columnName); if (rowSpanData.isMainRow && rowSpanData.count > 0) { rowKey = this._findRowKey(rowSpanData.count); } else if (rowSpanData && !rowSpanData.isMainRow) { count = rowSpanData.count; rowSpanData = this._getRowSpanData(rowSpanData.mainRowKey, focused.columnName); rowKey = this._findRowKey(rowSpanData.count + count); } else { offset = this.coordRowModel.getNextOffset(rowKey); rowKey = this._findRowKey(offset); } } return rowKey; }, /** * keyEvent 발생 시 호출될 메서드로, * rowSpan 정보 까지 계산된 이전 rowKey 를 반환한다. * @param {number} offset 이동할 offset * @returns {Number|String} offset 만큼 이동한 위치의 rowKey */ prevRowKey: function(offset) { var focused = this.which(); var rowKey = focused.rowKey; var rowSpanData; offset = typeof offset === 'number' ? offset : 1; offset *= -1; if (offset < -1) { rowKey = this._findRowKey(offset); rowSpanData = this._getRowSpanData(rowKey, focused.columnName); if (rowSpanData && !rowSpanData.isMainRow) { rowKey = this._findRowKey(rowSpanData.count + offset); } } else { rowSpanData = this._getRowSpanData(rowKey, focused.columnName); if (rowSpanData && !rowSpanData.isMainRow) { rowKey = this._findRowKey(rowSpanData.count - 1); } else { offset = this.coordRowModel.getPreviousOffset(rowKey); rowKey = this._findRowKey(offset); } } return rowKey; }, /** * keyEvent 발생 시 호출될 메서드로, 다음 columnName 을 반환한다. * @returns {String} 다음 컬럼명 */ nextColumnName: function() { return this._findColumnName(1); }, /** * keyEvent 발생 시 호출될 메서드로, 이전 columnName 을 반환한다. * @returns {String} 이전 컬럼명 */ prevColumnName: function() { return this._findColumnName(-1); }, /** * 첫번째 row 의 key 를 반환한다. * @returns {(string|number)} 첫번째 row 의 키값 */ firstRowKey: function() { return this.dataModel.at(0).get('rowKey'); }, /** * 마지막 row의 key 를 반환한다. * @returns {(string|number)} 마지막 row 의 키값 */ lastRowKey: function() { return this.dataModel.at(this.dataModel.length - 1).get('rowKey'); }, /** * 첫번째 columnName 을 반환한다. * @returns {string} 첫번째 컬럼명 */ firstColumnName: function() { var columns = this.columnModel.getVisibleColumns(); return columns[0].name; }, /** * 마지막 columnName 을 반환한다. * @returns {string} 마지막 컬럼명 */ lastColumnName: function() { var columns = this.columnModel.getVisibleColumns(); var lastIndex = columns.length - 1; return columns[lastIndex].name; }, /** * Returns the address of previous cell. * @returns {{rowKey: number, columnName: string}} */ prevAddress: function() { var rowKey = this.get('rowKey'); var columnName = this.get('columnName'); var isFirstColumn = columnName === this.firstColumnName(); var isFirstRow = rowKey === this.firstRowKey(); var prevRowKey, prevColumnName; if (isFirstRow && isFirstColumn) { prevRowKey = rowKey; prevColumnName = columnName; } else if (isFirstColumn) { prevRowKey = this.prevRowKey(); prevColumnName = this.lastColumnName(); } else { prevRowKey = rowKey; prevColumnName = this.prevColumnName(); } return { rowKey: prevRowKey, columnName: prevColumnName }; }, /** * Returns the address of next cell. * @returns {{rowKey: number, columnName: string}} */ nextAddress: function() { var rowKey = this.get('rowKey'); var columnName = this.get('columnName'); var isLastColumn = columnName === this.lastColumnName(); var isLastRow = rowKey === this.lastRowKey(); var nextRowKey, nextColumnName; if (isLastRow && isLastColumn) { nextRowKey = rowKey; nextColumnName = columnName; } else if (isLastColumn) { nextRowKey = this.nextRowKey(); nextColumnName = this.firstColumnName(); } else { nextRowKey = rowKey; nextColumnName = this.nextColumnName(); } return { rowKey: nextRowKey, columnName: nextColumnName }; } }); module.exports = Focus; /***/ }), /* 26 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /** * @fileoverview Rendering 모델 * @author NHN. FE Development Lab */ 'use strict'; var _ = __webpack_require__(2); var snippet = __webpack_require__(3); var Model = __webpack_require__(9); var Row = __webpack_require__(27); var RowList = __webpack_require__(28); var renderStateMap = __webpack_require__(10).renderState; var CELL_BORDER_WIDTH = __webpack_require__(10).dimension.CELL_BORDER_WIDTH; var DATA_LENGTH_FOR_LOADING = 1000; /** * View 에서 Rendering 시 사용할 객체 * @module model/renderer * @extends module:base/model * @param {Object} attrs - Attributes * @param {Object} options - Options * @ignore */ var Renderer = Model.extend(/** @lends module:model/renderer.prototype */{ initialize: function(attrs, options) { var rowListOptions; var partialLside, partialRside; _.assign(this, { dataModel: options.dataModel, columnModel: options.columnModel, focusModel: options.focusModel, dimensionModel: options.dimensionModel, coordRowModel: options.coordRowModel, coordColumnModel: options.coordColumnModel }); rowListOptions = { dataModel: this.dataModel, columnModel: this.columnModel, focusModel: this.focusModel }; partialLside = new RowList([], rowListOptions); partialRside = new RowList([], rowListOptions); this.set({ lside: [], rside: [], partialLside: partialLside, partialRside: partialRside }); this.listenTo(this.columnModel, 'columnModelChange change', this._onColumnModelChange) .listenTo(this.dataModel, 'reset', this._initializeScrollValues) .listenTo(this.dataModel, 'sort reset', this._onDataModelChange) .listenTo(this.dataModel, 'deleteRange', this._onRangeDataModelChange) .listenTo(this.dataModel, 'add', this._onAddDataModelChange) .listenTo(this.dataModel, 'remove', this._onRemoveDataModelChange) .listenTo(this.dataModel, 'beforeReset', this._onBeforeResetData) .listenTo(this.dataModel, 'expanded ', this._onExpanded) .listenTo(this.dataModel, 'collapsed ', this._onCollapsed) .listenTo(this.focusModel, 'change:editingAddress', this._onEditingAddressChange) .listenTo(partialLside, 'valueChange', this._executeRelation) .listenTo(partialRside, 'valueChange', this._executeRelation) .listenTo(this.coordRowModel, 'reset', this._onChangeRowHeights) .listenTo(this.dimensionModel, 'columnWidthChanged', this.finishEditing) .listenTo(this.dimensionModel, 'change:width', this._updateMaxScrollLeft) .listenTo(this.dimensionModel, 'change:totalRowHeight change:scrollBarSize change:bodyHeight', this._updateMaxScrollTop); if (this.get('showDummyRows')) { this.listenTo(this.dimensionModel, 'change:bodyHeight change:totalRowHeight', this._resetDummyRowCount); this.on('change:dummyRowCount', this._resetDummyRows); } this.on('change', this._onChangeIndex, this); this._onChangeLayoutBound = _.bind(this._onChangeLayout, this); }, defaults: { top: 0, bottom: 0, scrollTop: 0, scrollLeft: 0, maxScrollLeft: 0, maxScrollTop: 0, startIndex: -1, endIndex: -1, startNumber: 1, lside: null, rside: null, partialLside: null, partialRside: null, showDummyRows: false, dummyRowCount: 0, // text that will be shown if no data to render (custom value set by user) emptyMessage: null, // constMap.renderState state: renderStateMap.DONE }, /** * Event handler for 'expanded' event on dataModel using tree * @param {object} ev - Event object * @private */ _onExpanded: function(ev) { var rowKeys = ev.descendantRowKeys; var dataModel = this.dataModel; var columnNamesMap = this._getColumnNamesOfEachSide(); var height, viewData, rowNum, viewModel, index, row; _.each(rowKeys, function(rowKey) { index = dataModel.indexOfRowKey(rowKey); row = dataModel.at(index); height = this.coordRowModel.getHeightAt(index); _.each(['lside', 'rside'], function(attrName) { rowNum = index + 1; viewData = this._createViewDataFromDataModel( row, columnNamesMap[attrName], height, rowNum); viewModel = this._createRowModel(viewData, true); this.get(attrName)[index] = viewModel; }, this); }, this); this._setRenderingRange(); this.refresh({ type: 'add', dataListChanged: true }); }, /** * Event handler for 'collapsed' event on dataModel using tree * @param {object} ev - Event object * @private */ _onCollapsed: function(ev) { var rowKeys = ev.descendantRowKeys; _.each(rowKeys, function(rowKey) { var index = this.dataModel.indexOfRowKey(rowKey); _.each(['lside', 'rside'], function(attrName) { delete this.get(attrName)[index]; }, this); }, this); this._setRenderingRange(); this.refresh({ type: 'deleteRange', dataListChanged: true }); }, /** * Event handler for change:scrollTop and change:scrollLeft. * @private */ _onChangeLayout: function() { this.focusModel.finishEditing(); this.focusModel.focusClipboard(); }, /** * Event handler for changing startIndex or endIndex. * @param {Object} model - Renderer model fired event * @private */ _onChangeIndex: function(model) { var changedData = model.changed; var changedStartIndex = _.has(changedData, 'startIndex'); var changedEndIndex = _.has(changedData, 'endIndex'); if (changedStartIndex || changedEndIndex) { this.refresh(); } }, /** * Event handler for 'reset' event on coordRowModel * @private */ _onChangeRowHeights: function() { var lside = this.get('partialLside'); var rside = this.get('partialRside'); var i = 0; var len = lside.length; var rowKey, height; for (; i < len; i += 1) { rowKey = lside.at(i).get('rowKey'); height = this.coordRowModel.getHeight(rowKey); lside.at(i).set('height', height); rside.at(i).set('height', height); } }, /** * Event handler for 'change:width' event on Dimension. * @private */ _updateMaxScrollLeft: function() { var dimension = this.dimensionModel; var maxScrollLeft = this.coordColumnModel.getFrameWidth('R') - dimension.get('rsideWidth') + dimension.getScrollYWidth(); this.set('maxScrollLeft', maxScrollLeft); }, /** * Event handler to reset 'maxScrollTop' attribute. * @private */ _updateMaxScrollTop: function() { var dimension = this.dimensionModel; var maxScrollTop = dimension.get('totalRowHeight') - dimension.get('bodyHeight') + dimension.getScrollXHeight(); this.set('maxScrollTop', maxScrollTop); }, /** * Event handler for 'beforeReset' event on dataModel * @param {number} dataLength - the length of data * @private */ _onBeforeResetData: function(dataLength) { if (dataLength > DATA_LENGTH_FOR_LOADING) { this.set('state', renderStateMap.LOADING); } }, /** * Event handler for 'change:editingAddress' event on focusModel * @param {module:model/focus} focusModel - focus model * @param {{rowKey: Number, columnName: String}} address - address * @private */ _onEditingAddressChange: function(focusModel, address) { var target = address; var editing = true; var self = this; if (!address) { target = focusModel.previous('editingAddress'); editing = false; } this._updateCellData(target.rowKey, target.columnName, { editing: editing }); this._triggerEditingStateChanged(target.rowKey, target.columnName); // defered call to prevent 'change:scrollLeft' or 'change:scrollTop' event // triggered by module:view/layout/body._onScroll() // when module:model/focus.scrollToFocus() method is called. _.defer(function() { self._toggleChangeLayoutEventHandlers(editing); }); }, /** * Toggle event handler for change:scrollTop and change:scrollLeft event. * @param {Boolean} editing - whether currently editing * @private */ _toggleChangeLayoutEventHandlers: function(editing) { var renderEventName = 'change:scrollTop change:scrollLeft'; var dimensionEventName = 'columnWidthChanged'; if (editing) { this.listenToOnce(this.dimensionModel, dimensionEventName, this._onChangeLayoutBound); this.once(renderEventName, this._onChangeLayoutBound); } else { this.stopListening(this.dimensionModel, dimensionEventName, this._onChangeLayoutBound); this.off(renderEventName, this._onChangeLayoutBound); } }, /** * Triggers the 'editingStateChanged' event if the cell data identified by * given row key and column name has the useViewMode:true option. * @param {String} rowKey - row key * @param {String} columnName - column name * @private */ _triggerEditingStateChanged: function(rowKey, columnName) { var cellData = this.getCellData(rowKey, columnName); if (snippet.pick(cellData, 'columnModel', 'editOptions', 'useViewMode') !== false && cellData.convertedHTML === null) { this.trigger('editingStateChanged', cellData); } }, /** * Updates the view-data of the cell identified by given rowKey and columnName. * @param {(String|Number)} rowKey - row key * @param {String} columnName - column name * @param {Object} cellData - cell data * @private */ _updateCellData: function(rowKey, columnName, cellData) { var rowModel = this._getRowModel(rowKey, columnName); if (rowModel) { rowModel.setCell(columnName, cellData); } }, /** * Update data of tree-cell * @param {number} rowKey - row key * @private */ _updateTreeCellData: function(rowKey) { var columnName = this.columnModel.getTreeColumnName(); var rowModel = this._getRowModel(rowKey, columnName); if (rowModel) { rowModel.setCell(columnName, { hasChildren: this.dataModel.get(rowKey).hasTreeChildren() }); } }, /** * Initializes own properties. * (called by module:addon/net) */ initializeVariables: function() { this.set({ top: 0, scrollTop: 0, scrollLeft: 0, startNumber: 1 }); }, /** * Initializes values of the scroll * @private */ _initializeScrollValues: function() { this.set({ scrollTop: 0, scrollLeft: 0 }); }, /** * 열고정 영역 또는 열고정이 아닌 영역에 대한 Render Collection 을 반환한다. * @param {String} [whichSide='R'] 어느 영역인지 여부. 'L|R' 중에 하나의 값을 넘긴다. * @returns {Object} collection 해당 영역의 랜더 데이터 콜랙션 */ getCollection: function(whichSide) { var attrName = this._getPartialWhichSideType(whichSide); return this.get(attrName); }, /** * Get string of partial which side type * @param {string} whichSide - Type of which side (L|R) * @returns {string} String of appened prefix value 'partial' * @private */ _getPartialWhichSideType: function(whichSide) { return snippet.isString(whichSide) ? 'partial' + whichSide + 'side' : 'partialRside'; }, /** * Event handler for regenerating left and right side frames when the Data.ColumnModel is changed * @private */ _onColumnModelChange: function() { var scrollLeftBeforeChange = this.get('scrollLeft'); var scrollTopBeforeChange = this.get('scrollTop'); this.set({ scrollLeft: 0, scrollTop: 0 }, {silent: true}); this._resetViewModelList(); this._setRenderingRange(true); this.refresh({ columnModelChanged: true }); this._updateMaxScrollLeft(); this.set({ scrollLeft: scrollLeftBeforeChange, scrollTop: scrollTopBeforeChange }); }, /** * Event handler for changing data list * @private */ _onDataModelChange: function() { this._resetViewModelList(); this._setRenderingRange(true); this.refresh({ type: 'reset', dataListChanged: true }); }, /** * Event handler for adding data list * @param {array} rowList - List of added item * @param {object} options - Info of added item * @private */ _onAddDataModelChange: function(rowList, options) { var columnNamesMap = this._getColumnNamesOfEachSide(); var at = options.at; var height, viewData, rowNum; var viewModel; _.each(rowList, function(row, index) { height = this.coordRowModel.getHeightAt(index); _.each(['lside', 'rside'], function(attrName) { rowNum = at + index + 1; viewData = this._createViewDataFromDataModel( row, columnNamesMap[attrName], height, rowNum); viewModel = this._createRowModel(viewData, true); this.get(attrName).splice(at + index, 0, viewModel); }, this); }, this); this._updateTreeCellData(options.parentRowKey); this._setRenderingRange(true); this.refresh({ type: 'add', dataListChanged: true }); if (options.focus) { this.focusModel.focusAt(options.at, 0); } }, /** * Event handler for removing data list * @param {number|string} rowKey - rowKey of the removed row * @param {number} removedIndex - Index of the removed row * @param {Array.} [descendantRowKeys] - All descendants key of the removed when using tree * @param {number} [parentRowKey] - Parent key of the removed row when using tree * @private */ _onRemoveDataModelChange: function(rowKey, removedIndex, descendantRowKeys, parentRowKey) { var removedRowsCnt = descendantRowKeys ? descendantRowKeys.length : 1; _.each(['lside', 'rside'], function(attrName) { this.get(attrName).splice(removedIndex, removedRowsCnt); }, this); this._updateTreeCellData(parentRowKey); this._setRenderingRange(true); this.refresh({ dataListChanged: true }); }, /** * Event handler for deleting cell data * @param {GridEvent} ev - event object when "delRange" event is fired * @private */ _onRangeDataModelChange: function(ev) { var columnModel = this.columnModel; var rowKeys = ev.rowKeys; var columnNames = ev.columnNames; this._setRenderingRange(true); _.each(['partialLside', 'partialRside'], function(attrName) { _.each(this.get(attrName).models, function(model) { var rowKey = model.get('rowKey'); var changedRow = _.contains(rowKeys, rowKey); if (changedRow) { _.each(columnNames, function(columnName) { if (columnModel.getColumnModel(columnName).editOptions) { this._updateCellData(rowKey, columnName, { value: '', formattedValue: '' }); } }, this); } }, this); }, this); this.refresh({ type: 'deleteRange', dataListChanged: true }); }, /** * Resets dummy rows and trigger 'dataListChanged' event. * @private */ _resetDummyRows: function() { this._clearDummyRows(); this._fillDummyRows(); this.trigger('rowListChanged'); }, /** * Set index-range to render * @param {boolean} silent - whether set attributes silently * @private */ _setRenderingRange: function(silent) { var dataLength = this.dataModel.length; this.set({ startIndex: dataLength ? 0 : -1, endIndex: dataLength - 1 }, { silent: silent }); }, /** * Returns the new data object for rendering based on rowDataModel and specified column names. * @param {Object} rowDataModel - Instance of module:model/data/row * @param {Array.} columnNames - Column names * @param {Number} height - the height of the row * @param {Number} rowNum - Row number * @returns {Object} - view data object * @private */ _createViewDataFromDataModel: function(rowDataModel, columnNames, height, rowNum) { var viewData = { rowNum: rowNum, height: height, rowKey: rowDataModel.get('rowKey'), _extraData: rowDataModel.get('_extraData') }; _.each(columnNames, function(columnName) { var value = rowDataModel.get(columnName); if (columnName === '_number' && !_.isNumber(value)) { value = rowNum; } viewData[columnName] = value; }); return viewData; }, /** * Returns the object that contains two array of column names splitted by frozenCount. * @returns {{lside: Array, rside: Array}} - Column names map * @private */ _getColumnNamesOfEachSide: function() { var frozenCount = this.columnModel.getVisibleFrozenCount(true); var columnModels = this.columnModel.getVisibleColumns(null, true); var columnNames = _.pluck(columnModels, 'name'); return { lside: columnNames.slice(0, frozenCount), rside: columnNames.slice(frozenCount) }; }, /** * Add view model list by range * @param {number} startIndex - Index of start row * @param {number} endIndex - Index of end row * @private */ _addViewModelListWithRange: function(startIndex, endIndex) { var dataModel = this.dataModel; var columnNamesMap = this._getColumnNamesOfEachSide(); var index, row, height; if (startIndex < 0 || endIndex < 0) { return; } for (index = startIndex; index < endIndex + 1; index += 1) { row = dataModel.at(index); height = this.coordRowModel.getHeightAt(index); if (dataModel.isVisibleRow(row.get('rowKey'))) { this._addViewModelList(row, columnNamesMap, height, index); } } }, /** * Add view model list on each side * @param {object} rowDataModel - Data model of row * @param {object} columnNamesMap - Map of column names * @param {number} height - Height of row * @param {number} index - Index of row * @private */ _addViewModelList: function(rowDataModel, columnNamesMap, height, index) { _.each(['lside', 'rside'], function(attrName) { var viewData; if (!this.get(attrName)[index]) { viewData = this._createViewDataFromDataModel( rowDataModel, columnNamesMap[attrName], height, index + 1); this.get(attrName)[index] = this._createRowModel(viewData, true); } }, this); }, /** * Update the row number * @param {number} startIndex - Start index * @param {number} endIndex - End index * @private */ _updateRowNumber: function(startIndex, endIndex) { var collection = this.get('lside'); var index = startIndex; var currentModel, rowNum, newRowNum; for (; index <= endIndex; index += 1) { currentModel = collection[index]; newRowNum = index + 1; if (currentModel) { rowNum = currentModel.get('rowNum'); newRowNum = index + this.get('startNumber'); if (rowNum !== newRowNum) { currentModel.set({ rowNum: newRowNum }, { silent: true }); currentModel.setCell('_number', { formattedValue: newRowNum, value: newRowNum }); } } } }, /** * Reset partial view model list * @param {number} startIndex - Index of start row * @param {number} endIndex - Index of end row * @private */ _resetPartialViewModelList: function(startIndex, endIndex) { var originalWhichSide, partialWhichSide; var viewModelList, partialViewModelList; _.each(['L', 'R'], function(whichSide) { partialViewModelList = []; originalWhichSide = whichSide.toLowerCase() + 'side'; partialWhichSide = this._getPartialWhichSideType(whichSide); viewModelList = this.get(originalWhichSide); partialViewModelList = this._getPartialViewModelList(viewModelList, startIndex, endIndex); this.get(partialWhichSide).reset(partialViewModelList); }, this); }, /** * Get partial view model list * @param {Array.} viewModelList - List of view model * @param {number} startIndex - Index of start row * @param {number} endIndex - Index of end row * @returns {Array.}>} List of partial view model * @private */ _getPartialViewModelList: function(viewModelList, startIndex, endIndex) { var index = startIndex; var len = endIndex + 1; var partialViewModelList = []; var viewModel; for (; index < len; index += 1) { viewModel = viewModelList[index]; if (viewModel && this.dataModel.isVisibleRow(viewModel.get('rowKey'))) { partialViewModelList.push(viewModel); } } return partialViewModelList; }, /** * Returns the count of rows (except dummy rows) in view model list * @returns {Number} Count of rows * @private */ _getActualRowCount: function() { return this.get('endIndex') - this.get('startIndex') + 1; }, /** * Removes all dummy rows in the view model list. * @private */ _clearDummyRows: function() { var dataRowCount = this.get('endIndex') - this.get('startIndex') + 1; _.each(['lside', 'rside'], function(attrName) { var rowList = this.get(attrName); while (rowList.length > dataRowCount) { rowList.pop(); } }, this); }, /** * Calculate required count of dummy rows and set the 'dummyRowCount' attribute. * @param {boolean} silent - whether sets the dummyRowCount silently * @private */ _resetDummyRowCount: function() { var dimensionModel = this.dimensionModel; var totalRowHeight = dimensionModel.get('totalRowHeight'); var rowHeight = dimensionModel.get('rowHeight') + CELL_BORDER_WIDTH; var bodyHeight = dimensionModel.get('bodyHeight') - dimensionModel.getScrollXHeight(); var dummyRowCount = 0; if (totalRowHeight < bodyHeight) { dummyRowCount = Math.ceil((bodyHeight - totalRowHeight) / rowHeight); } this.set('dummyRowCount', dummyRowCount); }, /** * fills the empty area with dummy rows. * @private */ _fillDummyRows: function() { var dummyRowCount = this.get('dummyRowCount'); var rowNum, rowHeight; if (dummyRowCount) { rowNum = this.get('startNumber') + this.get('endIndex') + 1; rowHeight = this.dimensionModel.get('rowHeight'); _.times(dummyRowCount, function() { _.each(['partialLside', 'partialRside'], function(listName) { this.get(listName).push(this._createRowModel({ height: rowHeight, rowNum: rowNum })); }, this); rowNum += 1; }, this); } }, /* eslint-disable complexity */ /** * Refreshes the rendering range and the list of view models, and triggers events. * @param {object} options - options * @param {boolean} [options.columnModelChanged] - The boolean value whether columnModel has changed * @param {boolean} [options.dataListChanged] - The boolean value whether dataModel has changed * @param {string} [options.type] - Event type (reset|add|remove) */ refresh: function(options) { var columnModelChanged = !!options && options.columnModelChanged; var dataListChanged = !!options && options.dataListChanged; var eventType = !!options && options.type; var startIndex, endIndex, i; startIndex = this.get('startIndex'); endIndex = this.get('endIndex'); if (eventType !== 'add' && eventType !== 'deleteRange') { this._addViewModelListWithRange(startIndex, endIndex); } if (eventType !== 'deleteRange') { this._updateRowNumber(startIndex, endIndex); } this._resetPartialViewModelList(startIndex, endIndex); this._fillDummyRows(); if (startIndex >= 0 && endIndex >= 0) { for (i = startIndex; i <= endIndex; i += 1) { this._executeRelation(i); } } if (columnModelChanged) { this.trigger('columnModelChanged'); } else { this.trigger('rowListChanged', dataListChanged); if (dataListChanged) { this.coordRowModel.syncWithDom(); } } this._refreshState(); }, /* eslint-enable complexity */ /** * Set state value based on the DataModel.length * @private */ _refreshState: function() { if (this.dataModel.length) { this.set('state', renderStateMap.DONE); } else { this.set('state', renderStateMap.EMPTY); } }, /** * columnName 으로 lside 와 rside rendering collection 중 하나를 반환한다. * @param {String} columnName 컬럼명 * @returns {Collection} 컬럼명에 해당하는 영역의 콜랙션 * @private */ _getCollectionByColumnName: function(columnName) { var lside = this.get('partialLside'); var collection; if (lside.at(0) && lside.at(0).get(columnName)) { collection = lside; } else { collection = this.get('partialRside'); } return collection; }, /** * Returns the specified row model. * @param {(Number|String)} rowKey - row key * @param {String} columnName - column name * @returns {module:model/row} * @private */ _getRowModel: function(rowKey, columnName) { var collection = this._getCollectionByColumnName(columnName); return collection.get(rowKey); }, /** * 셀 데이터를 반환한다. * @param {number} rowKey 데이터의 키값 * @param {String} columnName 컬럼명 * @returns {object} cellData 셀 데이터 * @example { rowKey: rowKey, columnName: columnName, value: value, rowSpan: rowSpanData.count, isMainRow: rowSpanData.isMainRow, mainRowKey: rowSpanData.mainRowKey, editable: editable, disabled: disabled, listItems: [], className: row.getClassNameList(columnName).join(' '), changed: [] //names of changed properties } */ getCellData: function(rowKey, columnName) { var row = this._getRowModel(rowKey, columnName); var cellData = null; if (row) { cellData = row.get(columnName); } return cellData; }, /** * Executes the relation of the row identified by rowIndex * @param {Number} rowIndex - Row index * @private */ _executeRelation: function(rowIndex) { var row = this.dataModel.at(rowIndex); var renderIdx = rowIndex - this.get('startIndex'); var rowModel, relationResult; relationResult = row.executeRelationCallbacksAll(); _.each(relationResult, function(changes, columnName) { rowModel = this._getCollectionByColumnName(columnName).at(renderIdx); if (rowModel) { rowModel.setCell(columnName, changes); } }, this); }, /** * Create row model * @param {object} attrs - Attributes to create * @param {boolean} parse - Whether calling parse or not * @returns {object} Row model * @private */ _createRowModel: function(attrs, parse) { return new Row(attrs, { parse: parse, dataModel: this.dataModel, columnModel: this.columnModel, focusModel: this.focusModel }); }, /** * Reset view models when value of columModel or dataModel is changed * @private */ _resetViewModelList: function() { _.each(['lside', 'rside'], function(attrName) { this.set(attrName, new Array(this.dataModel.length)); }, this); } }); module.exports = Renderer; /***/ }), /* 27 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /** * @fileoverview Row Model for Rendering (View Model) * @author NHN. FE Development Lab */ 'use strict'; var _ = __webpack_require__(2); var snippet = __webpack_require__(3); var Model = __webpack_require__(9); var util = __webpack_require__(17); /** * Row Model * @module model/row * @param {object} attributes - Attributes * @param {object} options - Options * @extends module:base/model * @ignore */ var Row = Model.extend(/** @lends module:model/row.prototype */{ initialize: function(attributes, options) { var rowKey = attributes && attributes.rowKey; var dataModel = options.dataModel; var rowData = dataModel.get(rowKey); this.dataModel = dataModel; this.columnModel = options.columnModel; this.focusModel = options.focusModel; if (rowData) { this.listenTo(rowData, 'change', this._onDataModelChange); this.listenTo(rowData, 'restore', this._onDataModelRestore); this.listenTo(rowData, 'extraDataChanged', this._setRowExtraData); this.listenTo(dataModel, 'disabledChanged', this._onDataModelDisabledChanged); this.rowData = rowData; } }, idAttribute: 'rowKey', /** * Event handler for 'change' event on module:data/row * @param {Object} rowData - RowData model on which event occurred * @private */ _onDataModelChange: function(rowData) { _.each(rowData.changed, function(value, columnName) { var column, isTextType; if (this.has(columnName)) { column = this.columnModel.getColumnModel(columnName); isTextType = this.columnModel.isTextType(columnName); this.setCell(columnName, this._getValueAttrs(value, rowData, column, isTextType)); } }, this); }, /** * Event handler for 'restore' event on module:data/row * @param {String} columnName - columnName * @private */ _onDataModelRestore: function(columnName) { var cellData = this.get(columnName); if (cellData) { this.trigger('restore', cellData); } }, /** * Returns an array of visible column names. * @returns {Array.} Visible column names * @private */ _getColumnNameList: function() { var columnModels = this.columnModel.getVisibleColumns(null, true); return _.pluck(columnModels, 'name'); }, /** * Event handler for 'disabledChanged' event on dataModel */ _onDataModelDisabledChanged: function() { var columnNames = this._getColumnNameList(); _.each(columnNames, function(columnName) { this.setCell(columnName, { disabled: this.rowData.isDisabled(columnName), className: this._getClassNameString(columnName) }); }, this); }, /** * Sets the 'disabled', 'editable', 'className' property of each cell data. * @private */ _setRowExtraData: function() { _.each(this._getColumnNameList(), function(columnName) { var cellData = this.get(columnName); if (!snippet.isUndefined(cellData) && cellData.isMainRow) { if (cellData.tree) { this._setTreeCell(columnName); } else { this._setCell(columnName); } } }, this); }, /** * Set normal cell's properties * @param {string} columnName - Column name * @private */ _setCell: function(columnName) { var cellState = this.rowData.getCellState(columnName); this.setCell(columnName, { disabled: cellState.disabled, editable: cellState.editable, className: this._getClassNameString(columnName) }); }, /** * Set tree-cell's property * @param {string} columnName - Column name * @private */ _setTreeCell: function(columnName) { this.setCell(columnName, { isExpanded: this.rowData.getTreeExpanded() }); }, /** * Overrides Backbone.Model.parse * (this method is called before initialize method) * @param {Array} data - Original data * @param {Object} options - Options * @returns {Array} - Converted data. * @override */ parse: function(data, options) { return this._formatData(data, options.dataModel, options.columnModel, options.focusModel); }, /** * Convert the original data to the rendering data. * @param {Array} data - Original data * @param {module:model/data/rowList} dataModel - Data model * @param {module:model/data/columnModel} columnModel - Column model * @param {module:model/data/focusModel} focusModel - focus model * @param {Number} rowHeight - The height of a row * @returns {Array} - Converted data * @private */ _formatData: function(data, dataModel, columnModel, focusModel) { var rowKey = data.rowKey; var rowHeight = data.height; var columnData, row; if (_.isUndefined(rowKey)) { return data; } row = dataModel.get(rowKey); columnData = _.omit(data, 'rowKey', '_extraData', 'height', 'rowNum'); _.each(columnData, function(value, columnName) { var rowSpanData = this._getRowSpanData(columnName, data, dataModel.isRowSpanEnable()); var cellState = row.getCellState(columnName); var isTextType = columnModel.isTextType(columnName); var column = columnModel.getColumnModel(columnName); data[columnName] = { rowKey: rowKey, height: rowHeight, columnName: columnName, rowSpan: rowSpanData.count, isMainRow: rowSpanData.isMainRow, mainRowKey: rowSpanData.mainRowKey, editable: cellState.editable, disabled: cellState.disabled, editing: focusModel.isEditingCell(rowKey, columnName), whiteSpace: column.whiteSpace || 'nowrap', valign: column.valign, listItems: snippet.pick(column, 'editOptions', 'listItems'), className: this._getClassNameString(columnName, row, focusModel), columnModel: column, changed: [] // changed property names }; _.assign(data[columnName], this._getValueAttrs(value, row, column, isTextType)); _.assign(data[columnName], this._getTreeAttrs(value, row, column, columnModel)); }, this); return data; }, /** * Returns the class name string of the a cell. * @param {String} columnName - column name * @param {module:model/data/row} [row] - data model of a row * @param {module:model/focus} [focusModel] - focus model * @returns {String} */ _getClassNameString: function(columnName, row, focusModel) { var classNames; if (!row) { row = this.dataModel.get(this.get('rowKey')); if (!row) { return ''; } } if (!focusModel) { focusModel = this.focusModel; } classNames = row.getClassNameList(columnName); return classNames.join(' '); }, /** * Returns the tree values of the attributes related to the cell value. * @param {String|Number} value - Value * @param {module:model/data/row} row - Row data model * @param {Object} column - Column model object * @param {module:model/data/columnModel} columnModel - column model * @returns {Object} * @private */ _getTreeAttrs: function(value, row, column, columnModel) { var attrs = {}; if (columnModel.isTreeType(column.name)) { attrs = { tree: columnModel.hasTreeColumn(), depth: row.getTreeDepth(), isExpanded: row.getTreeExpanded(), hasChildren: row.hasTreeChildren(), useIcon: columnModel.useTreeIcon() }; } return attrs; }, /** * Returns the values of the attributes related to the cell value. * @param {String|Number} value - Value * @param {module:model/data/row} row - Row data model * @param {Object} column - Column model object * @param {Boolean} isTextType - True if the cell is the text-type * @returns {Object} * @private */ _getValueAttrs: function(value, row, column, isTextType) { var prefix = snippet.pick(column, 'editOptions', 'prefix'); var postfix = snippet.pick(column, 'editOptions', 'postfix'); var converter = snippet.pick(column, 'editOptions', 'converter'); var rowAttrs = row.toJSON(); return { value: this._getValueToDisplay(value, column, isTextType), formattedValue: this._getFormattedValue(value, rowAttrs, column), prefix: this._getExtraContent(prefix, value, rowAttrs), postfix: this._getExtraContent(postfix, value, rowAttrs), convertedHTML: this._getConvertedHTML(converter, value, rowAttrs) }; }, /** * If the column has a 'formatter' function, exeucute it and returns the result. * @param {String} value - value to display * @param {Object} rowAttrs - All attributes of the row * @param {Object} column - Column info * @returns {String} * @private */ _getFormattedValue: function(value, rowAttrs, column) { var result; if (_.isFunction(column.formatter)) { result = column.formatter(value, rowAttrs, column); } else { result = value; } if (_.isNumber(result)) { result = String(result); } else if (!result) { result = ''; } return result; }, /** * Returns the value of the 'prefix' or 'postfix'. * @param {(String|Function)} content - content * @param {String} cellValue - cell value * @param {Object} rowAttrs - All attributes of the row * @returns {string} * @private */ _getExtraContent: function(content, cellValue, rowAttrs) { var result = ''; if (_.isFunction(content)) { result = content(cellValue, rowAttrs); } else if (snippet.isExisty(content)) { result = content; } return result; }, /** * If the 'converter' function exist, execute it and returns the result. * @param {Function} converter - converter * @param {String} cellValue - cell value * @param {Object} rowAttrs - All attributes of the row * @returns {(String|Null)} - HTML string or Null * @private */ _getConvertedHTML: function(converter, cellValue, rowAttrs) { var convertedHTML = null; if (_.isFunction(converter)) { convertedHTML = converter(cellValue, rowAttrs); } if (convertedHTML === false) { convertedHTML = null; } return convertedHTML; }, /** * Returns the value to display * @param {String|Number} value - value * @param {String} column - column name * @param {Boolean} isTextType - True if the cell is the text-typee * @returns {String} * @private */ _getValueToDisplay: function(value, column, isTextType) { var isExisty = snippet.isExisty; var useHtmlEntity = column.useHtmlEntity; var defaultValue = column.defaultValue; if (!isExisty(value)) { value = isExisty(defaultValue) ? defaultValue : ''; } if (isTextType && useHtmlEntity && snippet.hasEncodableString(value)) { value = snippet.encodeHTMLEntity(value); } return value; }, /** * Returns the rowspan data. * @param {String} columnName - column name * @param {Object} data - data * @param {Boolean} isRowSpanEnable - Whether the rowspan enable * @returns {Object} rowSpanData * @private */ _getRowSpanData: function(columnName, data, isRowSpanEnable) { var rowSpanData = snippet.pick(data, '_extraData', 'rowSpanData', columnName); if (!isRowSpanEnable || !rowSpanData) { rowSpanData = { mainRowKey: data.rowKey, count: 0, isMainRow: true }; } return rowSpanData; }, /** * Updates the className attribute of the cell identified by a given column name. * @param {String} columnName - column name */ updateClassName: function(columnName) { this.setCell(columnName, { className: this._getClassNameString(columnName) }); }, /** * Sets the cell data. * (Each cell data is reference type, so do not change the cell data directly and * use this method to trigger change event) * @param {String} columnName - Column name * @param {Object} param - Key-Value pair of the data to change */ setCell: function(columnName, param) { var isValueChanged = false; var changed = []; var rowIndex, rowKey, data; if (!this.has(columnName)) { return; } rowKey = this.get('rowKey'); data = _.clone(this.get(columnName)); _.each(param, function(changeValue, name) { if (!util.isEqual(data[name], changeValue)) { isValueChanged = (name === 'value') ? true : isValueChanged; data[name] = changeValue; changed.push(name); } }, this); if (changed.length) { data.changed = changed; this.set(columnName, data, { silent: this._shouldSetSilently(data, isValueChanged) }); if (isValueChanged) { rowIndex = this.dataModel.indexOfRowKey(rowKey); this.trigger('valueChange', rowIndex); } } }, /** * Returns whether the 'set' method should be called silently. * @param {Object} cellData - cell data * @param {Boolean} valueChanged - true if value changed * @returns {Boolean} * @private */ _shouldSetSilently: function(cellData, valueChanged) { var valueChangedOnEditing = cellData.editing && valueChanged; var useViewMode = snippet.pick(cellData, 'columnModel', 'editOptions', 'useViewMode') !== false; var editingChangedToTrue = _.contains(cellData.changed, 'editing') && cellData.editing; // Silent Cases // 1: If values have been changed while the editing is true, // prevent the related cell-view from changing its value-state until editing is finished. // 2: If useViewMode is true and editing is changing to true, // prevent the related cell-view from changing its state to enable editing, // as the editing-layer will be used for editing instead. return valueChangedOnEditing || (useViewMode && editingChangedToTrue); } }); module.exports = Row; /***/ }), /* 28 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /** * @fileoverview RowList 클래스파일 * @author NHN. FE Development Lab */ 'use strict'; var _ = __webpack_require__(2); var Collection = __webpack_require__(13); var Row = __webpack_require__(27); /** * View Model rowList collection * @module model/rowList * @extends module:base/collection * @param {Object} rawData - Raw data * @param {Object} options - Options * @ignore */ var RowList = Collection.extend(/** @lends module:model/rowList.prototype */{ initialize: function(rawData, options) { _.assign(this, { dataModel: options.dataModel, columnModel: options.columnModel, focusModel: options.focusModel }); }, model: Row }); module.exports = RowList; /***/ }), /* 29 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /** * @fileoverview Render model to be used for smart-rendering * @author NHN. FE Development Lab */ 'use strict'; var _ = __webpack_require__(2); var Renderer = __webpack_require__(26); var dimensionConst = __webpack_require__(10).dimension; var CELL_BORDER_WIDTH = dimensionConst.CELL_BORDER_WIDTH; // The ratio of buffer size to bodyHeight var BUFFER_RATIO = 0.3; // The ratio of the size bodyHeight which can cause to refresh the rendering range var BUFFER_HIT_RATIO = 0.1; /** * Render model to be used for smart-rendering * @module model/renderer-smart * @extends module:model/renderer * @ignore */ var SmartRenderer = Renderer.extend(/** @lends module:model/renderer-smart.prototype */{ initialize: function() { Renderer.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments); this.on('change:scrollTop', this._onChangeScrollTop, this); this.listenTo(this.dimensionModel, 'change:bodyHeight', this._onChangeBodyHeight); }, /** * Event handler for change:scrollTop event * @private */ _onChangeScrollTop: function() { if (this._shouldRefresh(this.get('scrollTop'))) { this._setRenderingRange(); } }, /** * Event handler for change:bodyHeight event on model/dimension * @private */ _onChangeBodyHeight: function() { this._setRenderingRange(); }, /** * Calculate the range to render and set the attributes. * @param {boolean} silent - whether set attributes silently * @private */ _setRenderingRange: function(silent) { var scrollTop = this.get('scrollTop'); var dimensionModel = this.dimensionModel; var dataModel = this.dataModel; var coordRowModel = this.coordRowModel; var bodyHeight = dimensionModel.get('bodyHeight'); var bufferSize = parseInt(bodyHeight * BUFFER_RATIO, 10); var startIndex = Math.max(coordRowModel.indexOf(scrollTop - bufferSize), 0); var endIndex = Math.min(coordRowModel.indexOf(scrollTop + bodyHeight + bufferSize), dataModel.length - 1); var top, bottom; if (dataModel.isRowSpanEnable()) { startIndex += this._getStartRowSpanMinCount(startIndex); endIndex += this._getEndRowSpanMaxCount(endIndex); } top = coordRowModel.getOffsetAt(startIndex); bottom = coordRowModel.getOffsetAt(endIndex) + coordRowModel.getHeightAt(endIndex) + CELL_BORDER_WIDTH; this.set({ top: top, bottom: bottom, startIndex: startIndex, endIndex: endIndex }, { silent: silent }); }, /** * 렌더링을 시작하는 행에 rowSpan 정보가 있으면, count 값이 가장 작은 행의 값을 반환한다. * @param {number} startIndex 시작하는 행의 Index * @returns {number} rowSpan의 count 값 (0 이하) * @private */ _getStartRowSpanMinCount: function(startIndex) { var firstRow = this.dataModel.at(startIndex); var result = 0; var counts; if (firstRow) { counts = _.pluck(firstRow.getRowSpanData(), 'count'); counts.push(0); // count가 음수인 경우(mainRow가 아닌 경우)에만 최소값을 구함. 없으면 0 result = _.min(counts); } return result; }, /** * 렌더링할 마지막 행에 rowSpan 정보가 있으면, count 값이 가장 큰 행의 값을 반환한다. * @param {number} endIndex 마지막 행의 Index * @returns {number} rowSpan의 count 값 (0 이상) * @private */ _getEndRowSpanMaxCount: function(endIndex) { var lastRow = this.dataModel.at(endIndex); var result = 0; var counts; if (lastRow) { counts = _.pluck(lastRow.getRowSpanData(), 'count'); counts.push(0); // count가 양수인 경우(mainRow인 경우)에만 최대값을 구함. 없으면 0 result = _.max(counts); } // subtract 1, as the count includes main-cell itself if (result > 0) { result -= 1; } return result; }, /** * Returns whether the scroll potision hits the buffer limit or not. * @param {number} scrollTop - scroll top * @returns {boolean} * @private */ _shouldRefresh: function(scrollTop) { var bodyHeight = this.dimensionModel.get('bodyHeight'); var scrollBottom = scrollTop + bodyHeight; var totalRowHeight = this.dimensionModel.get('totalRowHeight'); var top = this.get('top'); var bottom = this.get('bottom'); var bufferHitSize = parseInt(bodyHeight * BUFFER_HIT_RATIO, 10); var hitTopBuffer = (scrollTop - top) < bufferHitSize; var hitBottomBuffer = (bottom - scrollBottom) < bufferHitSize; return (hitTopBuffer && top > 0) || (hitBottomBuffer && bottom < totalRowHeight); } }); // exports consts for external use SmartRenderer.BUFFER_RATIO = BUFFER_RATIO; SmartRenderer.BUFFER_HIT_RATIO = BUFFER_HIT_RATIO; module.exports = SmartRenderer; /***/ }), /* 30 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /** * @fileoverview Selection Model class * @author NHN. FE Development Lab */ 'use strict'; var $ = __webpack_require__(7); var _ = __webpack_require__(2); var Model = __webpack_require__(9); var GridEvent = __webpack_require__(16); var util = __webpack_require__(17); var typeConst = __webpack_require__(10).selectionType; /** * Selection Model class * @module model/selection * @extends module:base/view * @param {Object} attr - Attributes * @param {Object} options - Options * @ignore */ var Selection = Model.extend(/** @lends module:model/selection.prototype */{ initialize: function(attr, options) { var domEventBus; Model.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments); _.assign(this, { dataModel: options.dataModel, columnModel: options.columnModel, dimensionModel: options.dimensionModel, focusModel: options.focusModel, renderModel: options.renderModel, coordRowModel: options.coordRowModel, coordConverterModel: options.coordConverterModel, domEventBus: options.domEventBus, inputRange: null, minimumColumnRange: null, intervalIdForAutoScroll: null, scrollPixelScale: 40, enabled: true, selectionType: typeConst.CELL }); this.listenTo(this.dataModel, 'add remove sort reset', this.end); this.listenTo(this.dataModel, 'paste', this._onPasteData); if (this.isEnabled() && options.domEventBus) { domEventBus = options.domEventBus; this.listenTo(domEventBus, 'dragstart:header', this._onDragStartHeader); this.listenTo(domEventBus, 'dragmove:header', this._onDragMoveHeader); this.listenTo(domEventBus, 'dragmove:body', this._onDragMoveBody); this.listenTo(domEventBus, 'dragend:body', this._onDragEndBody); this.listenTo(domEventBus, 'mousedown:body', this._onMouseDownBody); this.listenTo(domEventBus, 'key:move key:edit', this._onKeyMoveOrEdit); this.listenTo(domEventBus, 'key:select', this._onKeySelect); this.listenTo(domEventBus, 'key:delete', this._onKeyDelete); } this.on('change:range', this._triggerSelectionEvent); this.mouseupHandler = $.proxy(this.stopAutoScroll, this); $(document).on('mouseup', this.mouseupHandler); }, defaults: { /** * Selection range * ex) {row: [0, 1], column: [1, 2]} * @type {{row: array, column: array}} * @ignore */ range: null, selectionUnit: 'cell' }, /** * Event handler for 'dragstart:header' event on domEventBus * @param {module:event/gridEvent} gridEvent - GridEvent * @private */ _onDragStartHeader: function(gridEvent) { var columnModel = this.columnModel; var columnNames = columnModel.getUnitColumnNamesIfMerged(gridEvent.columnName); var columnRange; if (_.some(columnNames, util.isMetaColumn)) { gridEvent.stop(); return; } columnRange = this._getColumnRangeWithNames(columnNames); if (gridEvent.shiftKey) { this.update(0, columnRange[1], typeConst.COLUMN); this._extendColumnSelection(columnRange, gridEvent.pageX, gridEvent.pageY); } else { this.minimumColumnRange = columnRange; this.selectColumn(columnRange[0]); this.update(0, columnRange[1]); } }, /** * Event handler for 'dragmove:header' event on domEventBus * @param {module:event/gridEvent} gridEvent - GridEvent * @private */ _onDragMoveHeader: function(gridEvent) { var columnModel = this.columnModel; var columnNames, columnRange; if (gridEvent.isOnHeaderArea && !gridEvent.columnName) { return; } columnNames = columnModel.getUnitColumnNamesIfMerged(gridEvent.columnName); if (columnNames.length) { columnRange = this._getColumnRangeWithNames(columnNames); } this._extendColumnSelection(columnRange, gridEvent.pageX, gridEvent.pageY); }, /** * Event handler for key:move/key:edit fevent on domEventBus * @private */ _onKeyMoveOrEdit: function() { this.end(); }, /** * Event handler for key:select event on domEventBus * @param {module:event/gridEvent} ev - GridEvent * @private */ _onKeySelect: function(ev) { // eslint-disable-line complexity var address = this._getRecentAddress(); var lastRowIndex = this.dataModel.length - 1; var lastColummnIndex = this.columnModel.getVisibleColumns().length - 1; var rowKey = this.dataModel.at(address.row).get('rowKey'); switch (ev.command) { case 'up': address.row += this.coordRowModel.getPreviousOffset(rowKey); break; case 'down': address.row += this.coordRowModel.getNextOffset(rowKey); break; case 'left': address.column -= 1; break; case 'right': address.column += 1; break; case 'pageUp': address.row = this.coordRowModel.getPageMovedIndex(address.row, false); break; case 'pageDown': address.row = this.coordRowModel.getPageMovedIndex(address.row, true); break; case 'firstColumn': address.column = 0; break; case 'lastColumn': address.column = lastColummnIndex; break; case 'firstCell': address.row = 0; address.column = 0; break; case 'lastCell': address.row = lastRowIndex; address.column = lastColummnIndex; break; case 'all': this.selectAll(); address = null; break; default: address = null; } if (address) { this.update(address.row, address.column); this._scrollTo(address.row, address.column); } }, /** * Event handler for key:delete event on domEventBus * @private */ _onKeyDelete: function() { var dataModel = this.dataModel; var focused; if (this.hasSelection()) { dataModel.delRange(this.get('range')); } else { focused = this.focusModel.which(); dataModel.del(focused.rowKey, focused.columnName); } }, /** * Return an address of recently extended cell * @returns {{row: number, column:number}} index * @private */ _getRecentAddress: function() { var focusedIndex = this.focusModel.indexOf(); var selectionRange = this.get('range'); var index = _.assign({}, focusedIndex); var selectionRowRange, selectionColumnRange; if (selectionRange) { selectionRowRange = selectionRange.row; selectionColumnRange = selectionRange.column; index.row = selectionRowRange[0]; index.column = selectionColumnRange[0]; if (selectionRowRange[1] > focusedIndex.row) { index.row = selectionRowRange[1]; } if (selectionColumnRange[1] > focusedIndex.column) { index.column = selectionColumnRange[1]; } } return index; }, /** * Returns whether the given address is valid * @param {{row: number, column: number}} address - address * @returns {boolean} * @private */ _isValidAddress: function(address) { return !!this.dataModel.at(address.row) && !!this.columnModel.at(address.colummn); }, /** * Scrolls to the position of given address * @param {number} rowIndex - row index * @param {number} columnIndex - column index * @private */ _scrollTo: function(rowIndex, columnIndex) { var row = this.dataModel.at(rowIndex); var column = this.columnModel.at(columnIndex); var rowKey, columnName, selectionType, scrollPosition; if (!row || !column) { return; } rowKey = row.get('rowKey'); columnName = column.name; scrollPosition = this.coordConverterModel.getScrollPosition(rowKey, columnName); if (scrollPosition) { selectionType = this.getType(); if (selectionType === typeConst.COLUMN) { delete scrollPosition.scrollTop; } else if (selectionType === typeConst.ROW) { delete scrollPosition.scrollLeft; } this.renderModel.set(scrollPosition); } }, /** * Examine the type of selection with given column index * @param {Number} columnIndex - columnIndex * @returns {String} * @private */ _getTypeByColumnIndex: function(columnIndex) { var visibleColumns = this.columnModel.getVisibleColumns(null, true); var columnName = visibleColumns[columnIndex].name; switch (columnName) { case '_button': return null; case '_number': return typeConst.ROW; default: return typeConst.CELL; } }, /** * Event handler for 'mousedown:body' event on domEventBus * @param {module:event/gridEvent} gridEvent - GridEvent * @private */ _onMouseDownBody: function(gridEvent) { var address = this.coordConverterModel.getIndexFromMousePosition(gridEvent.pageX, gridEvent.pageY, true); var selType = this._getTypeByColumnIndex(address.column); var rowIndex, columnIndex; if (!selType) { return; } rowIndex = address.row; columnIndex = address.column - this.columnModel.getVisibleMetaColumnCount(); if (gridEvent.shiftKey) { this.update(rowIndex, Math.max(columnIndex, 0)); } else if (selType === typeConst.ROW) { this.selectRow(rowIndex); } else { this.focusModel.focusAt(rowIndex, columnIndex); this.end(); } }, /** * Event handler for 'dragmove:body' event on domEventBus * @param {module:event/gridEvent} gridEvent - GridEvent * @private */ _onDragMoveBody: function(gridEvent) { var address = this.coordConverterModel.getIndexFromMousePosition(gridEvent.pageX, gridEvent.pageY); this.update(address.row, address.column); this._setScrolling(gridEvent.pageX, gridEvent.pageY); }, /** * Event handler for 'dragend:body' event on domEventBus * @private */ _onDragEndBody: function() { this.stopAutoScroll(); }, /** * Event handler for 'paste' event on DataModel * @param {Object} range - Range */ _onPasteData: function(range) { this.start(range.startIdx.row, range.startIdx.column); this.update(range.endIdx.row, range.endIdx.column); }, /** * Returns the range of column index of given column names * @param {Array.} columnNames - column names * @returns {Array.} * @private */ _getColumnRangeWithNames: function(columnNames) { var columnModel = this.columnModel; var columnIndexes = _.map(columnNames, function(name) { return columnModel.indexOfColumnName(name, true); }); var minMax = util.getMinMax(columnIndexes); return [minMax.min, minMax.max]; }, /** * Set selection type * @param {string} type - Selection type (CELL, ROW, COLUMN) */ setType: function(type) { this.selectionType = typeConst[type] || this.selectionType; }, /** * Returns the selection type (using internal state) * @returns {string} type - Selection type (CELL, ROW, COLUMN) */ getType: function() { return this.selectionType; }, /** * Returns the selection unit (by options) * @returns {string} unit - Selection unit (CELL, ROW) */ getSelectionUnit: function() { return this.get('selectionUnit').toUpperCase(); }, /** * Enables the selection. */ enable: function() { this.enabled = true; }, /** * Disables the selection. */ disable: function() { this.end(); this.enabled = false; }, /** * Returns whether the selection is enabled. * @returns {boolean} True if the selection is enabled. */ isEnabled: function() { return this.enabled; }, /** * Starts the selection. * @param {Number} rowIndex - Row index * @param {Number} columnIndex - Column index * @param {string} type - Selection type */ start: function(rowIndex, columnIndex, type) { if (!this.isEnabled()) { return; } this.setType(type); this.inputRange = { row: [rowIndex, rowIndex], column: [columnIndex, columnIndex] }; this._resetRangeAttribute(); }, /** * Updates the selection range. * @param {number} rowIndex - Row index * @param {number} columnIndex - Column index * @param {string} [type] - Selection type */ update: function(rowIndex, columnIndex, type) { // eslint-disable-line complexity var focusedIndex; if (!this.enabled || (type !== typeConst.COLUMN && rowIndex < 0) || (type !== typeConst.ROW && columnIndex < 0)) { return; } if (!this.hasSelection()) { focusedIndex = this.focusModel.indexOf(); if (this.getSelectionUnit() === typeConst.ROW) { this.start(focusedIndex.row, 0, typeConst.ROW); } else { this.start(focusedIndex.row, focusedIndex.column, typeConst.CELL); } } else { this.setType(type); } this._updateInputRange(rowIndex, columnIndex); this._resetRangeAttribute(); }, /** * Update input range (end range, not start range) * @param {number} rowIndex - Row index * @param {number} columnIndex - Column index * @private */ _updateInputRange: function(rowIndex, columnIndex) { var inputRange = this.inputRange; if (this.selectionType === typeConst.ROW) { columnIndex = this.columnModel.getVisibleColumns().length - 1; } else if (this.selectionType === typeConst.COLUMN) { rowIndex = this.dataModel.length - 1; } inputRange.row[1] = rowIndex; inputRange.column[1] = columnIndex; }, /** * Extend column selection * @param {undefined|Array} columnIndexes - Column indexes * @param {number} pageX - Mouse position X * @param {number} pageY - Mouse positino Y * @private */ _extendColumnSelection: function(columnIndexes, pageX, pageY) { var minimumColumnRange = this.minimumColumnRange; var index = this.coordConverterModel.getIndexFromMousePosition(pageX, pageY); var range = { row: [0, this.dataModel.length - 1], column: [] }; var minMax; if (!columnIndexes || !columnIndexes.length) { columnIndexes = [index.column]; } this._setScrolling(pageX, pageY); if (minimumColumnRange) { minMax = util.getMinMax(columnIndexes.concat(minimumColumnRange)); } else { columnIndexes.push(this.inputRange.column[0]); minMax = util.getMinMax(columnIndexes); } range.column.push(minMax.min, minMax.max); this._resetRangeAttribute(range); }, /** * Set auto scrolling for selection * @param {number} pageX - Mouse position X * @param {number} pageY - Mouse positino Y * @private */ _setScrolling: function(pageX, pageY) { var overflow = this.dimensionModel.getOverflowFromMousePosition(pageX, pageY); this.stopAutoScroll(); if (this._isAutoScrollable(overflow.x, overflow.y)) { this.intervalIdForAutoScroll = setInterval( _.bind(this._adjustScroll, this, overflow.x, overflow.y) ); } }, /** * selection 영역 선택을 종료하고 selection 데이터를 초기화한다. */ end: function() { this.inputRange = null; this.unset('range'); this.minimumColumnRange = null; }, /** * Stops the auto-scroll interval. */ stopAutoScroll: function() { if (!_.isNull(this.intervalIdForAutoScroll)) { clearInterval(this.intervalIdForAutoScroll); this.intervalIdForAutoScroll = null; } }, /** * Select all data in a row * @param {Number} rowIndex - Row idnex */ selectRow: function(rowIndex) { if (this.isEnabled()) { this.focusModel.focusAt(rowIndex, 0); this.start(rowIndex, 0, typeConst.ROW); this.update(rowIndex, this.columnModel.getVisibleColumns().length - 1); } }, /** * Select all data in a column * @param {Number} columnIdx - Column index */ selectColumn: function(columnIdx) { if (this.isEnabled()) { this.focusModel.focusAt(0, columnIdx); this.start(0, columnIdx, typeConst.COLUMN); this.update(this.dataModel.length - 1, columnIdx); } }, /** * Selects all data range. */ selectAll: function() { if (this.isEnabled()) { this.start(0, 0, typeConst.CELL); this.update(this.dataModel.length - 1, this.columnModel.getVisibleColumns().length - 1); } }, /** * Returns the row and column indexes of the starting position. * @returns {{row: number, column: number}} Objects containing indexes */ getStartIndex: function() { var range = this.get('range'); return { row: range.row[0], column: range.column[0] }; }, /** * Returns the row and column indexes of the ending position. * @returns {{row: number, column: number}} Objects containing indexes */ getEndIndex: function() { var range = this.get('range'); return { row: range.row[1], column: range.column[1] }; }, /** * selection 데이터가 존재하는지 확인한다. * @returns {boolean} selection 데이터 존재여부 */ hasSelection: function() { return !!this.get('range'); }, /** * Returns whether given range is a single cell. (include merged cell) * @param {Array.} columnNames - columnNames * @param {Array.} rowList - rowList * @returns {Boolean} */ _isSingleCell: function(columnNames, rowList) { var isSingleColumn = columnNames.length === 1; var isSingleRow = rowList.length === 1; var isSingleMergedCell = isSingleColumn && !isSingleRow && (rowList[0].getRowSpanData(columnNames[0]).count === rowList.length); return (isSingleColumn && isSingleRow) || isSingleMergedCell; }, /** * Returns the string value of all cells in the selection range as a single string. * @returns {String} */ getValuesToString: function() { var self = this; var rowList = this._getRangeRowList(); var columnNames = this._getRangeColumnNames(); var rowValues = _.map(rowList, function(row) { return _.map(columnNames, function(columnName) { return self.getValueToString(row.get('rowKey'), columnName); }).join('\t'); }); if (this._isSingleCell(columnNames, rowList)) { return rowValues[0]; } return rowValues.join('\n'); }, /** * Returns the string value of a single cell by copy options. * @param {Nubmer} rowKey - Row key * @param {Number} columnName - Column name * @returns {String} */ getValueToString: function(rowKey, columnName) { var columnModel = this.columnModel; var cellData = this.renderModel.getCellData(rowKey, columnName); var copyOptions = columnModel.getCopyOptions(columnName); var column = columnModel.getColumnModel(columnName); var row = this.dataModel.get(rowKey); var value = row.getValueString(columnName); var text; if (copyOptions.customValue) { text = this._getCustomValue( copyOptions.customValue, value, row.toJSON(), column ); } else if (copyOptions.useListItemText) { text = value; } else if (copyOptions.useFormattedValue) { text = cellData.formattedValue; } else { text = value; } return text; }, /** * If the column has a 'copyOptions.customValue' function, exeucute it and returns the result. * @param {String} customValue - value to display * @param {String} value - value to display * @param {Object} rowAttrs - All attributes of the row * @param {Object} column - Column info * @returns {String} * @private */ _getCustomValue: function(customValue, value, rowAttrs, column) { var result; if (_.isFunction(customValue)) { result = customValue(value, rowAttrs, column); } else { result = customValue; } return result; }, /** * Returns an array of selected row list * @returns {Array.} * @private */ _getRangeRowList: function() { var rowRange = this.get('range').row; var index = rowRange[0]; var len = rowRange[1] + 1; var rowList = []; for (; index < len; index += 1) { if (this.coordRowModel.getHeightAt(index)) { rowList.push(this.dataModel.at(index)); } } return rowList; }, /** * Returns an array of selected column names * @returns {Array.} * @private */ _getRangeColumnNames: function() { var columnRange = this.get('range').column; var columns = this.columnModel.getVisibleColumns().slice(columnRange[0], columnRange[1] + 1); return _.pluck(columns, 'name'); }, /** * 마우스 드래그로 selection 선택 시 auto scroll 조건에 해당하는지 반환한다. * @param {Number} overflowX 가로축 기준 영역 overflow 값 * @param {Number} overflowY 세로축 기준 영역 overflow 값 * @returns {boolean} overflow 되었는지 여부 * @private */ _isAutoScrollable: function(overflowX, overflowY) { return !(overflowX === 0 && overflowY === 0); }, /** * Adjusts scrollTop and scrollLeft value. * @param {Number} overflowX 가로축 기준 영역 overflow 값 * @param {Number} overflowY 세로축 기준 영역 overflow 값 * @private */ _adjustScroll: function(overflowX, overflowY) { var renderModel = this.renderModel; if (overflowX) { this._adjustScrollLeft(overflowX, renderModel.get('scrollLeft'), renderModel.get('maxScrollLeft')); } if (overflowY) { this._adjustScrollTop(overflowY, renderModel.get('scrollTop'), renderModel.get('maxScrollTop')); } }, /** * Adjusts scrollLeft value. * @param {number} overflowX - 1 | 0 | -1 * @param {number} scrollLeft - Current scrollLeft value * @param {number} maxScrollLeft - Max scrollLeft value * @private */ _adjustScrollLeft: function(overflowX, scrollLeft, maxScrollLeft) { var adjusted = scrollLeft; var pixelScale = this.scrollPixelScale; if (overflowX < 0) { adjusted = Math.max(0, scrollLeft - pixelScale); } else if (overflowX > 0) { adjusted = Math.min(maxScrollLeft, scrollLeft + pixelScale); } this.renderModel.set('scrollLeft', adjusted); }, /** * Adjusts scrollTop value. * @param {number} overflowY - 1 | 0 | -1 * @param {number} scrollTop - Current scrollTop value * @param {number} maxScrollTop - Max scrollTop value * @private */ _adjustScrollTop: function(overflowY, scrollTop, maxScrollTop) { var adjusted = scrollTop; var pixelScale = this.scrollPixelScale; if (overflowY < 0) { adjusted = Math.max(0, scrollTop - pixelScale); } else if (overflowY > 0) { adjusted = Math.min(maxScrollTop, scrollTop + pixelScale); } this.renderModel.set('scrollTop', adjusted); }, /** * Expands the 'this.inputRange' if rowspan data exists, and resets the 'range' attributes to the value. * @param {{column: number[], row: number[]}} [inputRange] - Input range. Default is this.inputRange * @private */ _resetRangeAttribute: function(inputRange) { // eslint-disable-line complexity var dataModel = this.dataModel; var hasSpannedRange, spannedRange, tmpRowRange; inputRange = inputRange || this.inputRange; if (!inputRange) { this.set('range', null); return; } spannedRange = { row: _.sortBy(inputRange.row), column: _.sortBy(inputRange.column) }; if (dataModel.isRowSpanEnable() && this.selectionType === typeConst.CELL) { do { tmpRowRange = _.assign([], spannedRange.row); spannedRange = this._getRowSpannedIndex(spannedRange); hasSpannedRange = ( spannedRange.row[0] !== tmpRowRange[0] || spannedRange.row[1] !== tmpRowRange[1] ); } while (hasSpannedRange); this._setRangeMinMax(spannedRange.row, spannedRange.column); } this.set('range', spannedRange); }, /** * Trigger 'selection' event * @private */ _triggerSelectionEvent: function() { var range = this.get('range'); var dataModel = this.dataModel; var columnModel = this.columnModel; var rowRange, columnRange, gridEvent; var startRow, endRow, startColumn, endColumn; if (!range) { return; } rowRange = range.row; columnRange = range.column; startRow = dataModel.getRowDataAt(rowRange[0]); startColumn = columnModel.at(columnRange[0]); endRow = dataModel.getRowDataAt(rowRange[1]); endColumn = columnModel.at(columnRange[1]); if (!startRow || !endRow || !startColumn || !endColumn) { return; } gridEvent = new GridEvent(null, { range: { start: [startRow.rowKey, startColumn.name], end: [endRow.rowKey, endColumn.name] } }); /** * Occurs when selecting cells * @event Grid#selection * @type {module:event/gridEvent} * @property {Object} range - Range of selection * @property {Array} range.start - Info of start cell (ex: [rowKey, columName]) * @property {Array} range.end - Info of end cell (ex: [rowKey, columnName]) * @property {Grid} instance - Current grid instance */ this.trigger('selection', gridEvent); }, /** * Set min, max value of range(row, column) * @param {Array} rowRange - Row range * @param {Array} columnRange - Column range * @private */ _setRangeMinMax: function(rowRange, columnRange) { if (rowRange) { rowRange[0] = Math.max(0, rowRange[0]); rowRange[1] = Math.min(this.dataModel.length - 1, rowRange[1]); } if (columnRange) { columnRange[0] = Math.max(0, columnRange[0]); columnRange[1] = Math.min(this.columnModel.getVisibleColumns().length - 1, columnRange[1]); } }, /** * row start index 기준으로 rowspan 을 확인하며 startRangeList 업데이트 하는 함수 * @param {object} param - parameters * @private */ _concatRowSpanIndexFromStart: function(param) { var startIndex = param.startIndex; var endIndex = param.endIndex; var columnName = param.columnName; var rowSpanData = param.startRowSpanDataMap && param.startRowSpanDataMap[columnName]; var startIndexList = param.startIndexList; var endIndexList = param.endIndexList; var spannedIndex; if (!rowSpanData) { return; } if (!rowSpanData.isMainRow) { spannedIndex = startIndex + rowSpanData.count; startIndexList.push(spannedIndex); } else { spannedIndex = startIndex + rowSpanData.count - 1; if (spannedIndex > endIndex) { endIndexList.push(spannedIndex); } } }, /** * row end index 기준으로 rowspan 을 확인하며 endRangeList 를 업데이트 하는 함수 * @param {object} param - parameters * @private */ _concatRowSpanIndexFromEnd: function(param) { var endIndex = param.endIndex; var columnName = param.columnName; var rowSpanData = param.endRowSpanDataMap && param.endRowSpanDataMap[columnName]; var endIndexList = param.endIndexList; var dataModel = param.dataModel; var spannedIndex, tmpRowSpanData; if (!rowSpanData) { return; } if (!rowSpanData.isMainRow) { spannedIndex = endIndex + rowSpanData.count; tmpRowSpanData = dataModel.at(spannedIndex).getRowSpanData(columnName); spannedIndex += tmpRowSpanData.count - 1; if (spannedIndex > endIndex) { endIndexList.push(spannedIndex); } } else { spannedIndex = endIndex + rowSpanData.count - 1; endIndexList.push(spannedIndex); } }, /** * rowSpan 된 Index range 를 반환한다. * @param {{row: Array, column: Array}} spannedRange 인덱스 정보 * @returns {{row: Array, column: Array}} New Range * @private */ _getRowSpannedIndex: function(spannedRange) { var columns = this.columnModel.getVisibleColumns() .slice(spannedRange.column[0], spannedRange.column[1] + 1); var dataModel = this.dataModel; var startIndexList = [spannedRange.row[0]]; var endIndexList = [spannedRange.row[1]]; var startRow = dataModel.at(spannedRange.row[0]); var endRow = dataModel.at(spannedRange.row[1]); var newSpannedRange = $.extend({}, spannedRange); var startRowSpanDataMap, endRowSpanDataMap, param; if (!startRow || !endRow) { return newSpannedRange; } startRowSpanDataMap = dataModel.at(spannedRange.row[0]).getRowSpanData(); endRowSpanDataMap = dataModel.at(spannedRange.row[1]).getRowSpanData(); // 모든 열을 순회하며 각 열마다 설정된 rowSpan 정보에 따라 인덱스를 업데이트 한다. _.each(columns, function(columnModel) { param = { columnName: columnModel.name, startIndex: spannedRange.row[0], endIndex: spannedRange.row[1], endRowSpanDataMap: endRowSpanDataMap, startRowSpanDataMap: startRowSpanDataMap, startIndexList: startIndexList, endIndexList: endIndexList, dataModel: dataModel }; this._concatRowSpanIndexFromStart(param); this._concatRowSpanIndexFromEnd(param); }, this); newSpannedRange.row = [Math.min.apply(null, startIndexList), Math.max.apply(null, endIndexList)]; return newSpannedRange; }, /** * remove mouseup event * @private */ _destroy: function() { $(document).off('mouseup', this.mouseupHandler); } }); module.exports = Selection; /***/ }), /* 31 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /** * @fileoverview Focus 관련 데이터 처리름 담당한다. * @author NHN. FE Development Lab */ 'use strict'; var $ = __webpack_require__(7); var _ = __webpack_require__(2); var snippet = __webpack_require__(3); var Model = __webpack_require__(9); var typeConst = __webpack_require__(10).summaryType; /** * Summary Model * @module model/summary * @extends module:base/model * @param {Object} attr - attributes * @param {Object} options - options * @ignore */ var Summary = Model.extend(/** @lends module:model/summary.prototype */{ initialize: function(attr, options) { this.dataModel = options.dataModel; this.columnModel = options.columnModel; /** * Set for storing names of auto-calculate column * The value is always 'true' * @type {Object} * @example * { * c1: true * c2: true * } */ this.autoColumnNameSet = {}; /** * Store template functions of each column * K: column name * V: template function * @example * { * c1: function() {}, * c2: function() {} * } * @type {Object} */ this.columnTemplateMap = {}; /** * Summary value map (KV) * K: column name {string} * V: value map {object} * @type {object} * @example * { * columnName1: { * [typeConst.SUM]: 200, * [typeConst.AVG]: 200, * }, * columnName2: { * [typeConst.MAX]: 100 * } * } */ this.columnSummaryMap = {}; // store defaultContent option for future reset this.defaultContent = options.defaultContent; // store columnContent option for future reset this.columnContent = options.columnContent; this.listenTo(this.dataModel, 'add remove reset', this._onChangeDataRows); this.listenTo(this.dataModel, 'change', this._onChangeDataCells); this.listenTo(this.dataModel, 'deleteRange', this._onDeleteRangeData); this.listenTo(this.columnModel, 'columnModelChange', this._resetAll); this._resetAll(); }, /** * Reset autoColumnNames and columnTemplateMap based on columnContent options. * @param {Object} columnContent - summary.columnContent options * @private */ _resetColumnContent: function() { var columnContentMap = {}; var defaultContent = this.defaultContent; var columnContent = this.columnContent || {}; if (defaultContent) { _.forEach(this.columnModel.getVisibleColumns(), function(column) { columnContentMap[column.name] = columnContent[column.name] || defaultContent; }); } else { columnContentMap = columnContent; } _.each(columnContentMap, function(options, columnName) { this.setColumnContent(columnName, options); }, this); }, /** * Reset autoColumnNameSet, columnTemplateMap, columnSummaryMap * @private */ _resetAll: function() { this._resetColumnContent(); this._resetColumnSummaryMap(); }, /** * Calculate summaries of given array. * Values which can not be converted to Number type will be considered as 0. * @param {Array} values - An array of values (to be converted to Number type) * @returns {Object} * @private */ _calculate: function(values) { var min = Number.MAX_VALUE; var max = Number.MIN_VALUE; var count = values.length; var sum = 0; var avg = 0; var resultMap = {}; var i, value; for (i = 0; i < count; i += 1) { value = Number(values[i]); if (isNaN(value)) { value = 0; } sum += value; if (min > value) { min = value; } if (max < value) { max = value; } } if (!count) { max = min = avg = 0; } else { avg = sum / count; } resultMap[typeConst.SUM] = sum; resultMap[typeConst.MIN] = min; resultMap[typeConst.MAX] = max; resultMap[typeConst.AVG] = avg; resultMap[typeConst.CNT] = count; return resultMap; }, /** * Reset summary values of given columnName * @param {Array.} columnNames - An array of column names * @private */ _resetColumnSummaryMap: function(columnNames) { var targetColumnNames = _.keys(this.autoColumnNameSet); if (columnNames) { targetColumnNames = _.intersection(columnNames, targetColumnNames); } _.each(targetColumnNames, function(columnName) { this._changeColumnSummaryValue(columnName); }, this); }, /** * Change Summary Value * @param {string} columnName - column name * @private */ _changeColumnSummaryValue: function(columnName) { var values = this.dataModel.getColumnValues(columnName); var valueMap = this._calculate(values); this.columnSummaryMap[columnName] = valueMap; this.trigger('change', columnName, valueMap); }, /** * Event handler for 'add', 'append', 'remove' event on dataModel * @private */ _onChangeDataRows: function() { this._resetColumnSummaryMap(); }, /** * Event handler for 'change' event on dataModel * @param {object} model - row model * @private */ _onChangeDataCells: function(model) { this._resetColumnSummaryMap(_.keys(model.changed)); }, /** * Event handler for 'deleteRange' event on dataModel * @param {GridEvent} ev - event object when "delRange" event is fired * @private */ _onDeleteRangeData: function(ev) { this._resetColumnSummaryMap(ev.columnNames); }, /** * Returns the summary value of given column and type. * If the summaryType is not specified, returns all values of types as an object * @param {string} columnName - column name * @param {string} [summaryType] - summary type * @returns {number|Object} */ getValue: function(columnName, summaryType) { var valueMap = this.columnSummaryMap[columnName]; var value; if (!summaryType) { return _.isUndefined(valueMap) ? null : valueMap; } value = snippet.pick(valueMap, summaryType); return _.isUndefined(value) ? null : value; }, /** * Returns the summary value of given column. * If the column name is not specified, all values of available columns are returned. * @param {string} [columnName] - column name * @returns {Object} */ getValues: function(columnName) { if (columnName) { return $.extend({}, this.columnSummaryMap[columnName]); } return $.extend(true, {}, this.columnSummaryMap); }, /** * Returns whether given column is visible. * @param {string} columnName - Parameter description. * @returns {boolean} * @private */ _isVisibleColumn: function(columnName) { return this.columnModel.getVisibleColumns().indexOf(columnName) !== -1; }, /** * Return template function of given column name * @param {string} columnName - column name * @returns {function} */ getTemplate: function(columnName) { var template = this.columnTemplateMap[columnName]; if (!template && this.defaultContent && this._isVisibleColumn(columnName)) { template = this.defaultContent.template; } return template; }, /** * Set summary contents. * (Just trigger 'setSummaryContent') * @param {string} columnName - columnName * @param {string|object} content - HTML string or Options Object * @param {boolean} shouldChangeValue - If set to true, summary value is re-calculated */ setColumnContent: function(columnName, content, shouldChangeValue) { // eslint-disable-line complexity if (_.isObject(content) && _.isFunction(content.template)) { this.columnTemplateMap[columnName] = content.template; if (content.useAutoSummary !== false) { this.autoColumnNameSet[columnName] = true; } } else if (_.isString(content)) { delete this.autoColumnNameSet[columnName]; this.columnTemplateMap[columnName] = content; } if (shouldChangeValue) { this._changeColumnSummaryValue(columnName); } } }); module.exports = Summary; /***/ }), /* 32 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /** * @fileoverview Clipboard Model * @author NHN. FE Development Lab */ 'use strict'; var $ = __webpack_require__(7); var _ = __webpack_require__(2); var Model = __webpack_require__(9); /** * Clipboard Model * @module model/clipboard * @extends module:base/model * @param {Object} attr - Attributes * @param {Object} options - Options * @ignore */ var Clipboard = Model.extend(/** @lends module:model/clipboard.prototype*/{ initialize: function(attr, options) { Model.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments); _.assign(this, { columnModel: options.columnModel, dataModel: options.dataModel, selectionModel: options.selectionModel, renderModel: options.renderModel, focusModel: options.focusModel, copyOptions: options.copyOptions, domEventBus: options.domEventBus }); this.listenTo(options.domEventBus, 'key:clipboard', this._onKeyClipboard); }, defaults: { /** * String value to be stored in the system clipboard * @type {String} */ text: null }, /** * Set clipboard text to trigger event */ setClipboardText: function() { this.set('text', this._getClipboardText()); }, /** * Paste the text from clipboard to Grid * @param {array} data - clipboard data */ pasteClipboardDataToGrid: function(data) { var selectionModel = this.selectionModel; var focusModel = this.focusModel; var dataModel = this.dataModel; var selRange, selRowLen, selColLen; var startIdx; if (selectionModel.hasSelection()) { selRange = selectionModel.get('range'); selRowLen = selRange.row[1] - selRange.row[0] + 1; selColLen = selRange.column[1] - selRange.column[0] + 1; data = this._duplicateData(data, selRowLen, selColLen); startIdx = selectionModel.getStartIndex(); } else { startIdx = focusModel.indexOf(); } dataModel.paste(data, startIdx); }, /** * Event handler for key:clipboard event on the domEventBus * @param {module:event/gridEvent} gridEvent - GridEvent * @private */ _onKeyClipboard: function(gridEvent) { var command = gridEvent.command; if (command === 'copy') { this.setClipboardText(); } }, /** * Duplicate given data based on the selection range * @param {Array.>} data - 2D array of string values * @param {number} selRowLen - row length of selection range * @param {number} selColLen - column length of selection range * @returns {Array.>} * @private */ _duplicateData: function(data, selRowLen, selColLen) { var dataRowLen = data.length; var dataColLen = data[0].length; var rowDupCount = Math.floor(selRowLen / dataRowLen) - 1; var colDupCount = Math.floor(selColLen / dataColLen) - 1; var result = $.extend(true, [], data); // duplicate rows _.times(rowDupCount, function() { _.forEach(data, function(row) { result.push(row.slice(0)); }); }); // duplicate columns _.forEach(result, function(row) { var rowData = row.slice(0); _.times(colDupCount, function() { [].push.apply(row, rowData); }); }); return result; }, /** * Returns the text to be stored in the clipboard * @returns {String} * @private */ _getClipboardText: function() { var selectionModel = this.selectionModel; var focused = this.focusModel.which(); var text; if (selectionModel.hasSelection()) { text = selectionModel.getValuesToString(); } else { text = selectionModel.getValueToString(focused.rowKey, focused.columnName); } return text; } }); module.exports = Clipboard; /***/ }), /* 33 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /** * @fileoverview View factory * @author NHN. FE Development Lab */ 'use strict'; var snippet = __webpack_require__(3); var DatePicker = __webpack_require__(34); var ContainerView = __webpack_require__(35); var ContentAreaView = __webpack_require__(36); var PaginationView = __webpack_require__(37); var HeightResizeHandleView = __webpack_require__(39); var StateLayerView = __webpack_require__(41); var ClipboardView = __webpack_require__(43); var LsideFrameView = __webpack_require__(45); var RsideFrameView = __webpack_require__(47); var HeaderView = __webpack_require__(48); var HeaderResizeHandleView = __webpack_require__(49); var BodyView = __webpack_require__(50); var BodyTableView = __webpack_require__(51); var SummaryView = __webpack_require__(52); var RowListView = __webpack_require__(53); var SelectionLayerView = __webpack_require__(54); var EditingLayerView = __webpack_require__(55); var DatePickeLayerView = __webpack_require__(56); var FocusLayerView = __webpack_require__(57); var isOptionEnabled = __webpack_require__(17).isOptionEnabled; var frameConst = __webpack_require__(10).frame; /** * View Factory * @module viewFactory * @ignore */ var ViewFactory = snippet.defineClass({ init: function(options) { // dependencies this.domState = options.domState; this.domEventBus = options.domEventBus; this.modelManager = options.modelManager; this.painterManager = options.painterManager; this.componentHolder = options.componentHolder; // view options this.summaryOptions = options.summary; this.heightResizable = options.heightResizable; this.usageStatistics = options.usageStatistics; }, /** * Creates container view and returns it. * @param {Object} options - Options set by user * @returns {module:view/container} */ createContainer: function() { return new ContainerView({ el: this.domState.$el, gridId: this.modelManager.gridId, domEventBus: this.domEventBus, dataModel: this.modelManager.dataModel, dimensionModel: this.modelManager.dimensionModel, viewFactory: this }); }, /** * Creates a view instance for the contents area. * @returns {module:view/layout/content-area} */ createContentArea: function() { return new ContentAreaView({ dimensionModel: this.modelManager.dimensionModel, viewFactory: this }); }, /** * Creates pagination view and returns it. * @returns {module:view/pagination} - New pagination view instance */ createPagination: function() { if (!isOptionEnabled(this.componentHolder.getOptions('pagination'))) { return null; } return new PaginationView({ componentHolder: this.componentHolder, dimensionModel: this.modelManager.dimensionModel, focusModel: this.modelManager.focusModel, usageStatistics: this.usageStatistics }); }, /** * Creates height resize handle view and returns it. * @returns {module:view/resizeHandle} - New resize hander view instance */ createHeightResizeHandle: function() { if (!isOptionEnabled(this.heightResizable)) { return null; } return new HeightResizeHandleView({ dimensionModel: this.modelManager.dimensionModel, domEventBus: this.domEventBus }); }, /** * Creates state layer view and returns it. * @returns {module:view/stateLayer} - New state layer view instance */ createStateLayer: function() { return new StateLayerView({ dimensionModel: this.modelManager.dimensionModel, renderModel: this.modelManager.renderModel }); }, /** * Creates clipboard view and returns it. * @returns {module:view/clipboard} - New clipboard view instance */ createClipboard: function() { return new ClipboardView({ clipboardModel: this.modelManager.clipboardModel, focusModel: this.modelManager.focusModel, domEventBus: this.domEventBus }); }, /** * Creates frame view and returns it. * @param {String} whichSide - L(left) or R(right) * @returns {module:view/layout/frame} New frame view instance */ createFrame: function(whichSide) { var Constructor = whichSide === frameConst.L ? LsideFrameView : RsideFrameView; return new Constructor({ dimensionModel: this.modelManager.dimensionModel, renderModel: this.modelManager.renderModel, viewFactory: this }); }, /** * Creates header view and returns it. * @param {String} whichSide - 'L'(left) or 'R'(right) * @returns {module:view/layout/header} New header view instance */ createHeader: function(whichSide) { return new HeaderView({ whichSide: whichSide, renderModel: this.modelManager.renderModel, focusModel: this.modelManager.focusModel, selectionModel: this.modelManager.selectionModel, dataModel: this.modelManager.dataModel, columnModel: this.modelManager.columnModel, coordRowModel: this.modelManager.coordRowModel, coordColumnModel: this.modelManager.coordColumnModel, dimensionModel: this.modelManager.dimensionModel, domEventBus: this.domEventBus, viewFactory: this }); }, /** * Creates summary view and returns it. * @param {string} whichSide - 'L'(left) or 'R'(right) * @returns {object} */ createSummary: function(whichSide) { if (!this.summaryOptions) { return null; } return new SummaryView({ whichSide: whichSide, columnModel: this.modelManager.columnModel, renderModel: this.modelManager.renderModel, dimensionModel: this.modelManager.dimensionModel, coordColumnModel: this.modelManager.coordColumnModel, summaryModel: this.modelManager.summaryModel }); }, /** * Creates resize handler of header view and returns it. * @param {string} whichSide - 'L'(left) or 'R'(right) * @param {array} handleHeights - Height values of each resize handle * @param {boolean} frozenBorder - Whether the resize handle is matching the frozen border or not * @returns {module:view/layout/header} New resize handler view instance */ createHeaderResizeHandle: function(whichSide, handleHeights, frozenBorder) { return new HeaderResizeHandleView({ whichSide: whichSide, handleHeights: handleHeights, frozenBorder: frozenBorder, columnModel: this.modelManager.columnModel, dimensionModel: this.modelManager.dimensionModel, coordColumnModel: this.modelManager.coordColumnModel, domEventBus: this.domEventBus }); }, /** * Creates body view and returns it. * @param {String} whichSide - 'L'(left) or 'R'(right) * @returns {module:view/layout/body} New body view instance */ createBody: function(whichSide) { return new BodyView({ whichSide: whichSide, renderModel: this.modelManager.renderModel, dimensionModel: this.modelManager.dimensionModel, domEventBus: this.domEventBus, viewFactory: this }); }, /** * Creates body-table view and returns it. * @param {String} whichSide - 'L'(left) or 'R'(right) * @returns {module:view/layout/bodyTable} New body-table view instance */ createBodyTable: function(whichSide) { return new BodyTableView({ whichSide: whichSide, dimensionModel: this.modelManager.dimensionModel, coordColumnModel: this.modelManager.coordColumnModel, renderModel: this.modelManager.renderModel, columnModel: this.modelManager.columnModel, painterManager: this.painterManager, viewFactory: this }); }, /** * Creates row list view and returns it. * @param {Object} options - Options * @param {jQuery} options.el - jquery object wrapping tbody html element * @param {String} options.whichSide - 'L'(left) or 'R'(right) * @param {module:view/layout/bodyTable} options.bodyTableView - body table view * @returns {module:view/rowList} New row list view instance */ createRowList: function(options) { return new RowListView({ el: options.el, whichSide: options.whichSide, bodyTableView: options.bodyTableView, dataModel: this.modelManager.dataModel, columnModel: this.modelManager.columnModel, dimensionModel: this.modelManager.dimensionModel, selectionModel: this.modelManager.selectionModel, renderModel: this.modelManager.renderModel, focusModel: this.modelManager.focusModel, coordRowModel: this.modelManager.coordRowModel, painterManager: this.painterManager }); }, /** * Creates selection view and returns it. * @param {String} whichSide - 'L'(left) or 'R'(right) * @returns {module:view/selectionLayer} New selection layer view instance */ createSelectionLayer: function(whichSide) { return new SelectionLayerView({ whichSide: whichSide, selectionModel: this.modelManager.selectionModel, dimensionModel: this.modelManager.dimensionModel, columnModel: this.modelManager.columnModel, coordRowModel: this.modelManager.coordRowModel, coordColumnModel: this.modelManager.coordColumnModel }); }, /** * Creates editing layer view and returns it. * @returns {module:view/editingLayer} */ createEditingLayer: function() { return new EditingLayerView({ renderModel: this.modelManager.renderModel, inputPainters: this.painterManager.getInputPainters(true), domState: this.domState }); }, /** * Creates an instance of date-picker layer view. * @returns {module:view/datePickerLayer} */ createDatePickerLayer: function() { if (!DatePicker) { return null; } return new DatePickeLayerView({ focusModel: this.modelManager.focusModel, columnModel: this.modelManager.columnModel, textPainter: this.painterManager.getInputPainters().text, domState: this.domState, domEventBus: this.domEventBus, usageStatistics: this.usageStatistics }); }, /** * Creates focus layer view and returns it. * @param {String} whichSide - 'L'(left) or 'R'(right) * @returns {module:view/focusLayer} New focus layer view instance */ createFocusLayer: function(whichSide) { return new FocusLayerView({ whichSide: whichSide, dimensionModel: this.modelManager.dimensionModel, columnModel: this.modelManager.columnModel, focusModel: this.modelManager.focusModel, coordRowModel: this.modelManager.coordRowModel, coordColumnModel: this.modelManager.coordColumnModel, coordConverterModel: this.modelManager.coordConverterModel }); } }); module.exports = ViewFactory; /***/ }), /* 34 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { module.exports = __WEBPACK_EXTERNAL_MODULE_34__; /***/ }), /* 35 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /** * @fileoverview View class that conaints a top element of the DOM structure of the grid. * @author NHN. FE Development Lab */ 'use strict'; var $ = __webpack_require__(7); var View = __webpack_require__(4); var GridEvent = __webpack_require__(16); var targetTypeConst = GridEvent.targetTypeConst; var attrNameConst = __webpack_require__(10).attrName; var classNameConst = __webpack_require__(19); /** * Container View * @module view/container * @extends module:base/view * @param {Object} options - Options * @ignore */ var Container = View.extend(/** @lends module:view/container.prototype */{ initialize: function(options) { View.prototype.initialize.call(this); this.gridId = options.gridId; this.dimensionModel = options.dimensionModel; this.dataModel = options.dataModel; this.viewFactory = options.viewFactory; this.domEventBus = options.domEventBus; this._createChildViews(); this.listenTo(this.dimensionModel, 'setWidth', this._onSetWidth); $(window).on('resize.grid', $.proxy(this._onResizeWindow, this)); this.__$el = this.$el.clone(); }, events: { 'click': '_onClick', 'dblclick': '_onDblClick', 'mousedown': '_onMouseDown', 'mouseover': '_onMouseOver', 'mouseout': '_onMouseOut', // for preventing drag 'selectstart': '_preventDrag', 'dragstart': '_preventDrag' }, /** * 내부에서 사용할 view 인스턴스들을 초기화한다. * @private */ _createChildViews: function() { var factory = this.viewFactory; this._addChildren([ factory.createContentArea(), factory.createHeightResizeHandle(), factory.createPagination(), factory.createStateLayer(), factory.createEditingLayer(), factory.createDatePickerLayer(), factory.createClipboard() ]); }, /** * Event handler for resize event on window. * @private */ _onResizeWindow: function() { this.domEventBus.trigger('windowResize'); }, /** * drag 이벤트 발생시 이벤트 핸들러 * @returns {boolean} false * @private */ _preventDrag: function() { return false; }, /** * Event handler for 'setWidth' event on Dimension * @private */ _onSetWidth: function() { this.$el.width(this.dimensionModel.get('width')); }, /** * Event handler for click event * The reason for using 'elementFromPoint' is because of the selection. * @param {MouseEvent} ev - Mouse event * @private */ _onClick: function(ev) { var pointX = ev.pageX - window.pageXOffset; var pointY = ev.pageY - window.pageYOffset; var $target = $(document.elementFromPoint(pointX, pointY)); var gridEvent = new GridEvent(ev, GridEvent.getTargetInfo($target)); /** * Occurs when a mouse button is clicked on the Grid. * The properties of the event object include the native event object. * @event Grid#click * @type {module:event/gridEvent} * @property {jQueryEvent} nativeEvent - Event object * @property {string} targetType - Type of event target * @property {number} rowKey - rowKey of the target cell * @property {string} columnName - columnName of the target cell * @property {Grid} instance - Current grid instance */ this.domEventBus.trigger('click', gridEvent); if (!gridEvent.isStopped() && gridEvent.targetType === targetTypeConst.CELL) { this.domEventBus.trigger('click:cell', gridEvent); } }, /** * Event handler for the dblclick event * @param {MouseEvent} ev - MouseEvent * @private */ _onDblClick: function(ev) { var $target = $(ev.target); var gridEvent = new GridEvent(ev, GridEvent.getTargetInfo($target)); /** * Occurs when a mouse button is double clicked on the Grid. * The properties of the event object include the native event object. * @event Grid#dblclick * @type {module:event/gridEvent} * @property {jQueryEvent} nativeEvent - Event object * @property {string} targetType - Type of event target * @property {number} rowKey - rowKey of the target cell * @property {string} columnName - columnName of the target cell * @property {Grid} instance - Current grid instance */ this.domEventBus.trigger('dblclick', gridEvent); if (!gridEvent.isStopped() && gridEvent.targetType === targetTypeConst.CELL) { this.domEventBus.trigger('dblclick:cell', gridEvent); } }, /** * Event listener for the mouseover event * @param {MouseEvent} ev - MouseEvent * @private */ _onMouseOver: function(ev) { var $target = $(ev.target); var gridEvent = new GridEvent(ev, GridEvent.getTargetInfo($target)); /** * Occurs when a mouse pointer is moved onto the Grid. * The properties of the event object include the native MouseEvent object. * @event Grid#mouseover * @type {module:event/gridEvent} * @property {jQueryEvent} nativeEvent - Event object * @property {string} targetType - Type of event target * @property {number} rowKey - rowKey of the target cell * @property {string} columnName - columnName of the target cell * @property {Grid} instance - Current grid instance */ this.domEventBus.trigger('mouseover', gridEvent); }, /** * Event listener for the mouseout event * @param {MouseEvent} ev - MouseEvent * @private */ _onMouseOut: function(ev) { var $target = $(ev.target); var gridEvent = new GridEvent(ev, GridEvent.getTargetInfo($target)); /** * Occurs when a mouse pointer is moved off from the Grid. * The event object has all properties copied from the native MouseEvent. * @event Grid#mouseout * @type {module:event/gridEvent} * @property {jQueryEvent} nativeEvent - Event object * @property {string} targetType - Type of event target * @property {number} rowKey - rowKey of the target cell * @property {string} columnName - columnName of the target cell * @property {Grid} instance - Current grid instance */ this.domEventBus.trigger('mouseout', gridEvent); }, /** * Event handler for 'mousedown' event * @param {MouseEvent} ev - Mouse event * @private */ _onMouseDown: function(ev) { var $target = $(ev.target); var gridEvent = new GridEvent(ev, GridEvent.getTargetInfo($target)); var shouldFocus = !$target.is('input, a, button, select, textarea'); var mainButton = gridEvent.columnName === '_button' && $target.parent().is('label'); if (shouldFocus && !mainButton) { ev.preventDefault(); // fix IE8 bug (cancelling event doesn't prevent focused element from losing foucs) $target[0].unselectable = true; /** * Occurs when a mouse button is downed on the Grid. * The event object has all properties copied from the native MouseEvent. * @event Grid#mousedown * @type {module:event/gridEvent} * @property {jQueryEvent} nativeEvent - Event object * @property {string} targetType - Type of event target * @property {number} rowKey - rowKey of the target cell * @property {string} columnName - columnName of the target cell * @property {Grid} instance - Current grid instance */ this.domEventBus.trigger('mousedown:focus', gridEvent); } }, /** * Render * @returns {module:view/container} this object */ render: function() { var childElements = this._renderChildren(); this.$el.addClass(classNameConst.CONTAINER) .attr(attrNameConst.GRID_ID, this.gridId) .append(childElements); this._triggerChildrenAppended(); return this; }, /** * Destroy */ destroy: function() { this.stopListening(); $(window).off('resize.grid'); this._destroyChildren(); this.$el.replaceWith(this.__$el); this.$el = this.__$el = null; } }); module.exports = Container; /***/ }), /* 36 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /** * @fileoverview Class for the content area * @author NHN. FE Development Lab */ 'use strict'; var $ = __webpack_require__(7); var View = __webpack_require__(4); var classNameConst = __webpack_require__(19); var constMap = __webpack_require__(10); var frameConst = constMap.frame; var ContentArea; /** * Create DIV element to draw border * @param {String} className - border class name * @returns {jQuery} * @ignore */ function borderDIV(className) { return $('
') .addClass(classNameConst.BORDER_LINE) .addClass(className); } /** * Content area * @module view/layout/content-area * @extends module:base/view * @param {Object} options - Options * @ignore */ ContentArea = View.extend(/** @lends module:view/layout/content-area.prototype */{ initialize: function(options) { View.prototype.initialize.call(this); this.viewFactory = options.viewFactory; this.dimensionModel = options.dimensionModel; this._addFrameViews(); }, className: classNameConst.CONTENT_AREA, /** * Creates Frame views and add them as children. * @private */ _addFrameViews: function() { var factory = this.viewFactory; this._addChildren([ factory.createFrame(frameConst.L), factory.createFrame(frameConst.R) ]); }, /** * Renders * @returns {Object} this object */ render: function() { var dimensionModel = this.dimensionModel; var scrollXHeight = dimensionModel.getScrollXHeight(); var childElements = this._renderChildren().concat([ borderDIV(classNameConst.BORDER_TOP), borderDIV(classNameConst.BORDER_LEFT), borderDIV(classNameConst.BORDER_RIGHT), borderDIV(classNameConst.BORDER_BOTTOM).css('bottom', scrollXHeight) ]); var classNames = []; if (!dimensionModel.get('scrollX')) { classNames.push(classNameConst.NO_SCROLL_X); } if (!dimensionModel.get('scrollY')) { classNames.push(classNameConst.NO_SCROLL_Y); } if (dimensionModel.get('summaryHeight')) { if (dimensionModel.get('summaryPosition') === constMap.summaryPosition.TOP) { classNames.push(classNameConst.HAS_SUMMARY_TOP); } else { classNames.push(classNameConst.HAS_SUMMARY_BOTTOM); } } if (dimensionModel.get('rsideWidth')) { classNames.push(classNameConst.SHOW_LSIDE_AREA); } this.$el.addClass(classNames.join(' ')); this.$el.append(childElements); return this; } }); module.exports = ContentArea; /***/ }), /* 37 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /** * @fileoverview Class for the pagination * @author NHN. FE Development Lab */ 'use strict'; var _ = __webpack_require__(2); var TuiPaginaton = __webpack_require__(38); var View = __webpack_require__(4); var classNameConst = __webpack_require__(19); var defaultOptions = { totalItems: 1, itemsPerPage: 10, visiblePages: 5, centerAlign: true }; var PAGINATION_CLASSNAME = 'tui-pagination ' + classNameConst.PAGINATION; /** * Class for the pagination * @module view/pagination * @extends module:base/view * @param {Object} options - Options * @ignore */ var Pagination = View.extend(/** @lends module:view/pagination.prototype */{ initialize: function(options) { this.dimensionModel = options.dimensionModel; this.componentHolder = options.componentHolder; this.usageStatistics = options.usageStatistics; this._stopEventPropagation(); this.on('appended', this._onAppended); }, className: PAGINATION_CLASSNAME, /** * Render * @returns {Object} this object */ render: function() { this._destroyChildren(); this.componentHolder.setInstance('pagination', this._createComponent()); return this; }, /** * Stop propagation of mouse down event * @private */ _stopEventPropagation: function() { this.$el.mousedown(function(ev) { ev.stopPropagation(); }); }, /** * Event handler for 'appended' event * @private */ _onAppended: function() { this.dimensionModel.set('paginationHeight', this.$el.outerHeight()); }, /** * Create an option object for creating a tui.Pagination component. * @returns {Object} */ _createOptionObject: function() { var customOptions = this.componentHolder.getOptions('pagination'); if (customOptions === true) { customOptions = {}; } return _.assign({ usageStatistics: this.usageStatistics }, defaultOptions, customOptions); }, /** * Create new tui.Pagination instance * @returns {tui.Pagination} * @private */ _createComponent: function() { var ComponentClass = TuiPaginaton; if (!ComponentClass) { throw new Error('Cannot find component \'tui.Pagination\''); } return new ComponentClass(this.$el, this._createOptionObject()); } }); module.exports = Pagination; /***/ }), /* 38 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { module.exports = __WEBPACK_EXTERNAL_MODULE_38__; /***/ }), /* 39 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /** * @fileoverview Class for the height resize handle * @author NHN. FE Development Lab */ 'use strict'; var View = __webpack_require__(4); var classNameConst = __webpack_require__(19); var DragEventEmitter = __webpack_require__(40); /** * Class for the height resize handle * @module view/layout/heightResizeHandle * @extends module:base/view * @param {Object} options - Options * @ignore */ var HeightResizeHandle = View.extend(/** @lends module:view/layout/heightResizeHandle.prototype */{ initialize: function(options) { this.dimensionModel = options.dimensionModel; this.domEventBus = options.domEventBus; this.dragEmitter = new DragEventEmitter({ type: 'resizeHeight', cursor: 'row-resize', domEventBus: this.domEventBus }); this.on('appended', this._onAppended); }, className: classNameConst.HEIGHT_RESIZE_HANDLE, events: { 'mousedown': '_onMouseDown' }, /** * Event handler for 'appended' event * @private */ _onAppended: function() { this.dimensionModel.set('resizeHandleHeight', this.$el.outerHeight()); }, /** * Event handler for 'mousedown' event * @param {MouseEvent} ev - MouseEvent object * @private */ _onMouseDown: function(ev) { ev.preventDefault(); this.dragEmitter.start(ev, { mouseOffsetY: ev.offsetY }); }, /** * Render * @returns {Object} this object */ render: function() { this.$el.html(''); return this; } }); module.exports = HeightResizeHandle; /***/ }), /* 40 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /** * @fileoverview Drag event emitter * @author NHN. FE Development Lab */ 'use strict'; var $ = __webpack_require__(7); var _ = __webpack_require__(2); var snippet = __webpack_require__(3); var GridEvent = __webpack_require__(16); /* Drag event emitter * @module event/dragEventEmitter * @ignore */ var DragEventEmitter = snippet.defineClass(/** @lends module:event/dragEventEmitter.prototype */{ init: function(options) { _.assign(this, { type: options.type, domEventBus: options.domEventBus, onDragMove: options.onDragMove, onDragEnd: options.onDragEnd, cursor: options.cursor, startData: null }); }, /** * Starts drag * @param {MouseEvent} ev - MouseEvent * @param {Object} data - start data (to be used in dragmove, dragend event) */ start: function(ev, data) { var gridEvent = new GridEvent(ev, data); this.domEventBus.trigger('dragstart:' + this.type, gridEvent); if (!gridEvent.isStopped()) { this._startDrag(ev.target, data); } }, /** * Starts drag * @param {HTMLElement} target - drag target * @param {Object} data - start data * @private */ _startDrag: function(target, data) { this.startData = data; this._attachDragEvents(); if (this.cursor) { $('body').css('cursor', this.cursor); } // for IE8 and under if (target.setCapture) { target.setCapture(); } }, /** * Ends drag * @private */ _endDrag: function() { this.startData = null; this._detachDragEvents(); if (this.cursor) { $('body').css('cursor', 'default'); } // for IE8 and under if (document.releaseCapture) { document.releaseCapture(); } }, /** * Event handler for 'mousemove' event on document * @param {MouseEvent} ev - MouseEvent * @private */ _onMouseMove: function(ev) { var gridEvent; // Prevent 'dragmove' from occuring when mouse button is not pressed. // This can happen when the alert dialog pops up from the the 'blur/mousedown' event handler. if (!ev.buttons) { this._endDrag(); return; } gridEvent = new GridEvent(ev, { startData: this.startData, pageX: ev.pageX, pageY: ev.pageY }); if (_.isFunction(this.onDragMove)) { this.onDragMove(gridEvent); } if (!gridEvent.isStopped()) { this.domEventBus.trigger('dragmove:' + this.type, gridEvent); } }, /** * Event handler for 'mouseup' event on document * @param {MouseEvent} ev - MouseEvent * @private */ _onMouseUp: function(ev) { var gridEvent = new GridEvent(ev, { startData: this.startData }); if (_.isFunction(this.onDragEnd)) { this.onDragEnd(gridEvent); } if (!gridEvent.isStopped()) { this.domEventBus.trigger('dragend:' + this.type, gridEvent); this._endDrag(); } }, /** * Event handler for 'selectstart' event on document * @param {MouseEvent} ev - MouseEvent * @private */ _onSelectStart: function(ev) { ev.preventDefault(); }, /** * Attach mouse event handlers for drag to document * @private */ _attachDragEvents: function() { $(document) .on('mousemove.grid', _.bind(this._onMouseMove, this)) .on('mouseup.grid', _.bind(this._onMouseUp, this)) .on('selectstart.grid', _.bind(this._onSelectStart, this)); }, /** * Detach mouse event handlers drag from document * @private */ _detachDragEvents: function() { $(document).off('.grid'); } }); module.exports = DragEventEmitter; /***/ }), /* 41 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /** * @fileoverview Layer class that represents the state of rendering phase * @author NHN. FE Development Lab */ 'use strict'; var _ = __webpack_require__(2); var View = __webpack_require__(4); var stateConst = __webpack_require__(10).renderState; var classNameConst = __webpack_require__(19); var i18n = __webpack_require__(42); var TABLE_BORDER_WIDTH = __webpack_require__(10).dimension.TABLE_BORDER_WIDTH; /** * Layer class that represents the state of rendering phase. * @module view/stateLayer * @extends module:base/view * @param {Object} options - Options * @ignore */ var StateLayer = View.extend(/** @lends module:view/stateLayer.prototype */{ initialize: function(options) { this.dimensionModel = options.dimensionModel; this.renderModel = options.renderModel; this.listenTo(this.dimensionModel, 'change', this._refreshLayout); this.listenTo(this.renderModel, 'change:state', this.render); }, className: classNameConst.LAYER_STATE, template: _.template( '
' + '

<%= text %>

' + ' <% if (isLoading) { %>' + '
' + ' <% } %>' + '
' ), /** * Render * @returns {object} This object */ render: function() { var renderState = this.renderModel.get('state'); if (renderState === stateConst.DONE) { this.$el.hide(); } else { this._showLayer(renderState); } return this; }, /** * Shows the state layer. * @param {string} renderState - Render state {@link module:common/constMap#renderState} * @private */ _showLayer: function(renderState) { var layerHtml = this.template({ text: this._getMessage(renderState), isLoading: (renderState === stateConst.LOADING) }); this.$el.html(layerHtml).show(); this._refreshLayout(); }, /** * Returns the message based on the renderState value * @param {string} renderState - Renderer.state value * @returns {string} - Message */ _getMessage: function(renderState) { switch (renderState) { case stateConst.LOADING: return i18n.get('display.loadingData'); case stateConst.EMPTY: return i18n.get('display.noData'); default: return null; } }, /** * Sets the marginTop and height value. * @private */ _refreshLayout: function() { var dimensionModel = this.dimensionModel; var headerHeight = dimensionModel.get('headerHeight'); var bodyHeight = dimensionModel.get('bodyHeight'); var scrollXHeight = dimensionModel.getScrollXHeight(); var scrollYWidth = dimensionModel.getScrollYWidth(); this.$el.css({ top: headerHeight, height: bodyHeight - scrollXHeight - TABLE_BORDER_WIDTH, left: 0, right: scrollYWidth }); } }); module.exports = StateLayer; /***/ }), /* 42 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /** * @fileoverview i18n module file * @author NHN. FE Development Lab */ 'use strict'; var _ = __webpack_require__(2); var util = __webpack_require__(17); var messages = { en: { display: { noData: 'No data.', loadingData: 'Loading data.', resizeHandleGuide: 'You can change the width of the column by mouse drag, ' + 'and initialize the width by double-clicking.' }, net: { confirmCreate: 'Are you sure you want to create {{count}} data?', confirmUpdate: 'Are you sure you want to update {{count}} data?', confirmDelete: 'Are you sure you want to delete {{count}} data?', confirmModify: 'Are you sure you want to modify {{count}} data?', noDataToCreate: 'No data to create.', noDataToUpdate: 'No data to update.', noDataToDelete: 'No data to delete.', noDataToModify: 'No data to modify.', failResponse: 'An error occurred while requesting data.\nPlease try again.' } }, ko: { display: { noData: '데이터가 존재하지 않습니다.', loadingData: '데이터를 불러오는 중입니다.', resizeHandleGuide: '마우스 드래그하여 컬럼 너비를 조정할 수 있고, ' + '더블 클릭으로 컬럼 너비를 초기화할 수 있습니다.' }, net: { confirmCreate: '{{count}}건의 데이터를 생성하겠습니까?', confirmUpdate: '{{count}}건의 데이터를 수정하겠습니까?', confirmDelete: '{{count}}건의 데이터를 삭제하겠습니까?', confirmModify: '{{count}}건의 데이터를 처리하겠습니까?', noDataToCreate: '생성할 데이터가 없습니다.', noDataToUpdate: '수정할 데이터가 없습니다.', noDataToDelete: '삭제할 데이터가 없습니다.', noDataToModify: '처리할 데이터가 없습니다.', failResponse: '데이터 요청 중에 에러가 발생하였습니다.\n다시 시도하여 주시기 바랍니다.' } } }; var messageMap = {}; /** * Flatten message map * @param {object} data - Messages * @returns {object} Flatten message object (key foramt is 'key.subKey') * @ignore */ function flattenMessageMap(data) { var obj = {}; var newKey; _.each(data, function(groupMessages, key) { _.each(groupMessages, function(message, subKey) { newKey = [key, subKey].join('.'); obj[newKey] = message; }); }, this); return obj; } module.exports = { /** * Set messages * @param {string} localeCode - Code to set locale messages and * this is the language or language-region combination. (ex: en-US) * @param {object} [data] - Messages using in Grid */ setLanguage: function(localeCode, data) { var localeMessages = messages[localeCode]; var originData, newData; if (!localeMessages && !data) { throw new Error('You should set messages to map the locale code.'); } newData = flattenMessageMap(data); if (localeMessages) { originData = flattenMessageMap(localeMessages); messageMap = _.extend(originData, newData); } else { messageMap = newData; } }, /** * Get message * @param {string} key - Key to find message (ex: 'net.confirmCreate') * @param {object} [replacements] - Values to replace string * @returns {string} Message */ get: function(key, replacements) { var message = messageMap[key]; if (replacements) { message = util.replaceText(message, replacements); } return message; } }; /***/ }), /* 43 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /** * @fileoverview Hidden Textarea View for handling key navigation events and emulating clipboard actions * @author NHN. FE Development Lab */ 'use strict'; var $ = __webpack_require__(7); var _ = __webpack_require__(2); var snippet = __webpack_require__(3); var View = __webpack_require__(4); var clipboardUtil = __webpack_require__(18); var keyEvent = __webpack_require__(44); var classNameConst = __webpack_require__(19); var KEYDOWN_LOCK_TIME = 10; var Clipboard; var isEdge = snippet.browser.edge; var supportWindowClipboardData = !!window.clipboardData; /** * Returns whether the ev.preventDefault should be called * @param {module:event/gridEvent} gridEvent - GridEvent * @returns {boolean} * @ignore */ function shouldPreventDefault(gridEvent) { return gridEvent.type !== 'key:clipboard'; } /** * Returns whether given GrivEvent instance is paste event * @param {module:event/gridEvent} gridEvent - GridEvent * @returns {boolean} * @ignore */ function isPasteEvent(gridEvent) { return gridEvent.type === 'key:clipboard' && gridEvent.command === 'paste'; } /** * Clipboard view class * @module view/clipboard * @extends module:base/view * @param {Object} options - Options * @ignore */ Clipboard = View.extend(/** @lends module:view/clipboard.prototype */{ initialize: function(options) { _.assign(this, { focusModel: options.focusModel, clipboardModel: options.clipboardModel, domEventBus: options.domEventBus, isLocked: false, lockTimerId: null }); this.listenTo(this.focusModel, 'focusClipboard', this._onFocusClipboard); this.listenTo(this.clipboardModel, 'change:text', this._onClipboardTextChange); }, tagName: 'div', className: classNameConst.CLIPBOARD, attributes: { contenteditable: true }, events: { keydown: '_onKeyDown', copy: '_onCopy', paste: '_onPaste', blur: '_onBlur' }, /** * Render * @returns {module:view/clipboard} */ render: function() { return this; }, /** * Event handler for blur event. * @private */ _onBlur: function() { var focusModel = this.focusModel; setTimeout(function() { focusModel.refreshState(); }, 0); }, /** * Event handler for the keydown event * @param {Event} ev - Event * @private */ _onKeyDown: function(ev) { var gridEvent; if (this.isLocked) { ev.preventDefault(); return; } gridEvent = keyEvent.generate(ev); if (!gridEvent) { return; } this._lock(); if (shouldPreventDefault(gridEvent)) { ev.preventDefault(); } if (!isPasteEvent(gridEvent)) { this.domEventBus.trigger(gridEvent.type, gridEvent); } }, /** * oncopy event handler * - Step 1: When the keys(ctrl+c) are downed on grid, 'key:clipboard' is triggered. * - Step 2: To listen 'change:text event on the clipboard model. * - Step 3: When 'change:text' event is fired, * IE browsers set copied data to window.clipboardData in event handler and * other browsers append copied data and focus to contenteditable element. * - Step 4: Finally, when 'copy' event is fired on browsers except IE, * setting copied data to ClipboardEvent.clipboardData. * @param {jQueryEvent} ev - Event object * @private */ _onCopy: function(ev) { var text = this.clipboardModel.get('text'); if (!supportWindowClipboardData) { (ev.originalEvent || ev).clipboardData.setData('text/plain', text); } ev.preventDefault(); }, /** * onpaste event handler * The original 'paste' event should be prevented on browsers except MS * to block that copied data is appending on contenteditable element. * @param {jQueryEvent} ev - Event object * @private */ _onPaste: function(ev) { var clipboardData = (ev.originalEvent || ev).clipboardData || window.clipboardData; if (!isEdge && !supportWindowClipboardData) { ev.preventDefault(); this._pasteInOtherBrowsers(clipboardData); } else { this._pasteInMSBrowsers(clipboardData); } }, /** * Event handler for 'focusClipboard' event on focusModel * @private */ _onFocusClipboard: function() { try { if (!this._hasFocus()) { this.$el.focus(); // bug fix for IE8 (calling focus() only once doesn't work) if (!this._hasFocus()) { this.$el.focus(); } } } catch (e) { // Do nothing. // This try/catch block is just for preventing 'Unspecified error' // in IE9(and under) when running test using karma. } }, /** * Event handler for the 'change:text' event on the model/clipboard module * @private */ _onClipboardTextChange: function() { var text = this.clipboardModel.get('text'); if (supportWindowClipboardData) { window.clipboardData.setData('Text', text); } else { this.$el.html(text).focus(); } }, /** * Paste copied data in other browsers (chrome, safari, firefox) * [if] condition is copying from ms-excel, * [else] condition is copying from the grid or the copied data is plain text. * @param {object} clipboardData - clipboard object * @private */ _pasteInOtherBrowsers: function(clipboardData) { var clipboardModel = this.clipboardModel; var data = clipboardData.getData('text/html'); var table; if (data && $(data).find('tbody').length > 0) { // step 1: Append copied data on contenteditable element to parsing correctly table data. this.$el.html('' + $(data).find('tbody').html() + '
'); // step 2: Make grid data from cell data of appended table element. table = this.$el.find('table')[0]; data = clipboardUtil.convertTableToData(table); // step 3: Empty contenteditable element to reset. this.$el.html(''); } else { data = clipboardData.getData('text/plain'); data = clipboardUtil.convertTextToData(data); } clipboardModel.pasteClipboardDataToGrid(data); }, /** * Paste copied data in MS-browsers (IE, edge) * @param {object} clipboardData - clipboard object * @private */ _pasteInMSBrowsers: function(clipboardData) { var self = this; var clipboardModel = this.clipboardModel; var data = clipboardData.getData('Text'); var table; data = clipboardUtil.convertTextToData(data); setTimeout(function() { if (self.$el.find('table').length > 0) { table = self.$el.find('table')[0]; data = clipboardUtil.convertTableToData(table); } self.$el.html(''); clipboardModel.pasteClipboardDataToGrid(data); }, 0); }, /** * Lock for a moment to reduce event frequency * @private */ _lock: function() { this.isLocked = true; this.lockTimerId = setTimeout(_.bind(this._unlock, this), KEYDOWN_LOCK_TIME); }, /** * Unlock * @private */ _unlock: function() { this.isLocked = false; this.lockTimerId = null; }, /** * Returns whether the element has focus * @returns {boolean} * @private */ _hasFocus: function() { return this.$el.is(':focus'); } }); Clipboard.KEYDOWN_LOCK_TIME = KEYDOWN_LOCK_TIME; module.exports = Clipboard; /***/ }), /* 44 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /** * @fileoverview Key event generator * @author NHN. FE Development Lab */ 'use strict'; var _ = __webpack_require__(2); var GridEvent = __webpack_require__(16); var keyCodeMap = { backspace: 8, tab: 9, enter: 13, ctrl: 17, esc: 27, left: 37, up: 38, right: 39, down: 40, a: 65, c: 67, v: 86, space: 32, pageUp: 33, pageDown: 34, home: 36, end: 35, del: 46 }; var keyNameMap = _.invert(keyCodeMap); /** * K-V object for matching keystroke and event command * K: keystroke (order : ctrl -> shift -> keyName) * V: [key event type, command] * @type {Object} * @ignore */ var keyStrokeCommandMap = { 'up': ['move', 'up'], 'down': ['move', 'down'], 'left': ['move', 'left'], 'right': ['move', 'right'], 'pageUp': ['move', 'pageUp'], 'pageDown': ['move', 'pageDown'], 'home': ['move', 'firstColumn'], 'end': ['move', 'lastColumn'], 'enter': ['edit', 'currentCell'], 'space': ['edit', 'currentCell'], 'tab': ['edit', 'nextCell'], 'backspace': ['delete'], 'del': ['delete'], 'shift-tab': ['edit', 'prevCell'], 'shift-up': ['select', 'up'], 'shift-down': ['select', 'down'], 'shift-left': ['select', 'left'], 'shift-right': ['select', 'right'], 'shift-pageUp': ['select', 'pageUp'], 'shift-pageDown': ['select', 'pageDown'], 'shift-home': ['select', 'firstColumn'], 'shift-end': ['select', 'lastColumn'], 'ctrl-a': ['select', 'all'], 'ctrl-c': ['clipboard', 'copy'], 'ctrl-v': ['clipboard', 'paste'], 'ctrl-home': ['move', 'firstCell'], 'ctrl-end': ['move', 'lastCell'], 'ctrl-shift-home': ['select', 'firstCell'], 'ctrl-shift-end': ['select', 'lastCell'] }; /** * Returns the keyStroke string * @param {Event} ev - Keyboard event * @returns {String} * @ignore */ function getKeyStrokeString(ev) { var keys = []; if (ev.ctrlKey || ev.metaKey) { keys.push('ctrl'); } if (ev.shiftKey) { keys.push('shift'); } keys.push(keyNameMap[ev.keyCode]); return keys.join('-'); } /* Keyboard Event Generator * @module event/keyEvent * @ignore */ module.exports = { generate: function(ev) { var keyStroke = getKeyStrokeString(ev); var commandInfo = keyStrokeCommandMap[keyStroke]; var gridEvent; if (commandInfo) { gridEvent = new GridEvent(ev, { type: 'key:' + commandInfo[0], command: commandInfo[1] }); } return gridEvent; } }; /***/ }), /* 45 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /** * @fileoverview Left Side Frame * @author NHN. FE Development Lab */ 'use strict'; var $ = __webpack_require__(7); var _ = __webpack_require__(2); var Frame = __webpack_require__(46); var classNameConst = __webpack_require__(19); var frameConst = __webpack_require__(10).frame; /** * Left Side Frame * @module view/layout/frame-lside * @extends module:view/layout/frame * @ignore */ var LsideFrame = Frame.extend(/** @lends module:view/layout/frame-lside.prototype */{ initialize: function() { Frame.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments); _.assign(this, { whichSide: frameConst.L }); this.listenTo(this.dimensionModel, 'change:lsideWidth', this._onFrameWidthChanged); }, className: classNameConst.LSIDE_AREA, /** * Event handler for 'change:lsideWidth' event on module:model/dimension * @private */ _onFrameWidthChanged: function() { this.$el.css({ width: this.dimensionModel.get('lsideWidth') }); }, /** * To be called at the beginning of the 'render' method. * @override */ beforeRender: function() { this.$el.css({ display: 'block', width: this.dimensionModel.get('lsideWidth') }); }, /** * To be called at the end of the 'render' method. * @override */ afterRender: function() { if (this.dimensionModel.get('scrollX')) { this.$el.append($('
').addClass(classNameConst.SCROLLBAR_LEFT_BOTTOM)); } } }); module.exports = LsideFrame; /***/ }), /* 46 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /** * @fileoverview Frame Base * @author NHN. FE Development Lab */ 'use strict'; var _ = __webpack_require__(2); var View = __webpack_require__(4); var constMap = __webpack_require__(10); var frameConst = constMap.frame; var summaryPositionConst = constMap.summaryPosition; /** * Base class for frame view. * @module view/layout/frame * @extends module:base/view * @param {Object} options Options * @param {String} [options.whichSide=R] R for Right side, L for Left side * @ignore */ var Frame = View.extend(/** @lends module:view/layout/frame.prototype */{ initialize: function(options) { View.prototype.initialize.call(this); _.assign(this, { viewFactory: options.viewFactory, renderModel: options.renderModel, dimensionModel: options.dimensionModel, whichSide: options.whichSide || frameConst.R }); this.listenTo(this.renderModel, 'columnModelChanged', this.render); }, /** * Render * @returns {module:view/layout/frame} This object */ render: function() { this.$el.empty(); this._destroyChildren(); this.beforeRender(); this._addChildren(this._createChildren()); this.$el.append(this._renderChildren()); this.afterRender(); return this; }, /** * To be called at the beginning of the 'render' method. * @abstract */ beforeRender: function() {}, /** * To be called at the end of the 'render' method. * @abstract */ afterRender: function() {}, /** * Create children view to append on frame element * @returns {array} View elements * @private */ _createChildren: function() { var factory = this.viewFactory; var summaryPosition = this.dimensionModel.get('summaryPosition'); var header = factory.createHeader(this.whichSide); var body = factory.createBody(this.whichSide); var summary = factory.createSummary(this.whichSide, summaryPosition); var children; if (summaryPosition === summaryPositionConst.TOP) { children = [header, summary, body]; } else if (summaryPosition === summaryPositionConst.BOTTOM) { children = [header, body, summary]; } else { children = [header, body]; } return children; } }); module.exports = Frame; /***/ }), /* 47 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /** * @fileoverview Right Side Frame * @author NHN. FE Development Lab */ 'use strict'; var $ = __webpack_require__(7); var _ = __webpack_require__(2); var Frame = __webpack_require__(46); var classNameConst = __webpack_require__(19); var constMap = __webpack_require__(10); var frameConst = constMap.frame; var dimensionConst = constMap.dimension; var summaryPositionConst = constMap.summaryPosition; var CELL_BORDER_WIDTH = dimensionConst.CELL_BORDER_WIDTH; var RsideFrame; /** * Create div element to use on right-side area * @param {string} className - class name to add on element * @param {object} styles - style object to set css * @returns {jQuery} created div element * @ignore */ function createDiv(className, styles) { var $element = $('
').addClass(className); if (styles) { $element.css(styles); } return $element; } /** * right side frame class * @module view/layout/frame-rside * @extends module:view/layout/frame * @ignore */ RsideFrame = Frame.extend(/** @lends module:view/layout/frame-rside.prototype */{ initialize: function() { Frame.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments); _.assign(this, { whichSide: frameConst.R, $scrollBorder: null }); this.listenTo(this.dimensionModel, 'change:lsideWidth change:rsideWidth', this._onFrameWidthChanged); this.listenTo(this.dimensionModel, 'change:bodyHeight change:headerHeight', this._resetScrollBorderHeight); }, className: classNameConst.RSIDE_AREA, /** * Event handler for 'change:rsideWidth' event on dimensionModel * @private * @override */ _onFrameWidthChanged: function() { this._refreshLayout(); }, /** * Refresh layout * @private */ _refreshLayout: function() { var dimensionModel = this.dimensionModel; var width = dimensionModel.get('rsideWidth'); var marginLeft = dimensionModel.get('lsideWidth'); var frozenBorderWidth = dimensionModel.get('frozenBorderWidth'); // If the left side exists and the division border should not be doubled, // left side should cover the right side by border-width to hide the left border of the right side. if (marginLeft > 0 && !dimensionModel.isDivisionBorderDoubled()) { width += CELL_BORDER_WIDTH; marginLeft -= CELL_BORDER_WIDTH; } this.$el.css({ width: width, marginLeft: marginLeft + frozenBorderWidth }); }, /** * Resets the height of a vertical scroll-bar border * @private */ _resetScrollBorderHeight: function() { var dimensionModel, height; if (this.$scrollBorder) { dimensionModel = this.dimensionModel; height = dimensionModel.get('bodyHeight') - dimensionModel.getScrollXHeight(); this.$scrollBorder.height(height); } }, /** * To be called at the beginning of the 'render' method. * @override */ beforeRender: function() { this.$el.css('display', 'block'); this._refreshLayout(); }, /** * To be called at the end of the 'render' method. * @override */ afterRender: function() { var dimensionModel = this.dimensionModel; var scrollX = dimensionModel.get('scrollX'); var scrollY = dimensionModel.get('scrollY'); var spaceHeights = this._getSpaceHeights(scrollX, scrollY); this._setScrollbar(scrollX, scrollY, spaceHeights); if (dimensionModel.get('frozenBorderWidth')) { this._setFrozenBorder(scrollX); } this._resetScrollBorderHeight(); }, /** * Get height values of top, bottom space on scroll area * @param {boolean} scrollX - Whether the grid has x-scroll or not * @param {boolean} scrollY - Whether the grid has y-scroll or not * @returns {object} Heighs value * @private */ _getSpaceHeights: function(scrollX, scrollY) { var dimensionModel = this.dimensionModel; var summaryHeight = dimensionModel.get('summaryHeight'); var summaryPosition = dimensionModel.get('summaryPosition'); var topHeight = dimensionModel.get('headerHeight'); var bottomHeight = scrollX ? dimensionConst.SCROLLBAR_WIDTH : 0; if (scrollY && summaryHeight) { if (summaryPosition === summaryPositionConst.TOP) { topHeight += summaryHeight + dimensionConst.TABLE_BORDER_WIDTH; } else { bottomHeight += summaryHeight; } } return { top: topHeight, bottom: bottomHeight }; }, /** * Create scrollbar area and set styles * @param {boolean} scrollX - Whether the grid has x-scroll or not * @param {boolean} scrollY - Whether the grid has y-scroll or not * @param {object} spaceHeights - Height values of top, bottom space on scroll area * @private */ _setScrollbar: function(scrollX, scrollY, spaceHeights) { var $yInnerBorder, $yOuterBorder, $spaceRightTop, $spaceRightBottom, $frozenBorder; if (scrollX) { $frozenBorder = createDiv(classNameConst.SCROLLBAR_FROZEN_BORDER, { height: dimensionConst.SCROLLBAR_WIDTH }); } if (scrollY) { // subtract 2px for border-width (top and bottom) $spaceRightTop = createDiv(classNameConst.SCROLLBAR_RIGHT_TOP, { height: spaceHeights.top - 2 }); $yInnerBorder = createDiv(classNameConst.SCROLLBAR_Y_INNER_BORDER, { top: spaceHeights.top }); $yOuterBorder = createDiv(classNameConst.SCROLLBAR_Y_OUTER_BORDER); } if (scrollX || scrollY) { $spaceRightBottom = createDiv(classNameConst.SCROLLBAR_RIGHT_BOTTOM, { height: spaceHeights.bottom }); } this.$el.append( $yInnerBorder, $yOuterBorder, $spaceRightTop, $spaceRightBottom, $frozenBorder ); this.$scrollBorder = $yInnerBorder; }, /** * Create frozen border and set styles * @param {boolean} scrollX - Whether the grid has x-scroll or not * @private */ _setFrozenBorder: function() { var dimensionModel = this.dimensionModel; var headerHeight = dimensionModel.get('headerHeight'); var frozenBorderWidth = dimensionModel.get('frozenBorderWidth'); var resizeHandleView = this.viewFactory.createHeaderResizeHandle(frameConst.L, [headerHeight], true); var $resizeHanlder = resizeHandleView.render().$el; var $frozenBorder = createDiv(classNameConst.FROZEN_BORDER, { marginLeft: -frozenBorderWidth, width: frozenBorderWidth }); this.$el.append($resizeHanlder, $frozenBorder) .find('.' + classNameConst.SCROLLBAR_FROZEN_BORDER) .css({ marginLeft: -(frozenBorderWidth + CELL_BORDER_WIDTH), width: frozenBorderWidth }); } }); module.exports = RsideFrame; /***/ }), /* 48 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /** * @fileoverview Header View * @author NHN. FE Development Lab */ 'use strict'; var $ = __webpack_require__(7); var _ = __webpack_require__(2); var View = __webpack_require__(4); var util = __webpack_require__(17); var constMap = __webpack_require__(10); var classNameConst = __webpack_require__(19); var GridEvent = __webpack_require__(16); var DragEventEmitter = __webpack_require__(40); var frameConst = constMap.frame; var DELAY_SYNC_CHECK = 10; var keyCodeMap = constMap.keyCode; var ATTR_COLUMN_NAME = constMap.attrName.COLUMN_NAME; var CELL_BORDER_WIDTH = constMap.dimension.CELL_BORDER_WIDTH; var TABLE_BORDER_WIDTH = constMap.dimension.TABLE_BORDER_WIDTH; // Minimum time (ms) to detect if an alert or confirm dialog has been displayed. var MIN_INTERVAL_FOR_PAUSED = 200; var Header; /** * Get count of same columns in complex columns * @param {array} currentColumn - Current column's model * @param {array} prevColumn - Previous column's model * @returns {number} Count of same columns * @ignore */ function getSameColumnCount(currentColumn, prevColumn) { var index = 0; var len = Math.min(currentColumn.length, prevColumn.length); for (; index < len; index += 1) { if (currentColumn[index].name !== prevColumn[index].name) { break; } } return index; } /** * Header Layout View * @module view/layout/header * @extends module:base/view * @param {Object} options - options * @param {String} [options.whichSide=R] R: Right, L: Left * @ignore */ Header = View.extend(/** @lends module:view/layout/header.prototype */{ initialize: function(options) { View.prototype.initialize.call(this); _.assign(this, { renderModel: options.renderModel, coordColumnModel: options.coordColumnModel, selectionModel: options.selectionModel, focusModel: options.focusModel, columnModel: options.columnModel, dataModel: options.dataModel, coordRowModel: options.coordRowModel, dimensionModel: options.dimensionModel, viewFactory: options.viewFactory, domEventBus: options.domEventBus, whichSide: options.whichSide || frameConst.R }); this.dragEmitter = new DragEventEmitter({ type: 'header', domEventBus: this.domEventBus, onDragMove: _.bind(this._onDragMove, this) }); this.listenTo(this.renderModel, 'change:scrollLeft', this._onScrollLeftChange) .listenTo(this.coordColumnModel, 'columnWidthChanged', this._onColumnWidthChanged) .listenTo(this.selectionModel, 'change:range', this._refreshSelectedHeaders) .listenTo(this.focusModel, 'change:columnName', this._refreshSelectedHeaders) .listenTo(this.dataModel, 'sortChanged', this._updateBtnSortState) .listenTo(this.dimensionModel, 'change:headerHeight', this.render); if (this.whichSide === frameConst.L && this.columnModel.get('selectType') === 'checkbox') { this.listenTo(this.dataModel, 'change:_button disabledChanged extraDataChanged add remove reset', _.debounce(_.bind(this._syncCheckedState, this), DELAY_SYNC_CHECK)); } }, className: classNameConst.HEAD_AREA, events: { 'click': '_onClick', 'keydown input': '_onKeydown', 'mousedown th': '_onMouseDown' }, /** * template */ template: _.template( '' + '<%=colGroup%>' + '<%=tBody%>' + '
' ), /** * template for */ templateHeader: _.template( '="<%=columnName%>" ' + 'class="<%=className%>" ' + 'height="<%=height%>" ' + '<%if(colspan > 0) {%>' + 'colspan=<%=colspan%> ' + '<%}%>' + '<%if(rowspan > 0) {%>' + 'rowspan=<%=rowspan%> ' + '<%}%>' + '>' + '<%=title%><%=btnSort%>' + '' ), /** * templse for */ templateCol: _.template( '="<%=columnName%>" ' + 'style="width:<%=width%>px">' ), /** * HTML string for a button */ markupBtnSort: '', /** * col group 마크업을 생성한다. * @returns {string} 에 들어갈 html 마크업 스트링 * @private */ _getColGroupMarkup: function() { var columnData = this._getColumnData(); var columnWidths = columnData.widths; var columns = columnData.columns; var htmlList = []; _.each(columnWidths, function(width, index) { htmlList.push(this.templateCol({ attrColumnName: ATTR_COLUMN_NAME, columnName: columns[index].name, width: width + CELL_BORDER_WIDTH })); }, this); return htmlList.join(''); }, /** * Returns an array of names of columns in selection range. * @private * @returns {Array.} */ _getSelectedColumnNames: function() { var columnRange = this.selectionModel.get('range').column; var visibleColumns = this.columnModel.getVisibleColumns(); var selectedColumns = visibleColumns.slice(columnRange[0], columnRange[1] + 1); return _.pluck(selectedColumns, 'name'); }, _onDragMove: function(gridEvent) { var $target = $(gridEvent.target); gridEvent.setData({ columnName: $target.closest('th').attr(ATTR_COLUMN_NAME), isOnHeaderArea: $.contains(this.el, $target[0]) }); }, /** * Returns an array of names of merged-column which contains every column name in the given array. * @param {Array.} columnNames - an array of column names to test * @returns {Array.} * @private */ _getContainingMergedColumnNames: function(columnNames) { var columnModel = this.columnModel; var mergedColumnNames = _.pluck(columnModel.get('complexHeaderColumns'), 'name'); return _.filter(mergedColumnNames, function(mergedColumnName) { var unitColumnNames = columnModel.getUnitColumnNamesIfMerged(mergedColumnName); return _.every(unitColumnNames, function(name) { return _.contains(columnNames, name); }); }); }, /** * Refreshes selected class of every header element (th) * @private */ _refreshSelectedHeaders: function() { var $ths = this.$el.find('th'); var columnNames, mergedColumnNames; if (this.selectionModel.hasSelection()) { columnNames = this._getSelectedColumnNames(); } else if (this.focusModel.has(true)) { columnNames = [this.focusModel.get('columnName')]; } $ths.removeClass(classNameConst.CELL_SELECTED); if (columnNames) { mergedColumnNames = this._getContainingMergedColumnNames(columnNames); _.each(columnNames.concat(mergedColumnNames), function(columnName) { $ths.filter('[' + ATTR_COLUMN_NAME + '="' + columnName + '"]').addClass(classNameConst.CELL_SELECTED); }); } }, /** * Event handler for 'keydown' event on checkbox input * @param {KeyboardEvent} event - event * @private */ _onKeydown: function(event) { if (event.keyCode === keyCodeMap.TAB) { event.preventDefault(); this.focusModel.focusClipboard(); } }, /** * Mousedown event handler * @param {jQuery.Event} ev - MouseDown event * @private */ _onMouseDown: function(ev) { var $target = $(ev.target); var columnName; if (!this._triggerPublicMousedown(ev)) { return; } if ($target.hasClass(classNameConst.BTN_SORT)) { return; } columnName = $target.closest('th').attr(ATTR_COLUMN_NAME); if (columnName) { this.dragEmitter.start(ev, { columnName: columnName }); } }, /** * Trigger mousedown:body event on domEventBus and returns the result * @param {MouseEvent} ev - MouseEvent * @returns {module:event/gridEvent} * @private */ _triggerPublicMousedown: function(ev) { var startTime, endTime; var gridEvent = new GridEvent(ev, GridEvent.getTargetInfo($(ev.target))); var paused; startTime = (new Date()).getTime(); this.domEventBus.trigger('mousedown', gridEvent); endTime = (new Date()).getTime(); // check if the model window (alert or confirm) was popped up paused = (endTime - startTime) > MIN_INTERVAL_FOR_PAUSED; return !gridEvent.isStopped() && !paused; }, /** * selectType 이 checkbox 일 때 랜더링 되는 header checkbox 엘리먼트를 반환한다. * @returns {jQuery} _butoon 컬럼 헤더의 checkbox input 엘리먼트 * @private */ _getHeaderMainCheckbox: function() { return this.$el.find('th[' + ATTR_COLUMN_NAME + '="_button"] input'); }, /** * header 영역의 input 상태를 실제 checked 된 count 에 맞추어 반영한다. * @private */ _syncCheckedState: function() { var checkedState = this.dataModel.getCheckedState(); var $input, props; $input = this._getHeaderMainCheckbox(); if (!$input.length) { return; } if (!checkedState.available) { props = { checked: false, disabled: true }; } else { props = { checked: checkedState.available === checkedState.checked, disabled: false }; } $input.prop(props); }, /** * column width 변경시 col 엘리먼트들을 조작하기 위한 헨들러 * @private */ _onColumnWidthChanged: function() { var columnWidths = this.coordColumnModel.getWidths(this.whichSide); var $colList = this.$el.find('col'); var coordRowModel = this.coordRowModel; _.each(columnWidths, function(columnWidth, index) { $colList.eq(index).css('width', columnWidth + CELL_BORDER_WIDTH); }); // Calls syncWithDom only from the Rside to prevent calling twice. // Defered call to ensure that the execution occurs after both sides are rendered. if (this.whichSide === frameConst.R) { _.defer(function() { coordRowModel.syncWithDom(); }); } }, /** * scroll left 값이 변경되었을 때 header 싱크를 맞추는 이벤트 핸들러 * @param {Object} model 변경이 발생한 model 인스턴스 * @param {Number} value scrollLeft 값 * @private */ /* istanbul ignore next: scrollLeft 를 확인할 수 없음 */ _onScrollLeftChange: function(model, value) { if (this.whichSide === frameConst.R) { this.el.scrollLeft = value; } }, /** * Event handler for click event * @param {jQuery.Event} ev - MouseEvent * @private */ _onClick: function(ev) { var $target = $(ev.target); var columnName = $target.closest('th').attr(ATTR_COLUMN_NAME); var eventData = new GridEvent(ev); if (columnName === '_button' && $target.is('input')) { eventData.setData({ checked: $target.prop('checked') }); this.domEventBus.trigger('click:headerCheck', eventData); } else if ($target.is('a.' + classNameConst.BTN_SORT)) { eventData.setData({ columnName: columnName, sortingType: this._getColumnSortingType(columnName) }); this.domEventBus.trigger('click:headerSort', eventData); } }, /** * 정렬 버튼의 상태를 변경한다. * @private * @param {object} sortOptions 정렬 옵션 * @param {string} sortOptions.columnName 정렬할 컬럼명 * @param {boolean} sortOptions.ascending 오름차순 여부 */ _updateBtnSortState: function(sortOptions) { var className; if (this._$currentSortBtn) { this._$currentSortBtn.removeClass(classNameConst.BTN_SORT_DOWN + ' ' + classNameConst.BTN_SORT_UP); } this._$currentSortBtn = this.$el.find( 'th[' + ATTR_COLUMN_NAME + '="' + sortOptions.columnName + '"] a.' + classNameConst.BTN_SORT ); className = sortOptions.ascending ? classNameConst.BTN_SORT_UP : classNameConst.BTN_SORT_DOWN; this._$currentSortBtn.addClass(className); }, /** * 랜더링 * @returns {View.Layout.Header} this */ render: function() { var resizeHandleHeights; this._destroyChildren(); this.$el.css({ height: this.dimensionModel.get('headerHeight') - TABLE_BORDER_WIDTH }).html(this.template({ colGroup: this._getColGroupMarkup(), tBody: this._getTableBodyMarkup() })); if (this.coordColumnModel.get('resizable')) { resizeHandleHeights = this._getResizeHandleHeights(); this._addChildren(this.viewFactory.createHeaderResizeHandle(this.whichSide, resizeHandleHeights)); this.$el.append(this._renderChildren()); } return this; }, /** * 컬럼 정보를 반환한다. * @returns {{widths: (Array|*), columns: (Array|*)}} columnWidths 와 columns 를 함께 반환한다. * @private */ _getColumnData: function() { var columnWidths = this.coordColumnModel.getWidths(this.whichSide); var columns = this.columnModel.getVisibleColumns(this.whichSide, true); return { widths: columnWidths, columns: columns }; }, /* eslint-disable complexity */ /** * Header 의 body markup 을 생성한다. * @returns {string} header 의 테이블 body 영역에 들어갈 html 마크업 스트링 * @private */ _getTableBodyMarkup: function() { var hierarchyList = this._getColumnHierarchyList(); var maxRowCount = this._getHierarchyMaxRowCount(hierarchyList); var headerHeight = this.dimensionModel.get('headerHeight'); var rowMarkupList = new Array(maxRowCount); var columnNames = new Array(maxRowCount); var colSpanList = []; var rowHeight = util.getRowHeight(maxRowCount, headerHeight) - 1; var rowSpan = 1; var height; var headerMarkupList; _.each(hierarchyList, function(hierarchy, i) { var length = hierarchyList[i].length; var curHeight = 0; _.each(hierarchy, function(columnModel, j) { var columnName = columnModel.name; var classNames = [ classNameConst.CELL, classNameConst.CELL_HEAD ]; if (columnModel.validation && columnModel.validation.required) { classNames.push(classNameConst.CELL_REQRUIRED); } rowSpan = (length - 1 === j && (maxRowCount - length + 1) > 1) ? (maxRowCount - length + 1) : 1; height = rowHeight * rowSpan; if (j === length - 1) { height = (headerHeight - curHeight) - 2; } else { curHeight += height + 1; } if (columnNames[j] === columnName) { rowMarkupList[j].pop(); colSpanList[j] += 1; } else { colSpanList[j] = 1; } columnNames[j] = columnName; rowMarkupList[j] = rowMarkupList[j] || []; rowMarkupList[j].push(this.templateHeader({ attrColumnName: ATTR_COLUMN_NAME, columnName: columnName, className: classNames.join(' '), height: height, colspan: colSpanList[j], rowspan: rowSpan, title: columnModel.title, btnSort: columnModel.sortable ? this.markupBtnSort : '' })); }, this); }, this); headerMarkupList = _.map(rowMarkupList, function(rowMarkup) { return '' + rowMarkup.join('') + ''; }); return headerMarkupList.join(''); }, /* eslint-enable complexity */ /** * column merge 가 설정되어 있을 때 헤더의 max row count 를 가져온다. * @param {Array} hierarchyList 헤더 마크업 생성시 사용될 계층구조 데이터 * @returns {number} 헤더 영역의 row 최대값 * @private */ _getHierarchyMaxRowCount: function(hierarchyList) { var lengthList = [0]; _.each(hierarchyList, function(hierarchy) { lengthList.push(hierarchy.length); }, this); return Math.max.apply(Math, lengthList); }, /** * column merge 가 설정되어 있을 때 헤더의 계층구조 리스트를 가져온다. * @returns {Array} 계층구조 리스트 * @private */ _getColumnHierarchyList: function() { var columns = this._getColumnData().columns; var hierarchyList; hierarchyList = _.map(columns, function(column) { return this._getColumnHierarchy(column).reverse(); }, this); return hierarchyList; }, /** * complexHeaderColumns 가 설정되어 있을 때 재귀적으로 돌면서 계층구조를 형성한다. * @param {Object} column - column * @param {Array} [results] - 결과로 메모이제이션을 이용하기 위한 인자값 * @returns {Array} * @private */ _getColumnHierarchy: function(column, results) { var complexHeaderColumns = this.columnModel.get('complexHeaderColumns'); results = results || []; if (column) { results.push(column); if (complexHeaderColumns) { _.each(complexHeaderColumns, function(headerColumn) { if ($.inArray(column.name, headerColumn.childNames) !== -1) { this._getColumnHierarchy(headerColumn, results); } }, this); } } return results; }, /** * Get height values of resize handlers * @returns {array} Height values of resize handles */ _getResizeHandleHeights: function() { var hierarchyList = this._getColumnHierarchyList(); var maxRowCount = this._getHierarchyMaxRowCount(hierarchyList); var rowHeight = util.getRowHeight(maxRowCount, this.dimensionModel.get('headerHeight')) - 1; var handleHeights = []; var index = 1; var coulmnLen = hierarchyList.length; var sameColumnCount, handleHeight; for (; index < coulmnLen; index += 1) { sameColumnCount = getSameColumnCount(hierarchyList[index], hierarchyList[index - 1]); handleHeight = rowHeight * (maxRowCount - sameColumnCount); handleHeights.push(handleHeight); } handleHeights.push(rowHeight * maxRowCount); // last resize handle return handleHeights; }, /** * Get sorting type of the column * @param {string} columnName - target column * @returns {string|undefined} sorting type of the column * @private */ _getColumnSortingType: function(columnName) { var columnData = this._getColumnData(); var column = _.findWhere(columnData.columns, {name: columnName}); return column.sortingType; } }); Header.DELAY_SYNC_CHECK = DELAY_SYNC_CHECK; module.exports = Header; /***/ }), /* 49 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /** * @fileoverview ResizeHandle for the Header * @author NHN. FE Development Lab */ 'use strict'; var $ = __webpack_require__(7); var _ = __webpack_require__(2); var snippet = __webpack_require__(3); var View = __webpack_require__(4); var constMap = __webpack_require__(10); var classNameConst = __webpack_require__(19); var DragEventEmitter = __webpack_require__(40); var i18n = __webpack_require__(42); var attrNameConst = constMap.attrName; var frameConst = constMap.frame; var CELL_BORDER_WIDTH = constMap.dimension.CELL_BORDER_WIDTH; var RESIZE_HANDLE_WIDTH = constMap.dimension.RESIZE_HANDLE_WIDTH; var EXTRA_WIDTH = 3; var DEFAULT_WIDTH = 7; /** * Resize Handler class * @module view/layout/resizeHandle * @extends module:base/view * @param {Object} options - Options * @ignore */ var ResizeHandle = View.extend(/** @lends module:view/layout/resizeHandle.prototype */ { initialize: function(options) { _.assign(this, { columnModel: options.columnModel, coordColumnModel: options.coordColumnModel, dimensionModel: options.dimensionModel, domEventBus: options.domEventBus, handleHeights: options.handleHeights, whichSide: options.whichSide || frameConst.R, frozenBorder: options.frozenBorder || false }); this.dragEmitter = new DragEventEmitter({ type: 'resizeColumn', cursor: 'col-resize', domEventBus: this.domEventBus, onDragMove: _.bind(this._onDragMove, this) }); this.listenTo(this.coordColumnModel, 'columnWidthChanged', this._refreshHandlerPosition); }, className: classNameConst.COLUMN_RESIZE_CONTAINER, events: function() { var eventHash = {}; eventHash['mousedown .' + classNameConst.COLUMN_RESIZE_HANDLE] = '_onMouseDown'; eventHash['dblclick .' + classNameConst.COLUMN_RESIZE_HANDLE] = '_onDblClick'; return eventHash; }, template: _.template( '
' + '
' ), /** * Return an object that contains an array of column width and an array of column model. * @returns {{widths: (Array|*), columns: (Array|*)}} Column Data * @private */ _getColumnData: function() { var columnWidths = this.coordColumnModel.getWidths(this.whichSide); var columns = this.columnModel.getVisibleColumns(this.whichSide, true); return { widths: columnWidths, columns: columns }; }, /** * Returns the HTML string of all handler. * @returns {String} * @private */ _getResizeHandlerMarkup: function() { var frozenBorder = this.frozenBorder; var columns = this._getColumnData().columns; var length = columns.length; var width = frozenBorder ? this.dimensionModel.get('frozenBorderWidth') + EXTRA_WIDTH : DEFAULT_WIDTH; var resizeHandleMarkupList = _.map(frozenBorder ? [_.last(columns)] : columns, function(column, index) { var columnName = column.name; return this.template({ lastClass: (index + 1 === length) ? classNameConst.COLUMN_RESIZE_HANDLE_LAST : '', columnIndex: frozenBorder ? length - 1 : index, columnName: columnName, width: width + 'px', height: this.handleHeights[index] + 'px', title: i18n.get('resizeHandleGuide'), displayType: (column.resizable === false) ? 'none' : 'block' }); }, this); return resizeHandleMarkupList.join(''); }, /** * Render * @returns {module:view/layout/resizeHandle} This object */ render: function() { var headerHeight = this.dimensionModel.get('headerHeight'); var htmlStr = this._getResizeHandlerMarkup(); var styles = { display: 'block' }; if (this.frozenBorder) { this.$el.addClass(classNameConst.FROZEN_BORDER_TOP); } else { _.extend(styles, { marginTop: -headerHeight, height: headerHeight }); } this.$el.empty().html(htmlStr).css(styles); this._refreshHandlerPosition(); return this; }, /** * Refresh the position of every handler. * @private */ _refreshHandlerPosition: function() { var columnData = this._getColumnData(); var columnWidths = columnData.widths; var $resizeHandleList = this.$el.find('.' + classNameConst.COLUMN_RESIZE_HANDLE); var handlerWidthHalf = Math.floor(RESIZE_HANDLE_WIDTH / 2); var curPos = 0; var left = 0; snippet.forEachArray($resizeHandleList, function(item, index) { var $handler = $resizeHandleList.eq(index); if (!this.frozenBorder) { curPos += columnWidths[index] + CELL_BORDER_WIDTH; left = curPos - handlerWidthHalf; } $handler.css('left', left); }, this); }, /** * Event handler for the 'mousedown' event * @param {MouseEvent} ev - mouse event * @private */ _onMouseDown: function(ev) { var $target = $(ev.target); var columnWidths = this.coordColumnModel.getWidths(this.whichSide); var columnIndex = parseInt($target.attr(attrNameConst.COLUMN_INDEX), 10); this.dragEmitter.start(ev, { width: columnWidths[columnIndex], columnIndex: this._getHandlerColumnIndex(columnIndex), pageX: ev.pageX }); }, /** * Event handler for dragmove event * @param {module:event/gridEvent} ev - GridEvent * @private */ _onDragMove: function(ev) { var startData = ev.startData; var diff = ev.pageX - startData.pageX; ev.setData({ columnIndex: startData.columnIndex, width: startData.width + diff }); }, /** * Event handler for the 'dblclick' event * @param {MouseEvent} mouseEvent - mouse event * @private */ _onDblClick: function(mouseEvent) { var $target = $(mouseEvent.target); var columnIndex = parseInt($target.attr(attrNameConst.COLUMN_INDEX), 10); this.domEventBus.trigger('dblclick:resizeColumn', { columnIndex: this._getHandlerColumnIndex(columnIndex) }); }, /** * Find the real index (based on visibility) of the column using index value of the handler and returns it. * @param {number} index - index value of the handler * @returns {number} * @private */ _getHandlerColumnIndex: function(index) { return (this.whichSide === frameConst.R) ? (index + this.columnModel.getVisibleFrozenCount(true)) : index; } }); module.exports = ResizeHandle; /***/ }), /* 50 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /** * @fileoverview Class for the body layout * @author NHN. FE Development Lab */ 'use strict'; var $ = __webpack_require__(7); var _ = __webpack_require__(2); var View = __webpack_require__(4); var DragEventEmitter = __webpack_require__(40); var GridEvent = __webpack_require__(16); var util = __webpack_require__(17); var constMap = __webpack_require__(10); var classNameConst = __webpack_require__(19); var frameConst = constMap.frame; // Minimum time (ms) to detect if an alert or confirm dialog has been displayed. var MIN_INTERVAL_FOR_PAUSED = 200; // Minimum distance (pixel) to detect if user wants to drag when moving mouse with button pressed. var MIN_DISATNCE_FOR_DRAG = 10; /** * Class for the body layout * @module view/layout/body * @extends module:base/view * @param {Object} options - Options * @param {String} [options.whichSide=R] L or R (which side) * @ignore */ var Body = View.extend(/** @lends module:view/layout/body.prototype */{ initialize: function(options) { View.prototype.initialize.call(this); _.assign(this, { dimensionModel: options.dimensionModel, renderModel: options.renderModel, viewFactory: options.viewFactory, domEventBus: options.domEventBus, // DIV for setting rendering position of entire child-nodes of $el. $container: null, whichSide: (options && options.whichSide) || frameConst.R }); this.listenTo(this.dimensionModel, 'change:bodyHeight', this._onBodyHeightChange) .listenTo(this.dimensionModel, 'change:totalRowHeight', this._resetContainerHeight) .listenTo(this.renderModel, 'change:scrollTop', this._onScrollTopChange) .listenTo(this.renderModel, 'change:scrollLeft', this._onScrollLeftChange); this.dragEmitter = new DragEventEmitter({ type: 'body', domEventBus: this.domEventBus, onDragMove: _.bind(this._onDragMove, this) }); }, className: classNameConst.BODY_AREA, events: function() { var hash = {}; hash.scroll = '_onScroll'; hash['mousedown .' + classNameConst.BODY_CONTAINER] = '_onMouseDown'; return hash; }, /** * Event handler for 'change:bodyHeight' event on module:model/dimension * @param {Object} model - changed model * @param {Number} value - new height value * @private */ _onBodyHeightChange: function(model, value) { this.$el.css('height', value + 'px'); }, /** * Resets the height of a container DIV * @private */ _resetContainerHeight: function() { this.$container.css({ height: this.dimensionModel.get('totalRowHeight') }); }, /** * Event handler for 'scroll' event on DOM * @param {UIEvent} event - event object * @private */ _onScroll: function(event) { var attrs = { scrollTop: event.target.scrollTop }; if (this.whichSide === frameConst.R) { attrs.scrollLeft = event.target.scrollLeft; } this.renderModel.set(attrs); }, /** * Event handler for 'change:scrollLeft' event on module:model/renderer * @param {Object} model - changed model * @param {Number} value - new scrollLeft value * @private */ _onScrollLeftChange: function(model, value) { if (this.whichSide === frameConst.R) { this.el.scrollLeft = value; } }, /** * Event handler for 'chage:scrollTop' event on module:model/renderer * @param {Object} model - changed model instance * @param {Number} value - new scrollTop value * @private */ _onScrollTopChange: function(model, value) { this.el.scrollTop = value; }, /** * Mousedown event handler * @param {MouseEvent} ev - MouseEvent * @private */ _onMouseDown: function(ev) { var $target = $(ev.target); var isTargetInput = $target.is('input, teaxarea'); if (!this._triggerPublicMousedown(ev)) { return; } this._triggerBodyMousedown(ev); if (isTargetInput && ev.shiftKey) { ev.preventDefault(); } if (util.isRightClickEvent(ev)) { return; } if (!isTargetInput || ev.shiftKey) { this.dragEmitter.start(ev, { pageX: ev.pageX, pageY: ev.pageY }); } }, /** * Trigger mousedown event on domEventBus and returns the result * @param {MouseEvent} ev - MouseEvent * @returns {module:event/gridEvent} * @private */ _triggerPublicMousedown: function(ev) { var startTime, endTime; var gridEvent = new GridEvent(ev, GridEvent.getTargetInfo($(ev.target))); var result = true; if (gridEvent.targetType === GridEvent.targetTypeConst.DUMMY) { result = false; } else { startTime = (new Date()).getTime(); this.domEventBus.trigger('mousedown', gridEvent); if (gridEvent.isStopped()) { result = false; } else { // check if the model window (alert or confirm) was popped up endTime = (new Date()).getTime(); result = (endTime - startTime) <= MIN_INTERVAL_FOR_PAUSED; } } return result; }, /** * Trigger mousedown:body event on domEventBus * @param {MouseEvent} ev - MouseEvent * @private */ _triggerBodyMousedown: function(ev) { var gridEvent = new GridEvent(ev, { pageX: ev.pageX, pageY: ev.pageY, shiftKey: ev.shiftKey }); this.domEventBus.trigger('mousedown:body', gridEvent); }, /** * Event handler for dragmove * @param {event:module/gridEvent} gridEvent - GridEvent */ _onDragMove: function(gridEvent) { var startData = gridEvent.startData; var currentData = { pageX: gridEvent.pageX, pageY: gridEvent.pageY }; if (this._getMouseMoveDistance(startData, currentData) < MIN_DISATNCE_FOR_DRAG) { gridEvent.stop(); } }, /** * Returns the distance between start position and current position. * @param {{pageX:number, pageY:number}} start - start position * @param {{pageX:number, pageY:number}} current - current position * @returns {number} * @private */ _getMouseMoveDistance: function(start, current) { var dx = Math.abs(start.pageX - current.pageX); var dy = Math.abs(start.pageY - current.pageY); return Math.round(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(dx, 2) + Math.pow(dy, 2))); }, /** * renders * @returns {module:view/layout/body} */ render: function() { var whichSide = this.whichSide; this._destroyChildren(); if (!this.dimensionModel.get('scrollX')) { this.$el.css('overflow-x', 'hidden'); } if (!this.dimensionModel.get('scrollY') && whichSide === frameConst.R) { this.$el.css('overflow-y', 'hidden'); } this.$el.css('height', this.dimensionModel.get('bodyHeight')); this.$container = $('
').addClass(classNameConst.BODY_CONTAINER); this.$el.append(this.$container); this._addChildren([ this.viewFactory.createBodyTable(whichSide), this.viewFactory.createSelectionLayer(whichSide), this.viewFactory.createFocusLayer(whichSide) ]); this.$container.append(this._renderChildren()); this._resetContainerHeight(); return this; } }); module.exports = Body; /***/ }), /* 51 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /** * @fileoverview Class for the table layout in the body(data) area * @author NHN. FE Development Lab */ 'use strict'; var _ = __webpack_require__(2); var View = __webpack_require__(4); var constMap = __webpack_require__(10); var classNameConst = __webpack_require__(19); var CELL_BORDER_WIDTH = constMap.dimension.CELL_BORDER_WIDTH; var ATTR_COLUMN_NAME = constMap.attrName.COLUMN_NAME; /** * Class for the table layout in the body(data) area * @module view/layout/bodyTable * @extends module:base/view * @param {Object} options - Options * @param {String} [options.whichSide='R'] L or R (which side) * @ignore */ var BodyTable = View.extend(/** @lends module:view/layout/bodyTable.prototype */{ initialize: function(options) { View.prototype.initialize.call(this); _.assign(this, { dimensionModel: options.dimensionModel, coordColumnModel: options.coordColumnModel, renderModel: options.renderModel, columnModel: options.columnModel, viewFactory: options.viewFactory, painterManager: options.painterManager, whichSide: options.whichSide || 'R' }); this.listenTo(this.coordColumnModel, 'columnWidthChanged', this._onColumnWidthChanged); // To prevent issue of appearing vertical scrollbar when dummy rows exist this.listenTo(this.renderModel, 'change:dummyRowCount', this._onChangeDummyRowCount); this.listenTo(this.dimensionModel, 'change:bodyHeight', this._resetHeight); this._attachAllTableEventHandlers(); }, className: classNameConst.BODY_TABLE_CONTAINER, template: _.template( '' + ' <%=colGroup%>' + ' <%=tbody%>' + '
'), templateCol: _.template( '="<%=columnName%>" style="width:<%=width%>px">' ), /** * Event handler for 'columnWidthChanged' event on a dimension model. * @private */ _onColumnWidthChanged: function() { var columnWidths = this.coordColumnModel.getWidths(this.whichSide); var $colList = this.$el.find('col'); _.each(columnWidths, function(width, index) { $colList.eq(index).css('width', width + CELL_BORDER_WIDTH); }, this); }, /** * Event handler for 'change:dummyRowCount' event on the renderModel. * @private */ _onChangeDummyRowCount: function() { this._resetOverflow(); this._resetHeight(); }, /** * Resets the overflow of element based on the dummyRowCount in renderModel. * @private */ _resetOverflow: function() { var overflow = 'visible'; if (this.renderModel.get('dummyRowCount') > 0) { overflow = 'hidden'; } this.$el.css('overflow', overflow); }, /** * Resets the height of element based on the dummyRowCount in renderModel * @private */ _resetHeight: function() { var dimensionModel = this.dimensionModel; if (this.renderModel.get('dummyRowCount') > 0) { this.$el.height(dimensionModel.get('bodyHeight') - dimensionModel.getScrollXHeight()); } else { this.$el.css('height', ''); } }, /** * Reset position of a table container * @param {number} top 조정할 top 위치 값 */ resetTablePosition: function() { this.$el.css('top', this.renderModel.get('top')); }, /** * Renders elements * @returns {View.Layout.Body} This object */ render: function() { this._destroyChildren(); this.$el.html(this.template({ colGroup: this._getColGroupMarkup(), tbody: '' })); this._addChildren(this.viewFactory.createRowList({ bodyTableView: this, el: this.$el.find('tbody'), whichSide: this.whichSide })); this._renderChildren(); // To prevent issue of appearing vertical scrollbar when dummy rows exists this._resetHeight(); this._resetOverflow(); return this; }, /** * 테이블 내부(TR,TD)에서 발생하는 이벤트를 this.el로 넘겨 해당 요소들에게 위임하도록 설정한다. * @private */ _attachAllTableEventHandlers: function() { var cellPainters = this.painterManager.getCellPainters(); _.each(cellPainters, function(painter) { painter.attachEventHandlers(this.$el, ''); }, this); }, /** * table 요소를 새로 생성한다. * (IE8-9에서 tbody의 innerHTML 변경할 수 없는 문제를 해결하여 성능개선을 하기 위해 사용) * @param {string} tbodyHtml - tbody의 innerHTML 문자열 * @returns {jquery} - 새로 생성된 table의 tbody 요소 */ redrawTable: function(tbodyHtml) { this.$el[0].innerHTML = this.template({ colGroup: this._getColGroupMarkup(), tbody: tbodyHtml }); return this.$el.find('tbody'); }, /** * Table 열 각각의 width 조정을 위한 columnGroup 마크업을 반환한다. * @returns {string} 안에 들어갈 마크업 문자열 * @private */ _getColGroupMarkup: function() { var whichSide = this.whichSide; var columnWidths = this.coordColumnModel.getWidths(whichSide); var columns = this.columnModel.getVisibleColumns(whichSide, true); var html = ''; _.each(columns, function(column, index) { html += this.templateCol({ attrColumnName: ATTR_COLUMN_NAME, columnName: column.name, width: columnWidths[index] + CELL_BORDER_WIDTH }); }, this); return html; } }); module.exports = BodyTable; /***/ }), /* 52 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /** * @fileoverview Summary * @author NHN. FE Development Lab */ 'use strict'; var _ = __webpack_require__(2); var View = __webpack_require__(4); var classNameConst = __webpack_require__(19); var constMap = __webpack_require__(10); var frameConst = constMap.frame; var ATTR_COLUMN_NAME = constMap.attrName.COLUMN_NAME; var CELL_BORDER_WIDTH = constMap.dimension.CELL_BORDER_WIDTH; /** * Summary area * @module view/layout/summary * @extends module:base/view * @param {Object} options - Options * @ignore */ var Summary = View.extend(/** @lends module:view/layout/summary.prototype */{ initialize: function(options) { /** * L: Left, R: Right * @type {string} */ this.whichSide = options.whichSide; // models this.columnModel = options.columnModel; this.dimensionModel = options.dimensionModel; this.coordColumnModel = options.coordColumnModel; this.renderModel = options.renderModel; this.summaryModel = options.summaryModel; // events this.listenTo(this.renderModel, 'change:scrollLeft', this._onChangeScrollLeft); this.listenTo(this.coordColumnModel, 'columnWidthChanged', this._onChangeColumnWidth); if (this.summaryModel) { this.listenTo(this.summaryModel, 'change', this._onChangeSummaryValue); } }, className: classNameConst.SUMMARY_AREA, events: { scroll: '_onScrollView' }, /** * template */ template: _.template( '' + '<%=colgroup%>' + '<%=tbody%>' + '
' ), /** * Template for */ templateBody: _.template( '="<%=columnName%>" ' + 'class="<%=className%>" ' + '>' + '<%=value%>' + '' ), /** * Template for */ templateColgroup: _.template( '="<%=columnName%>" ' + 'style="width:<%=width%>px">' ), /** * Event handler for 'scroll' event * @param {UIEvent} event - scroll event * @private */ _onScrollView: function(event) { if (this.whichSide === frameConst.R) { this.renderModel.set('scrollLeft', event.target.scrollLeft); } }, /** * Sync scroll-left position with the value of body * @param {Object} model - render model * @param {Number} value - scrollLeft value * @private */ _onChangeScrollLeft: function(model, value) { if (this.whichSide === frameConst.R) { this.el.scrollLeft = value; } }, /** * Change column width * @private */ _onChangeColumnWidth: function() { var columnWidths = this.coordColumnModel.getWidths(this.whichSide); var $ths = this.$el.find('col'); _.each(columnWidths, function(columnWidth, index) { $ths.eq(index).css('width', columnWidth + CELL_BORDER_WIDTH); }); }, /** * Sets the HTML string of of given column * @param {string} columnName - column name * @param {string} contents - HTML string * @private */ _setColumnContent: function(columnName, contents) { var $th = this.$el.find('td[' + ATTR_COLUMN_NAME + '="' + columnName + '"]'); $th.html(contents); }, /** * Refresh tag whenever summary value is changed. * @param {string} columnName - column name * @param {object} valueMap - value map * @private */ _onChangeSummaryValue: function(columnName, valueMap) { var contents = this._generateValueHTML(columnName, valueMap); this._setColumnContent(columnName, contents); }, /** * Generates a HTML string of column summary value and returns it. * @param {object} columnName - column name * @param {object} valueMap - value map * @returns {string} HTML string * @private */ _generateValueHTML: function(columnName, valueMap) { var template = this.summaryModel.getTemplate(columnName); var html = ''; if (_.isFunction(template)) { html = template(valueMap); } else if (_.isString(template)) { html = template; } return html; }, /** * Generates a HTML string of and returns it * @returns {string} - HTML String * @private */ _generateColgroupHTML: function() { var columns = this.columnModel.getVisibleColumns(this.whichSide, true); var columnWidths = this.coordColumnModel.getWidths(this.whichSide); var htmlList = []; _.each(columnWidths, function(width, index) { htmlList.push(this.templateColgroup({ attrColumnName: ATTR_COLUMN_NAME, columnName: columns[index].name, width: width + CELL_BORDER_WIDTH })); }, this); return htmlList.join(''); }, /** * Generates a HTML string of and returns it * @returns {string} - HTML String * @private */ _generateTbodyHTML: function() { var summaryModel = this.summaryModel; var columns = this.columnModel.getVisibleColumns(this.whichSide, true); return _.reduce(columns, function(memo, column) { var columnName = column.name; var valueMap; if (summaryModel) { valueMap = summaryModel.getValue(column.name); } return memo + this.templateBody({ attrColumnName: ATTR_COLUMN_NAME, columnName: columnName, className: [classNameConst.CELL, classNameConst.CELL_SUMMARY].join(' '), value: this._generateValueHTML(columnName, valueMap) }); }, '', this); }, /** * Render * @returns {object} */ render: function() { var summaryHeight = this.dimensionModel.get('summaryHeight'); if (summaryHeight) { this.$el.html(this.template({ className: classNameConst.TABLE, height: summaryHeight, tbody: this._generateTbodyHTML(), colgroup: this._generateColgroupHTML() })); } return this; } }); module.exports = Summary; /***/ }), /* 53 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /** * @fileoverview RowList View * @author NHN. FE Development Lab */ 'use strict'; var _ = __webpack_require__(2); var snippet = __webpack_require__(3); var View = __webpack_require__(4); var constMap = __webpack_require__(10); var classNameConst = __webpack_require__(19); var attrNameConst = constMap.attrName; var frameConst = constMap.frame; var CELL_BORDER_WIDTH = constMap.dimension.CELL_BORDER_WIDTH; /** * RowList View * @module view/rowList * @extends module:baes/view * @param {object} options - Options * @param {string} [options.whichSide='R'] 어느 영역에 속하는 rowList 인지 여부. 'L|R' 중 하나를 지정한다. * @ignore */ var RowList = View.extend(/** @lends module:view/rowList.prototype */{ initialize: function(options) { var focusModel = options.focusModel; var renderModel = options.renderModel; var selectionModel = options.selectionModel; var coordRowModel = options.coordRowModel; var dataModel = options.dataModel; var whichSide = options.whichSide || 'R'; _.assign(this, { whichSide: whichSide, bodyTableView: options.bodyTableView, focusModel: focusModel, renderModel: renderModel, selectionModel: selectionModel, coordRowModel: coordRowModel, dataModel: dataModel, columnModel: options.columnModel, collection: renderModel.getCollection(whichSide), painterManager: options.painterManager, sortOptions: null, renderedRowKeys: null }); this.listenTo(this.collection, 'change', this._onModelChange) .listenTo(this.collection, 'restore', this._onModelRestore) .listenTo(focusModel, 'change:rowKey', this._refreshFocusedRow) .listenTo(renderModel, 'rowListChanged', this.render); if (this.whichSide === frameConst.L) { this.listenTo(focusModel, 'change:rowKey', this._refreshSelectedMetaColumns) .listenTo(selectionModel, 'change:range', this._refreshSelectedMetaColumns) .listenTo(renderModel, 'rowListChanged', this._refreshSelectedMetaColumns); } }, /** * Returns the list of column models in it's own side * @returns {Array} - Column model list */ _getColumns: function() { return this.columnModel.getVisibleColumns(this.whichSide, true); }, /** * 기존에 생성되어 있던 TR요소들 중 새로 렌더링할 데이터와 중복되지 않은 목록의 TR요소만 삭제한다. * @param {array} dupRowKeys 중복된 데이터의 rowKey 목록 */ _removeOldRows: function(dupRowKeys) { var firstIdx = _.indexOf(this.renderedRowKeys, dupRowKeys[0]); var lastIdx = _.indexOf(this.renderedRowKeys, _.last(dupRowKeys)); var $rows = this.$el.children('tr'); $rows.slice(0, firstIdx).remove(); $rows.slice(lastIdx + 1).remove(); }, /** * 기존의 렌더링된 데이터와 중복되지 않은 목록에 대해서만 TR요소를 추가한다. * @param {array} rowKeys 렌더링할 데이터의 rowKey 목록 * @param {array} dupRowKeys 중복된 데이터의 rowKey 목록 */ _appendNewRows: function(rowKeys, dupRowKeys) { var beforeRows = this.collection.slice(0, _.indexOf(rowKeys, dupRowKeys[0])); var afterRows = this.collection.slice(_.indexOf(rowKeys, _.last(dupRowKeys)) + 1); this.$el.prepend(this._getRowsHtml(beforeRows)); this.$el.append(this._getRowsHtml(afterRows)); }, /** * Redraw all rows. * @private */ _resetRows: function() { var html = this._getRowsHtml(this.collection.models); var $tbody; if (RowList.isInnerHtmlOfTbodyReadOnly) { $tbody = this.bodyTableView.redrawTable(html); this.setElement($tbody, false); // table이 다시 생성되었기 때문에 tbody의 참조를 갱신해준다. } else { // As using a compatibility mode in IE makes it hard to detect the actual version of the browser, // use try/catch block to make in correct. try { this.$el[0].innerHTML = html; } catch (e) { RowList.isInnerHtmlOfTbodyReadOnly = true; this._resetRows(); } } }, /** * 행데이터 목록을 받아, HTML 문자열을 생성해서 반환한다. * @param {Model.Row[]} rows - 행데이터 목록 * @returns {string} 생성된 HTML 문자열 */ _getRowsHtml: function(rows) { var rowPainter = this.painterManager.getRowPainter(); var columnNames = _.pluck(this._getColumns(), 'name'); var hasTreeColumn = this.columnModel.hasTreeColumn(); return _.map(rows, function(row) { return rowPainter.generateHtml(row, columnNames, hasTreeColumn); }).join(''); }, /** * Returns a TR element of given rowKey * @param {(string|number)} rowKey - rowKey * @returns {jquery} * @private */ _getRowElement: function(rowKey) { return this.$el.find('tr[' + attrNameConst.ROW_KEY + '=' + rowKey + ']'); }, /** * Refreshes 'selected' class of meta columns. * @private */ _refreshSelectedMetaColumns: function() { var $rows = this.$el.find('tr'); var metaSelector = '.' + classNameConst.CELL_ROW_HEAD; var filteredRowList; if (this.selectionModel.hasSelection()) { filteredRowList = this._filterRowsByIndexRange($rows, this.selectionModel.get('range').row); } else { filteredRowList = this._filterRowByKey($rows, this.focusModel.get('rowKey')); } $rows.find(metaSelector).removeClass(classNameConst.CELL_SELECTED); _.each(filteredRowList, function($row) { $row.find(metaSelector).addClass(classNameConst.CELL_SELECTED); }); }, /** * Filters the rows by given range(index) and returns them. * @param {jQuery} $rows - rows (tr elements) * @param {Array.} rowRange - [startIndex, endIndex] * @returns {Array.} * @private */ _filterRowsByIndexRange: function($rows, rowRange) { var index = rowRange[0]; var len = rowRange[1] + 1; var rowList = []; var rowKey; for (; index < len; index += 1) { if (this.coordRowModel.getHeightAt(index)) { rowKey = this.dataModel.at(index).get('rowKey'); rowList.push(this._getRowElement(rowKey)); } } return rowList; }, /** * Filters the row by given rowKey * @param {jQuery} $rows - rows (tr elements) * @param {Number} rowKey - rowKey * @returns {Array.} * @private */ _filterRowByKey: function($rows, rowKey) { var rowIndex = this.dataModel.indexOfRowKey(rowKey); var renderStartIndex = this.renderModel.get('startIndex'); var rowList = []; if (renderStartIndex > rowIndex) { return rowList; } return rowList.push($rows.eq(rowIndex - renderStartIndex)); }, /** * Removes the CURRENT_ROW class from the cells in the previously focused row and * adds it to the cells in the currently focused row. * @private */ _refreshFocusedRow: function() { var rowKey = this.focusModel.get('rowKey'); var prevRowKey = this.focusModel.get('prevRowKey'); this._setFocusedRowClass(prevRowKey, false); this._setFocusedRowClass(rowKey, true); }, /** * Finds all cells in the row indentified by given rowKey and toggles the CURRENT_ROW on them. * @param {Number|String} rowKey - rowKey * @param {Boolean} focused - if set to true, the class will be added, otherwise be removed. * @private */ _setFocusedRowClass: function(rowKey, focused) { var columnNames = _.pluck(this._getColumns(), 'name'); var trMap = {}; _.each(columnNames, function(columnName) { var mainRowKey = this.dataModel.getMainRowKey(rowKey, columnName), $td; if (!trMap[mainRowKey]) { trMap[mainRowKey] = this._getRowElement(mainRowKey); } $td = trMap[mainRowKey].find('td[' + attrNameConst.COLUMN_NAME + '="' + columnName + '"]'); $td.toggleClass(classNameConst.CELL_CURRENT_ROW, focused); }, this); }, /** * Renders. * @param {boolean} dataListChanged - 데이터 목록이 변경된 경우(add, remove..) true, 아니면(스크롤 변경 등) false * @returns {View.RowList} this 객체 */ render: function(dataListChanged) { var rowKeys = this.collection.pluck('rowKey'); var dupRowKeys; this.bodyTableView.resetTablePosition(); if (dataListChanged) { this._resetRows(); } else { dupRowKeys = _.intersection(rowKeys, this.renderedRowKeys); if (_.isEmpty(rowKeys) || _.isEmpty(dupRowKeys) || // 중복된 데이터가 70% 미만일 경우에는 성능을 위해 innerHTML을 사용. (dupRowKeys.length / rowKeys.length < 0.7)) { // eslint-disable-line no-magic-numbers this._resetRows(); } else { this._removeOldRows(dupRowKeys); this._appendNewRows(rowKeys, dupRowKeys); } } this.renderedRowKeys = rowKeys; return this; }, /** * modelChange 이벤트 발생시 실행되는 핸들러 함수. * @param {Model.Row} model Row 모델 객체 * @private */ _onModelChange: function(model) { var rowKey = model.get('rowKey'); var $tr = this._getRowElement(rowKey); if ('height' in model.changed) { $tr.css('height', model.get('height') + CELL_BORDER_WIDTH); } else { this.painterManager.getRowPainter().refresh(model.changed, $tr); this.coordRowModel.syncWithDom(); } }, /** * Event handler for 'restore' event on module:model/row * @param {Object} cellData - CellData * @private */ _onModelRestore: function(cellData) { var $td = this.dataModel.getElement(cellData.rowKey, cellData.columnName); var editType = this.columnModel.getEditType(cellData.columnName); this.painterManager.getCellPainter(editType).refresh(cellData, $td); this.coordRowModel.syncWithDom(); } }, { /** * Whether the innerHTML property of a tbody element is readonly. * @memberof RowList * @static */ isInnerHtmlOfTbodyReadOnly: (snippet.browser.msie && snippet.browser.version <= 9) // eslint-disable-line no-magic-numbers }); module.exports = RowList; /***/ }), /* 54 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /** * @fileoverview Class for the selection layer * @author NHN. FE Development Lab */ 'use strict'; var _ = __webpack_require__(2); var View = __webpack_require__(4); var classNameConst = __webpack_require__(19); var CELL_BORDER_WIDTH = __webpack_require__(10).dimension.CELL_BORDER_WIDTH; var frameConst = __webpack_require__(10).frame; /** * Class for the selection layer * @module view/selectionLayer * @extends module:base/view * @param {object} options Options * @ignore */ var SelectionLayer = View.extend(/** @lends module:view/selectionLayer.prototype */{ initialize: function(options) { _.assign(this, { whichSide: options.whichSide || frameConst.R, dimensionModel: options.dimensionModel, coordRowModel: options.coordRowModel, coordColumnModel: options.coordColumnModel, columnModel: options.columnModel, selectionModel: options.selectionModel }); this._updateColumnWidths(); this.listenTo(this.coordColumnModel, 'columnWidthChanged', this._onChangeColumnWidth); this.listenTo(this.selectionModel, 'change:range', this.render); }, className: classNameConst.LAYER_SELECTION, /** * Updates this.columnWidths * @private */ _updateColumnWidths: function() { this.columnWidths = this.coordColumnModel.getWidths(this.whichSide); }, /** * Event handler for 'columnWidthChanged' evnet on Dimension model. * @private */ _onChangeColumnWidth: function() { this._updateColumnWidths(); this.render(); }, /** * Returns relative column range based on 'this.whichSide' * @private * @param {array} columnRange - Column range indexes. [start, end] * @returns {array} - Relative column range indexes. [start, end] */ _getOwnSideColumnRange: function(columnRange) { var frozenCount = this.columnModel.getVisibleFrozenCount(); var ownColumnRange = null; if (this.whichSide === frameConst.L) { if (columnRange[0] < frozenCount) { ownColumnRange = [ columnRange[0], Math.min(columnRange[1], frozenCount - 1) ]; } } else if (columnRange[1] >= frozenCount) { ownColumnRange = [ Math.max(columnRange[0], frozenCount) - frozenCount, columnRange[1] - frozenCount ]; } return ownColumnRange; }, /** * Returns the object containing 'top' and 'height' css value. * @private * @param {array} rowRange - Row range indexes. [start, end] * @returns {{top: string, height: string}} - css values */ _getVerticalStyles: function(rowRange) { var coordRowModel = this.coordRowModel; var top = coordRowModel.getOffsetAt(rowRange[0]); var bottom = coordRowModel.getOffsetAt(rowRange[1]) + coordRowModel.getHeightAt(rowRange[1]); return { top: top + 'px', height: (bottom - top) + 'px' }; }, /** * Returns the object containing 'left' and 'width' css value. * @private * @param {array} columnRange - Column range indexes. [start, end] * @returns {{left: string, width: string}} - css values */ _getHorizontalStyles: function(columnRange) { var columnWidths = this.columnWidths; var metaColumnCount = this.columnModel.getVisibleMetaColumnCount(); var startIndex = columnRange[0]; var endIndex = columnRange[1]; var left = 0; var width = 0; var i = 0; if (this.whichSide === frameConst.L) { startIndex += metaColumnCount; endIndex += metaColumnCount; } endIndex = Math.min(endIndex, columnWidths.length - 1); for (; i <= endIndex; i += 1) { if (i < startIndex) { left += columnWidths[i] + CELL_BORDER_WIDTH; } else { width += columnWidths[i] + CELL_BORDER_WIDTH; } } width -= CELL_BORDER_WIDTH; // subtract last border width return { left: left + 'px', width: width + 'px' }; }, /** * Render. * @returns {SelectionLayer} this object */ render: function() { var range = this.selectionModel.get('range'); var styles, columnRange; if (range) { columnRange = this._getOwnSideColumnRange(range.column); } if (columnRange) { styles = _.assign({}, this._getVerticalStyles(range.row), this._getHorizontalStyles(columnRange) ); this.$el.show().css(styles); } else { this.$el.hide(); } return this; } }); module.exports = SelectionLayer; /***/ }), /* 55 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /** * @fileoverview Layer class that represents the state of rendering phase * @author NHN. FE Development Lab */ 'use strict'; var _ = __webpack_require__(2); var snippet = __webpack_require__(3); var View = __webpack_require__(4); var CELL_BORDER_WIDTH = __webpack_require__(10).dimension.CELL_BORDER_WIDTH; var attrNameConst = __webpack_require__(10).attrName; var classNameConst = __webpack_require__(19); /** * Layer class that represents the state of rendering phase. * @module view/editingLayer * @extends module:base/view * @param {Object} options - Options * @ignore */ var EditingLayer = View.extend(/** @lends module:view/editingLayer.prototype */{ initialize: function(options) { this.renderModel = options.renderModel; this.domState = options.domState; this.inputPainters = options.inputPainters; this.listenTo(this.renderModel, 'editingStateChanged', this._onEditingStateChanged); }, className: classNameConst.LAYER_EDITING + ' ' + classNameConst.CELL_CONTENT, /** * Starts editing the given cell. * @param {Object} cellData - cell data * @private */ _startEditing: function(cellData) { var rowKey = cellData.rowKey; var columnName = cellData.columnName; var editType = snippet.pick(cellData, 'columnModel', 'editOptions', 'type'); var styleMap = this._calculateLayoutStyle(rowKey, columnName, this._isWidthExpandable(editType)); var painter = this.inputPainters[editType]; this.$el.html(painter.generateHtml(cellData)) .attr(attrNameConst.ROW_KEY, rowKey) .attr(attrNameConst.COLUMN_NAME, columnName) .css(styleMap).show(); this._adjustLeftPosition(); painter.focus(this.$el); }, /** * Returns whether the width is expandable. * @param {String} editType - edit type * @returns {Boolean} * @private */ _isWidthExpandable: function(editType) { return _.contains(['checkbox', 'radio'], editType); }, /** * Fisishes editing the current cell. * @private */ _finishEditing: function() { this.$el.empty().hide(); }, /** * Adjust the left position of the layer not to lay beyond the boundary of the grid. * @private */ _adjustLeftPosition: function() { var gridWidth = this.domState.getWidth(); var layerWidth = this.$el.outerWidth(); var layerLeftPos = this.$el.position().left; if (layerLeftPos + layerWidth > gridWidth) { this.$el.css('left', gridWidth - layerWidth); } }, /** * Adjust offset value of TD, because it varies from browsers to browsers when borders are callapsed. * @param {Number} offsetValue - offset value (offset.top or offset.left) * @returns {Number} * @private */ _adjustCellOffsetValue: function(offsetValue) { var browser = snippet.browser; var result = offsetValue; if (browser.msie) { if (browser.version === 9) { result = offsetValue - 1; } else if (browser.version > 9) { result = Math.floor(offsetValue); } } return result; }, /** * Calculates the position and the dimension of the layer and returns the object that contains css properties. * @param {Stirng} rowKey - row key * @param {String} columnName - column name * @param {Boolean} expandable - true if the width of layer is expandable * @returns {Object} * @private */ _calculateLayoutStyle: function(rowKey, columnName, expandable) { var wrapperOffset = this.domState.getOffset(); var $cell = this.domState.getElement(rowKey, columnName); var cellOffset = $cell.offset(); var cellHeight = $cell.outerHeight() + CELL_BORDER_WIDTH; var cellWidth = $cell.outerWidth() + CELL_BORDER_WIDTH; return { top: this._adjustCellOffsetValue(cellOffset.top) - wrapperOffset.top, left: this._adjustCellOffsetValue(cellOffset.left) - wrapperOffset.left, height: cellHeight, minWidth: expandable ? cellWidth : '', width: expandable ? '' : cellWidth, lineHeight: cellHeight + 'px' }; }, /** * Event handler for 'editingStateChanged' event on the render model. * @param {Object} cellData - cell data * @private */ _onEditingStateChanged: function(cellData) { if (cellData.editing) { this._startEditing(cellData); } else { this._finishEditing(); } }, /** * Render * @returns {Object} this instance */ render: function() { _.each(this.inputPainters, function(painter) { painter.attachEventHandlers(this.$el, ''); }, this); return this; } }); module.exports = EditingLayer; /***/ }), /* 56 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /** * @fileoverview Layer View class which contains the 'tui-date-picker' * @author NHN. FE Development Lab */ 'use strict'; var _ = __webpack_require__(2); var DatePicker = __webpack_require__(34); var View = __webpack_require__(4); var classNameConst = __webpack_require__(19); var DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT = 'yyyy-MM-dd'; var FULL_RANGES = [[new Date(1900, 0, 1), new Date(2999, 11, 31)]]; var DatePickerLayer; /** * Layer View class which contains the 'tui-date-picker' * @module view/datePickerLayer * @extends module:base/view * @param {Object} options - Options * @ignore */ DatePickerLayer = View.extend(/** @lends module:view/datePickerLayer.prototype */{ initialize: function(options) { this.focusModel = options.focusModel; this.textPainter = options.textPainter; this.columnModel = options.columnModel; this.domState = options.domState; this.usageStatistics = options.usageStatistics; this.datePickerMap = this._createDatePickers(); /** * Current focused input element * @type {jQuery} */ this.$focusedInput = null; this.listenTo(this.textPainter, 'focusIn', this._onFocusInTextInput); this.listenTo(options.domEventBus, 'windowResize', this._closeDatePickerLayer); }, className: classNameConst.LAYER_DATE_PICKER, events: { click: '_onClick' }, /** * Event handler for the 'click' event on the datepicker layer. * @param {MouseEvent} ev - MouseEvent object * @private */ _onClick: function(ev) { ev.stopPropagation(); }, /** * Creates instances map of 'tui-date-picker' * @returns {Object.} * @private */ _createDatePickers: function() { var datePickerMap = {}; var columnModelMap = this.columnModel.get('columnModelMap'); _.each(columnModelMap, function(columnModel) { var name = columnModel.name; var component = columnModel.component; var options; if (component && component.name === 'datePicker') { options = _.extend({ usageStatistics: this.usageStatistics }, component.options); datePickerMap[name] = new DatePicker(this.$el, options); this._bindEventOnDatePicker(datePickerMap[name]); } }, this); return datePickerMap; }, /** * Bind custom event on the DatePicker instance * @param {DatePicker} datePicker - instance of DatePicker * @private */ _bindEventOnDatePicker: function(datePicker) { var self = this; datePicker.on('open', function() { self.textPainter.blockFocusingOut(); }); datePicker.on('close', function() { var focusModel = self.focusModel; var address = focusModel.which(); var rowKey = address.rowKey; var columnName = address.columnName; var changedValue = self.$focusedInput.val(); self.textPainter.unblockFocusingOut(); // when the datePicker layer is closed, selected date must set on input element. if (focusModel.isEditingCell(rowKey, columnName)) { focusModel.dataModel.setValue(rowKey, columnName, changedValue); } focusModel.finishEditing(); }); }, /** * Resets date picker options * @param {Object} options - datePicker options * @param {jQuery} $input - target input element * @param {string} columnName - name to find the DatePicker instance created on each column * @private */ _resetDatePicker: function(options, $input, columnName) { var datePicker = this.datePickerMap[columnName]; var format = options.format || DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT; var date = options.date || (new Date()); var selectableRanges = options.selectableRanges; datePicker.setInput($input, { format: format, syncFromInput: true }); if (selectableRanges) { datePicker.setRanges(selectableRanges); } else { datePicker.setRanges(FULL_RANGES); } if ($input.val() === '') { datePicker.setDate(date); $input.val(''); } }, /** * Calculates the position of the layer and returns the object that contains css properties. * @param {jQuery} $input - input element * @returns {Object} * @private */ _calculatePosition: function($input) { var inputOffset = $input.offset(); var inputHeight = $input.outerHeight(); var wrapperOffset = this.domState.getOffset(); return { top: inputOffset.top - wrapperOffset.top + inputHeight, left: inputOffset.left - wrapperOffset.left }; }, /** * Event handler for 'focusIn' event of module:painter/input/text * @param {jQuery} $input - target input element * @param {{rowKey: String, columnName: String}} address - target cell address * @private */ _onFocusInTextInput: function($input, address) { var columnName = address.columnName; var component = this.columnModel.getColumnModel(columnName).component; var editType = this.columnModel.getEditType(columnName); var options; if (editType === 'text' && component && component.name === 'datePicker') { options = component.options || {}; this.$focusedInput = $input; this.$el.css(this._calculatePosition($input)).show(); this._resetDatePicker(options, $input, columnName); this.datePickerMap[columnName].open(); } }, /** * Close the date picker layer that is already opend * @private */ _closeDatePickerLayer: function() { var name = this.focusModel.which().columnName; var datePicker = this.datePickerMap[name]; if (datePicker && datePicker.isOpened()) { datePicker.close(); } }, /** * Render * @returns {Object} this object */ render: function() { this.$el.hide(); return this; } }); module.exports = DatePickerLayer; /***/ }), /* 57 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /** * @fileoverview Class for the layer view that represents the currently focused cell * @author NHN. FE Development Lab */ 'use strict'; var $ = __webpack_require__(7); var _ = __webpack_require__(2); var View = __webpack_require__(4); var constMap = __webpack_require__(10); var classNameConst = __webpack_require__(19); var frameConst = constMap.frame; var CELL_BORDER_WIDTH = constMap.dimension.CELL_BORDER_WIDTH; var HTML_BORDER_DIV = '
'; var BLUR_CLASS_NAME = classNameConst.LAYER_FOCUS_DEACTIVE; /** * Class for the layer view that represents the currently focused cell * @module view/focusLayer * @extends module:base/view * @param {Object} options - Options * @ignore */ var FocusLayer = View.extend(/** @lends module:view/focusLayer.prototype */{ initialize: function(options) { this.focusModel = options.focusModel; this.columnModel = options.columnModel; this.coordRowModel = options.coordRowModel; this.coordColumnModel = options.coordColumnModel; this.coordConverterModel = options.coordConverterModel; this.whichSide = options.whichSide; this.borderEl = { $top: $(HTML_BORDER_DIV), $left: $(HTML_BORDER_DIV), $right: $(HTML_BORDER_DIV), $bottom: $(HTML_BORDER_DIV) }; this.listenTo(this.coordColumnModel, 'columnWidthChanged', this._refreshCurrentLayout); this.listenTo(this.coordRowModel, 'reset', this._refreshCurrentLayout); this.listenTo(this.focusModel, 'blur', this._onBlur); this.listenTo(this.focusModel, 'focus', this._onFocus); this.listenTo(this.focusModel, 'change:active', this._onChangeActiveState); }, className: classNameConst.LAYER_FOCUS, /** * Refresh the layout of current layer * @private */ _refreshCurrentLayout: function() { var focusModel = this.focusModel; if (this.$el.css('display') !== 'none') { this._refreshBorderLayout(focusModel.get('rowKey'), focusModel.get('columnName')); } }, /** * Event handler for 'blur' event on the module:model/focus * @private */ _onBlur: function() { this.$el.hide(); }, /** * Event handler for 'focus' event on module:model/focus * @param {Number} rowKey - target row key * @param {String} columnName - target column name * @private */ _onFocus: function(rowKey, columnName) { var targetSide = this.columnModel.isLside(columnName) ? frameConst.L : frameConst.R; if (targetSide === this.whichSide) { this._refreshBorderLayout(rowKey, columnName); this.$el.show(); } }, /** * Event handler for 'change:active' event on module:model/focus * @param {object} model - Focus model * @private */ _onChangeActiveState: function(model) { if (!model.changed.active) { this.$el.addClass(BLUR_CLASS_NAME); } else { this.$el.removeClass(BLUR_CLASS_NAME); } }, /** * Resets the position and the dimension of the layer. * @param {Number} rowKey - row key * @param {String} columnName - column name * @private */ _refreshBorderLayout: function(rowKey, columnName) { var pos = this.coordConverterModel.getCellPosition(rowKey, columnName); var width = pos.right - pos.left; var height = pos.bottom - pos.top; this.borderEl.$left.css({ top: pos.top, left: pos.left, width: CELL_BORDER_WIDTH, height: height + CELL_BORDER_WIDTH }); this.borderEl.$top.css({ top: pos.top === 0 ? CELL_BORDER_WIDTH : pos.top, left: pos.left, width: width + CELL_BORDER_WIDTH, height: CELL_BORDER_WIDTH }); this.borderEl.$right.css({ top: pos.top, left: pos.left + width, width: CELL_BORDER_WIDTH, height: height + CELL_BORDER_WIDTH }); this.borderEl.$bottom.css({ top: pos.top + height, left: pos.left, width: width + CELL_BORDER_WIDTH, height: CELL_BORDER_WIDTH }); }, /** * Render * @returns {Object} this instance */ render: function() { var $el = this.$el; _.each(this.borderEl, function($border) { $el.append($border); }); $el.hide(); return this; } }); module.exports = FocusLayer; /***/ }), /* 58 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /** * @fileoverview Creator of domEventBus * @author NHN. FE Development Lab */ 'use strict'; var _ = __webpack_require__(2); var Backbone = __webpack_require__(5); module.exports = { create: function() { return _.extend({}, Backbone.Events); } }; /***/ }), /* 59 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /** * @fileoverview This class offers methods that can be used to get the current state of DOM element. * @author NHN. FE Development Lab */ 'use strict'; var _ = __webpack_require__(2); var snippet = __webpack_require__(3); var attrNameConst = __webpack_require__(10).attrName; var classNameConst = __webpack_require__(19); /** * Class for offering methods that can be used to get the current state of DOM element. * @module domState * @param {jQuery} $el - jQuery object of the container element. * @ignore */ var DomState = snippet.defineClass(/** @lends module:domState.prototype */{ init: function($el) { this.$el = $el; }, /** * Returns a jquery object contains the tr elements * @param {string} frameClassName - class name of frame * @returns {jQuery} * @private */ _getBodyTableRows: function(frameClassName) { return this.$el.find('.' + frameClassName) .find('.' + classNameConst.BODY_TABLE_CONTAINER).find('tr[' + attrNameConst.ROW_KEY + ']'); }, /** * Returns max height of cells in the given row. * @param {jQuery} $row - traget row * @returns {number} * @private */ _getMaxCellHeight: function($row) { var heights = $row.find('.' + classNameConst.CELL_CONTENT).map(function() { return this.scrollHeight; }).get(); return _.max(heights); }, /** * Returns an element of the table-cell identified by rowKey and columnName * @param {(Number|String)} rowKey - Row key * @param {String} columnName - Column name * @returns {jQuery} Cell(TD) element */ getElement: function(rowKey, columnName) { return this.$el.find('tr[' + attrNameConst.ROW_KEY + '=' + rowKey + ']') .find('td[' + attrNameConst.COLUMN_NAME + '="' + columnName + '"]'); }, /** * Returns an array of heights of all rows * @returns {Array.} */ getRowHeights: function() { var $lsideRows = this._getBodyTableRows(classNameConst.LSIDE_AREA); var $rsideRows = this._getBodyTableRows(classNameConst.RSIDE_AREA); var lsideHeight, rsideHeight; var heights = []; var i, len; for (i = 0, len = $lsideRows.length; i < len; i += 1) { lsideHeight = this._getMaxCellHeight($lsideRows.eq(i)); rsideHeight = this._getMaxCellHeight($rsideRows.eq(i)); heights[i] = Math.max(lsideHeight, rsideHeight) + 1; } return heights; }, /** * Returns the offset of the container element * @returns {{top: Number, left: Number}} Offset object */ getOffset: function() { return this.$el.offset(); }, /** * Returns the width of the container element * @returns {Number} Width of the container element */ getWidth: function() { return this.$el.width(); }, /** * Returns the height of the parent of container element. * @returns {Number} Height of the parent of container element */ getParentHeight: function() { return this.$el.parent().height(); }, /** * Returns whether there's child element having focus. * @returns {boolean} True if there's child element having focus */ hasFocusedElement: function() { return !!this.$el.find(':focus').length; } }); module.exports = DomState; /***/ }), /* 60 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /** * @fileoverview Public Event Emitter * @author NHN. FE Development Lab */ 'use strict'; var _ = __webpack_require__(2); var Backbone = __webpack_require__(5); var snippet = __webpack_require__(3); /** * Class that listens public events (for external user) to the other object and * triggers them on the public object(module:grid). * @module publicEventEmitter * @param {Object} publicObject - Object on which event will be triggered. * This object should have methods of Backbone.Events. * @ignore */ var PublicEventEmitter = snippet.defineClass(/** @lends module:publicEventEmitter.prototype */{ init: function(publicObject) { this.publicObject = publicObject; }, /** * Listen and trigger specified events with same event name. * @param {Object} target - Target object * @param {String[]} eventNames - An array of the event names * @private */ _listenForThrough: function(target, eventNames) { _.each(eventNames, function(eventName) { this.listenTo(target, eventName, _.bind(this._triggerOnPublic, this, eventName)); }, this); }, /** * Trigger specified event on the public object. * @param {String} eventName - Event name * @param {Object} eventData - Event data * @private */ _triggerOnPublic: function(eventName, eventData) { this.publicObject.trigger(eventName, _.extend(eventData, { instance: this.publicObject })); }, /** * Listen to Net addon. * @param {module:addon/net} net - Net addon object */ listenToNetAddon: function(net) { this._listenForThrough(net, [ 'beforeRequest', 'response', 'successResponse', 'failResponse', 'errorResponse' ]); }, /** * Listen to Dom Event bus * @param {module:event/domEventBus} domEventBus - Dom Event bus */ listenToDomEventBus: function(domEventBus) { this._listenForThrough(domEventBus, [ 'click', 'dblclick', 'mousedown', 'mouseover', 'mouseout' ]); }, /** * Listen to Focus model * @param {module:model/focus} focusModel - Focus model */ listenToFocusModel: function(focusModel) { this._listenForThrough(focusModel, ['focusChange']); }, /** * Listen to RowList model * @param {module:model/rowList} dataModel - RowList model */ listenToDataModel: function(dataModel) { this._listenForThrough(dataModel, [ 'check', 'uncheck', 'deleteRange', 'expanded', 'expandedAll', 'collapsed', 'collapsedAll' ]); }, listenToSelectionModel: function(selectionModel) { this._listenForThrough(selectionModel, ['selection']); } }); _.extend(PublicEventEmitter.prototype, Backbone.Events); module.exports = PublicEventEmitter; /***/ }), /* 61 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /** * @fileoverview Painter Manager * @author NHN. FE Development Lab */ 'use strict'; var _ = __webpack_require__(2); var snippet = __webpack_require__(3); var RowPainter = __webpack_require__(62); var CellPainter = __webpack_require__(64); var TreeCellPainter = __webpack_require__(65); var DummyCellPainter = __webpack_require__(66); var TextPainter = __webpack_require__(67); var SelectPainter = __webpack_require__(69); var ButtonPainter = __webpack_require__(70); var MainButtonPainter = __webpack_require__(71); /** * Painter manager * @module painter/manager * @param {Object} options - Options * @ignore */ var PainterManager = snippet.defineClass(/** @lends module:painter/manager.prototype */{ init: function(options) { this.gridId = options.gridId; this.selectType = options.selectType; this.fixedRowHeight = options.fixedRowHeight; this.inputPainters = this._createInputPainters(options.controller); this.cellPainters = this._createCellPainters(options.controller, options.domEventBus); this.rowPainter = this._createRowPainter(); }, /** * Creates instances of input painters and returns the object that stores them * using 'inputType' as keys. * @param {module:painter/controller} controller - painter controller * @returns {Object} * @private */ _createInputPainters: function(controller) { return { text: new TextPainter({ controller: controller, inputType: 'text' }), password: new TextPainter({ controller: controller, inputType: 'password' }), checkbox: new ButtonPainter({ controller: controller, inputType: 'checkbox' }), radio: new ButtonPainter({ controller: controller, inputType: 'radio' }), select: new SelectPainter({ controller: controller }), mainButton: new MainButtonPainter({ controller: controller, inputType: this.selectType, gridId: this.gridId }) }; }, /** * Creates instances of cell painters and returns the object that stores them * using 'editType' as keys. * @param {module:painter/controller} controller - painter controller * @param {module:event/domEventBus} domEventBus - domEventBus * @returns {Object} Key-value object * @private */ _createCellPainters: function(controller, domEventBus) { var cellPainters = { dummy: new DummyCellPainter({ controller: controller }), normal: new CellPainter({ domEventBus: domEventBus, controller: controller, fixedRowHeight: this.fixedRowHeight, editType: 'normal' }) }; _.each(this.inputPainters, function(inputPainter, editType) { cellPainters[editType] = new CellPainter({ editType: editType, controller: controller, fixedRowHeight: this.fixedRowHeight, inputPainter: inputPainter }); }, this); cellPainters.tree = new TreeCellPainter({ controller: controller, inputPainter: this.inputPainters.text }); return cellPainters; }, /** * Creates row painter and returns it. * @returns {module:painter/row} New row painter instance * @private */ _createRowPainter: function() { return new RowPainter({ painterManager: this }); }, /** * Returns an instance of cell painter which has given editType * @param {String} editType - Edit type * @returns {Object} - Cell painter instance */ getCellPainter: function(editType) { return this.cellPainters[editType]; }, /** * Returns an instance of tree-cell painter * @returns {object} cell painter instance */ getTreeCellPainter: function() { return this.cellPainters.tree; }, /** * Returns all cell painters * @returns {Object} Object that has edit-type as a key and cell painter as a value */ getCellPainters: function() { return this.cellPainters; }, /** * Returns all input painters * @param {Boolean} withoutMeta - if set to true, returns without meta cell painters * @returns {Object} Object that has edit-type as a key and input painter as a value */ getInputPainters: function(withoutMeta) { var result = this.inputPainters; if (withoutMeta) { result = _.omit(result, 'mainButton'); } return result; }, /** * Returns a row painter * @returns {module:painter/row} Row painter */ getRowPainter: function() { return this.rowPainter; } }); module.exports = PainterManager; /***/ }), /* 62 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /** * @fileoverview Painter class for the row(TR) views * @author NHN. FE Development Lab */ 'use strict'; var _ = __webpack_require__(2); var snippet = __webpack_require__(3); var Painter = __webpack_require__(63); var constMap = __webpack_require__(10); var classNameConst = __webpack_require__(19); var attrNameConst = constMap.attrName; var CELL_BORDER_WIDTH = constMap.dimension.CELL_BORDER_WIDTH; /** * Painter class for the row(TR) views * @module painter/row * @extends module:base/painter * @param {object} options - Options * @ignore */ var RowPainter = snippet.defineClass(Painter, /** @lends module:painter/row.prototype */{ init: function(options) { Painter.apply(this, arguments); this.painterManager = options.painterManager; }, /** * css selector to find its own element(s) from a parent element. * @type {String} */ selector: 'tr', /** * markup template * @returns {String} HTML string */ template: _.template( ' ' + 'class="<%=className%>" ' + 'style="height:<%=height%>px;">' + '<%=contents%>' + '' ), /** * cellData 의 isEditable 프로퍼티에 따른 editType 을 반환한다. * editable 프로퍼티가 false 라면 normal type 으로 설정한다. * @param {string} columnName 컬럼명 * @param {Object} cellData 셀 데이터 * @returns {string} cellFactory 에서 사용될 editType * @private */ _getEditType: function(columnName, cellData) { var editType = snippet.pick(cellData.columnModel, 'editOptions', 'type'); return editType || 'normal'; }, /** * Get cell painter by value * @param {boolean} treeCell - Whether the current cell is tree-cell or not * @param {string} editType - When the current cell is normal, the cell type is selected * @returns {object} cell painter */ _getCellPainter: function(treeCell, editType) { var cellPainter; if (treeCell) { cellPainter = this.painterManager.getTreeCellPainter(); } else { cellPainter = this.painterManager.getCellPainter(editType); } return cellPainter; }, /** * Returns the HTML string of all cells in Dummy row. * @param {Number} rowNum - row number * @param {Array.} columnNames - An array of column names * @returns {String} HTLM string * @private */ _generateHtmlForDummyRow: function(rowNum, columnNames) { var cellPainter = this.painterManager.getCellPainter('dummy'); var html = ''; _.each(columnNames, function(columnName) { html += cellPainter.generateHtml(rowNum, columnName); }); return html; }, /** * Returns the HTML string of all cells in Actual row. * @param {module:model/row} model - View model instance * @param {Array.} columnNames - An array of column names * @returns {String} HTLM string * @private */ _generateHtmlForActualRow: function(model, columnNames) { var html = ''; _.each(columnNames, function(columnName) { var cellData = model.get(columnName); var treeCell, editType, cellPainter; if (cellData && cellData.isMainRow) { treeCell = !!cellData.tree; editType = this._getEditType(columnName, cellData); cellPainter = this._getCellPainter(treeCell, editType); html += cellPainter.generateHtml(cellData); } }, this); return html; }, /** * Returns the HTML string of all cells in the given model (row). * @param {module:model/row} model - View model instance * @param {Array.} columnNames - An array of column names * @returns {String} HTLM string */ generateHtml: function(model, columnNames) { var rowKey = model.get('rowKey'); var rowNum = model.get('rowNum'); var className = (rowNum % 2) ? classNameConst.ROW_ODD : classNameConst.ROW_EVEN; var rowKeyAttr = ''; var html; if (_.isUndefined(rowKey)) { html = this._generateHtmlForDummyRow(rowNum, columnNames); } else { rowKeyAttr = attrNameConst.ROW_KEY + '="' + rowKey + '"'; html = this._generateHtmlForActualRow(model, columnNames); } return this.template({ rowKeyAttr: rowKeyAttr, height: model.get('height') + CELL_BORDER_WIDTH, contents: html, className: className }); }, /** * Refreshes the row(TR) element. * @param {object} changed - object that contains the changed data using columnName as keys * @param {jQuery} $tr - jquery object for tr element */ refresh: function(changed, $tr) { _.each(changed, function(cellData, columnName) { var treeCell, editType, cellPainter, $td; if (columnName !== '_extraData') { $td = $tr.find('td[' + attrNameConst.COLUMN_NAME + '="' + columnName + '"]'); editType = this._getEditType(columnName, cellData); treeCell = !!cellData.tree; cellPainter = this._getCellPainter(treeCell, editType); cellPainter.refresh(cellData, $td); } }, this); } }); module.exports = RowPainter; /***/ }), /* 63 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /** * @fileoverview Base class for Painters * @author NHN. FE Development Lab */ 'use strict'; var _ = __webpack_require__(2); var snippet = __webpack_require__(3); var attrNameConst = __webpack_require__(10).attrName; /** * Base class for Painters * The Painter class is implentation of 'flyweight' pattern for the View class. * This aims to act like a View class but doesn't create an instance of each view items * to improve rendering performance. * @module base/painter * @param {Object} options - options * @ignore */ var Painter = snippet.defineClass(/** @lends module:base/painter.prototype */{ init: function(options) { this.controller = options.controller; }, /** * key-value object contains event names as keys and handler names as values * @type {Object} */ events: {}, /** * css selector to use delegated event handlers by '$.on()' method. * @type {String} */ selector: '', /** * Returns the cell address of the target element. * @param {jQuery} $target - target element * @returns {{rowKey: String, columnName: String}} * @private */ _getCellAddress: function($target) { var $addressHolder = $target.closest('[' + attrNameConst.ROW_KEY + ']'); return { rowKey: $addressHolder.attr(attrNameConst.ROW_KEY), columnName: $addressHolder.attr(attrNameConst.COLUMN_NAME) }; }, /** * Attaches all event handlers to the $target element. * @param {jquery} $target - target element * @param {String} parentSelector - selector of a parent element */ attachEventHandlers: function($target, parentSelector) { _.each(this.events, function(methodName, eventName) { var boundHandler = _.bind(this[methodName], this), selector = parentSelector + ' ' + this.selector; $target.on(eventName, selector, boundHandler); }, this); }, /** * Generates a HTML string from given data, and returns it. * @abstract */ generateHtml: function() { throw new Error('implement generateHtml() method'); } }); module.exports = Painter; /***/ }), /* 64 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /** * @fileoverview Painter class for cell(TD) views * @author NHN. FE Development Lab */ 'use strict'; var _ = __webpack_require__(2); var snippet = __webpack_require__(3); var Painter = __webpack_require__(63); var util = __webpack_require__(17); var attrNameConst = __webpack_require__(10).attrName; var classNameConst = __webpack_require__(19); /** * Painter class for cell(TD) views * @module painter/cell * @extends module:base/painter * @param {Object} options - options * @ignore */ var Cell = snippet.defineClass(Painter, /** @lends module:painter/cell.prototype */{ init: function(options) { Painter.apply(this, arguments); this.editType = options.editType; this.fixedRowHeight = options.fixedRowHeight; this.inputPainter = options.inputPainter; this.selector = 'td[' + attrNameConst.EDIT_TYPE + '="' + this.editType + '"]'; }, /** * template for TD * @returns {string} template */ template: _.template( ' style="<%=style%>"><%=contentHtml%>' ), /** * template for DIV (inner content of TD) */ contentTemplate: _.template( '
' ), /** * Returns whether the instance is editable type. * @returns {Boolean} */ _isEditableType: function() { return !_.contains(['normal', 'mainButton'], this.editType); }, /** * Returns css style string for given cellData * @param {Object} cellData - cell data * @returns {string} */ _getContentStyle: function(cellData) { var whiteSpace = cellData.columnModel.whiteSpace || 'nowrap'; var styles = []; if (whiteSpace) { styles.push('white-space:' + whiteSpace); } if (this.fixedRowHeight) { styles.push('max-height:' + cellData.height + 'px'); } return styles.join(';'); }, /** * Returns the HTML string of the contents containg the value of the 'prefix' and 'postfix'. * @param {Object} cellData - cell data * @returns {String} * @private */ _getContentHtml: function(cellData) { var customTemplate = cellData.columnModel.template; var content = cellData.formattedValue; var prefix = cellData.prefix; var postfix = cellData.postfix; var fullContent, template; if (this.inputPainter) { content = this.inputPainter.generateHtml(cellData); if (this._shouldContentBeWrapped() && !this._isUsingViewMode(cellData)) { prefix = this._getSpanWrapContent(prefix, classNameConst.CELL_CONTENT_BEFORE); postfix = this._getSpanWrapContent(postfix, classNameConst.CELL_CONTENT_AFTER); content = this._getSpanWrapContent(content, classNameConst.CELL_CONTENT_INPUT); // notice the order of concatenation fullContent = prefix + postfix + content; } } if (!fullContent) { fullContent = prefix + content + postfix; } if (cellData.columnName === '_number' && _.isFunction(customTemplate)) { template = customTemplate({ content: fullContent }); } else { template = this.contentTemplate({ content: fullContent, className: classNameConst.CELL_CONTENT, style: this._getContentStyle(cellData) }); } return template; }, /** * Returns whether the cell has view mode. * @param {Object} cellData - cell data * @returns {Boolean} * @private */ _isUsingViewMode: function(cellData) { return snippet.pick(cellData, 'columnModel', 'editOptions', 'useViewMode') !== false; }, /** * Returns whether the contents should be wrapped with span tags to display them correctly. * @returns {Boolean} * @private */ _shouldContentBeWrapped: function() { return _.contains(['text', 'password', 'select'], this.editType); }, /** * 주어진 문자열을 span 태그로 감싼 HTML 코드를 반환한다. * @param {string} content - 감싸질 문자열 * @param {string} className - span 태그의 클래스명 * @returns {string} span 태그로 감싼 HTML 코드 * @private */ _getSpanWrapContent: function(content, className) { if (snippet.isFalsy(content)) { content = ''; } return '' + content + ''; }, /** * Returns the object contains attributes of a TD element. * @param {Object} cellData - cell data * @returns {Object} * @private */ _getAttributes: function(cellData) { var classNames = [ cellData.className, classNameConst.CELL ]; var attrs = { 'align': cellData.columnModel.align || 'left' }; attrs['class'] = classNames.join(' '); attrs[attrNameConst.EDIT_TYPE] = this.editType; attrs[attrNameConst.ROW_KEY] = cellData.rowKey; attrs[attrNameConst.COLUMN_NAME] = cellData.columnName; if (cellData.rowSpan) { attrs.rowspan = cellData.rowSpan; } return attrs; }, /** * Attaches all event handlers to the $target element. * @param {jquery} $target - target element * @param {String} parentSelector - selector of a parent element * @override */ attachEventHandlers: function($target, parentSelector) { Painter.prototype.attachEventHandlers.call(this, $target, parentSelector); if (this.inputPainter) { this.inputPainter.attachEventHandlers($target, parentSelector + ' ' + this.selector); } }, /** * Generates a HTML string from given data, and returns it. * @param {object} cellData - cell data * @returns {string} HTML string of the cell (TD) * @implements {module:base/painter} */ generateHtml: function(cellData) { var attributeString = util.getAttributesString(this._getAttributes(cellData)); var contentHtml = this._getContentHtml(cellData); var valign = cellData.columnModel.valign; var styles = []; if (valign) { styles.push('vertical-align:' + valign); } return this.template({ attributeString: attributeString, style: styles.join(';'), contentHtml: contentHtml }); }, /** * Refreshes the cell(td) element. * @param {object} cellData - cell data * @param {jQuery} $td - cell element */ refresh: function(cellData, $td) { var contentProps = ['value', 'editing', 'disabled', 'listItems']; var editingChangedToTrue = _.contains(cellData.changed, 'editing') && cellData.editing; var shouldUpdateContent = _.intersection(contentProps, cellData.changed).length > 0; var mainButton = this.editType === 'mainButton'; $td.attr(this._getAttributes(cellData)); if (editingChangedToTrue && !this._isUsingViewMode(cellData)) { this.inputPainter.focus($td); } else if (mainButton) { $td.find(this.inputPainter.selector).prop({ checked: cellData.value, disabled: cellData.disabled }); } else if (shouldUpdateContent) { $td.html(this._getContentHtml(cellData)); $td.scrollLeft(0); } } }); module.exports = Cell; /***/ }), /* 65 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /** * @fileoverview Tree cell painter * @author NHN. FE Development Lab */ 'use strict'; var $ = __webpack_require__(7); var _ = __webpack_require__(2); var snippet = __webpack_require__(3); var Painter = __webpack_require__(63); var util = __webpack_require__(17); var attrNameConst = __webpack_require__(10).attrName; var dimensionConst = __webpack_require__(10).dimension; var classNameConst = __webpack_require__(19); /** * Painter class for tree-cell(TD) views * @module painter/treeCell * @extends module:base/painter * @param {object} options - options * @ignore */ var TreeCell = snippet.defineClass(Painter, /** @lends module:painter/treeCell.prototype */{ init: function(options) { Painter.apply(this, arguments); /** * Input painter for editing cell data * @type {module:painter/input/text} */ this._inputPainter = options.inputPainter; }, /** * Selector of tree-button to bind events * @type {string} */ selector: '.' + classNameConst.BTN_TREE, events: { click: '_onClick' }, /** * Template for TD element * @returns {string} html string */ template: _.template( '">' + '
' + '
' + '<%=extraContentHtml%>' + '<%=contentHtml%>' + '
' + '
' + '' ), /** * Template for each DIV element (inner content of TD) * @returns {string} html string */ contentTemplate: _.template( '
' + '<%=content%>' + '
' ), /** * Template for each line element in extra content * @returns {string} html string */ lineTemplate: _.template( '' + '<% if (hasButton) { %>' + '' + '<% } %>' + '' ), /** * Event handler for tree-cell's expand/collapse button * @param {Event} ev - dom event object * @private */ _onClick: function(ev) { var $target = $(ev.target); var $td = $target.parents('td'); var rowKey = this._getCellAddress($target).rowKey; var isExpanded = $td.hasClass(classNameConst.TREE_BUTTON_EXPAND); this.controller.changeTreeExpanded(rowKey, isExpanded); }, /** * Get html of line element in extra content * @param {number} depth - depth of current row * @param {boolean} lastDepth - whether the current row is last depth or not * @param {boolean} hasChildren - whether the current row has children or not * @returns {string} html string * @private */ _getLineHtml: function(depth, lastDepth, hasChildren) { var hasButton = lastDepth && hasChildren; var style = ['left:' + (depth * dimensionConst.INDENT_WIDTH) + 'px;']; return this.lineTemplate({ style: style.join(''), hasButton: hasButton }); }, /** * Get html of icon element in extra content * @param {number} depth - depth of current row * @returns {string} html string * @private */ _getIconHtml: function(depth) { var style = 'left:' + (depth * dimensionConst.INDENT_WIDTH) + 'px;'; return ''; }, /** * Get html of extra content that contains line and expand/collapse button elements * @param {object} cellData - tree cell data * @returns {string} html string * @private */ _getExtraContentHtml: function(cellData) { var depth = cellData.depth; var hasChildren = cellData.hasChildren; var useIcon = cellData.useIcon; var index = 0; var htmls = []; var lastDepth; for (; index < depth; index += 1) { lastDepth = index === depth - 1; htmls.push(this._getLineHtml(index, lastDepth, hasChildren)); } if (useIcon) { htmls.push(this._getIconHtml(depth)); } return this.contentTemplate({ className: classNameConst.TREE_EXTRA_CONTENT, style: '', content: htmls.join('') }); }, /** * Get attributes string of TD * @param {object} cellData - cell data * @returns {string} connected attribute string * @private */ _getAttributes: function(cellData) { var classNames = [ cellData.className, classNameConst.CELL, classNameConst.CELL_HAS_TREE ]; var attrs = {}; if (cellData.hasChildren) { if (cellData.isExpanded) { classNames.push(classNameConst.TREE_BUTTON_EXPAND); } else { classNames.push(classNameConst.TREE_BUTTON_COLLAPSE); } } attrs['class'] = classNames.join(' '); attrs[attrNameConst.ROW_KEY] = cellData.rowKey; attrs[attrNameConst.COLUMN_NAME] = cellData.columnName; return attrs; }, /** * Get html of data content in tree-cell's right area * @param {object} cellData - cell data * @returns {string} concat string of styles * @private */ _getContentStyle: function(cellData) { var whiteSpace = cellData.columnModel.whiteSpace || 'nowrap'; var marginLeft = cellData.depth * dimensionConst.INDENT_WIDTH; var styles = []; if (whiteSpace) { styles.push('white-space:' + whiteSpace); } if (this.fixedRowHeight) { styles.push('max-height:' + cellData.height + 'px'); } if (cellData.useIcon) { marginLeft += dimensionConst.INDENT_WIDTH; } styles.push('margin-left:' + marginLeft + 'px'); return styles.join(';'); }, /** * Whether the current cell is using 'view-mode' or not * @param {object} cellData - cell data * @returns {boolean} using state * @private */ _isUsingViewMode: function(cellData) { return snippet.pick(cellData, 'columnModel', 'editOptions', 'useViewMode') !== false; }, /** * Get html of wrapping content by span tag * @param {string} content - content to wrap * @param {string} className - class names of span tag * @returns {string} html string * @private */ _getSpanWrapContent: function(content, className) { if (snippet.isFalsy(content)) { content = ''; } return '' + content + ''; }, /** * Get html of data content * @param {object} cellData - cell data * @returns {string} html string * @private */ _getContentHtml: function(cellData) { var content = cellData.formattedValue; var prefix = cellData.prefix; var postfix = cellData.postfix; var fullContent; if (this._inputPainter) { content = this._inputPainter.generateHtml(cellData); if (!this._isUsingViewMode(cellData)) { prefix = this._getSpanWrapContent(prefix, classNameConst.CELL_CONTENT_BEFORE); postfix = this._getSpanWrapContent(postfix, classNameConst.CELL_CONTENT_AFTER); content = this._getSpanWrapContent(content, classNameConst.CELL_CONTENT_INPUT); // notice the order of concatenation fullContent = prefix + postfix + content; } } if (!fullContent) { fullContent = prefix + content + postfix; } return this.contentTemplate({ className: classNameConst.CELL_CONTENT, style: this._getContentStyle(cellData), content: fullContent }); }, /** * Generate content html of TD * @param {object} cellData - cell data * @returns {string} html string */ generateHtml: function(cellData) { var attributeString = util.getAttributesString(this._getAttributes(cellData)); var extraContentHtml = this._getExtraContentHtml(cellData); var contentHtml = this._getContentHtml(cellData); return this.template({ attributeString: attributeString, extraContentHtml: extraContentHtml, contentHtml: contentHtml }); }, /** * Rerender content html of TD * @param {object} cellData - cell data * @param {jQuery} $td - cell element */ refresh: function(cellData, $td) { var editingChangedToTrue = _.contains(cellData.changed, 'editing') && cellData.editing; var shouldUpdateContent = cellData.changed.length > 0; var attrs = this._getAttributes(cellData); var contentHtml; $td.attr(attrs); if (editingChangedToTrue && !this._isUsingViewMode(cellData)) { this._inputPainter.focus($td); } else if (shouldUpdateContent) { contentHtml = this._getContentHtml(cellData); $td.find('.' + classNameConst.CELL_CONTENT).remove(); $td.find('.' + classNameConst.TREE_EXTRA_CONTENT).after(contentHtml); $td.scrollLeft(0); } } }); module.exports = TreeCell; /***/ }), /* 66 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /** * @fileoverview Dummy cell painter * @author NHN. FE Development Lab */ 'use strict'; var _ = __webpack_require__(2); var snippet = __webpack_require__(3); var Painter = __webpack_require__(63); var util = __webpack_require__(17); var attrNameConst = __webpack_require__(10).attrName; var classNameConst = __webpack_require__(19); /** * Dummy Cell Painter * @module painter/dummyCell * @extends module:base/painter * @ignore */ var DummyCell = snippet.defineClass(Painter, /** @lends module:painter/dummyCell.prototype */{ init: function() { Painter.apply(this, arguments); }, /** * css selector to find its own element(s) from a parent element. * @type {String} */ selector: 'td[' + attrNameConst.EDIT_TYPE + '="dummy"]', /** * Template function * @returns {String} HTML string */ template: _.template( '' + '' ), /** * Generates a HTML string from given data, and returns it. * @param {Number} rowNum - row number * @param {String} columnName - column name * @returns {string} HTML string * @implements {module:base/painter} */ generateHtml: function(rowNum, columnName) { var classNames = [ classNameConst.CELL, classNameConst.CELL_DUMMY ]; if (util.isMetaColumn(columnName)) { classNames.push(classNameConst.CELL_ROW_HEAD); } return this.template({ columnName: columnName, className: classNames.join(' ') }); } }); module.exports = DummyCell; /***/ }), /* 67 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /** * @fileoverview Painter class for the 'input[type=text]' and 'input[type=password]'. * @author NHN. FE Development Lab */ 'use strict'; var _ = __webpack_require__(2); var snippet = __webpack_require__(3); var InputPainter = __webpack_require__(68); var util = __webpack_require__(17); var classNameConst = __webpack_require__(19); var SELECTOR_TEXT = '.' + classNameConst.CELL_CONTENT_TEXT; var SELECTOR_PASSWORD = 'input[type=password]'; /** * Painter class for the 'input[type=text]' and 'input[type=password]' * @module painter/input/text * @extends module:painter/input/base * @param {Object} options - options * @ignore */ var TextPainter = snippet.defineClass(InputPainter, /** @lends module:painter/input/text.prototype */{ init: function(options) { InputPainter.apply(this, arguments); this.inputType = options.inputType; /** * css selector to use delegated event handlers by '$.on()' method. * @type {String} */ this.selector = (options.inputType === 'text') ? SELECTOR_TEXT : SELECTOR_PASSWORD; this._extendEvents({ selectstart: '_onSelectStart' }); }, /** * template for input * @returns {string} html */ templateInput: _.template( '' + '/>' ), /** * template for textarea * @returns {string} html */ templateTextArea: _.template( '><%=value%>' + '' ), /** * Event handler for the 'selectstart' event. * (To prevent 'selectstart' event be prevented by module:view/layout/body in IE) * @param {Event} event - DOM event object * @private */ _onSelectStart: function(event) { event.stopPropagation(); }, /** * Convert each character in the given string to '*' and returns them as a string. * @param {String} value - value string * @returns {String} * @private */ _convertStringToAsterisks: function(value) { return Array(value.length + 1).join('*'); }, /** * Returns the value string of given data to display in the cell. * @param {Object} cellData - cell data * @implements {module:painter/input/base} * @returns {String} * @protected */ _getDisplayValue: function(cellData) { var value = cellData.formattedValue; if (this.inputType === 'password') { value = this._convertStringToAsterisks(cellData.value); } return value; }, /** * Generates an input HTML string from given data, and returns it. * @param {object} cellData - cell data * @implements {module:painter/input/base} * @returns {string} * @protected */ _generateInputHtml: function(cellData) { var maxLength = snippet.pick(cellData, 'columnModel', 'editOptions', 'maxLength'); var params = { type: this.inputType, className: classNameConst.CELL_CONTENT_TEXT, value: cellData.value, name: util.getUniqueKey(), disabled: cellData.disabled ? 'disabled' : '', maxLength: maxLength }; if (cellData.whiteSpace !== 'nowrap') { return this.templateTextArea(params); } return this.templateInput(params); }, /** * Finds an element from the given parent element with 'this.selector', and moves focus to it. * @param {jquery} $parent - parent element * @override */ focus: function($parent) { var $input = $parent.find(this.selector); if ($input.length === 1 && !$input.is(':focus')) { $input.select(); } } }); module.exports = TextPainter; /***/ }), /* 68 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /** * @fileoverview Base class for the Input Painter * @author NHN. FE Development Lab */ 'use strict'; var $ = __webpack_require__(7); var _ = __webpack_require__(2); var Backbone = __webpack_require__(5); var snippet = __webpack_require__(3); var Painter = __webpack_require__(63); var keyNameMap = __webpack_require__(10).keyName; /** * Input Painter Base * @module painter/input/base * @extends module:base/painter * @param {Object} options - options * @ignore */ var InputPainter = snippet.defineClass(Painter, /** @lends module:painter/input/base.prototype */{ init: function() { Painter.apply(this, arguments); /** * State of finishing to edit * @type {Boolean} */ this._finishedEditing = false; }, /** * key-value object contains event names as keys and handler names as values * @type {Object} */ events: { keydown: '_onKeyDown', focusin: '_onFocusIn', focusout: '_onFocusOut', change: '_onChange' }, /** * keydown Actions * @type {Object} */ keyDownActions: { ESC: function(param) { this.controller.finishEditing(param.address, true); }, ENTER: function(param) { this.controller.finishEditing(param.address, true, param.value); }, TAB: function(param) { this.controller.finishEditing(param.address, true, param.value); this.controller.focusInToNextCell(param.shiftKey); } }, /** * Extends the default keydown actions. * @param {Object} actions - Object that contains the action functions * @private */ _extendKeydownActions: function(actions) { this.keyDownActions = _.assign({}, this.keyDownActions, actions); }, /** * Extends the default event object * @param {Object} events - Object that contains the names of event handlers */ _extendEvents: function(events) { this.events = _.assign({}, this.events, events); }, /** * Executes the custom handler (defined by user) of the input events. * @param {Event} event - DOM event object * @param {{rowKey: number, columnName: string}} address - target cell address * @private */ _executeCustomEventHandler: function(event, address) { this.controller.executeCustomInputEventHandler(event, address); }, /** * Event handler for the 'change' event. * This method is just a stub. Override this if necessary. * @private */ _onChange: function() { // do nothing }, /** * Event handler for the 'focusin' event. * @param {Event} event - DOM event object * @private */ _onFocusIn: function(event) { var $target = $(event.target); var address = this._getCellAddress($target); var self = this; // Defers starting editing // as button-type(checkbox, radio) defers finishing editing for detecting blurred state. // see {@link module:painter/input/button#_onFocusOut} _.defer(function() { self._executeCustomEventHandler(event, address); self.trigger('focusIn', $target, address); self.controller.startEditing(address); }); }, /** * Event handler for the 'focusout' event. * @param {Event} event - DOM event object * @private */ _onFocusOut: function(event) { var $target = $(event.target); var address = this._getCellAddress($target); if (!this._finishedEditing) { this._executeCustomEventHandler(event, address); this.trigger('focusOut', $target, address); this.controller.finishEditing(address, false, $target.val()); } }, /** * Event handler for the 'keydown' event. * @param {KeyboardEvent} event - KeyboardEvent object * @private */ _onKeyDown: function(event) { var keyCode = event.keyCode || event.which; var keyName = keyNameMap[keyCode]; var action = this.keyDownActions[keyName]; var $target = $(event.target); var param = { $target: $target, address: this._getCellAddress($target), shiftKey: event.shiftKey, value: $target.val() }; this._executeCustomEventHandler(event, param.address); if (action && !event.shiftKey) { action.call(this, param); event.preventDefault(); } }, /** * Returns the value string of given data to display in the cell. * @abstract * @protected */ _getDisplayValue: function() { throw new Error('implement _getDisplayValue() method'); }, /** * Generates an input HTML string from given data, and returns it. * @abstract * @protected */ _generateInputHtml: function() { throw new Error('implement _generateInputHtml() method'); }, /** * Returns whether the cell has view mode. * @param {Object} cellData - cell data * @returns {Boolean} * @private */ _isUsingViewMode: function(cellData) { return snippet.pick(cellData, 'columnModel', 'editOptions', 'useViewMode') !== false; }, /** * Generates a HTML string from given data, and returns it. * @param {Object} cellData - cell data * @returns {String} * @implements {module:painter/input/base} */ generateHtml: function(cellData) { var result; if (!_.isNull(cellData.convertedHTML)) { result = cellData.convertedHTML; } else if (!this._isUsingViewMode(cellData) || cellData.editing) { result = this._generateInputHtml(cellData); } else { result = this._getDisplayValue(cellData); } return result; }, /** * Finds an element from the given parent element with 'this.selector', and moves focus to it. * @param {jquery} $parent - parent element */ focus: function($parent) { var $input = $parent.find(this.selector); if (!$input.is(':focus')) { $input.eq(0).focus(); } }, /** * Block focusing out */ blockFocusingOut: function() { this._finishedEditing = true; }, /** * Unblock focusing out */ unblockFocusingOut: function() { this._finishedEditing = false; } }); _.assign(InputPainter.prototype, Backbone.Events); module.exports = InputPainter; /***/ }), /* 69 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /** * @fileoverview Painter class for 'select' input. * @author NHN. FE Development Lab */ 'use strict'; var $ = __webpack_require__(7); var _ = __webpack_require__(2); var snippet = __webpack_require__(3); var InputPainter = __webpack_require__(68); var util = __webpack_require__(17); /** * Painter class for 'select' input. * @module painter/input/select * @extends module:painter/input/base * @ignore */ var SelectPainter = snippet.defineClass(InputPainter, /** @lends module:painter/input/select.prototype */{ init: function() { InputPainter.apply(this, arguments); /** * css selector to use delegated event handlers by '$.on()' method. * @type {String} */ this.selector = 'select'; }, /** * Content markup template * @returns {string} html */ template: _.template( '' ), /** * Options markup template * @returns {string} html */ optionTemplate: _.template( '' ), /** * Event handler for the 'change' event * @param {Event} ev - DOM Event */ _onChange: function(ev) { var $target = $(ev.target); var address = this._getCellAddress($target); this.controller.setValueIfNotUsingViewMode(address, $target.val()); }, /** * Returns the value string of given data to display in the cell. * @param {Object} cellData - cell data * @implements {module:painter/input/base} * @returns {String} * @protected */ _getDisplayValue: function(cellData) { var selectedOption = _.find(cellData.listItems, function(item) { return String(item.value) === String(cellData.value); }); return selectedOption ? selectedOption.text : ''; }, /** * Generates an input HTML string from given data, and returns it. * @param {object} cellData - cell data * @implements {module:painter/input/base} * @returns {string} * @protected */ _generateInputHtml: function(cellData) { var optionHtml = _.reduce(cellData.listItems, function(html, item) { return html + this.optionTemplate({ value: item.value, text: item.text, selected: (String(cellData.value) === String(item.value)) ? 'selected' : '' }); }, '', this); return this.template({ name: util.getUniqueKey(), disabled: cellData.disabled ? 'disabled' : '', options: optionHtml }); } }); module.exports = SelectPainter; /***/ }), /* 70 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /** * @fileoverview Painter class for 'checkbox' and 'radio button'. * @author NHN. FE Development Lab */ 'use strict'; var $ = __webpack_require__(7); var _ = __webpack_require__(2); var snippet = __webpack_require__(3); var InputPainter = __webpack_require__(68); var util = __webpack_require__(17); /** * Painter class for 'checkbox' and 'radio button'. * @module painter/input/button * @extends module:painter/input/base * @param {Object} options - options * @ignore */ var ButtonPainter = snippet.defineClass(InputPainter, /** @lends module:painter/input/button.prototype */{ init: function(options) { InputPainter.apply(this, arguments); this.inputType = options.inputType; /** * css selector to use delegated event handlers by '$.on()' method. * @type {String} */ this.selector = 'fieldset[data-type=' + this.inputType + ']'; this._extendEvents({ mousedown: '_onMouseDown' }); this._extendKeydownActions({ TAB: function(param) { var value; if (!this._focusNextInput(param.$target, param.shiftKey)) { value = this._getCheckedValueString(param.$target); this.controller.finishEditing(param.address, true, value); this.controller.focusInToNextCell(param.shiftKey); } }, ENTER: function(param) { var value = this._getCheckedValueString(param.$target); this.controller.finishEditing(param.address, true, value); }, LEFT_ARROW: function(param) { this._focusNextInput(param.$target, true); }, RIGHT_ARROW: function(param) { this._focusNextInput(param.$target); }, UP_ARROW: function() {}, DOWN_ARROW: function() {} }); }, /** * fieldset markup template * @returns {String} */ template: _.template( '
' ), /** * Input markup template * @returns {String} */ inputTemplate: _.template( ' <%=disabled%> />' ), /** * Label markup template * @returns {String} */ labelTemplate: _.template( '' ), /** * Event handler for 'change' event * @param {Event} ev - DOM Event */ _onChange: function(ev) { var $target = $(ev.target); var address = this._getCellAddress($target); var value = this._getCheckedValueString($target); this.controller.setValueIfNotUsingViewMode(address, value); }, /** * Event handler for 'blur' event * @param {Event} event - event object * @override * @private */ _onFocusOut: function(event) { var $target = $(event.target); var self = this; _.defer(function() { var address, value; if (!$target.siblings('input:focus').length) { address = self._getCellAddress($target); value = self._getCheckedValueString($target); self.controller.finishEditing(address, false, value); } }); }, /** * Event handler for 'mousedown' DOM event * @param {MouseEvent} event - mouse event object * @private */ _onMouseDown: function(event) { var $target = $(event.target); var hasFocusedInput = $target.closest('fieldset').find('input:focus').length > 0; if (!$target.is('input') && hasFocusedInput) { event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); } }, /** * Moves focus to the next input element. * @param {jquery} $target - target element * @param {Boolean} reverse - if set to true, find previous element instead of next element. * @returns {Boolean} - false if no element exist, true otherwise. * @private */ _focusNextInput: function($target, reverse) { var traverseFuncName = reverse ? 'prevAll' : 'nextAll', $nextInputs = $target[traverseFuncName]('input'); if ($nextInputs.length) { $nextInputs.first().focus(); return true; } return false; }, /** * Returns the comma seperated value of all checked inputs * @param {jQuery} $target - target element * @returns {String} * @private */ _getCheckedValueString: function($target) { var $checkedInputs = $target.parent().find('input:checked'); var checkedValues = []; var result; $checkedInputs.each(function() { var $input = $(this); var valueType = $input.attr('data-value-type'); var value = util.convertValueType($input.val(), valueType); checkedValues.push(value); }); if (checkedValues.length === 1) { result = checkedValues[0]; } else { result = checkedValues.join(','); } return result; }, /** * Returns the set object that contains the checked value. * @param {String} value - value * @returns {Object} * @private */ _getCheckedValueSet: function(value) { var checkedMap = {}; _.each(String(value).split(','), function(itemValue) { checkedMap[itemValue] = true; }); return checkedMap; }, /** * Returns the value string of given data to display in the cell. * @param {Object} cellData - cell data * @implements {module:painter/input/base} * @returns {String} * @protected */ _getDisplayValue: function(cellData) { var checkedSet = this._getCheckedValueSet(cellData.value); var optionTexts = []; _.each(cellData.listItems, function(item) { if (checkedSet[item.value]) { optionTexts.push(item.text); } }); return optionTexts.join(','); }, /** * Generates an input HTML string from given data, and returns it. * @param {object} cellData - cell data * @implements {module:painter/input/base} * @returns {string} * @protected */ _generateInputHtml: function(cellData) { var checkedSet = this._getCheckedValueSet(cellData.value); var name = util.getUniqueKey(); var contentHtml = ''; _.each(cellData.listItems, function(item) { var id = name + '_' + item.value; contentHtml += this.inputTemplate({ type: this.inputType, id: id, name: name, value: item.value, valueType: typeof item.value, checked: checkedSet[item.value] ? 'checked' : '', disabled: cellData.isDisabled ? 'disabled' : '' }); if (item.text) { contentHtml += this.labelTemplate({ id: id, labelText: item.text }); } }, this); return this.template({ type: this.inputType, content: contentHtml }); }, /** * Finds an element from the given parent element with 'this.selector', and moves focus to it. * @param {jquery} $parent - parent element * @override */ focus: function($parent) { var $input = $parent.find('input'); if (!$input.is(':focus')) { $input.eq(0).focus(); } } }); module.exports = ButtonPainter; /***/ }), /* 71 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /** * @fileoverview Main Button Painter * @author NHN. FE Development Lab */ 'use strict'; var $ = __webpack_require__(7); var _ = __webpack_require__(2); var snippet = __webpack_require__(3); var Painter = __webpack_require__(63); var classNameConst = __webpack_require__(19); var keyCodeMap = __webpack_require__(10).keyCode; var className = classNameConst.CELL_MAIN_BUTTON; /** * Main Button Painter * (This class does not extend from module:painter/input/base but from module:base/painter directly) * @module painter/input/mainButton * @extends module:base/painter * @param {Object} options - options * @ignore */ var InputPainter = snippet.defineClass(Painter, /** @lends module:painter/input/mainButton.prototype */{ init: function(options) { Painter.apply(this, arguments); this.selector = 'input.' + className; this.inputType = options.inputType; this.gridId = options.gridId; }, /** * key-value object contains event names as keys and handler names as values * @type {Object} */ events: { change: '_onChange', keydown: '_onKeydown' }, /** * markup template * @returns {String} */ template: _.template( ' <%=disabled%> />' ), /** * Event handler for 'change' DOM event. * @param {Event} event - DOM event object * @private */ _onChange: function(event) { var $target = $(event.target); var address = this._getCellAddress($target); this.controller.setValue(address, $target.is(':checked')); }, /** * Event handler for 'keydown' DOM event * @param {KeyboardEvent} event [description] */ _onKeydown: function(event) { var address; if (event.keyCode === keyCodeMap.TAB) { event.preventDefault(); address = this._getCellAddress($(event.target)); this.controller.focusInToRow(address.rowKey); } }, /** * Generates a HTML string from given data, and returns it. * @param {Object} cellData - cell data * @returns {String} * @implements {module:painter/input/base} */ generateHtml: function(cellData) { var customTemplate = cellData.columnModel.template; var convertedHTML = null; var props = { type: this.inputType, name: this.gridId, className: className }; if (_.isFunction(customTemplate)) { convertedHTML = customTemplate(_.extend(props, { checked: cellData.value, disabled: cellData.disabled })); } else { convertedHTML = this.template(_.extend(props, { checked: cellData.value ? 'checked' : '', disabled: cellData.disabled ? 'disabled' : '' })); } return convertedHTML; } }); module.exports = InputPainter; /***/ }), /* 72 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /** * @fileoverview Controller class to handle actions from the painters * @author NHN. FE Development Lab */ 'use strict'; var $ = __webpack_require__(7); var _ = __webpack_require__(2); var snippet = __webpack_require__(3); var util = __webpack_require__(17); /** * Controller class to handle actions from the painters * @module painter/controller * @param {Object} options - options * @ignore */ var PainterController = snippet.defineClass(/** @lends module:painter/controller.prototype */{ init: function(options) { this.focusModel = options.focusModel; this.dataModel = options.dataModel; this.columnModel = options.columnModel; this.selectionModel = options.selectionModel; }, /** * Starts editing a cell identified by a given address, and returns the result. * @param {{rowKey:String, columnName:String}} address - cell address * @param {Boolean} force - if set to true, finish current editing before start. * @returns {Boolean} true if succeeded, false otherwise */ startEditing: function(address, force) { var result; if (force) { this.focusModel.finishEditing(); } result = this.focusModel.startEditing(address.rowKey, address.columnName); if (result) { this.selectionModel.end(); } return result; }, /** * Check if given column has 'maxLength' property and returns the substring limited by maxLength. * @param {string} columnName - columnName * @param {string} value - value * @returns {string} * @private */ _checkMaxLength: function(columnName, value) { var column = this.columnModel.getColumnModel(columnName); var maxLength = snippet.pick(column, 'editOptions', 'maxLength'); if (maxLength > 0 && value.length > maxLength) { return value.substring(0, maxLength); } return value; }, /** * Ends editing a cell identified by a given address, and returns the result. * @param {{rowKey:String, columnName:String}} address - cell address * @param {Boolean} shouldBlur - if set to true, make the current input lose focus. * @param {String} [value] - if exists, set the value of the data model to this value. * @returns {Boolean} - true if succeeded, false otherwise */ finishEditing: function(address, shouldBlur, value) { var focusModel = this.focusModel; var row, currentValue; if (!focusModel.isEditingCell(address.rowKey, address.columnName)) { return false; } this.selectionModel.enable(); if (!_.isUndefined(value)) { row = this.dataModel.get(address.rowKey); currentValue = row.get(address.columnName); if (!(util.isBlank(value) && util.isBlank(currentValue))) { this.setValue(address, this._checkMaxLength(address.columnName, value)); } } focusModel.finishEditing(); if (shouldBlur) { focusModel.focusClipboard(); } else { _.defer(function() { focusModel.refreshState(); }); } return true; }, /** * Moves focus to the next cell, and starts editing the cell. * @param {Boolean} reverse - if set to true, find the previous cell instead of next cell */ focusInToNextCell: function(reverse) { var focusModel = this.focusModel; var address = reverse ? focusModel.prevAddress() : focusModel.nextAddress(); focusModel.focusIn(address.rowKey, address.columnName, true); }, /** * Moves focus to the first cell of the given row, and starts editing the cell. * @param {number} rowKey - rowKey */ focusInToRow: function(rowKey) { var focusModel = this.focusModel; focusModel.focusIn(rowKey, focusModel.firstColumnName(), true); }, /** * Executes the custom handler (defined by user) of the input events. * @param {Event} event - DOM Event object * @param {{rowKey:String, columnName:String}} address - cell address */ executeCustomInputEventHandler: function(event, address) { var columnModel = this.columnModel.getColumnModel(address.columnName); var eventType, editOptions, handler; if (!columnModel) { return; } eventType = event.type; editOptions = columnModel.editOptions || {}; handler = editOptions[getEventHandlerName(eventType)]; if (_.isFunction(handler)) { handler.call(event.target, event, address); } }, /** * Sets the value of the given cell. * @param {{rowKey:String, columnName:String}} address - cell address * @param {(Number|String|Boolean)} value - value */ setValue: function(address, value) { var columnModel = this.columnModel.getColumnModel(address.columnName); if (_.isString(value)) { value = $.trim(value); } if (columnModel.validation && columnModel.validation.dataType === 'number') { value = convertToNumber(value); } if (columnModel.name === '_button') { if (value) { this.dataModel.check(address.rowKey); } else { this.dataModel.uncheck(address.rowKey); } } else { this.dataModel.setValue(address.rowKey, address.columnName, value); } }, /** * Sets the value of the given cell, if the given column is not using view-mode. * @param {{rowKey:String, columnName:String}} address - cell address * @param {(Number|String|Boolean)} value - value */ setValueIfNotUsingViewMode: function(address, value) { var columnModel = this.columnModel.getColumnModel(address.columnName); if (!snippet.pick(columnModel, 'editOptions', 'useViewMode')) { this.setValue(address, value); } }, /** * Change tree expanded state * @param {string} rowKey - Row key * @param {boolean} state - State of expanded */ changeTreeExpanded: function(rowKey, state) { if (state) { this.dataModel.treeCollapse(rowKey); } else { this.dataModel.treeExpand(rowKey); } } }); /** * Converts given value to a number type and returns it. * If the value is not a number type, returns the original value. * @param {*} value - value * @returns {*} */ function convertToNumber(value) { if (_.isString(value)) { value = value.replace(/,/g, ''); } if (_.isNumber(value) || isNaN(value) || util.isBlank(value)) { return value; } return Number(value); } /** * Returns a property name of a custom event handler matched to the given eventType * @param {string} eventType - event type * @returns {string} */ function getEventHandlerName(eventType) { switch (eventType) { case 'focusin': return 'onFocus'; case 'focusout': return 'onBlur'; case 'keydown': return 'onKeyDown'; default: return ''; } } module.exports = PainterController; /***/ }), /* 73 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /** * @fileoverview Add-on for binding to remote data * @author NHN. FE Development Lab */ 'use strict'; var $ = __webpack_require__(7); var Backbone = __webpack_require__(5); var _ = __webpack_require__(2); var View = __webpack_require__(4); var Router = __webpack_require__(74); var util = __webpack_require__(17); var formUtil = __webpack_require__(75); var i18n = __webpack_require__(42); var GridEvent = __webpack_require__(16); var renderStateMap = __webpack_require__(10).renderState; var DELAY_FOR_LOADING_STATE = 200; var requestMessageMap = { createData: 'net.confirmCreate', updateData: 'net.confirmUpdate', deleteData: 'net.confirmDelete', modifyData: 'net.confirmModify' }; var errorMessageMap = { createData: 'net.noDataToCreate', updateData: 'net.noDataToUpdate', deleteData: 'net.noDataToDelete', modifyData: 'net.noDataToModify' }; /** * Add-on for binding to remote data * @module addon/net * @param {object} options * @param {jquery} [options.el] - Form element (to be used for ajax request) * @param {boolean} [options.initialRequest=true] - Whether to request 'readData' after initialized * @param {string} [options.readDataMethod='POST'] - Http method to be used for 'readData' API ('POST' or 'GET') * @param {object} [options.api] - URL map * @param {string} [options.api.readData] - URL for read-data * @param {string} [options.api.createData] - URL for create * @param {string} [options.api.updateData] - URL for update * @param {string} [options.api.modifyData] - URL for modify (create/update/delete at once) * @param {string} [options.api.deleteData] - URL for delete * @param {string} [options.api.downloadExcel] - URL for download data of this page as an excel-file * @param {string} [options.api.downloadExcelAll] - URL for download all data as an excel-file * @param {number} [options.perPage=500] - The number of items to be shown in a page * @param {boolean} [options.enableAjaxHistory=true] - Whether to use the browser history for the ajax requests * @param {boolean} [options.withCredentials=false] - Use withCredentials flag of XMLHttpRequest for ajax requests if true allow cross-domain requests if true * @example *
* *
* */ var Net = View.extend(/** @lends module:addon/net.prototype */{ initialize: function(options) { var defaultOptions = { initialRequest: true, perPage: 500, enableAjaxHistory: true, withCredentials: false }; var defaultApi = { readData: '', createData: '', updateData: '', deleteData: '', modifyData: '', downloadExcel: '', downloadExcelAll: '' }; options = _.assign(defaultOptions, options); options.api = _.assign(defaultApi, options.api); _.assign(this, { // models dataModel: options.dataModel, renderModel: options.renderModel, // extra objects router: null, domEventBus: options.domEventBus, pagination: options.pagination, // configs api: options.api, enableAjaxHistory: options.enableAjaxHistory, readDataMethod: options.readDataMethod || 'POST', perPage: options.perPage, withCredentials: options.withCredentials, // state data curPage: 1, timeoutIdForDelay: null, requestedFormData: null, isLocked: false, lastRequestedReadData: null }); this._initializeDataModelNetwork(); this._initializeRouter(); this._initializePagination(); this.listenTo(this.dataModel, 'sortChanged', this._onSortChanged); this.listenTo(this.domEventBus, 'click:excel', this._onClickExcel); if (options.initialRequest) { if (!this.lastRequestedReadData) { this._readDataAt(1, false); } } }, tagName: 'form', events: { submit: '_onSubmit' }, /** * pagination instance 를 초기화 한다. * @private */ _initializePagination: function() { var pagination = this.pagination; if (pagination) { pagination.setItemsPerPage(this.perPage); pagination.setTotalItems(1); pagination.on('beforeMove', $.proxy(this._onPageBeforeMove, this)); } }, /** * Event listener for 'route:read' event on Router * @param {String} queryStr - Query string * @private */ _onRouterRead: function(queryStr) { var data = util.toQueryObject(queryStr); this._requestReadData(data); }, /** * Event listener for 'click:excel' event on domEventBus * @param {module:event/gridEvent} gridEvent - GridEvent * @private */ _onClickExcel: function(gridEvent) { var downloadType = (gridEvent.type === 'all') ? 'excelAll' : 'excel'; this.download(downloadType); }, /** * dataModel 이 network 통신을 할 수 있도록 설정한다. * @private */ _initializeDataModelNetwork: function() { this.dataModel.url = this.api.readData; this.dataModel.sync = $.proxy(this._sync, this); }, /** * ajax history 를 사용하기 위한 router 를 초기화한다. * @private */ _initializeRouter: function() { if (this.enableAjaxHistory) { this.router = new Router({ net: this }); this.listenTo(this.router, 'route:read', this._onRouterRead); if (!Backbone.History.started) { Backbone.history.start(); } } }, /** * pagination 에서 before page move가 발생했을 때 이벤트 핸들러 * @param {{page:number}} customEvent pagination 으로부터 전달받는 이벤트 객체 * @private */ _onPageBeforeMove: function(customEvent) { var page = customEvent.page; if (this.curPage !== page) { this._readDataAt(page, true); } }, /** * form 의 submit 이벤트 발생시 이벤트 핸들러 * @param {event} submitEvent submit 이벤트 객체 * @private */ _onSubmit: function(submitEvent) { submitEvent.preventDefault(); this._readDataAt(1, false); }, /** * 폼 데이터를 설정한다. * @param {Object} data - 폼 데이터 정보 * @private */ _setFormData: function(data) { var formData = _.clone(data); _.each(this.lastRequestedReadData, function(value, key) { if ((_.isUndefined(formData[key]) || _.isNull(formData[key])) && value) { formData[key] = ''; } }); formUtil.setFormData(this.$el, formData); }, /** * fetch 수행 이후 custom ajax 동작 처리를 위해 Backbone 의 기본 sync 를 오버라이드 하기위한 메서드. * @param {String} method router 로부터 전달받은 method 명 * @param {Object} model fetch 를 수행한 dataModel * @param {Object} options request 정보 * @private */ _sync: function(method, model, options) { var params; if (method === 'read') { options = options || {}; params = $.extend({}, options); if (!options.url) { params.url = _.result(model, 'url'); } this._ajax(params); } else { Backbone.sync(Backbone, method, model, options); } }, /** * network 통신에 대한 _lock 을 건다. * @private */ _lock: function() { var renderModel = this.renderModel; this.timeoutIdForDelay = setTimeout(function() { renderModel.set('state', renderStateMap.LOADING); }, DELAY_FOR_LOADING_STATE); this.isLocked = true; }, /** * network 통신에 대해 unlock 한다. * loading layer hide 는 rendering 하는 로직에서 수행한다. * @private */ _unlock: function() { if (this.timeoutIdForDelay !== null) { clearTimeout(this.timeoutIdForDelay); this.timeoutIdForDelay = null; } this.isLocked = false; }, /** * form 으로 지정된 엘리먼트의 Data 를 반환한다. * @returns {object} formData 데이터 오브젝트 * @private */ _getFormData: function() { return formUtil.getFormData(this.$el); }, /** * DataModel 에서 Backbone.fetch 수행 이후 success 콜백 * @param {object} dataModel grid 의 dataModel * @param {object} responseData 응답 데이터 * @private */ _onReadSuccess: function(dataModel, responseData) { var pagination = this.pagination; var page, totalCount; dataModel.setOriginalRowList(); if (pagination && responseData.pagination) { page = responseData.pagination.page; totalCount = responseData.pagination.totalCount; pagination.setItemsPerPage(this.perPage); pagination.setTotalItems(totalCount); pagination.movePageTo(page); this.curPage = page; } }, /** * DataModel 에서 Backbone.fetch 수행 이후 error 콜백 * @param {object} dataModel grid 의 dataModel * @param {object} responseData 응답 데이터 * @param {object} options ajax 요청 정보 * @private */ _onReadError: function(dataModel, responseData, options) {}, // eslint-disable-line /** * Requests 'readData' with last requested data. */ reloadData: function() { this._requestReadData(this.lastRequestedReadData); }, /** * Requests 'readData' to the server. The last requested data will be extended with new data. * @param {Number} page - Page number * @param {Object} data - Data(parameters) to send to the server * @param {Boolean} resetData - If set to true, last requested data will be ignored. */ readData: function(page, data, resetData) { if (resetData) { if (!data) { data = {}; } data.perPage = this.perPage; this._changeSortOptions(data, this.dataModel.sortOptions); } else { data = _.assign({}, this.lastRequestedReadData, data); } data.page = page; this._requestReadData(data); }, /** * 데이터 조회 요청. * @param {object} data 요청시 사용할 request 파라미터 * @private */ _requestReadData: function(data) { var startNumber = 1; this._setFormData(data); if (!this.isLocked) { this.renderModel.initializeVariables(); this._lock(); this.requestedFormData = _.clone(data); this.curPage = data.page || this.curPage; startNumber = ((this.curPage - 1) * this.perPage) + 1; this.renderModel.set({ startNumber: startNumber }); // 마지막 요청한 reloadData에서 사용하기 위해 data 를 저장함. this.lastRequestedReadData = _.clone(data); this.dataModel.fetch({ requestType: 'readData', data: data, type: this.readDataMethod, success: $.proxy(this._onReadSuccess, this), error: $.proxy(this._onReadError, this), reset: true, withCredentials: this.withCredentials }); this.dataModel.setSortOptionValues(data.sortColumn, data.sortAscending); } if (this.router) { this.router.navigate('read/' + util.toQueryString(data), { trigger: false }); } }, /** * sortChanged 이벤트 발생시 실행되는 함수 * @private * @param {object} sortOptions 정렬 옵션 * @param {string} sortOptions.sortColumn 정렬할 컬럼명 * @param {boolean} sortOptions.ascending 오름차순 여부 */ _onSortChanged: function(sortOptions) { if (sortOptions.requireFetch) { this._readDataAt(1, true, sortOptions); } }, /** * 데이터 객체의 정렬 옵션 관련 값을 변경한다. * @private * @param {object} data 데이터 객체 * @param {object} sortOptions 정렬 옵션 * @param {string} sortOptions.sortColumn 정렬할 컬럼명 * @param {boolean} sortOptions.ascending 오름차순 여부 */ _changeSortOptions: function(data, sortOptions) { if (!sortOptions) { return; } if (sortOptions.columnName === 'rowKey') { delete data.sortColumn; delete data.sortAscending; } else { data.sortColumn = sortOptions.columnName; data.sortAscending = sortOptions.ascending; } }, /** * 현재 form data 기준으로, page 에 해당하는 데이터를 조회 한다. * @param {Number} page 조회할 페이지 정보 * @param {Boolean} [isUsingRequestedData=true] page 단위 검색이므로, form 수정여부와 관계없이 처음 보낸 form 데이터로 조회할지 여부를 결정한다. * @param {object} sortOptions 정렬 옵션 * @param {string} sortOptions.sortColumn 정렬할 컬럼명 * @param {boolean} sortOptions.ascending 오름차순 여부 * @private */ _readDataAt: function(page, isUsingRequestedData, sortOptions) { var data; isUsingRequestedData = _.isUndefined(isUsingRequestedData) ? true : isUsingRequestedData; data = isUsingRequestedData ? this.requestedFormData : this._getFormData(); data.page = page; data.perPage = this.perPage; this._changeSortOptions(data, sortOptions); this._requestReadData(data); }, /** * Send request to server to sync data * @param {String} requestType - 'createData|updateData|deleteData|modifyData' * @param {object} options - Options * @param {String} [options.url] - URL to send the request * @param {boolean} [options.hasDataParam=true] - Whether the row-data to be included in the request param * @param {boolean} [options.checkedOnly=true] - Whether the request param only contains checked rows * @param {boolean} [options.modifiedOnly=true] - Whether the request param only contains modified rows * @param {boolean} [options.showConfirm=true] - Whether to show confirm dialog before sending request * @param {boolean} [options.updateOriginal=false] - Whether to update original data with current data * @param {boolean} [options.withCredentials=false] - Use withCredentials flag of XMLHttpRequest for ajax requests if true * @returns {boolean} Whether requests or not */ request: function(requestType, options) { var newOptions = _.extend({ url: this.api[requestType], type: null, hasDataParam: true, checkedOnly: true, modifiedOnly: true, showConfirm: true, updateOriginal: false }, options); var param = this._getRequestParam(requestType, newOptions); if (param) { if (newOptions.updateOriginal) { this.dataModel.setOriginalRowList(); } this._ajax(param); } return !!param; }, /** * Change window.location to registered url for downloading data * @param {string} type - Download type. 'excel' or 'excelAll'. * Will be matched with API 'downloadExcel', 'downloadExcelAll'. */ download: function(type) { var apiName = 'download' + util.toUpperCaseFirstLetter(type), data = this.requestedFormData, url = this.api[apiName], paramStr; if (type === 'excel') { data.page = this.curPage; data.perPage = this.perPage; } else { data = _.omit(data, 'page', 'perPage'); } paramStr = $.param(data); window.location = url + '?' + paramStr; }, /** * Set number of rows per page and reload current page * @param {number} perPage - Number of rows per page */ setPerPage: function(perPage) { this.perPage = perPage; this._readDataAt(1); }, /** * 서버로 요청시 사용될 파라미터 중 Grid 의 데이터에 해당하는 데이터를 Option 에 맞추어 반환한다. * @param {String} requestType 요청 타입. 'createData|updateData|deleteData|modifyData' 중 하나를 인자로 넘긴다. * @param {Object} [options] Options * @param {boolean} [options.hasDataParam=true] request 데이터에 rows 관련 데이터가 포함될 지 여부. * @param {boolean} [options.modifiedOnly=true] rows 관련 데이터 중 수정된 데이터만 포함할 지 여부 * @param {boolean} [options.checkedOnly=true] rows 관련 데이터 중 checked 된 데이터만 포함할 지 여부 * @returns {{count: number, data: {requestType: string, url: string, rows: object, * type: string, dataType: string}}} 옵션 조건에 해당하는 그리드 데이터 정보 * @private */ _getDataParam: function(requestType, options) { var dataModel = this.dataModel, checkMap = { createData: ['createdRows'], updateData: ['updatedRows'], deleteData: ['deletedRows'], modifyData: ['createdRows', 'updatedRows', 'deletedRows'] }, checkList = checkMap[requestType], data = {}, count = 0, dataMap; options = _.defaults(options || {}, { hasDataParam: true, modifiedOnly: true, checkedOnly: true }); if (options.hasDataParam) { if (options.modifiedOnly) { // {createdRows: [], updatedRows:[], deletedRows: []} 에 담는다. dataMap = dataModel.getModifiedRows({ checkedOnly: options.checkedOnly }); _.each(dataMap, function(list, name) { if (_.contains(checkList, name) && list.length) { count += list.length; data[name] = JSON.stringify(list); } }, this); } else { // {rows: []} 에 담는다. data.rows = dataModel.getRows(options.checkedOnly); count = data.rows.length; } } return { data: data, count: count }; }, /** * requestType 에 따라 서버에 요청할 파라미터를 반환한다. * @param {String} requestType 요청 타입. 'createData|updateData|deleteData|modifyData' 중 하나를 인자로 넘긴다. * @param {Object} [options] Options * @param {String} [options.url=this.api[requestType]] 요청할 url. * 지정하지 않을 시 option 으로 넘긴 API 중 request Type 에 해당하는 url 로 지정됨 * @param {String} [options.type='POST'] request method 타입 * @param {boolean} [options.hasDataParam=true] request 데이터에 rowList 관련 데이터가 포함될 지 여부. * @param {boolean} [options.modifiedOnly=true] rowList 관련 데이터 중 수정된 데이터만 포함할 지 여부 * @param {boolean} [options.checkedOnly=true] rowList 관련 데이터 중 checked 된 데이터만 포함할 지 여부 * @returns {{requestType: string, url: string, data: object, type: string, dataType: string}} * ajax 호출시 사용될 option 파라미터 * @private */ _getRequestParam: function(requestType, options) { var defaultOptions = { url: this.api[requestType], type: null, hasDataParam: true, modifiedOnly: true, checkedOnly: true, withCredentials: this.withCredentials }; var newOptions = $.extend(defaultOptions, options); var dataParam = this._getDataParam(requestType, newOptions); var param = null; if (!newOptions.showConfirm || this._isConfirmed(requestType, dataParam.count)) { param = { requestType: requestType, url: newOptions.url, data: dataParam.data, type: newOptions.type, withCredentials: newOptions.withCredentials }; } return param; }, /** * requestType 에 따른 컨펌 메세지를 노출한다. * @param {String} requestType 요청 타입. 'createData|updateData|deleteData|modifyData' 중 하나를 인자로 넘긴다. * @param {Number} count 전송될 데이터 개수 * @returns {boolean} 계속 진행할지 여부를 반환한다. * @private */ _isConfirmed: function(requestType, count) { var result = false; if (count > 0) { result = confirm(this._getConfirmMessage(requestType, count)); } else { alert(this._getConfirmMessage(requestType, count)); } return result; }, /** * confirm message 를 반환한다. * @param {String} requestType 요청 타입. 'createData|updateData|deleteData|modifyData' 중 하나를 인자로 넘긴다. * @param {Number} count 전송될 데이터 개수 * @returns {string} 생성된 confirm 메세지 * @private */ _getConfirmMessage: function(requestType, count) { var messageKey = (count > 0) ? requestMessageMap[requestType] : errorMessageMap[requestType]; var replacedValues = { count: count }; return i18n.get(messageKey, replacedValues); }, /** * Request server using $.ajax * @param {object} options - request parameters for $.ajax * @param {string} options.url - url * @param {object} [options.data] - data * @param {string} [options.type] - 'GET|POST' * @param {string} [options.dataType] - 'text|html|xml|json|jsonp' * @param {string} [options.requestType] - 'createData|updateData|deleteData|modifyData' * @param {boolean} [options.withCredentials=false] - use withCredentials flag of XMLHttpRequest for ajax requests if true * @private */ _ajax: function(options) { var gridEvent = new GridEvent(null, options.data); var params; /** * Occurs before the http request is sent * @event Grid#beforeRequest * @type {module:event/gridEvent} * @property {Grid} instance - Current grid instance */ this.trigger('beforeRequest', gridEvent); if (gridEvent.isStopped()) { return; } options = $.extend({requestType: ''}, options); params = { url: options.url, data: options.data || {}, type: options.type || 'POST', dataType: options.dataType || 'json', complete: $.proxy(this._onComplete, this, options.complete, options), success: $.proxy(this._onSuccess, this, options.success, options), error: $.proxy(this._onError, this, options.error, options), xhrFields: { withCredentials: options.withCredentials } }; if (options.url) { $.ajax(params); } }, /** * ajax complete 이벤트 핸들러 * @param {Function} callback 통신 완료 이후 수행할 콜백함수 * @param {object} jqXHR jqueryXHR 객체 * @param {number} status http status 정보 * @private */ _onComplete: function(callback, jqXHR, status) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars this._unlock(); }, /* eslint-disable complexity */ /** * ajax success 이벤트 핸들러 * @param {Function} callback Callback function * @param {{requestType: string, url: string, data: object, type: string, dataType: string}} options ajax 요청 파라미터 * @param {Object} responseData 응답 데이터 * @param {number} status http status 정보 * @param {object} jqXHR jqueryXHR 객체 * @private */ _onSuccess: function(callback, options, responseData, status, jqXHR) { var responseMessage = responseData && responseData.message; var gridEvent = new GridEvent(null, { httpStatus: status, requestType: options.requestType, requestParameter: options.data, responseData: responseData }); /** * Occurs when the response is received from the server * @event Grid#response * @type {module:event/gridEvent} * @property {number} httpStatus - HTTP status * @property {string} requestType - Request type * @property {string} requestParameter - Request parameters * @property {Object} responseData - response data * @property {Grid} instance - Current grid instance */ this.trigger('response', gridEvent); if (gridEvent.isStopped()) { return; } if (responseData && responseData.result) { /** * Occurs after the response event, if the result is true * @event Grid#successResponse * @type {module:event/gridEvent} * @property {number} httpStatus - HTTP status * @property {string} requestType - Request type * @property {string} requestParameter - Request parameter * @property {Object} responseData - response data * @property {Grid} instance - Current grid instance */ this.trigger('successResponse', gridEvent); if (gridEvent.isStopped()) { return; } if (_.isFunction(callback)) { callback(responseData.data || {}, status, jqXHR); } } else { /** * Occurs after the response event, if the result is false * @event Grid#failResponse * @type {module:event/gridEvent} * @property {number} httpStatus - HTTP status * @property {string} requestType - Request type * @property {string} requestParameter - Request parameter * @property {Object} responseData - response data * @property {Grid} instance - Current grid instance */ this.trigger('failResponse', gridEvent); if (gridEvent.isStopped()) { return; } if (responseMessage) { alert(responseMessage); } } }, /* eslint-enable complexity */ /** * ajax error 이벤트 핸들러 * @param {Function} callback Callback function * @param {{requestType: string, url: string, data: object, type: string, dataType: string}} options ajax 요청 파라미터 * @param {object} jqXHR jqueryXHR 객체 * @param {number} status http status 정보 * @param {String} errorMessage 에러 메세지 * @private */ _onError: function(callback, options, jqXHR, status) { var eventData = new GridEvent(null, { httpStatus: status, requestType: options.requestType, requestParameter: options.data, responseData: null }); this.renderModel.set('state', renderStateMap.DONE); this.trigger('response', eventData); if (eventData.isStopped()) { return; } /** * Occurs after the response event, if the response is Error * @event Grid#errorResponse * @type {module:event/gridEvent} * @property {number} httpStatus - HTTP status * @property {string} requestType - Request type * @property {string} requestParameter - Request parameters * @property {Grid} instance - Current grid instance */ this.trigger('errorResponse', eventData); if (eventData.isStopped()) { return; } if (jqXHR.readyState > 1) { alert(i18n.get('net.failResponse')); } } }); module.exports = Net; /***/ }), /* 74 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /** * @fileoverview Router for Addon.Net * @author NHN. FE Development Lab */ 'use strict'; var Backbone = __webpack_require__(5); /** * Router for Addon.Net * @module addon/net-router * @param {object} attributes - Attributes * @ignore */ var Router = Backbone.Router.extend(/** @lends module:addon/net-router.prototype */{ initialize: function(attributes) { this.net = attributes.net; }, routes: { 'read/:queryStr': 'read' } }); module.exports = Router; /***/ }), /* 75 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /** * @fileoverview Utilities for form data, form element * @author NHN. FE Development Lab */ 'use strict'; var $ = __webpack_require__(7); var _ = __webpack_require__(2); var snippet = __webpack_require__(3); /** * @module formUtil * @ignore */ var formUtil = { /** * form 의 input 요소 값을 설정하기 위한 객체 * @alias form.setInput * @memberof module:util */ setInput: { /** * 배열의 값들을 전부 String 타입으로 변환한다. * @ignore * @param {Array} arr 변환할 배열 * @returns {Array} 변환된 배열 결과 값 */ '_changeToStringInArray': function(arr) { _.each(arr, function(value, i) { arr[i] = String(value); }); return arr; }, /** * radio type 의 input 요소의 값을 설정한다. * @ignore * @param {HTMLElement} targetElement - Target element * @param {String} formValue - Form value */ 'radio': function(targetElement, formValue) { targetElement.checked = (targetElement.value === formValue); }, /** * radio type 의 input 요소의 값을 설정한다. * @ignore * @memberof module:util * @param {HTMLElement} targetElement - Target element * @param {String} formValue - Form value */ 'checkbox': function(targetElement, formValue) { if (_.isArray(formValue)) { targetElement.checked = $.inArray(targetElement.value, this._changeToStringInArray(formValue)) !== -1; } else { targetElement.checked = (targetElement.value === formValue); } }, /** * select-one type 의 input 요소의 값을 설정한다. * @ignore * @param {HTMLElement} targetElement - Target element * @param {String} formValue - Form value */ 'select-one': function(targetElement, formValue) { var options = snippet.toArray(targetElement.options); targetElement.selectedIndex = _.findIndex(options, function(option) { return option.value === formValue || option.text === formValue; }); }, /** * select-multiple type 의 input 요소의 값을 설정한다. * @ignore * @param {HTMLElement} targetElement - Target element * @param {String} formValue - Form value */ 'select-multiple': function(targetElement, formValue) { var options = snippet.toArray(targetElement.options); if (_.isArray(formValue)) { formValue = this._changeToStringInArray(formValue); _.each(options, function(targetOption) { targetOption.selected = $.inArray(targetOption.value, formValue) !== -1 || $.inArray(targetOption.text, formValue) !== -1; }); } else { this['select-one'].apply(this, arguments); } }, /** * input 요소의 값을 설정하는 default 로직 * @memberof module:util * @param {HTMLElement} targetElement - Target element * @param {String} formValue - Form value */ 'defaultAction': function(targetElement, formValue) { targetElement.value = formValue; } }, /** * $form 에 정의된 인풋 엘리먼트들의 값을 모아서 DataObject 로 구성하여 반환한다. * @memberof module:util * @alias form.getFormData * @param {jQuery} $form jQuery()로 감싼 폼엘리먼트 * @returns {object} form 내의 데이터들을 key:value 형태의 DataObject 로 반환한다. **/ getFormData: function($form) { var result = {}, valueList = $form.serializeArray(), isExisty = snippet.isExisty; _.each(valueList, function(obj) { var value = obj.value || '', name = obj.name; if (isExisty(result[name])) { result[name] = [].concat(result[name], value); } else { result[name] = value; } }); return result; }, /** * 폼 안에 있는 모든 인풋 엘리먼트를 배열로 리턴하거나, elementName에 해당하는 인풋 엘리먼트를 리턴한다. * @memberof module:util * @alias form.getFormElement * @param {jQuery} $form jQuery()로 감싼 폼엘리먼트 * @param {String} [elementName] 특정 이름의 인풋 엘리먼트만 가져오고 싶은 경우 전달하며, 생략할 경우 모든 인풋 엘리먼트를 배열 형태로 리턴한다. * @returns {jQuery} jQuery 로 감싼 엘리먼트를 반환한다. */ getFormElement: function($form, elementName) { var formElement; if ($form && $form.length) { if (elementName) { formElement = $form.prop('elements')[String(elementName)]; } else { formElement = $form.prop('elements'); } } return $(formElement); }, /** * 파라미터로 받은 데이터 객체를 이용하여 폼내에 해당하는 input 요소들의 값을 설정한다. * @memberof module:util * @alias form.setFormData * @param {jQuery} $form jQuery()로 감싼 폼엘리먼트 * @param {Object} formData 폼에 설정할 폼 데이터 객체 **/ setFormData: function($form, formData) { _.each(formData, function(value, property) { this.setFormElementValue($form, property, value); }, this); }, /** * elementName에 해당하는 인풋 엘리먼트에 formValue 값을 설정한다. * -인풋 엘리먼트의 이름을 기준으로 하기에 라디오나 체크박스 엘리먼트에 대해서도 쉽게 값을 설정할 수 있다. * @memberof module:util * @alias form.setFormElementValue * @param {jQuery} $form jQuery()로 감싼 폼엘리먼트 * @param {String} elementName 값을 설정할 인풋 엘리먼트의 이름 * @param {String|Array} formValue 인풋 엘리먼트에 설정할 값으로 체크박스나 멀티플 셀렉트박스인 경우에는 배열로 설정할 수 있다. **/ setFormElementValue: function($form, elementName, formValue) { var $elementList = this.getFormElement($form, elementName), type; if (!$elementList.length) { return; } if (!_.isArray(formValue)) { formValue = String(formValue); } $elementList = snippet.isHTMLTag($elementList) ? [$elementList] : $elementList; $elementList = snippet.toArray($elementList); _.each($elementList, function(targetElement) { type = this.setInput[targetElement.type] ? targetElement.type : 'defaultAction'; this.setInput[type](targetElement, formValue); }, this); }, /** * input 타입의 엘리먼트의 커서를 가장 끝으로 이동한다. * @memberof module:util * @alias form.setCursorToEnd * @param {HTMLElement} target HTML input 엘리먼트 */ setCursorToEnd: function(target) { var length = target.value.length, range; target.focus(); if (target.setSelectionRange) { try { target.setSelectionRange(length, length); } catch (e) { // to prevent unspecified error in IE (occurs when running test) } } else if (target.createTextRange) { range = target.createTextRange(); range.collapse(true); range.moveEnd('character', length); range.moveStart('character', length); try { range.select(); } catch (e) { // to prevent unspecified error in IE (occurs when running test) } } } }; module.exports = formUtil; /***/ }), /* 76 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /** * @fileoverview Component holder * @author NHN. FE Development Lab */ 'use strict'; var $ = __webpack_require__(7); var snippet = __webpack_require__(3); var defaultOptionsMap = { pagination: null }; /** * Component holder * @module componentHolder * @ignore */ var ComponentHolder = snippet.defineClass(/** @lends module:componentHolder.prototype */{ init: function(optionsMap) { this.optionsMap = $.extend(true, defaultOptionsMap, optionsMap); this.instanceMap = {}; }, /** * Returns an instance of tui.Pagination * @param {String} key - component key * @returns {tui.Pagination} */ getInstance: function(key) { return this.instanceMap[key]; }, /** * Sets an instance of tui.Pagination * @param {String} key - component key * @param {tui.Pagination} instance - pagination instance */ setInstance: function(key, instance) { this.instanceMap[key] = instance; }, /** * Returns an option object. * @param {String} key - component key * @returns {Object} */ getOptions: function(key) { return this.optionsMap[key]; } }); module.exports = ComponentHolder; /***/ }), /* 77 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /** * @fileoverview theme manager * @author NHN. FE Development Lab */ 'use strict'; var $ = __webpack_require__(7); var util = __webpack_require__(17); var styleGen = __webpack_require__(78); var themeNameConst = __webpack_require__(10).themeName; var STYLE_ELEMENT_ID = 'tui-grid-theme-style'; var presetOptions = {}; presetOptions[themeNameConst.DEFAULT] = __webpack_require__(80); presetOptions[themeNameConst.STRIPED] = __webpack_require__(81); presetOptions[themeNameConst.CLEAN] = __webpack_require__(82); /** * build css string with given options. * @param {Object} options - options * @returns {String} * @ignore */ function buildCssString(options) { var styles = [ styleGen.outline(options.outline), styleGen.frozenBorder(options.frozenBorder), styleGen.scrollbar(options.scrollbar), styleGen.heightResizeHandle(options.heightResizeHandle), styleGen.pagination(options.pagination), styleGen.selection(options.selection) ]; var area = options.area; var cell = options.cell; styles = styles.concat([ styleGen.headArea(area.header), styleGen.bodyArea(area.body), styleGen.summaryArea(area.summary) ]); if (cell) { styles = styles.concat([ styleGen.cell(cell.normal), styleGen.cellDummy(cell.dummy), styleGen.cellEditable(cell.editable), styleGen.cellHead(cell.head), styleGen.cellRowHead(cell.rowHead), styleGen.cellSummary(cell.summary), styleGen.cellOddRow(cell.oddRow), styleGen.cellEvenRow(cell.evenRow), styleGen.cellRequired(cell.required), styleGen.cellDisabled(cell.disabled), styleGen.cellInvalid(cell.invalid), styleGen.cellCurrentRow(cell.currentRow), styleGen.cellSelectedHead(cell.selectedHead), styleGen.cellSelectedRowHead(cell.selectedRowHead), styleGen.cellFocused(cell.focused), styleGen.cellFocusedInactive(cell.focusedInactive) ]); } return styles.join(''); } /** * Set document style with given options. * @param {Object} options - options * @ignore */ function setDocumentStyle(options) { var cssString = buildCssString(options); $('#' + STYLE_ELEMENT_ID).remove(); util.appendStyleElement(STYLE_ELEMENT_ID, cssString); } module.exports = { /** * Creates a style element using theme options identified by given name, * and appends it to the document. * @param {String} themeName - preset theme name * @param {Object} extOptions - if exist, extend preset theme options with it. */ apply: function(themeName, extOptions) { var options = presetOptions[themeName]; if (!options) { options = presetOptions[themeNameConst.DEFAULT]; } options = $.extend(true, {}, options, extOptions); setDocumentStyle(options); }, /** * Returns whether the style of a theme is applied. * @returns {Boolean} */ isApplied: function() { return $('#' + STYLE_ELEMENT_ID).length === 1; } }; /***/ }), /* 78 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /** * @fileoverview css style generator * @author NHN. FE Development Lab */ 'use strict'; var _ = __webpack_require__(2); var builder = __webpack_require__(79); var classNameConst = __webpack_require__(19); /** * Shortcut for the builder.createClassRule() method. * @ignore */ var classRule = _.bind(builder.createClassRule, builder); /** * Shortcut for the builder.createClassComposeRule() method. * @ignore */ var classComposeRule = _.bind(builder.createClassComposeRule, builder); /** * Creates a rule string for background and text colors. * @param {String} className - class name * @param {Objecr} options - options * @returns {String} * @ignore */ function bgTextRuleString(className, options) { return classRule(className) .bg(options.background) .text(options.text) .build(); } /** * Creates a rule string for background and border colors. * @param {String} className - class name * @param {Objecr} options - options * @returns {String} * @ignore */ function bgBorderRuleString(className, options) { return classRule(className) .bg(options.background) .border(options.border) .build(); } module.exports = { /** * Generates a css string for grid outline. * @param {Object} options - options * @returns {String} */ outline: function(options) { var borderTopRule = classRule(classNameConst.BORDER_TOP).bg(options.border); var borderBottomRule = classComposeRule(' .', [ classNameConst.NO_SCROLL_X, classNameConst.BORDER_BOTTOM ]).bg(options.border); var rules = [ borderTopRule, borderBottomRule ]; var borderLeftRule, borderRightRule; if (options.showVerticalBorder) { borderLeftRule = classRule(classNameConst.BORDER_LEFT).bg(options.border); borderRightRule = classComposeRule(' .', [ classNameConst.NO_SCROLL_Y, classNameConst.BORDER_RIGHT ]).bg(options.border); rules = rules.concat([borderLeftRule, borderRightRule]); } return builder.buildAll(rules); }, /** * Generates a css string for border of frozen columns. * @param {Object} options - options * @returns {String} */ frozenBorder: function(options) { return classRule(classNameConst.FROZEN_BORDER) .bg(options.border) .build(); }, /** * Generates a css string for scrollbars. * @param {Object} options - options * @returns {String} */ scrollbar: function(options) { var webkitScrollbarRules = builder.createWebkitScrollbarRules('.' + classNameConst.CONTAINER, options); var ieScrollbarRule = builder.createIEScrollbarRule('.' + classNameConst.CONTAINER, options); var xInnerBorderRule = classRule(classNameConst.BORDER_BOTTOM).bg(options.border); var xOuterBorderRule = classRule(classNameConst.CONTENT_AREA).border(options.border); var yInnerBorderRule = classRule(classNameConst.SCROLLBAR_Y_INNER_BORDER).bg(options.border); var yOuterBorderRule = classRule(classNameConst.SCROLLBAR_Y_OUTER_BORDER).bg(options.border); var spaceRightTopRule = classRule(classNameConst.SCROLLBAR_RIGHT_TOP) .bg(options.emptySpace) .border(options.border); var spaceRightBottomRule = classRule(classNameConst.SCROLLBAR_RIGHT_BOTTOM) .bg(options.emptySpace) .border(options.border); var spaceLeftBottomRule = classRule(classNameConst.SCROLLBAR_LEFT_BOTTOM) .bg(options.emptySpace) .border(options.border); var frozenBorderRule = classRule(classNameConst.SCROLLBAR_FROZEN_BORDER) .bg(options.emptySpace) .border(options.border); return builder.buildAll(webkitScrollbarRules.concat([ ieScrollbarRule, xInnerBorderRule, xOuterBorderRule, yInnerBorderRule, yOuterBorderRule, spaceRightTopRule, spaceRightBottomRule, spaceLeftBottomRule, frozenBorderRule ])); }, /** * Generates a css string for a resize-handle. * @param {Object} options - options * @returns {String} */ heightResizeHandle: function(options) { return bgBorderRuleString(classNameConst.HEIGHT_RESIZE_HANDLE, options); }, /** * Generates a css string for a pagination. * @param {Object} options - options * @returns {String} */ pagination: function(options) { return bgBorderRuleString(classNameConst.PAGINATION, options); }, /** * Generates a css string for selection layers. * @param {Object} options - options * @returns {String} */ selection: function(options) { return bgBorderRuleString(classNameConst.LAYER_SELECTION, options); }, /** * Generates a css string for head area. * @param {Object} options - options * @returns {String} */ headArea: function(options) { return classRule(classNameConst.HEAD_AREA) .bg(options.background) .border(options.border) .build(); }, /** * Generates a css string for body area. * @param {Object} options - options * @returns {String} */ bodyArea: function(options) { return classRule(classNameConst.BODY_AREA) .bg(options.background) .build(); }, /** * Generates a css string for summary area. * @param {Object} options - options * @returns {String} */ summaryArea: function(options) { var contentAreaRule = classRule(classNameConst.SUMMARY_AREA) .bg(options.background) .border(options.border); var bodyAreaRule = classComposeRule(' .', [ classNameConst.HAS_SUMMARY_TOP, classNameConst.BODY_AREA ]).border(options.border); return builder.buildAll([ contentAreaRule, bodyAreaRule ]); }, /** * Generates a css string for table cells. * @param {Object} options - options * @returns {String} */ cell: function(options) { return classRule(classNameConst.CELL) .bg(options.background) .border(options.border) .borderWidth(options) .text(options.text) .build(); }, /* * Generates a css string for head cells. * @param {Object} options - options * @returns {String} */ cellHead: function(options) { var tableRule = classComposeRule(' .', [ classNameConst.SHOW_LSIDE_AREA, classNameConst.LSIDE_AREA, classNameConst.HEAD_AREA, classNameConst.TABLE ]).verticalBorderStyle(options, 'right'); var cellRule = classRule(classNameConst.CELL_HEAD) .bg(options.background) .border(options.border) .borderWidth(options) .text(options.text); return builder.buildAll([ tableRule, cellRule ]); }, /* * Generates a css string for row's head cells. * @param {Object} options - options * @returns {String} */ cellRowHead: function(options) { var tableRule = classComposeRule(' .', [ classNameConst.SHOW_LSIDE_AREA, classNameConst.LSIDE_AREA, classNameConst.BODY_AREA, classNameConst.TABLE ]).verticalBorderStyle(options, 'right'); var cellRule = classRule(classNameConst.CELL_ROW_HEAD) .bg(options.background) .border(options.border) .borderWidth(options) .text(options.text); return builder.buildAll([ tableRule, cellRule ]); }, /* * Generates a css string for summary cells. * @param {Object} options - options * @returns {String} */ cellSummary: function(options) { var tableRule = classComposeRule(' .', [ classNameConst.SHOW_LSIDE_AREA, classNameConst.LSIDE_AREA, classNameConst.SUMMARY_AREA, classNameConst.TABLE ]).verticalBorderStyle(options, 'right'); var cellRule = classRule(classNameConst.CELL_SUMMARY) .bg(options.background) .border(options.border) .borderWidth(options) .text(options.text); return builder.buildAll([ tableRule, cellRule ]); }, /** * Generates a css string for the cells in even rows. * @param {Object} options - options * @returns {String} */ cellEvenRow: function(options) { return classComposeRule('>', [ classNameConst.ROW_EVEN, 'td' ]).bg(options.background) .build(); }, /** * Generates a css string for the cells in odd rows. * @param {Object} options - options * @returns {String} */ cellOddRow: function(options) { return classComposeRule('>', [ classNameConst.ROW_ODD, 'td' ]).bg(options.background).build(); }, /** * Generates a css string for selected head cells. * @param {Object} options - options * @returns {String} */ cellSelectedHead: function(options) { return classComposeRule('.', [ classNameConst.CELL_HEAD, classNameConst.CELL_SELECTED ]).bg(options.background) .text(options.text) .build(); }, /** * Generates a css string for selected row head cells. * @param {Object} options - options * @returns {String} */ cellSelectedRowHead: function(options) { return classComposeRule('.', [ classNameConst.CELL_ROW_HEAD, classNameConst.CELL_SELECTED ]).bg(options.background) .text(options.text) .build(); }, /** * Generates a css string for focused cell. * @param {Object} options - options * @returns {String} */ cellFocused: function(options) { var focusLayerRule = classRule(classNameConst.LAYER_FOCUS_BORDER).bg(options.border); var editingLayerRule = classRule(classNameConst.LAYER_EDITING).border(options.border); return builder.buildAll([focusLayerRule, editingLayerRule]); }, /** * Generates a css string for focus inactive cell. * @param {Object} options - options * @returns {String} */ cellFocusedInactive: function(options) { return classComposeRule(' .', [ classNameConst.LAYER_FOCUS_DEACTIVE, classNameConst.LAYER_FOCUS_BORDER ]).bg(options.border).build(); }, /** * Generates a css string for editable cells. * @param {Object} options - options * @returns {String} */ cellEditable: function(options) { return bgTextRuleString(classNameConst.CELL_EDITABLE, options); }, /** * Generates a css string for required cells. * @param {Object} options - options * @returns {String} */ cellRequired: function(options) { return bgTextRuleString(classNameConst.CELL_REQUIRED, options); }, /** * Generates a css string for disabled cells. * @param {Object} options - options * @returns {String} */ cellDisabled: function(options) { return bgTextRuleString(classNameConst.CELL_DISABLED, options); }, /** * Generates a css string for dummy cells. * @param {Object} options - options * @returns {String} */ cellDummy: function(options) { return bgTextRuleString(classNameConst.CELL_DUMMY, options); }, /** * Generates a css string for invalid cells. * @param {Object} options - options * @returns {String} */ cellInvalid: function(options) { return bgTextRuleString(classNameConst.CELL_INVALID, options); }, /** * Generates a css string for cells in a current row. * @param {Object} options - options * @returns {String} */ cellCurrentRow: function(options) { return bgTextRuleString(classNameConst.CELL_CURRENT_ROW, options); } }; /***/ }), /* 79 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /** * @fileoverview CSS Rule string builder * @author NHN. FE Development Lab */ 'use strict'; var _ = __webpack_require__(2); var snippet = __webpack_require__(3); /** * create css rule string and returns it * @module {theme/cssBuilder} * @param {String} selector - css selector * @param {String} property - css property * @param {String} value - css value * @ignore */ var CSSRuleBuilder = snippet.defineClass({ init: function(selector) { if (!_.isString(selector) || !selector) { throw new Error('The Selector must be a string and not be empty.'); } this._selector = selector; this._propValues = []; }, /** * Add a set of css property and value. * @param {String} property - css property * @param {String} value - css value * @returns {CSSRuleBuilder} */ add: function(property, value) { if (value) { this._propValues.push(property + ':' + value); } return this; }, /** * Shortcut for add('border-color', value) * @param {String} value - css value * @returns {CSSRuleBuilder} */ border: function(value) { return this.add('border-color', value); }, /** * Add a border-width style to the rule. * @param {Object} options - visible options * @param {Boolean} [options.showVerticalBorder] - whether the vertical border is visible * @param {Boolean} [options.showHorizontalBorder] - whether the horizontal border is visible * @returns {CSSRuleBuilder} */ borderWidth: function(options) { var vertical = options.showVerticalBorder; var horizontal = options.showHorizontalBorder; var value; if (_.isBoolean(vertical)) { value = vertical ? '1px' : '0'; this.add('border-left-width', value) .add('border-right-width', value); } if (_.isBoolean(horizontal)) { value = horizontal ? '1px' : '0'; this.add('border-top-width', value) .add('border-bottom-width', value); } return this; }, /** * Add a vertical border style to the rule. * @param {Object} options - visible options * @param {Boolean} [options.showVerticalBorder] - whether the vertical border is visible * @param {String} position - Position of the vertical border ('right' or 'left') * @returns {CSSRuleBuilder} */ verticalBorderStyle: function(options, position) { var vertical = options.showVerticalBorder; var value; if (_.isBoolean(vertical) && position) { value = vertical ? 'solid' : 'hidden'; this.add('border-' + position + '-style', value); } return this; }, /** * Shortcut for add('background-color', value) * @param {String} value - css value * @returns {CSSRuleBuilder} */ bg: function(value) { return this.add('background-color', value); }, /** * Shortcut for add('color', value) * @param {String} value - css value * @returns {CSSRuleBuilder} */ text: function(value) { return this.add('color', value); }, /** * Create a CSS rule string with a selector and prop-values. * @returns {String} */ build: function() { var result = ''; if (this._propValues.length) { result = this._selector + '{' + this._propValues.join(';') + '}'; } return result; } }); module.exports = { /** * Creates new Builder instance. * @param {String} selector - selector * @returns {CSSRuleBuilder} */ create: function(selector) { return new CSSRuleBuilder(selector); }, /** * Creates a new Builder instance with a class name selector. * @param {String} className - class name * @returns {Builder} */ createClassRule: function(className) { return this.create('.' + className); }, /** * Creates a new Builder instance with a composed class name. * @param {String} selector - selector to compose class names * @param {Array} classNames - class name list * @returns {Builder} */ createClassComposeRule: function(selector, classNames) { return this.create('.' + classNames.join(selector)); }, /** * Creates an array of new Builder instances for the -webkit-scrollbar styles. * @param {String} selector - selector * @param {Object} options - options * @returns {Array.} */ createWebkitScrollbarRules: function(selector, options) { return [ this.create(selector + ' ::-webkit-scrollbar').bg(options.background), this.create(selector + ' ::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb').bg(options.thumb), this.create(selector + ' ::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb:hover').bg(options.active) ]; }, /** * Creates a builder instance for the IE scrollbar styles. * @param {String} selector - selector * @param {Object} options - options * @returns {Array.} */ createIEScrollbarRule: function(selector, options) { var bgProps = [ 'scrollbar-3dlight-color', 'scrollbar-darkshadow-color', 'scrollbar-track-color', 'scrollbar-shadow-color' ]; var thumbProps = [ 'scrollbar-face-color', 'scrollbar-highlight-color' ]; var ieScrollbarRule = this.create(selector); _.each(bgProps, function(prop) { ieScrollbarRule.add(prop, options.background); }); _.each(thumbProps, function(prop) { ieScrollbarRule.add(prop, options.thumb); }); ieScrollbarRule.add('scrollbar-arrow-color', options.active); return ieScrollbarRule; }, /** * Build all rules and returns the concatenated string. * @param {Array.} rules - rule builders * @returns {String} */ buildAll: function(rules) { return _.map(rules, function(rule) { return rule.build(); }).join(''); } }; /***/ }), /* 80 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { /** * @fileoverview default theme preset * @author NHN. FE Development Lab */ 'use strict'; module.exports = { selection: { background: '#00A9ff', border: '#00a9ff' }, heightResizeHandle: { border: '#fff', background: '#fff' }, pagination: { border: 'transparent', background: 'transparent' }, scrollbar: { border: '#e6e6e6', background: '#fff', emptySpace: '#f9f9f9', thumb: '#ddd', active: '#ddd' }, outline: { border: '#aaa', showVerticalBorder: false }, frozenBorder: { border: '#aaa' }, area: { header: { border: '#ccc', background: '#fff' }, body: { background: '#fff' }, summary: { border: '#e6e6e6', background: '#fff' } }, cell: { normal: { background: '#f4f4f4', border: '#e6e6e6', text: '#333', showVerticalBorder: false, showHorizontalBorder: true }, head: { background: '#fff', border: '#e6e6e6', text: '#222', showVerticalBorder: true, showHorizontalBorder: true }, rowHead: { background: '#fff', border: '#e6e6e6', text: '#333', showVerticalBorder: false, showHorizontalBorder: true }, summary: { background: '#fff', border: '#e6e6e6', text: '#333', showVerticalBorder: false }, selectedHead: { background: '#e5f6ff' }, selectedRowHead: { background: '#e5f6ff' }, focused: { border: '#00a9ff' }, focusedInactive: { border: '#aaa' }, required: { background: '#fffdeb' }, editable: { background: '#fff' }, disabled: { background: '#f9f9f9', text: '#c1c1c1' }, dummy: { background: '#fff' }, invalid: { background: '#ffe5e5' }, evenRow: {}, oddRow: {}, currentRow: {} } }; /***/ }), /* 81 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /** * @fileoverview default theme preset * @author NHN. FE Development Lab */ 'use strict'; var $ = __webpack_require__(7); var presetDefault = __webpack_require__(80); module.exports = $.extend(true, {}, presetDefault, { outline: { border: '#e6e6e6', showVerticalBorder: false }, frozenBorder: { border: '#ccc' }, area: { header: { border: '#fff', background: '#e6e6e6' }, body: { background: '#fff' }, summary: { border: '#fff', background: '#fff' } }, cell: { normal: { background: '#fff', border: '#fff', showVerticalBorder: false, showHorizontalBorder: false }, head: { background: '#e6e6e6', border: '#fff', showVerticalBorder: true, showHorizontalBorder: true }, rowHead: { border: '#fff', showVerticalBorder: false, showHorizontalBorder: false }, oddRow: { background: '#fff' }, evenRow: { background: '#f4f4f4' } } }); /***/ }), /* 82 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /** * @fileoverview default theme preset * @author NHN. FE Development Lab */ 'use strict'; var $ = __webpack_require__(7); var presetDefault = __webpack_require__(80); module.exports = $.extend(true, {}, presetDefault, { outline: { border: '#e6e6e6', showVerticalBorder: false }, frozenBorder: { border: '#ddd' }, area: { header: { border: '#e6e6e6', background: '#f9f9f9' }, body: { background: '#fff' }, summary: { border: '#fff', background: '#fff' } }, cell: { normal: { background: '#fff', border: '#e6e6e6', showVerticalBorder: false, showHorizontalBorder: false }, head: { background: '#f9f9f9', border: '#e6e6e6', showVerticalBorder: true, showHorizontalBorder: true }, rowHead: { border: '#e6e6e6', showVerticalBorder: false, showHorizontalBorder: false } } }); /***/ }), /* 83 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { // removed by extract-text-webpack-plugin /***/ }) /******/ ]) }); ;